IT Meeting
incident description
The main topic of our discussion is the Source Server in the chat box, which threw an exception while communicating with the Destination Server using the DotNet Core3.1 application.You can see the Image in the Chat Box, which is the Error message.
我们讨论的议题主要是关于chat box中的Source Server,它在使用DotNet Core3.1应用与Destination Server通信过程中抛出了异常。你可以在Chat Box当中看到Image,这是Error信息。
As far as I know, Windows Server 2012 R2 is not supported, and it may need to upgrade the version of the operating system or use some special methods to achieve it.
据我这边了解Windows Server 2012 R2是不支持的,可能需要升级操作系统的版本或是用什么特殊的方法去实现。
I found some references for evidence that this OS version does not support Cipher Suite.
我找到了一些参考资料,关于这个操作系统版本不支持Cipher Suite的凭证。
The brochure only took her a few days.
If the solution is too costly, too long, or too risky, we may consider other options to accomplish the task.
Ask others for more information(征询他人更多讯息)
Do you have any solutions now?
So, we want to know is there a mature solution next? If there are any risks, especially downtime, firewall, registry, certificates, site, runtime, etc?
Introduce yourself politely(礼貌用语介绍自己)
I have a good understanding of server hardware,Remote administration,And networking hardware.
If you need to know more about me, please contact me, My phone number is eight, seven, five. Six three four, two, three
Double Check/Double Confirm
I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Or can we use chat box to send messages to communicate?
不好意思,我没听明白或者我们是否可以用chat box发送信息来沟通?
You mean the server with the ip 115.24?