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CMPT 401 Create Image From

时间:2024-11-08 18:10:10浏览次数:1  
标签:CMPT Create values image output create Image png

CMPT 401 – Assignment 1 (Due Oct 11th23:59)


 You are going to submit Assignment1.cpp, Solution1.png and Solution2.png.

 Fill out the functions CreateImageFromTextFile() and DiamondFilter() in


 Use CreateImageFromTextFile() to create Solution1.png

 Use DiamondFilter() to create Solution2.png

Question 1

The pixel values of a 299-by-299 RGBA image is stored in pixels.txt in a row-major, interleavedorder. Write a function CreateImageFromTextFile() to create a PNG image using these values.Save the output image as Solution1.png.

Question 2

Write a function DiamondFilter() to apply the “diamond filter” (shown below) on a grayscale versionof dog.jpg. Padded the image border using cv::BORDER_DEFAULT. Save the output image as

Soution2.png.Note: remember to normalize the output pixel values with the total kernel weight.Note: if you are using two for-loops to calculate the output pixel values one-by-one, some of the valueswill not be integers. In such case, apply rounding before you write the values into the output byte array.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9321/p/18535266


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