首页 > 其他分享 >对`a == ('1'||'2'||'3') ? false : true`写法进行改进,写出你优化后的方法

对`a == ('1'||'2'||'3') ? false : true`写法进行改进,写出你优化后的方法

时间:2024-12-05 09:22:43浏览次数:11  
标签:validValues false true values result const 写法

The original expression a == ('1'||'2'||'3') ? false : true is flawed and doesn't work as intended. The ('1'||'2'||'3') part will always evaluate to '1' because of how the || (OR) operator works with strings. It short-circuits and returns the first truthy value. Therefore, the comparison is equivalent to a == '1' ? false : true. This only checks if a is strictly equal to the string '1'.

Here are several improved ways to achieve the intended logic (checking if a is one of '1', '2', or '3'), along with explanations and best practices:

1. Array includes() (Most recommended):

const validValues = ['1', '2', '3'];
const result = validValues.includes(a);

This is the cleanest and most readable solution. It creates an array of valid values and uses the includes() method to check if a is present in the array.

2. Set has() (Good for performance with many values):

const validValues = new Set(['1', '2', '3']);
const result = validValues.has(a);

If you have a large number of valid values, using a Set is more performant for lookups than an array. The has() method checks for the presence of a in the set.

3. Multiple OR conditions (Okay for a few values):

const result = a === '1' || a === '2' || a === '3';

This is straightforward for a small number of values. It explicitly checks if a is strictly equal to any of the valid strings.

4. Regular Expression (For more complex patterns):

const result = /^(1|2|3)$/.test(a);

This uses a regular expression to check if a matches one of the valid values. This is useful if you have more complex patterns to match, but for simple cases, the other methods are preferred for readability.

5. Switch statement (Less common for this scenario):

let result;
switch (a) {
  case '1':
  case '2':
  case '3':
    result = true;
    result = false;

While functional, a switch statement is less concise for this specific use case compared to the other options.

Important Considerations:

  • Strict Equality (===): Always use strict equality (===) in JavaScript comparisons, especially when dealing with strings and numbers, to avoid unexpected type coercion issues.
  • Type Safety: If a can be something other than a string (e.g., a number), you might need to convert it to a string before the comparison using a.toString() or String(a). For example: validValues.includes(String(a)).

Choose the method that best suits your needs and coding style. For simple cases with a few values, the array includes() method is generally the most recommended for its clarity and simplicity. For a larger number of values, consider a Set. If you have more complex patterns, regular expressions might be appropriate.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ai888/p/18587762


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