7-2 点线形系列4-凸四边形的计算
2:输入四个点坐标,判断是否是菱形、矩形、正方形,判断结果输出true/false,结果之间以一个英文空格符分隔。 若四个点坐标无法构成四边形,输出"not a quadrilateral"
3:输入四个点坐标,判断是凹四边形(false)还是凸四边形(true),输出四边形周长、面积,结果之间以一个英文空格符分隔。 若四个点坐标无法构成四边形,输出"not a quadrilateral"
4:输入六个点坐标,前两个点构成一条直线,后四个点构成一个四边形或三角形,输出直线与四边形(也可能是三角形)相交的交点数量。如果交点有两个,再按面积从小到大输出四边形(或三角形)被直线分割成两部分的面积(不换行)。若直线与四边形或三角形的一条边线重合,输出"The line is coincide with one of the lines"。若后四个点不符合四边形或三角形的输入,输出"not a quadrilateral or triangle"。
1)符合要求的输入:顶点重复或者z与xy都相邻,如x x y s、x z y s、x y x s、s x y y。此时去除冗余点,保留一个x、一个y。
2) 不符合要求的输入:z 不与xy都相邻,如z x y s、x z s y、x s z y
5:输入五个点坐标,输出第一个是否在后四个点所构成的四边形(限定为凸四边形,不考虑凹四边形)或三角形(判定方法见选项4)的内部(若是四边形输出in the quadrilateral/outof the quadrilateral,若是三角形输出in the triangle/outof the triangle)。如果点在多边形的某条边上,输出"on the triangle或者on the quadrilateral"。若后四个点不符合四边形或三角形,输出"not a quadrilateral or triangle"。
基本格式:选项+":"+坐标x+","+坐标y+" "+坐标x+","+坐标y。点的x、y坐标之间以英文","分隔,点与点之间以一个英文空格分隔。
如果不符合基本格式,输出"Wrong Format"。
如果符合基本格式,但输入点的数量不符合要求,输出"wrong number of points"。
注意:输出的数据若小数点后超过3位,只保留小数点后3位,多余部分采用四舍五入规则进到最低位。小数点后若不足3位,按原始位数显示,不必补齐。例如:1/3的结果按格式输出为 0.333,1.0按格式输出为1.0
选项1、2、3中,若四边形四个点中有重合点,输出"points coincide"。
选项4中,若前两个输入线的点重合,输出"points coincide"。
1:-1,-1 -1,-1 1,2 1,-2
points coincide
1:-1,-1 1,2 -1,1 ++1,0
Wrong Format
1:-1,-1 -1,2
wrong number of points
1:-1,-1 -1,1 1,2 1,-2
true false
2:10,10 1,1 0,0 1,20
not a quadrilateral
2:0,0 0,80 80,80 80,0
true true true
2:0,0 -10,80 0,160 -10,80
not a quadrilateral
3:-1,-1 -1,1 1,2 1,-2
true 10.472 6.0
3:0,0 -10,100 0,99 10,100
false 221.097 990.0
import javax.print.DocFlavor; import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { DecimalFormat d = new DecimalFormat("0.0##"); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String str = input.nextLine(); char[] a = new char[50]; if (!str.matches("^[1-5]:(([+-]?(0(\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)),([+-]?(0(\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)) )*(([+-]?(0(\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)),([+-]?(0(\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?))) *" )) System.out.println("Wrong Format"); else { a = str.toCharArray(); if (a[1] == ':') { String[] str1 = str.split(":"); String[] str2 = str1[1].split(" "); double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6; boolean b = true; for (int i = 0; i < str2.length; i++) { b = geshi(str2[i]); if (!b) break; } switch (a[0]) { case '1': if (str2.length == 4) { String[] s0 = str2[0].split(",");//x1,y1 String[] s1 = str2[1].split(",");//x2,y2 String[] s2 = str2[2].split(",");//x3,y3 String[] s3 = str2[3].split(",");//x4,y4 x1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[0]); y1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[1]); x2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[0]); y2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[1]); x3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[0]); y3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[1]); x4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[0]); y4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[1]); dian A = new dian(x1, y1); dian B = new dian(x2, y2); dian C = new dian(x3, y3); dian D = new dian(x4, y4); sibianxing m = new sibianxing(); if (A.chonghe(B) || A.chonghe(C) || A.chonghe(D) || B.chonghe(C) || B.chonghe(D) || C.chonghe(D)) System.out.println("points coincide"); else { if (m.panduan(A, B, C, D)) System.out.print("true "); else System.out.print("false "); if (m.pingxing(A, B, C, D)) System.out.println("true"); else System.out.println("false"); } } else System.out.println("wrong number of points"); break; case '2': if (str2.length == 4) { String[] s0 = str2[0].split(",");//x1,y1 String[] s1 = str2[1].split(",");//x2,y2 String[] s2 = str2[2].split(",");//x3,y3 String[] s3 = str2[3].split(",");//x4,y4 x1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[0]); y1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[1]); x2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[0]); y2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[1]); x3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[0]); y3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[1]); x4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[0]); y4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[1]); dian A = new dian(x1, y1); dian B = new dian(x2, y2); dian C = new dian(x3, y3); dian D = new dian(x4, y4); sibianxing m = new sibianxing(); if (!m.panduan(A, B, C, D)) System.out.println("not a quadrilateral"); else { if (!A.chonghe(B) || !A.chonghe(C) || !A.chonghe(D) || !B.chonghe(C) || !B.chonghe(D) || !C.chonghe(D)) { if (m.lingxing(A, B, C, D)) System.out.print("true "); else System.out.print("false "); if (m.juxing(A, B, C, D)) System.out.print("true "); else System.out.print("false "); if (m.zhengfangxing(A, B, C, D)) System.out.println("true"); else System.out.println("false"); } else System.out.println("points coincide"); } } else System.out.println("wrong number of points"); break; case '3': if (str2.length == 4) { String[] s0 = str2[0].split(",");//x1,y1 String[] s1 = str2[1].split(",");//x2,y2 String[] s2 = str2[2].split(",");//x3,y3 String[] s3 = str2[3].split(",");//x4,y4 x1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[0]); y1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[1]); x2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[0]); y2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[1]); x3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[0]); y3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[1]); x4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[0]); y4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[1]); dian A = new dian(x1, y1); dian B = new dian(x2, y2); dian C = new dian(x3, y3); dian D = new dian(x4, y4); sibianxing m = new sibianxing(); if (A.chonghe(B) || A.chonghe(C) || A.chonghe(D) || B.chonghe(C) || B.chonghe(D) || C.chonghe(D)) System.out.println("points coincide"); else { if (m.panduan(A, B, C, D)) { if (m.aotu(A, B, C, D)) System.out.print("true "); else System.out.print("false "); System.out.println(d.format(m.zhouchang(A, B, C, D)) + " " + d.format(m.mianji(A, B, C, D))); } else System.out.println("not a quadrilateral"); } } else System.out.println("wrong number of points"); break; case '4': if (str2.length == 6) { String[] s0 = str2[0].split(",");//x1,y1 String[] s1 = str2[1].split(",");//x2,y2 String[] s2 = str2[2].split(",");//x3,y3 String[] s3 = str2[3].split(",");//x4,y4 String[] s4 = str2[4].split(",");//x5,y5 String[] s5 = str2[5].split(",");//x6,y6 x1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[0]); y1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[1]); x2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[0]); y2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[1]); x3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[0]); y3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[1]); x4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[0]); y4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[1]); x5 = Double.parseDouble(s4[0]); y5 = Double.parseDouble(s4[1]); x6 = Double.parseDouble(s5[0]); y6 = Double.parseDouble(s5[1]); dian A = new dian(x1, y1); dian B = new dian(x2, y2); dian C = new dian(x3, y3); dian D = new dian(x4, y4); dian E = new dian(x5, y5); dian F = new dian(x6, y6); xian l = new xian(); sibianxing m = new sibianxing(); sanjiaoxing n = new sanjiaoxing(); if (A.x == B.x && A.y == B.y) System.out.println("points coincide"); else if (l.zhixianchonghe(A, B, C, D) || l.zhixianchonghe(A, B, D, E) || l.zhixianchonghe(A, B, E, F) || l.zhixianchonghe(A, B, F, C)) { System.out.println("The line is coincide with one of the lines"); return; } else if (m.panduan(C, D, E, F)) { if (m.zhixiansibianxingjiaodian(A, B, C, D, E, F) == 0) System.out.println("0"); else if (m.zhixiansibianxingjiaodian(A, B, C, D, E, F) == 1) System.out.println("1"); else if (m.zhixiansibianxingjiaodian(A, B, C, D, E, F) == 2) System.out.println("2 "); } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(C, D, E, F)) { } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(D, E, F, C)) { } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(E, F, C, D)) { } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(F, E, C, D)) { } else System.out.println("not a quadrilateral or triangle"); } else System.out.println("wrong number of points"); break; case '5': if (str2.length == 5) { String[] s0 = str2[0].split(",");//x1,y1 String[] s1 = str2[1].split(",");//x2,y2 String[] s2 = str2[2].split(",");//x3,y3 String[] s3 = str2[3].split(",");//x4,y4 String[] s4 = str2[4].split(",");//x5,y5 x1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[0]); y1 = Double.parseDouble(s0[1]); x2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[0]); y2 = Double.parseDouble(s1[1]); x3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[0]); y3 = Double.parseDouble(s2[1]); x4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[0]); y4 = Double.parseDouble(s3[1]); x5 = Double.parseDouble(s4[0]); y5 = Double.parseDouble(s4[1]); dian A = new dian(x1, y1); dian B = new dian(x2, y2); dian C = new dian(x3, y3); dian D = new dian(x4, y4); dian E = new dian(x5, y5); xian l = new xian(); sibianxing m = new sibianxing(); sanjiaoxing n = new sanjiaoxing(); if (!m.panduan(B, C, D, E) && !m.sanjiaoxing(B, C, D, E) && !m.sanjiaoxing(C, D, E, B) && !m.sanjiaoxing(D, E, B, C) && !m.sanjiaoxing(E, B, C, D) && !B.chonghe(C) && !B.chonghe(D) && !B.chonghe(E) && !D.chonghe(C) && !E.chonghe(C) && !D.chonghe(E)) System.out.println("not a quadrilateral or triangle"); if (m.panduan(B, C, D, E)) { if (l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, B, C) || l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, C, D) || l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, D, E) || l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, E, B)) System.out.println("on the quadrilateral"); else if (m.dianzaimiannei(B, C, D, E, A)) System.out.println("in the quadrilateral"); else System.out.println("outof the quadrilateral"); } else if // (m.sanjiaoxing(B, C, D, E)) { // dian[] dians = m.fanhuishanjiaoxing(B, C, D, E); // n.shuchudianmian(A, dians[0], dians[1], dians[2]); // return; (m.sanjiaoxing(B, C, D, E) || C.chonghe(E)) { n.shuchudianmian(A, B, D, E); } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(C, D, E, B) || D.chonghe(B)) { n.shuchudianmian(A, C, E, B); } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(D, E, B, C) || E.chonghe(C)) { n.shuchudianmian(A, D, B, C); } else if (m.sanjiaoxing(E, B, C, D) || B.chonghe(D)) { n.shuchudianmian(A, E, C, D); } } else System.out.println("wrong number of points"); break; default: System.out.println("Wrong Format"); break; } } else System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } } public static boolean geshi(String a) { String[] b = a.split(" "); boolean flag = true; String regex = "^[+-]?(0|(0\\\\.\\\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\\\.\\\\d+)?)$"; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { flag = b[i].matches(regex); if (!flag) break; } if (flag) { return true; } else return false; } } class dian { double x, y; dian(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } boolean chonghe(dian p2) { if (this.x == p2.x && p2.y == this.y) return true; else return false; } double changdu(dian p2) { double d1 = Math.pow(p2.x - this.x, 2); double d2 = Math.pow(p2.y - this.y, 2); return Math.pow(d2 + d1, 0.5); } double k(dian p2) { return (y - p2.y) / (x - p2.x); } } class xian { //线段AC与BD的交点是否在线段上 boolean xianduanjioadian(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { double x, y; y = (B.x * C.y * D.y - D.x * B.y * C.y - A.y * B.x * D.y + D.x * B.y * A.y + C.x * A.y * D.y - A.x * C.y * D.y - C.x * B.y * A.y + A.x * B.y * C.y) / (D.y * C.x - A.x * D.y - B.y * C.x + A.x * B.y + B.x * C.y - D.x * C.y - A.y * B.x + A.y * D.x); x = (D.y * (C.x - A.x) * (B.x - D.x) - A.y * (C.x - A.x) * (B.x - D.x) + A.x * (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - D.x) + D.x * (D.y - B.y) * (C.x - A.x)) / ((C.y - A.y) * (B.x - D.x) + (D.y - B.y) * (C.x - A.x)); if (B.x > D.x && A.x > C.x) { if (x < B.x && x > D.x && x < A.x && x > C.x) return true; else return false; } if (B.x < D.x && A.x > C.x) { if (x > B.x && x < D.x && x < A.x && x > C.x) return true; else return false; } if (B.x < D.x && A.x < C.x) { if (x > B.x && x < D.x && x > A.x && x < C.x) return true; else return false; } if (B.x > D.x && A.x < C.x) { if (x < B.x && x > D.x && x > A.x && x < C.x) return true; else return false; } if (B.x < D.x && A.x > C.x) { if (x > B.x && x < D.x && x > A.x && x < C.x) return true; else return false; } else return false; } dian xianduanjioafanhuidian(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { double x, y; y = (B.x * C.y * D.y - D.x * B.y * C.y - A.y * B.x * D.y + D.x * B.y * A.y + C.x * A.y * D.y - A.x * C.y * D.y - C.x * B.y * A.y + A.x * B.y * C.y) / (D.y * C.x - A.x * D.y - B.y * C.x + A.x * B.y + B.x * C.y - D.x * C.y - A.y * B.x + A.y * D.x); x = (D.y * (C.x - A.x) * (B.x - D.x) - A.y * (C.x - A.x) * (B.x - D.x) + A.x * (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - D.x) + D.x * (D.y - B.y) * (C.x - A.x)) / ((C.y - A.y) * (B.x - D.x) + (D.y - B.y) * (C.x - A.x)); dian dian = new dian(x, y); return dian; } //交点是否在线段CD上 boolean jiaodianzaixianduanshang(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (C.x > D.x) { if (xianduanjioafanhuidian(A, B, C, D).x > D.x && xianduanjioafanhuidian(A, B, C, D).x < C.x) return true; else return false; } else if (C.x < D.x) { if (xianduanjioafanhuidian(A, B, C, D).x < D.x && xianduanjioafanhuidian(A, B, C, D).x > C.x) return true; else return false; } else return false; } boolean dianzaixiangshang(dian A, dian B, dian C) { if (A.x == B.x && B.x == C.x && A.x == C.x) return true; else { if (Math.abs(A.k(B) - B.k(C)) < 1e-6) return true; else return false; } } //点A在线段BC上 boolean dianzaixianduanshang(dian A, dian B, dian C) { if (dianzaixiangshang(A, B, C)) { if (B.x < C.x) if (B.x <= A.x && A.x <= C.x) return true; else return false; else if (B.x > C.x) if (B.x >= A.x && A.x >= C.x) return true; else return false; else return false; } else return false; } boolean zhixianchonghe(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if ((Math.abs(A.k(B) - C.k(D)) < 1e-6 && dianzaixiangshang(A, C, D))) return true; else return false; } } class sanjiaoxing { double mianji(dian A, dian B, dian C) { double a, b, c, p; a = C.changdu(B); b = A.changdu(C); c = A.changdu(B); p = (A.changdu(B) + C.changdu(B) + A.changdu(C)) / 2; return Math.pow(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c), 0.5); } //点A是否在三角形BCD内 boolean dianzaimiannei(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (Math.abs((mianji(A, B, D) + mianji(A, C, D) + mianji(A, B, C)) - mianji(B, C, D)) < 1e-6) return true; else return false; } //点A与三角形的关系 void shuchudianmian(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { xian l = new xian(); if (l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, B, C) || l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, B, D) || l.dianzaixianduanshang(A, C, D)) System.out.println("on the triangle"); else if (dianzaimiannei(A, B, C, D)) System.out.println("in the triangle"); else System.out.println("outof the triangle"); } } class sibianxing { xian l1 = new xian(); boolean panduan(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (!l1.xianduanjioadian(A, C, B, D) && !l1.xianduanjioadian(C, A, B, D) && Math.abs(A.k(B) - C.k(B)) > 1e-6 && Math.abs(C.k(B) - C.k(D)) > 1e-6 && Math.abs(C.k(D) - A.k(D)) > 1e-6) { return true; } else return false; } boolean pingxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if ((Math.abs((A.x + C.x) - (B.x + D.x)) < 1e-6) && (Math.abs((A.y + C.y) - (B.y + D.y)) < 1e-6)) { return true; } else return false; } boolean lingxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (A.changdu(B) == A.changdu(D) && A.changdu(D) == B.changdu(C) && A.changdu(B) == D.changdu(C)) return true; else return false; } boolean juxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (A.changdu(C) == B.changdu(D)) return true; else return false; } boolean zhengfangxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (lingxing(A, B, C, D) && juxing(A, B, C, D)) return true; else return false; } boolean aotu(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { sanjiaoxing sjx = new sanjiaoxing(); double s1, s2; s1 = (sjx.mianji(A, B, C) + sjx.mianji(A, C, D)); s2 = (sjx.mianji(A, B, D) + sjx.mianji(B, C, D)); if (Math.abs(s1 - s2) < 1e-6) return true; else return false; } double zhouchang(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { return A.changdu(B) + B.changdu(C) + C.changdu(D) + D.changdu(A); } double mianji(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { sanjiaoxing sjx = new sanjiaoxing(); double s1, s2; s1 = (sjx.mianji(A, B, C) + sjx.mianji(A, C, D)); s2 = (sjx.mianji(A, B, D) + sjx.mianji(B, C, D)); if (Math.abs(s1 - s2) < 1e-6) return s1; else if (s1 > s2) return s2; else return s1; } //点E是否在四边形面内 boolean dianzaimiannei(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D, dian E) { sanjiaoxing a = new sanjiaoxing(); if (Math.abs((a.mianji(A, B, E) + a.mianji(B, C, E) + a.mianji(C, D, E) + a.mianji(D, A, E)) - mianji(A, B, C, D)) < 1e-6) return true; else return false; } //是否能构成三角形 boolean sanjiaoxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { xian l = new xian(); // if (ac.dianzaixianduanshang(A, B, D) || ac.dianzaixianduanshang(C, B, D) || ac.dianzaixianduanshang(B, A, C) || ac.dianzaixianduanshang(D, A, C)) // return true; // return false; if (!A.chonghe(B) || !A.chonghe(C) || !A.chonghe(D) || !B.chonghe(C) || !B.chonghe(D) || !C.chonghe(D)) if (l.dianzaixianduanshang(B, A, C) && Math.abs((A.changdu(B) + B.changdu(C)) - A.changdu(C)) <= 1e-6) return true; else return false; else if (B.chonghe(D)) return true; else return false; } dian[] fanhuishanjiaoxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { dian[] dians = new dian[3]; xian ac = new xian(); int num = 0; if (!ac.dianzaixianduanshang(A, B, D)) dians[num++] = A; if (ac.dianzaixianduanshang(C, B, D)) dians[num++] = C; if (ac.dianzaixianduanshang(B, A, C)) dians[num++] = B; if (ac.dianzaixianduanshang(D, A, C)) dians[num++] = D; return dians; } //点A与点B重合构成三角形A(B)CD boolean chsanjiaoxing(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D) { if (A.chonghe(B)) return true; else return false; } int zhixiansibianxingjiaodian(dian A, dian B, dian C, dian D, dian E, dian F) { int i = 0; if (l1.jiaodianzaixianduanshang(A, B, C, D)) i++; else if (l1.jiaodianzaixianduanshang(A, B, D, E)) i++; else if (l1.jiaodianzaixianduanshang(A, B, E, F)) i++; else if (l1.jiaodianzaixianduanshang(A, B, F, C)) i++; return i; } }
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wuwuwang/p/16836633.html