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COMP SCI 7412/4812 Component

时间:2024-10-26 20:20:37浏览次数:1  
标签:project requirements COMP Component system should 7412 design your

Course Name: Secure Software Engineering Course Code: COMP SCI 7412/4812 Assessment Component: Software Design and Prototyping Project (40%) – Group and Individual Assessment

Project Description

Topic: A Privacy-by-Design Home Services Application during COVID-19 Image that COVID-19 is still around.

COVID-19 is a global pandemic affecting over 200 countries, after its first recorded outbreak in

December 2019. To counter its spread, numerous measures have been under-taken by public healthauthorities, e.g., quarantining of people, lock-downs, curfews, physical distancing, and mandatory use offace masks. Identifying those who have been in close contact with infected individuals, followed by selfisolation (so calledcontact tracing) has proven particularly effective. Consequently, contact tracing hasemerged as a key tool to mitigate the spread. However, manual contact tracing, using an army of “detectives”is not trivial and has proven challenging for many countries. Notably, it is difficult due to the rapid andexponential growth patterns of the virus and the increased demands on qualified human resources. Thus, inmany countries it has become extremely difficult to perform manual contact tracing.Government authorities around the world, together with industry, have sought to address the challenge bydeveloping contact tracing applications and services. A plethora of apps and services are still being deployedaround the globe. Proponents argue that the low cost and scalable nature of contact tracing apps make

them an attractive option for health authorities. Despite this, contact tracing apps are not universallypopular, with a number of prominent critics. They have proven particularly controversial due to potentialviolations of privacy, and security consequences from themass-scale installation of (rapidly developed)apps across entire populations. Despite attempts to alleviate these concerns by both governments and

industry, it is well known that the anonymization of individual information is a challenging problem.Meanwhile, people’s activity, including cross border travel, has been restricted during the pandemic. Forexample, in South Australia, there are level systems define the activity restrictions (requirements relatedto density, mask wearing, private activity cap, sports, stay at home, etc) and travel restrictions (restrictionsrelated to COVID-19 test, entry to SA, quarantine, etc). Considering that it has been more than two yearsinto the coronavirus pandemic, nations has accepted that Covid- 19 is not going away, despite highvaccination rates drastically cutting the number of hospitalizations and deaths. Although we can protectourselves by staying at home, it’s not the best way to “live with covid”. Therefore, how to help peoplemeet each other / date under restrictions could be a new challenge to software industry.n this project, you are required to (i) investigate into the current status of COVID contact tracing andHome Services apps; (ii) research and understanding the potential privacy issues in kinds of contacttracing and Home Services apps from different regions/countries; and (iii) design and implement a privacy

by-design solution to protect user privacy as much as possible while ensure the essential performance,

e.g., the accuracy and effectiveness of contact tracing, the restriction information notification, the basicfunctionalities for a Home Services app.2Some Useful Links/References

  1. Bay, J. Kek, A. Tan, C. S. Hau, L. Yongquan, J. Tan, and T. A. Quy,“Bluetrace: A privacy-preserving protocol for

ommunity-driven contact tracing across borders,” Government Technology Agency Singapore, Tech.Rep, 2020“COVIDSafe,” https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app

“COVID SAfe check-in”, https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/restrictions-and-responsibilities/covid-safe


  1. Troncoso, M. Payer, J.-P. Hubaux, M. Salath e, J. Larus, E. Bugnion, W. Lueks, T. Stadler, A. Pyrgelis, D.

Antonioliet al., “Decentralized privacy-preserving proximity tracing,” arXiv preprintarXiv:2005.12273,2020.

“Analysis of DP3T between scylla and charybdis,” https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/399.pdf

  1. Ferretti, C. Wymant, M. Kendall, L. Zhao, A. Nurtay, L. Abeler-D orner, M. Parker, D. Bonsall, and CFraser, “Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 transmission suggests epidemiccontrol with digital contact tracing,”Science, 2020“In

Coronavirus fight,China gives citizens a


code, with




“How to create a mobile travel app?” https://theappsolutions.com/blog/development/build-mobile



Programming languages are open to implement your system. Your system should be designed for publicdistribution. All milestones should be accompanied by aREADME.txt file containing installationstructions and, as necessary, installation scripts. If users cannot run your system, they cannot use it. Ifwe cannot run your system, we cannot grade it. When building a system in industry, it is generally a goodidea to extend existing components rather than build your own. For example, there are many third-partysystems and tools available for building web services. Some can prevent buffer overflows and othervulnerabilities. But if you believe it makes sense to incorporate other third-party code into your project,

you must clearly acknowledge the source of that code in your documents and demos.

Milestones This project is broken down into three phases. For the Final milestone, you will submit an individual taskreport and a group task report of the project (up through that milestone). The high-level description isprovided below:

Individual tasks and due dates

Group tasks and due dates

Milestone 1 ndividual task 1 – RequirementElicitation, Security/Privacy Goals, and

Functionality DocumentationGroup task 1 – Design Sketch and


Milestone 2

Individual task 2 – Detailed Design andModelling

Preliminary ImplementationFinal

40 marksndividual task 3 – Final IndividualReport (12 marks)Final presentation + demonstration video(14 marks)

Group task 3 – Group Project Report (14marks)

Note: There is no submission required for Milestone 1 & 2, so that you can use the description andrequirements in Milestone 1 & 2 as checklists and ensure that your project is progressing smoothly. Pleaseinclude the reports of Milestone 1 & 2 in your final Group Project Report.4

The list of individual tasks:I1. Requirement Elicitation and Security Goals/Functionality Documentation – You are asked to elicit

and document 5 new security/privacy requirements (i.e., features) for the chosen project. You areexpected to carry out some research on the different aspects of theproject for eliciting five newrequirements (i.e., features). The elicited 5 new security requirements need to be documented using thetemplate below (i.e., ID, name, description, and rationale/security goals).




Rationale/Security Goals

R01Renovating abathroom via the

appA member whose identity has beenverified may have the option to startworking on renovating a bathroom ofa client. A member may also meet theclient in person todiscuss the plans orcancel a job if they feel unsafe.or a job, getting everything thatwas mentioned in the jobescription is one of the mostmportant features that clientsare going to rate members for.


  1. The requirements should be related to the requirements for the project in Secure SoftwareEngineering.
  1. The requirements should be unambiguous and complete.
  2. The requirements should properly balance between security/privacy goals and functionality.

I2. Detailed Design and Modelling – You are asked to perform detailed design and modelling of the 2requirements of your individual Task 1. The design and modelling output must include a detailed classdiagram for the two requirements used for analysis and 2 sequence diagrams for the chosen requirements.You are expected to use a suitable modelling tool (e.g., LucidChart, MS Visio, or OmniGraffle). The detaileddesign and modelling task of the project must be formalized into a document suitable for a developmentteam to implement.Rubrics:

  1. The sequence diagram must include actors and at least 3-4 objects and timeline of the objects. Ashort description must be included to describe each of the sequence diagrams.
  1. The class diagram is detailed and captures all aspects of the two requirements modelled. A shortdescription must be included to describe key aspects of the class diagram.
  1. The class diagram includes correct relationships (e.g., aggregation, composition, etc.) and classesinclude 2-3 relevant attributes and 2-3 suitable operations.

I3. Final Individual Report – You are expected to report 代 写 COMP SCI 7412/4812  Component  what you have contributed to the final project.

The report should introduce the security or privacy issue you focused on and give a description of therelated requirement, feature design, and solution you implemented. Please demonstrate themethodology and the functionality of the implementation.Please also include your reflection of the project. For example, what you have learned in this project (e.g.,programming skill, project management, or team work) and what could be improved in the future.5The list of group tasks:

G1. Design Sketch and Decisions – Your team is asked to work in your assigned group to brainstorm highlevel design options and perform design sketching based on the requirements and security/privacy goals

from the individual Task 1 (use requirements from group members). Then draw a storyboard that should

illustrate the usage scenario and interaction between actors and the system (see an example below). Thestoryboard must have at least 5 sketches. Sketches can be done on paper, electronically or whiteboard.The group work can be captured as a photo which can be presented in milestone. Based on the

rainstorming process from the sketches and storyboard, a team is required to document at least 5 designdecisions and their rationale using the suggested template.

able 1: The template of the design decision.

Design Issue


is the design issue) The software system has noauthentication/authorization mechanismContext

(Why the issue needs to be addressed) The system hosts sensitive data, whichshould not be made accessible to every user.

Quality Attributes (Which quality attributes will be affected by the issue) Security, Performance,Availability

Solution How to address the issue) Incorporate authentication/authorization mechanism

Description (Brief description of the proposed solution) The system should incorporate a twolayer access mechanism – authentication using Brokered authentication patternand authorization using Role-based authorization pattern.


(Why this solution is selected) The authentication mechanism will ensure that theuser is already a registered and legitimate user of the system. Furthermore, theauthorization mechanism will ensure that the user will not access any data orservice for which the user does not have access privileges.6Rubrics:

  1. The sketches are sufficiently detailed, suitably labelled, and easily understandable.
  2. The design decisions are suitable for addressing the selected design issues to be addressed. Atleast one design decision incorporates one design pattern.
  1. The design decisions and their rationale are appropriately documented using the providedtemplate.

G2. Product Design and Preliminary Implementation – Your team is asked to design systems that areprivacy-by-design based on the requirements you haveselected to work with. Each group will be usingthis design when implementing a prototype as requested in other tasks.


  1. Designs are reasonably and correctly designed.
  2. Designs should be consistent across different features (i.e., requirements).
  3. Designs should be appropriate and natural for your system’s functionality and expected scale.G3. Project Presentation, Report and Demonstration RecordingThe slides presentation should include no more than 12 slides excluding the title and theconclusion/reference slides. The presentation should highlight the security/privacy requirementsaddressed, the system overview, the class diagram, the key designdecisions, the user interfaces, and theeveloped prototype. Each member of the team must actively participate in the presentation.our team will summarize your completed course project in a report (at most 10 A4 pages, excludingreferences and appendix), and demonstrate the final deliverable by video recording (prototypeexplanation and demonstration). Your team will be required to submit a final demonstration of yourprototype as a video (i.e., a YouTube URL) and a zip file of the source code.


  1. The slides are of good quality/professional and include all the necessary information.
  2. The presentation engages the audience and is completed on time.
  3. The prototype must be executable.
  4. The prototype must include at least 5 requirements.
  5. The video recording must be professionally edited with a high resolution (at least 480p) andincluded some explanation.Any questions about the project should go to Dr Xiaogang Zhu ([email protected]) andDeepak Bhargavan Pillai ([email protected]) or post it on Canvas in a specificthread.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/goodlunn/p/18504332


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