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COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications

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标签:COMP3331 9331 server will Applications client file should any

COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications

Assignment for Term 3, 2024

Version 1.1

Due: 11:59am (noon) Friday, 8 November 2024 (Week 9)

Table of Contents

  1. GOAL AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................2
  2. ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................2

2.1. AUTHENTICATION.........................................................................................................................................................3

2.1.1. Credentials File ................................................................................................................................................3

2.2. HEARTBEAT MECHANISM...............................................................................................................................................4

2.3. CLIENT COMMANDS......................................................................................................................................................5

2.3.1. get <filename>.................................................................................................................................................5

2.3.2. lap....................................................................................................................................................................5

2.3.3. lpf ....................................................................................................................................................................6

2.3.4. pub <filename>................................................................................................................................................6

2.3.5. sch <substring>................................................................................................................................................6

2.3.6. unp <filename>................................................................................................................................................6

2.3.7. xit.....................................................................................................................................................................6

2.4. FILE NAMES AND EXECUTION..........................................................................................................................................6

2.5. APPLICATION OUTPUT...................................................................................................................................................8

  1. PROGRAM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................8

3.1. SERVER DESIGN ...........................................................................................................................................................8

3.2. CLIENT DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................8

3.3. APPLICATION LAYER PROTOCOL ....................................................................................................................................10

3.4. MESSAGE / BUFFER SIZES ............................................................................................................................................10

3.5. NAME, TYPE, AND SIZE OF PUBLISHED FILES ....................................................................................................................10

  1. REPORT ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

APPENDICES............................................................................................................................................................ 12

  1. LANGUAGES AND PERMITTED FEATURES ............................................................................................................................12
  2. ADDITIONAL NOTES .......................................................................................................................................................12
  3. SUBMISSION.................................................................................................................................................................13
  4. LATE SUBMISSION POLICY...............................................................................................................................................14
  5. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND EQUITABLE LEARNING SERVICES...............................................................................................14
  6. PLAGIARISM .................................................................................................................................................................14
  7. MARKING POLICY .........................................................................................................................................................15

G.1. Preliminary Checks...........................................................................................................................................15

G.2. Marking Process...............................................................................................................................................15

G.3. Marking Rubric.................................................................................................................................................16

  1. SAMPLE INTERACTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................16

Updates to the assignment, including any corrections and clarifications, will be posted on the

course website. Please make sure that you check the course website regularly for updates.2

BitTrickle File Sharing System

  1. Goal and Learning ObjectivesIn this assignment you will have the opportunity to implement BitTrickle, a permissioned, peer-topeer file sharing system with a centralised indexing server. Your applications are based on bothclient-server and peer-to-peer models, consisting of one server and multiple clients, where:
  1. The server authenticates users who wish to join the peer-to-peer network, keeps track ofwhich users store what files, and provides support services for users to search for files and toconnect to one another and transfer those files directly.
  1. The client is a command-shell interpreter that allows a user to join the peer-to-peer networkand interact with it in various ways, such as making files available to the network, andretrieving files from the network.All client-server communication must be over UDP. All peer-to-peer (i.e. client-to-client)communication must be over TCP.You will additionally submit a short report.On completing this assignment, you will gain sufficient expertise in the following skills:
  1. A deeper understanding of both client-server and peer-to-peer architectures.
  2. Socket programming with both UDP and TCP transport-layer protocols.
  3. Designing an application layer protocol.The assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.
  1. Assignment Specification

To provide some context, a high-level example of BitTrickle’s primary file sharing functionality isshown in Figure 1. In addition to the central indexing server, there are two authenticated, active peersin the network, “A” and “B”. The exchange of messages are:

  1. “A” informs the server that they wish to make “X.mp3” available to the network.
  2. The server responds to “A” indicating that the file has been successfully indexed.
  3. “B” queries the server where they might find “X.mp3”.
  4. The server responds to “B” indicating that “A” has a copy of “X.mp3”.
  5. “B” establishes a TCP connection with “A” and requests “X.mp3”.
  6. “A” reads “X.mp3” from disk and sends it over the established TCP connection, which “B”

receives and writes to disk.3

Figure 1: Sharing a file with BitTrickle

2.1. Authentication

Before a user can join the network and become an active peer, they must first authenticate with theserver. When the client is executed, it should prompt the user to enter their username and password.These should be sent to the server, with the server response indicating success or failure.Authentication should fail if:

  • The username is unknown; or
  • The username is known, but the password does not match; or
  • The user is currently active (see 2.2. Heartbeat Mechanism).

Should authentication fail, an appropriate message should be printed, and the user should again beprompted to enter their username and password.Should authentication succeed, the peer should become active (see 2.2. Heartbeat Mechanism) andthe user may start issuing commands (see 2.3. Client Commands).The list of users authorised to join the network is stored in a credentials file. You may assume thatduring marking any username and password entered by the user will be non-blank and well formed,as per the rules of the credentials file (see 2.1.1. Credentials File).2.1.1. Credentials File

The credentials file is a text file available to the server that contains the usernames and passwords ofthose authorised to join the network. This file is not available at the client.4Usernames and passwords are each limited to 16 characters and shall consist only of printable ASCII

characters. Each line of the credentials file contains one username-password pair, separated by a

single space, with no leading or trailing whitespace, and is terminated by a single '\n' newline


You may assume that each username in the credentials file will be unique, but you should not assume

any particular ordering of the credentialsfile. You may assume that the server has sufficient resources

to store all credentials in main memory, should you choose to read the file once on server startup.The credentials file will be named credentials.txt. It will be in the working directory of theserver, and it will follow the format and rules stated above.o not hard code any credentials within your server program. These must be read from the file whenhe server is executed. Failure to do so will likely result in your applications not passing any testing.Do not hard code any path to the credentials file, or assume any name other than credentials.txt,within your server program. The program must read the file cedentials.txt from the current

wrking directory. Failure to do so will likely result in your applications not passing any testing.A sample credentials file is provided on the assignment page of the course website. A differentcredentials file will be used during marking. You may assume the file will be present in the workingdirectory of the server, will have the same name, will have the necessary permissions, will follow thesame format and rules, and will remain present and unmodified for the lifetime of the server.

Your server program is not expected to create new or alter existing accounts, and your server is notexpected to modify this file in any way.

2.2. Heartbeat Mechanism

The server provides various support services to the peer-to-peer network by maintaining state as towhich peers are currently active. Consider the example in Figure 1. When “B” queries the serverwhere it might find “X.mp3”, the server should only direct “B” to connect to “A” if “A” is active.To achieve this, BitTrickle utilises a “heartbeat” mechanism. These are messages sent periodicallyby each client to the server to remind the server that the peer is still active. Specifically, after beingauthenticated, the client should send such a message every 2seconds. Meanwhile, the server shouldonly consider a peer active if, within the last 3 seconds, the user authenticated, or the server received

a heartbeat from that peer.You may assume that the 1 second difference is sufficient to account for any reasonable network andserver latency. You may also assume that heartbeat messages will be delivered reliably.Note, the heartbeat mechanism will need to run in a separate thread of the client so that the client can

concurrently accept and act upon user input (see 3.2. Client Design).5

2.3. Client Commands

The client, upon authenticating the user, should support the following 7 commands. As an interactive

shell, the client does not need to accept further user input until the previous command has completed.While it is good programming practice to validate all user input, you may assume that during markingall user input will be well formed. That is, only valid commands willbe entered, in lower case, and

where the command takes an argument, then an argument will be given, with a single space separatingthe command and the argument. The argument will also be wellformed, case sensitive, and contain

no internal whitespace. Furthermore, user input will contain no leading or trailing whitespace.

2.3.1. get <filename>

The client should query the server for any active peers that have published (i.e. shared) a file with anexactly matching filename. If there are multiple such peers, the server (or client) may select onearbitrarily. The client should then establish a TCP connection with the peer, download the file to itsworking directory, and print a message indicating success. If there are no active peers with a file thatmatches, then the client should print a message indicating failure.You may assume that:

  • The file will remain published via the uploading peer until the transfer is complete.
  • The uploading peer will remain active until the transfer is complete.
  • The uploading peer will have the necessary permissions to read the file in its working

directory, and the downloading peer will have the necessary permissions to create a new file

in its working directory and write to it.

  • The downloading peer will have no pre-existing file in its working directory with a matchingname. By extension, the downloading peer will not have published a matching file.
  • File names are globally unique, that is, two different files will not share the same name.Also note:
  • The uploading peer must still be able to accept and execute user commands while anyuploading is taking place.
  • Multiple clients may be downloading files from the same peer at the same time. These filesmay be the same and/or different.
  • As with the heartbeat mechanism, this requires the client code to be multithreaded (see 3.2.Client Design).

2.3.2. lap

The client should query the server for a list of active peers and print out their usernames. The listhould not include the peer issuing the query. The usernames may be printed in any order. If thereare no active peers, then a suitable message should be printed.6

2.3.3. lpf

The client should query the server for a list of files that are currently published (i.e. shared) by the

user and print out their names. The file names may be printed in any order. If the user currently has

no published files, then a suitable message should be printed.

Note, this is intended as a server request so that the client isn’t required to maintain any persistent

state. That is, a user can publish one or more files, go offline, and should they come back online,

then any files previously published will still be listed without any need to store that information

locally or re-publish.

2.3.4. pub <filename>

The client should inform the server that the user wishes to publish a file with the given name. This

command should be idempotent, that is, executing it repeatedly with the same argument should haveno additional effect. The file should remain published until suchtime as it may be unpublished,regardless of whether the peer remains active. That is, a user can publish one or more files, go offline,and should they come back online, then any files previously published will still be shared withoutany need to re-publish.

ou may assume that the file exists in the working directory of the client, with the necessary readpermissions, and will remain present throughout testing.

2.3.5. sch <substring>

The client should query the server for any files published by active peers that contain the case

sensitive substring within their name and print out the names of any such files. The list should noinclude any files published by the user issuing the query. The file names may be printed in any order.If there are no files published by active peers that contain the substring, then a suitable messageshould be printed.

2.3.6. unp <filename>

The client should inform the server that it wishes to unpublish a file with the given name and print

out a message indicating success or failure. Failure would occur if the user has no published file with

a matching name.

2.3.7. xit

The client should gracefully terminate. Note, this requires no server communication. Given the client

will no longer send heartbeats, the server should infer that the peer has left the network.

2.4. File Names and Execution

The main code for the server and client must be contained in one of the following files, based on your

choice of language:








Client.java Server.java


client.perver.pyYou are free to create additional helper files and name them as you wish.Both the server and client should accept the following command-line argument:server_port: this is the UDP port number on which the server should listen for clientmessages. We recommend using a random port number between 49152and 65535 (the

dynamic port number range).Both applications should be given the same port argument. During marking, you can assume this tobe the case, and that the port argument will be valid.The server should be executed before any clients. It should be initiated as follows:


$ ./server server_port


$ java Server server_port


$ python3 server.py server_port

Upon execution, the server should bind to the UDP port number given as a command-line argument.Note, you do not need to specify the port to be used by the client o communicate with the server.The client program should allow the operating system to allocate any available UDP port, which theserver will learn upon receipt of a message.Similarly, the TCP port on which each client will listen for peer connections does not need to bespecified in advance. Each client can establish a TCP socket, allowing the operating system toallocate any available port, and then communicate the allocated port number to the server. The servercan then store this informationand share it with other clients as needed to support peer-to-peer filesharing.Each client should be initiated in a separate terminal as follows:


$ ./client server_port


$ java Client server_port8


$ python3 client.py server_portThe server and all clients will be tested on the same host, so you may hardcode the interface as127.0.0.1 (localhost). As we’ll be using the loopback interface, you can assume that no UDP packetswill be lost, corrupted, or re-ordered “in flight”.

2.5. Application Output

We do not mandate the exact text that should be displayed by the client or the server. However, youmust make sure that the displayed text is easy to comprehend and adequately captures the behaviourof each application and their interactions.

Some examples illustrating client-server interaction are provided in H. Sample Interactions.Please do not email course staff or post on the forum asking if your outputis acceptable. This is notscalable for a course of this size. If you are unsure of your output, then you should follow the example

output.Program Design Considerations

3.1. Server Design

The server program should be less involved than the client. Most commands require simplerequest/response interactions over UDP between the client and server. On the server side this can beachieved with a single thread of execution and a single socket. The main server complexity will bein defining and utilising data structures to manage the state of the peer-to-peer network.While we do not mandate the specifics, it is critical that you invest some time into thinking about thedesign of your data structures. Examples of state information includes the time when each peer wasast active (or the time it will be deemed inactive), the current address of their TCP welcoming socket,he files that are published on the network, and a list of users who have published each of those files. you may have learnt in your programming courses, it is not good practice to arbitrarily assume afixed upper limit on such data structures. Thus, we strongly ecommend allocating memorydynamically for all the data structures that are required.Should you choose to implement a multithreaded server, then you should be particularly careful abouthow multiple threads will interact with the various data structures.

3.2. Client Design

While the client program won’t need to maintain much state, it will be more complex than the server,

as it will need to manage multiple sockets and multiple threads of execution. Figure 2 illustrates the

sockets involved in the example of Figure 1. Each client minimally has a UDP socket to communicate

with the server, and a TCP welcoming socket to listen for file download requests from other peers. 9

When a download takes place, in this case with client “B” requesting a file from client “A”, “B”

creates a new TCP client socket and initiates a three-way handshake with the welcoming socket of

“A”. In this context, “B” can be viewed as the client and “A” as the server in a client-server model.Once the handshake is complete, a new connection socket will be created at “A”, and the data transfer

can commence.Figure 2: BitTrickle sockets from the example of Figure 1 Of course the peer-to-peer network may be more complex. “A” may be managing any number ofconnection sockets to support multiple peers that are downloading files simultaneously. Meanwhile

“A” should be sending heartbeats periodically to the server and might also be downloading a file

itself from another peer in response to a user command. A robust way to achieve this is to use


In this approach there could be three threads that are running for the life of the client:

  1. To accept and act upon user input.
  2. To periodically send heartbeat messages to the server via UDP.
  3. To listen for download requests via the TCP welcoming socket, and, when one is received:
  4. Launch a short-lived thread with the TCP connection socket to perform the file

transfer.When the client starts up it should create a UDP socket to communicate with the server and a TCPsocket to accept peer-to-peer download requests. It could then spin off a new thread to listen fordownload requests on the TCP socket (thread 3 above). The main thread (thread 1 above) could theninitiate the authentication process. At some stage the client will need to send the address of its TCPsocket to the server. This could be included as part of the authentication exchange or sent

immediately after having successfully authenticated. Once successfully authenticated, the client 10could spin off a new thread to periodically send heartbeat messages (thread 2 above). The main

thread (thread 1 above) could then enter its interactive shell loop, prompting the user for input and

executing each command.

3.3. Application Layer Protocol

You are implementing an application layer protocol for realising the BitTrickle file sharing system.

You will have to design the format (both syntax and semantics) of the messages exchanged between

the participants, and the actions taken by each entity on receiving these messages. We do not mandate

any specific requirements regarding the design of your application layer protocol. We are only

concerned with the end result, i.e. the outlined functionality of the system. You may wish to revisit

some of the application layer protocols that we have studied (HTTP, SMTP, etc.) to see examples of

message format, actions taken, etc.

3.4. Message / Buffer Sizes You may assume that the payload of UDP-based application messages (e.g. a list of active peers or alist of matching files) does not exceed 1024 bytes. You are free to nominate appropriate buffer sizes

for these messages based on the additional overhead of your application layer protocol.You should not assume that files transferred via TCP can fit within any nominal buffer. Theuploading peer may need to repeatedly read a chunk of the file and write it to the socket, andcorrespondingly, the downloading peer may need to repeatedly read a chunk from the socket andwrite it to the file.

3.5. Name, Type, and Size of Published Files

You may assume that all files published on BitTrickle will have names no greater than 16 charactersn total, consisting only of alphanumeric, dash, dot, and underscore ASCII characters. File names arecase sensitive. For example, a.txt is distinct from A.txt. You may assume that during marking,filename and substring arguments provided as user input will follow these same rules.

You should not assume that files published on BitTrickle are of a particular format or encoding.

They should be read and written in binary mode as raw bytes, rather than in text mode.

You should not assume that files published on BitTrickle are constrained to a particular size limit.

You are encouraged to use tools like diff to verify that any received file is an exact duplicate of the


  1. Report

You should submit a small report (no more than 3 pages) named report.pdf. This should include:

  • Details of which language you have used (e.g., C) and the organisation of your code

(Makefile, directories if any, etc.).

  • The overall program design, for example, the main components (client, server, helper

classes/functions) and how these components interact.11

  • Data structure design, for example, any data structures used by the server to maintain state

about published files and active peers.

  • Application layer protocol message format(s).
  • Known limitations, for example, if your program does not work under certain circumstances,

then report those circumstances.

  • Also indicate any segments of code that you have borrowed from the Web or other sources.12


  1. Languages and Permitted Features

You are free to use C, Java, or Python. Please choose a language with which you are comfortable.

Your submission will be tested on the CSE servers. For this reason, it is critical that your code can

compile and run in that environment, using the standard system installations. This is especially

important if you plan to develop and test your code on your personal computer.

For your reference, the CSE machines currently support the following:

  • C: gcc v12.2
  • Java: openjdk v17.0
  • Python: python3 v3.11

If your code does not run on the CSE servers, then it cannot be marked, and it will be awarded ZERO.

You may only use the basic socket programming APIs providing in your programming language of

choice. You may not use any special ready-to-use libraries or APIs that implement certain functions

of the spec for you. Attempting to circumvent the intent of the assignment may similarly result in a

mark of ZERO.

If you are unsure about anything, please check with the course staff on the forum.

  1. Additional Notes
  • This is not a group assignment. You are expected to work on this individually.
  • Sample Code: Code snippets are provided on the course website in all 3 programming

languages. These snippets provide examples of socket programming with both TCP and UDP,and multithreading. You are not required to use any of the provided snippets, but you arewelcome to adapt them as you see fit.

  • Programming Tutorial: We will run programming tutorials, for all 3 programminglanguages, during regular lab times in Week 7. These will provide further discussion andpractice around socket programming and multithreading. A schedule for these sessions willbe announced no later than Week 6.
  • Assignment Help Sessions: We will run additional consultations, for all 3 programming

languages, through Week 7 to 9, to assist with assignment related questions. A schedule will

be posted on the assignment page of the course website no later than Week 6. Please note,

these sessions are not a forum for tutors to debug your code.

  • Backup and Versioning: We strongly r代写COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications ecommend you back-up your programs frequently.CSE backs up all user accounts nightly. If you are developing code on your personal machine,it is strongly recommended that you undertake daily backups. We also recommend using agood versioning system so that you can roll back and recover from any inadvertent changes.There are many services available for this, which are easy to use. We will not entertain any

requests for special consideration due to issues related to computer failure, lost files, etc.13

  • Debugging: When implementing a complex assignment such as this, there are bound to be

errors in your code. We strongly encourage that you follow a systematic approach todebugging. If you are using an IDE for development, then it is bound to have debuggingfunctionalities. Alternatively, you could use a command line debugger such as pbd (Python),db (Java) or gdb (C). Use one of these tools to step through your code, create break points,observe the values of relevant variables and messages exchanged, etc. Proceed step by step,check and eliminate the possible causes until youfind the underlying issue. Note that, wewon't be able to debug your code on the course forum or in the help sessions.

  • It is imperative that you rigorously test your code to ensure that all possible (and logical)interactions can be correctly executed. Test, test, and test.
  • You are encouraged to use the course discussion forum to ask questions and to discussdifferent approaches to solve the problem. However, you must not post your solution or any

code fragments on the forum, or on any other public medium.

  1. SubmissionPlease ensure that you use the mandated file names of report.pdf and for the entry point of each

application. These are:








Client.java Server.java




If you are using C or Java, then you must additionally submit a Makefile. This is because we need

to know how to resolve any dependencies. After running make, we should have the following

executable files:



Server Cclientserver

Javalient.class Server.class

You should not submit a credentials.txt, any build artefacts, or any files used to test file transferbetween peers.f your submission does not rely on a directory structure, then you may submit the files directly. Forexample, assuming the relevant files are in the current working directory:

$ give cs3331 assign client.c server.c Makefile report.pdfHowever, if your submission does rely on some directory structure, then you must first tar the parentdirectory as assign.tar. For example, assuming a directory assign contains all the relevant files

and sub-directories. Open a terminal and navigate to the parent directory of assign, then:

$ tar -cvf assign.tar assign

$ give cs3331 assign assign.tar14

Upon running give, ensure that your submission is accepted. You may submit often. Only your last

submission will be marked.

Emailing your code to course staff will not be considered as a submission.

Submitting the wrong files, failing to submit certain files, failing to complete the submission process,

or simply failing to submit, will not be considered as grounds for re-assessment.

If you wish to validate your submission, you may execute:

$ 3331 classrun -check assign # show submission status

$ 3331 classrun -fetch assign # fetch most recent submission

Important: It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission is accepted, and that your

submission is what you intend to have assessed. No exceptions.

  1. Late Submission Policy

Late submissions will incur a 5% per day penalty, for up to 5 days, calculated on the achieved mark.

Each day starts from the deadline and accrues every 24 hours.

For example, an assignment otherwise assessed as 12/20, submitted 49 hours late, will incur a 3 day

x 5% = 15% penalty, applied to 12, and be awarded 12 x 0.85 = 10.2/20.

Submissions after 5 days from the deadline will not be accepted unless an extension has been granted,

as detailed in E. Special Consideration and Equitable Learning Services.

  1. Special Consideration and Equitable Learning Services

Applications for Special Consideration must be submitted to the university via the SpecialConsideration portal. Course staff do not accept or approve special consideration requests.Students who are registered with Equitable Learning Services must email [email protected] request any adjustments based on theirEquitable Learning PlanAny requested and approved extensions will defer late penalties and submission closure. Forexample, a student who has been approved for a 3 day extension, will not incur any late penaltiesuntil 3 days after the standard deadline, and will be able to submit up to 8 days after the standarddeadline.

  1. PlagiarismYou are to write all the code for this assignment yourself. All source code is subject to strict checks

for plagiarism, via highly sophisticated plagiarism detection software. These checks may include

oach submission will be checked against all other submissions of the current term. Do not post this

assignment on forums where you can pay programmers to write code for you. We will be monitoringuch forums. Please note that we take this matter quite seriously. The LiC will decide on the 15appropriate penalty for detected cases of plagiarism. The most likely penalty will be to reduce the

assignment mark to ZERO.We are aware that a lot of learning takes place in student conversations, and don't wish to discourage

those. However, it is important, for both those helping others and those being helped, not to provideor accept any programming code in writing, as this is likely to be used exactly as is, and lead toplagiarism penalties for both the supplier and the copier of the code. Write something on a piece of

paper, by all means, but tear it up/take it away when the discussion is over.It is OK to borrow short snippets of sample socket code out on the Web and in books. You must,however, acknowledge the source of any borrowed code. This means providing a reference to a book

or a URL (as comments) where the code appears. Also indicate in your report the portions of your

code that were borrowed. Explain any modifications you have made (if any) to the borrowed code.Generative AI Tools: It is prohibited to use any software or service to search for or generateinformation or answers. If its use is detected, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct andsubject to the standard penalties, which may include 00FL, suspension and exclusion.

  1. Marking Policy

G.1. Preliminary Checks We will perform both automated and manual checks to assess:

  1. That the submitted code is original. See F. Plagiarism.
  2. That the submitted code can compile and run in the standard CSE lab environment, and onlyuses permitted features. See A. Languages and Permitted Features.
  1. That the submitted code utilises UDP for all client-server communications and TCP for alleer-to-peer communications.

Failing any of the above will likely result in a mark of ZERO, and in the case of plagiarism, possiblyurther disciplinary action.

G.2. Marking Process

While marking, the server will be executed first and will remain online for the entire duration of thetests. We will not abruptly kill the server or client processes (Ctrl-C). Should the server crash dueto a bug, then it and any clients will be restarted before marking continues. Should the server needto be restarted, it is not expected to maintain any state fromprevious executions. However, to

aximise your mark, you are urged to test your code thoroughly and resolve any bugs prior tosubmission.

A typical marking session will last for approximately 15 minutes during which we will initiate atmost 5 clients. However, you should not hard code any specific limits in your programs. We will betesting under typical usage scenarios for the functionality described in the Assignment Specification.We won’t be testing your code under very complex scenarios or extreme edge cases.16We will verify that the descriptions in your report reflect the actual implementations in yourprograms.G.3. Marking Rubric F

Total Marks 20 No particular coding style guide is mandated, but you might consider following:

  • CSE C Coding Style Guide
  • Google Java Style Guide
  • PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code
  1. Sample InteractionsNote that the following may not be exhaustive but should be useful to get a sense of what is expected.We are assuming Python as the implementation language.
  • $ represents the terminal prompt.
  • > represents the client prompt.
  • … represents a section of output during which there was no user activity, and the server wasonly logging heartbeats, that has been removed for clarity.
  • The actual terminal windows contain no blank lines. Blank cells have been added to thesample interactions to provide some indication of timing alignment between terminal

windows, with file download durations also exaggerated relative to the server log.

  • The first two fields of the server log are the time, to millisecond precision, and client port.

Assume we have a directory assign that is structured as follows:

$ tree --filesfirst assign


├── client.py

├── server.py

├── hans

│ └── Assignment_v1.0.pdf17

├── server

│ └── credentials.txt

├── vader

│ ├── BitTrickle.mp4

│ └── rfc768.txt

└── yoda

5 directories, 6 files

This directory contains our client and server code, and four sub-directories. The server sub-directorywill be the working directory of the server and contains the credentials file. The hans, vader, andyoda sub-directories will be the working directories of the three clients we will launch, each initiallycontaining zero or more files for the user to share. The server and all clients will be executed inseparate terminals, each within their own working directory. The serverwill be executed first, beforeany clients.At the end of the sample interactions the directory assign will be structured as follows:


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CSSE2310/p/18518685


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