- 1、 [单选] 收到新项目的客户请求之后,项目经理首先应该做什么?
- 2、 [单选] 项目负责人反复抱怨,称开发团队开发的功能似乎与原始设计不一致。什么做法有助于解决这个问题?
- 3、 [单选] 项目经理被批准执行一个价值1200万美元为期三年的项目,6个月后,25%项目已完成,项目团队开支为400万美元。计算完进度绩效指数和成本绩效指数后,下一步应该做什么?
- 4、 [单选] 你正在处理一个为某位客户开发产品的项目。你已经决定采用敏捷开发方法论。你注意到,客户并不有意参与项目,因为他们认为,一旦已与你签下订单,你的团队应该在商定的时间和成本内交付产品。在这种情况下,最好的方法是什么?
- 5、 [单选] 一家公司启动了一个与开发新服务相关的项目,而该公司并不具有此类专业知识。项目经理了解到,运营部门不批准且可能不支持持续维护。项目经理应该怎么做?
- 6、 [单选] 随着项目进行,项目经理会收到干系人的抱怨,他们声称项目状态会议和电子邮件报告太少,无法让干系人了解项目的最新状态。项目经理审查沟通管理计划,并提交变更请求以修改报告状态的方式。项目经理最好在变更请求中包含以下哪项?
- 7、 [单选] 根据沟通管理计划,项目应该使用仪表板向干系人传达信息。一些团队成员在更新他们在仪表板上的项目数据时遇到了一些困难。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
- 8、 [单选] 项目团队负责制造10,000个小零件。基于集中检查500个零件的批次质量是控制质量工具哪一种的实例?
- 9、 [单选] 在与项目团队成员的非正式谈话中,项目经理发现某个关键部分的供应商在执行一个已获批准的产品变更时有问题。项目经理接下来应执行下列哪一项?
- 10、 [单选] 进行自制或外购分析后,项目经理将已经包含工作分解结构(WBS)中的内容进行外包,项目经理应该采取下列哪一项措施?
- 11、 [单选] 在每日站会上,项目经理与团队成员逐个交流,询问每个成员已经完成的工作,并批评他们到目前为止团队进展缓慢。会议持续了近一个小时,最后变成了一个状态会议。项目经理应该做些什么来避免下次的站会变成状态会议?
- 12、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队刚刚完成了最终项目可交付成果的开发。团队成员正在向项目经理寻求下一步的建议。项目经理应该建议团队下一步做什么?
- 13、 [单选] 敏捷项目进入第三次迭代。尽管团队坚持遵循敏捷最佳实践,但Scrum主管还是觉得团队动态存在问题。每个团队成员都独立工作,在Scrum活动中,团队成员之间不开放,避免冲突。团队目前在Tuckman开发模型的哪个阶段运行,Scrum主管可以做些什么来帮助团队进入下一个阶段?
- 14、 [单选] 在项目评审会上,从事活动AD的项目团队成员通知项目经理,完成该活动还需要三天,组织的高级经理要求项目经理,即使需要额外的预算,也必须找到方法,按原定基准计划交付项目。项目应该使用什么方法来满足高级经理的需求?
- 15、 [单选] 一名关键项目干系人撤回对项目的财务支持。项目现在资金不足,可能会取消,项目经理应该怎么做?
- 16、 [单选] 在迭代回顾会议上,团队回顾了上一次迭代的各种指标。度量标准包括速度、吞吐量和在制品(WIP)。团队成员分析数据并得出结论,他们的周期时间非常高,应该减少。这个团队向项目经理寻求建议。项目经理最好建议以下哪个选项?
- 17、 [单选] 项目发起人和客户通知项目经理他们对产品结果满意。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
- 18、 [单选] 一家供应商称因为某项主要功能未包含在约定的范围内,所以未能实施。项目团队不认同这一说法,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
- 19、 [单选] 项目团队成员来自多个部门,并将处理项目和运营活动,任务和资源均已确定。若要确保资源,项目经理应做什么?
- 20、 [单选] 项目经理把发起人的指示函件通过电子邮件转发给了异地的团队成员,该团队成员收到该邮件后及时发送了邮件回执,并开始采取行动。然而项目经理到项目上去检查时,对项目团队成员的工作非常不满意,坚持说他曲解了邮件的内容。这可能是沟通中哪个环节出了问题?
- 21、 [单选] 项目团队正在与客户就某个软件实施项目密切合作,客户指定一个单一联系点以促进项目活动。需要该联系人来确保构建产品,以便相关用户可以启动测试阶段,由于工作量大, 该联系人无法执行其分配的活动导致项目严重延迟。若要确保及时交付项目,项目经理首先应该做什么?
- 22、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目的规划阶段,公司被承诺如果比约定交付时间提前两个月交付产品,公司将获得一份奖励,产品开发的项目经理让编程人员在需求和设计完成之前开始代码编写。这种情况下,项目经理在应用哪项进度技术?
- 23、 [单选] 为了满足正在制定的政府税收新法规,一家组织启动了一个项目,来修改其企业资源规划(ERP)系统。在管理这个项目时,项目经理应该做什么?
- 24、 [单选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
- 25、 [单选] 你被分配到一个软件开发项目。产品需求在一开始就没有明确定义。因此,决定使用敏捷框架来开发产品。项目的其他方面将使用传统的瀑布式项目管理方法进行管理。以下哪一项可能会花费较少的时间来开发和/或实现该项目?
- 26、 [单选] 你正在创建在你的公司部署一个新的ERP软件的时间表。该公司目前正在进行敏捷转型,因此决定迭代开发新的ERP。ERP的第一个版本应该在四个月内推出,你知道另一个全公司范围操作系统升级的项目计划在三个月内推出。随着升级项目影响你的进度,你应该评估以下哪一项以确定在推出前的迭代次数?
- 27、 [单选] 项目经理与关键干系人进行了成本效益分析研讨会,以确定项目边界并证明其合理性。在审核结果后,项目经理发现预期收益的值不一致。项目经理应该做什么?
- 28、 [单选] 随着项目的进展,偏差分析表明与绩效测量基准相比,实际的项目绩效会恶化。因此,对成本、进度和范围的估算不再有效。团队确定大量的新功能、变更请求和缺陷修复是差异背后的主要原因。项目经理要确保在实际进展的基础上对项目的剩余工作进行进一步的估算,最好的行动方案是什么?
- 29、 [单选] 产品待办事项列表包含用户故事,这些故事通常基于最高价值进行优先级排序。谁负责在产品待办事项列表中定义和确定用户故事的优先级?
- 30、 [单选] 一个大型房地产开发项目的项目经理意外离职,任命了新项目经理,进度计划仅受到了一个月的影响。这使用的是什么风险应对策略?
- 31、 [单选] 作为一位Scrum主管,当两个开发人员开始就应该分配给特定用户故事的点数而争吵不休时,你正在领导一个用户故事的相对规模评估练习。在争执变成现实之前,你把两个开发人员分开。考虑到这不是第一次发生这样的事件,你应该做些什么来尝试解决冲突?
- 32、 [单选] 一家组织正在几个不同的国家/地区执行一个大型业务转型项目。干系人包括来自不同文化背景和年龄组的经理,项目信息主要通过电子邮件和社交媒体沟通。一个干系人抱怨说他们没有充分获得项目进展情况的通知。项目经理应该做什么?
- 33、 [单选] 某项目主要依靠外部组织的力量来完成,其中一个合同的期限预计为3年,价格可能高达500万美元。买方想要采用总价合同,但又担心潜在卖方在报价中计入过高的通货膨胀应急储备。买方应该选择什么合同?
- 34、 [单选] 由于生产线存在错误和缺陷,制造商正面临大量产品退货,产品经理怀疑根本原因可能是培训和/或库存采购和货物分类流程较差,若要确定生产问题的准确的、根本原因,应使用下列哪一项工具?
- 35、 [单选] 项目经理与多位高管干系人一起参与一个生命周期替换项目,其中一位干系人强烈反对该项目。若要获得该干系人的支持,项目经理应该怎么做?
- 36、 [单选] 一个组织正在从预测性项目管理过渡到敏捷。作为项目经理,你即将开展的项目需要提交合规报告,由于监管的原因,这些报告需要提交给内部审计师。如何在这种混合环境中满足法规遵循报告的需要?
- 37、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理意识到对项目成功至关重要的几个关键干系人不包含在干系人参与计划中。项目经理应该如何让这些干系人参与并管理这些干系人?
- 38、 [单选] 在启动为一家大公司创建服务的过渡项目时,项目经理发现存在多个具有相互竞争需求的业务领域。若要获得干系人的共识,项目经理应该做什么?
- 39、 [单选] 在最后一次迭代结束的前几天,团队通知项目经理,他们将无法完成两个工作包A和B,因为WBS不够完善。团队认为他们可能能够按时完成包A,但需要额外一周的时间来完成包B,后者的优先级更高。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
- 40、 [单选] 你刚被指派负责某项目,该项目正处于项目计划阶段,风险管理团队负责人向你报告已完成风险识别工作,该负责人对项目存在很多风险表示很担心,为了有效地管理项目风险,项目经理下一步的工作将如何开展?
- 41、 [单选] 在项目会议期间,一个团队发现三个月前关闭的问题仍然处于活跃状态,并对项目的预算产生负面影响。若要防止这种情况再次发生,项目经理可以做什么?
- 42、 [单选] 在管理项目时,你发现团队中的一些成员相处得不好。你还认识到三个团队成员不确定如何完成他们的可交付成果。你所有的团队成员都在同一栋楼里一起工作。你还可以在一个单独的会议室里与所有团队成员定期举行每周会议。在这种情况下,哪种方法没有帮助?
- 43、 [单选] 由于内部需求,项目主题专家(SME)的职能经理要求项目发起人更新负责该地区的项目主题专家(SME),该SME对该项目十分关键,他的决定将对项目的进度计划产生严重风险。项目经理应该做什么?
- 44、 [单选] 项目集经理要求定期更新计划下项目的进展情况。除了一个项目外,所有项目都使用传统方法进行管理。项目集经理指出在整个规划中有太多的范围变更,并希望看到这些变更是如何影响各种项目的总体进度的。对于领导敏捷项目的Scrum主管来说,要满足项目经理的要求,最好的行动方案是什么?
- 45、 [单选] 项目交付日期前两天,项目发起人希望核实是否所有可交付成果均满足业务目标以及在项目生命周期过程中是否已应用所有变更。项目经理从开始就知道文档齐全。项目经理应该向项目发起人提供什么文件?
- 46、 [单选] 在一个项目的早期阶段,项目经理与许多干系人开会,就项目的目标、关键可交付成果和预算达成共识。项目经理现在可以完成哪份文件?
- 47、 [单选] 产品负责人与敏捷团队负责人接触时,会担心团队在最后几次冲刺中进展缓慢。产品负责人怀疑,从最近的站会上团队成员疲惫的外表和无精打采的状态来看,他们可能是筋疲力尽了。在这种情况下,团队领导采取的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 48、 [单选] 你的项目团队成员总是抱怨没有项目团队的整体感,因为他们分别在不同地方工作。为了改善这种情况,你设计了一个项目口号并将其印在T恤衫上来提高大家的集体感,但这一做法没有起到多大作用。你下一步要怎么做?
- 49、 [单选] 一项目经理和公司中设计铁路设备的团队要设计一台能将石头装载到火车上的机器。该项目允许损耗2%,每天允许损耗2吨以上的石块。在下列哪项中项目经理记录该项目的质量控制、质量保证和质量改进?
- 50、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理了解到一些干系人认为已批准的变更是不必要的,所以他们对接受这些变更犹豫不决,这些变更对项目的成本和进度基准影响很小。项目经理应该做什么?
- 51、 [单选] 在冲刺计划会议上,Scrum主管重申,如果在冲刺结束时敏捷项目团队正在构建的产品增量没有达到冲刺开始时指定的标准,那么这项工作将不会包含在当前冲刺的速度中。Scrum主管指的是什么?
- 52、 [单选] 发起人担心敏捷项目进展不够快,因为没有发送项目状态报告。发起人向Scrum主管表达他们的担忧。Scrum主管向发起人保证项目正在按计划进行,并邀请发起人参加会议,亲眼看看项目进展。下面哪个会议Scrum主管最有可能邀请发起人?
- 53、 [单选] 一个关键项目落后于进度,并超出预算。项目管理办公室(PMO)的详细分析表明并非所有关键人员都被识别,并且没有积极的过程来接洽和管理这些人员。项目经理应该采取什么纠正措施?
- 54、 [单选] 在项目过程中,项目经理得知一位关键干系人被替换了。虽然新的干系人表达了对项目范围的理解,但他们仍想坚持几项新的需求,而这将影响项目的成本和进度计划。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
- 55、 [单选] 项目经理完成了一个新产品开发项目的规划过程。在继续进入执行过程组之前需要完成的最后一个重要里程碑是什么?
- 56、 [单选] 发起人启动了一个实施正常变更的项目,已识别了项目干系人,并且发起人要求项目经理根据他们的影响力和权力提供相关的参与的政策。项目经理应该做什么?
- 57、 [单选] 项目经理为她的跨职能团队提供全面的指导、培训和支持,但委托团队管理和跟踪他们自己的工作分配,并作为一个团队做出决策。项目经理会参加有规律的团队会议,以监督团队的进展并提供支持,但通常不会参与有关工作量或团队决策制定的讨论。项目经理用什么来管理团队?
- 58、 [单选] 审查问题日志的团队意识到一项关键可交付成果可能会延期,这将影响项目进度计划几个月时间。该项目在公司的投资组合中具有更高的优先级。项目经理应该做什么?
- 59、 [单选] 一家公司正在为外部客户运行一个敏捷项目。团队在冲刺审查会议上演示了网络用户界面的新功能后,一个干系人找到产品负责人,并建议对其中一个屏幕进行改进。干系人坚持认为,这种改进将使用户更容易在界面中导航。产品负责人的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 60、 [单选] 项目的混凝土供应商通知项目经理,材料将比预定时间晚三个星期交付。项目经理更新了进度计划并通知项目团队。在这种情况下,哪种合同类型承担的风险最小?
- 61、 [单选] 为解决具有挑战性的客户请求,启动了一个项目。该项目必须在短时间内交付。项目经理应该怎么做来尽可能提高项目的成功率?
- 62、 [单选] 一家公司考虑进行开发新移动应用的一个项目。因为目前还不清楚目标用户将如何使用该应用,公司决定开发一个早期版本只有必备功能的增量。若用户反馈积极,则使用预测性项目管理方法推进全面开发。手机应用的提前发布代表了什么?
- 63、 [单选] 在新项目启动会议期间,因为项目需要采购新设备,生产经理拒绝接受批准的章程。项目经理通知项目发起人,由于生产经理缺席,章程未能包括设备采购。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
- 64、 [单选] 一个项目需要在技术部门之间进行详细信息交流,项目团队位于不同位置。一些团队成员对提议的沟通系统没有经验。项目经理应该使用什么来解决这个问题?
- 65、 [单选] 在迭代计划过程中,敏捷教练希望确保她的开发团队有一种简单的方法来组织他们的工作,以及在迭代中剩余工作的可视化表示。敏捷教练最好使用以下哪一种工具来实现她的目标?
- 66、 [单选] 项目经理正在收集正式的项目需求。在进行干系人访谈后,项目经理意识到有些目标与项目章程中的目标不一致。根据在启动阶段获得的信息,必须高度关注该项目,以保持符合预算限制。若要管理需求并满足干系人的期望,项目经理应该怎么做?
- 67、 [单选] 你所负责的项目正在执行过程中,一个团队成员找到你,询问关于他的职责和工作,因为他不知道如何去完成工作。项目经理应该给他看什么?
- 68、 [单选] 在一个为期12个月的项目中,供应商通知项目经理所需的项目设备将被延迟,经过进一步调查后,项目经理得知该供应商在业绩表现方面口碑不佳。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
- 69、 [单选] 一名项目经理被委任到正在执行的工程项目上。刚上任不久,他发现负责与客户沟通的玛丽经常抱怨客户对报告太挑剔,经常要求她对报告返工。项目经理应该首先做什么?
- 70、 [单选] 在高科技产品开发中,为了保证产品成功,在产品最终定型之前,通常要进行大量的测试工作。这种做法被认为是高科技产品开发项目风险管理的有效方法,尽管增加测试会增加项目成本。这属于哪种风险应对策略?
- 71、 [单选] 一名初级项目经理被指派到一个新启动的项目,高级项目经理指示该初级项目经理去识别在项目中享有既得利益的人员。高级项目经理让初级项目经理创建的是下列哪一项?
- 72、 [单选] 一家公司将更换使用了10年、不再符合市场需求基于旧平台的集成系统。在项目规划期间,管理人员将一个更灵活的价格结构作为关键需求。高级管理人员还未决定如何满足这项需求,但是同意该需求的战略正确性。在项目执行期间,价格结构的变更将要求频繁的返工和重新测试。下列哪项项目计划元素能够系统的解决这些问题?
- 73、 [单选] 在管理当前项目的时候,非常重要的一点是要运用从以往项目上积累的经验教训来提高项目管理的水平。因此在结束项目或阶段程序中,回顾下列哪项是比较重要的?
- 74、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个高度敏感的政府项目,按时交付该项目至关重要。第三方供应商按时交付一个关键项目组件,但不满足规范要求。目前尚不清楚交付的组件是否会按照批准的项目设计进行。项目经理应该做什么?
- 75、 [单选] 客户所用的软件应用程序已有10个年头,但仍需要该软件支持其业务流程,关联项目干系人认为文件已过时,并需要更换,以便满足当前的信息技术标准。一名项目经理被任命制作商业论证书。商业论证书将用来确定下列哪一项?
- 76、 [单选] 在项目开始时,项目经理被要求准备一份快速、高层次成本估算。该项目经理之前从事过一个具有类似规模和复杂性的项目。项目经理应使用下列哪项工具或技术准备估算?
- 77、 [单选] 你当前的项目刚刚完成了使用预测性项目管理方法的阶段。下一阶段的性质要求项目团队使用敏捷。你希望授权团队进行这种转换,并确保团队成员理解他们的角色和职责将如何变更。首先你应该做什么?
- 78、 [单选] 一家公司正在几个国家部署一个新的解决方案。项目经理协商多个虚拟团队,但交付解决方案团队向另一位经理报告工作。在一次组织会议期间,该解决方案团队宣布,由于技术问题,预期解决方案将延迟两个月。项目经理在该会议之前没有意识到这种延迟,现在必须重新制定所有部署的进度计划。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
- 79、 [单选] 你的公司被一位客户承包来进行一个软件开发项目。项目将使用敏捷方法来交付产品增量。然而,对于客户来说,该项目将是他们第一次体验敏捷。你想要确保客户端获得软件早期和持续交付的全部好处。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 80、 [单选] 项目经理B临时替换休探亲假的项目经理A,在一次每周进度会议期间,项目经理B发现两名团队成员对可交付成果的质量存在冲突,项目经理B审查质量管理计划,发现未明确定义质量标准,难以轻松衡量质量。项目经理B应该做什么?
- 81、 [单选] 公司授权一个内部Scrum项目为高级管理层开发一个报告工具。由于预算有限,公司要求技术主管同时担任产品负责人。主管与管理层一起开发用户故事。在冲刺审查中,管理代表感到失望,因为工具不是他们所期望的。技术主管今后的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 82、 [单选] 干系人经常打电话和发邮件给开发团队以获取项目的状态,从而对团队的进展产生负面影响。敏捷教练应该如何处理这种情况?
- 83、 [单选] 一个开发新药的安全性和有效性可视化的项目正在进行中。Scrum被选为开发方法。在第三次冲刺的中途,项目团队成员发现所提供的数据缺少一个强制性参数。在项目计划期间,获得不完整数据的风险被提前识别并记录在风险登记册中。什么时候是使这个问题浮出水面的最合适的方法?
- 84、 [单选] 在每日站会上,开发团队的两名成员开始争论来自WBS的一个特定的工作包是否已经满足了被认为是完整的要求。项目团队的两名成员都将被闲置,直到达成解决方案。在会议结束之前,项目经理首先应该做什么?
- 85、 [单选] 一个为期两年的项目完成了50%,进度绩效指数1.051和成本绩效指数为1.02。一个新的项目进入投资组合,被视为一个优先级并且高于当前的项目。因此,目前项目失去了三个关键资源。尽管资源紧张,但是高级主管仍然要求项目经理按时完成项目,并且按照预算且不会有额外的资源补给。项目经理应该怎样做?
- 86、 [单选] 项目经理安排一次会议,让Scrum项目团队进行反思和调整。与会者在这次会议上最可能做什么?
- 87、 [单选] 两名项目团队成员一直对产品设计意见不一致。即使经过多次尝试,项目经理仍无法解决这个问题,项目现在落后于进度计划。项目经理应该使用什么冲突解决技术来立即解决这个问题?
- 88、 [单选] 每次你与你的项目发起人会面,她都要强调对于你的新的电子商务项目的成本控制的必要性。她经常询问你成本业绩方面的问题,诸如哪一个预算达到了哪一个没有达到。为了回答她的问题,你应该提供什么?
- 89、 [单选] 项目准备收尾时,团队成员识别出一个新风险,作为项目经理,应该怎么做?
- 90、 [单选] 项目经理了解到主题专家(SME)正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中?
- 91、 [单选] 在敏捷团队完成三次迭代之后,项目经理确定团队在这三次迭代中的平均速度是30个故事点。还有292个故事点来完成项目的剩余部分。团队需要多少次额外的迭代才能完成项目?
- 92、 [单选] 项目经理前往另一个国家执行最终可交付成果的上线过程,到达后,项目经理得知,由于任务计划在当地假日期间完成,关键资源将不可用,而延迟上线将使最终项目的交付处于危险之中。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该在项目开始时完成哪一项工作?
- 93、 [单选] 为了应对一些计划任务上的延误,项目经理重新安排了一些后续任务的优先级以解决这个问题。重新确定优先级并没有使项目回到正轨,现在项目经理需要将问题上报给项目干系人。为了上报问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
- 94、 [单选] 项目执行阶段,发现一个子团队没有为约定的项目目标工作。项目经理应该查阅哪份文件?
- 95、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到一个大型银行公司的敏捷软件开发项目。在项目刚刚开始的时候,项目经理已经了解了一些新的黑客战术,这些战术对项目的法规合规性构成了潜在的威胁。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
- 96、 [单选] 在一个项目中,一家公司替换了其CEO,该CEO提出了一项新的五年战略计划。目前的项目完全符合这一新战略,但项目发起人希望修改项目的范围以适应该战略。项目经理应该做什么?
- 97、 [单选] 传统管理的项目使用Scrum来开发项目可交付成果。敏捷发布规划要求将最近完成的MVP部署到生产中。然而,质量保证(QA)部门拒绝了MVP,声称部门的政策和程序没有处理中期可交付成果的实施。将问题记录在障碍板上后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
- 98、 [单选] 你和你的项目团队与来自不同国家的干系人举行见面会。会议后的反馈表明,项目团队感到干系人很冷漠,因为他们在参与对话时总是退让。然而,一些干系人认为项目团队过于强势,不尊重他们的个人空间。有什么可以帮助你避免这些观念?
- 99、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队正处于冲刺中,此时发起人要求项目经理停止当前冲刺中几个用户故事的工作。由于最近发布的一项新技术即将上市,发起人倾向于认为这些用户故事没有什么价值。项目经理应该做什么?
- 100、 [单选] 你负责管理某新产品开发项目。高级管理层已经签发项目章程,批准项目计划。项目进度和预算都十分紧张,质量要求也很高。在项目执行阶段,项目干系人一直通过项目沟通计划所规定的方法了解项目进展情况。项目的范围、进度、成本和质量都符合项目计划的要求。突然,你得知整个项目有可能被取消,因为开发的产品完全无法接受。导致这种情况的原因是什么?
- 101、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理意识到项目干系人一直延迟答复敏感性电子邮件。项目经理应该怎么做?
- 102、 [单选] 在编制项目章程用于批准时,项目经理发现有两名干系人对关键可交付成果的期望有冲突。若要解决期望冲突问题并完成项目章程,项目经理应该首先做什么?
- 103、 [单选] 一个项目是为了开发一个新产品,在该项目开始几周后,当地社区煽动破坏项目工作。项目经理应该做什么?
- 104、 [单选] 一位敏捷教练被要求为即将到来的敏捷项目团队建立团队。管理层希望利用公司现有的人才,而不要使用外部资源。敏捷教练联系人力资源部门,在公司内部网站上为未来的团队成员发布招聘广告。敏捷教练在广告中提出的以下哪项工作要求是最好的?
- 105、 [单选] 在团队会议期间,项目经理不能保持项目团队的注意力,团队成员不断查看电子邮件,并讨论不相关的话题,发生这种问题的原因是什么?
- 106、 [单选] 物业管理团队通知他们的现有办公大楼已经达到其容量。项目经理已经开始为新项目招募资源,包括外包提供商和一些外部承包商。项目经理应考虑下列哪一项?
- 107、 [单选] 一个使用多个供应商的项目估计将在两年内完成。在第一年结束时,发现存在重大预算超支。项目经理意识到必须将项目重新拉回控制,因此签发一项变更请求。若要支持这项变更请求,项目经理应该做什么?
- 108、 [单选] 制定项目范围说明书之后,团队已准备好继续进行其他项目活动。项目团队要项目经理为下一个项目会议的活动和成果提供指导。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
- 109、 [单选] 当项目发起人找到Scrum主管,要求在当前的冲刺中立即开发一个新的、紧急的、潜在的复杂的强制性法规遵循相关的需求时,Scrum团队正处于冲刺的中途。发起人强调,如果需求没有实现,整个项目可能会被取消。Scrum主管的最佳回应是什么?
- 110、 [单选] 项目已完成并获得客户批准,IT部门计划对项目进行不定期审计。项目经理应该怎么做?
- 111、 [单选] 你向项目出资人提供了项目的成本估算,他对估算不满意,因为他认为价格太高了。他要你削减项目估算的15%,你该怎么做?
- 112、 [单选] 在新建水处理厂的建设过程中,政府对处理厂制定了更为严格的质量要求。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
- 113、 [单选] 项目经理制定了一个全面的项目管理计划,包括完全详细的WBS和详细的项目进度计划。尽管做了这些努力,但项目仍然落后于计划,因为变更控制委员会(CCB)无法处理大量变更,即使其中大部分已经被产品负责人批准了。项目经理的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 114、 [单选] 一个大型复杂项目的项目经理了解到,一位关键干系人反对在项目后期批准的变更,项目经理不愿冒犯这位干系人,但也不希望延迟该项目。项目经理应该做什么?
- 115、 [单选] 为了利用早期的收入,一个项目团队正在逐步地生产可交付成果。该项目趋向于满足所有的基准。然而,项目经理已经确定团队的速度在相同的时间段内,在SPI为0.83的前5次冲刺中,速度每次都是50个故事点。项目经理应该如何回应团队的表现?
- 116、 [单选] 在项目施工阶段,供应商处发生火灾,导致原材料的供应延迟了一周,项目经理已识别到延迟的风险并包含在计划当中,发生这个事件之后,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
- 117、 [单选] 项目经理正在对比项目预算与行业指数,项目经理注意到项目预算低于类似项目的预算,项目经理应该怎么做?
- 118、 [单选] 一位新团队成员在一个月前加入团队,并接受了资源管理计划中规定的必要培训,这位新团队成员无法按时完成分配的任务,从而影响到团队绩效。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
- 119、 [单选] 在一个项目接近完成时,客户请求增加在已批准项目范围以外的额外功能。客户表示如果没有该功能,将不会提供项目验收。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
- 120、 [单选] 一位项目团队成员在完成分配的任务时遇到困难。在一个团队会议上,项目经理确定团队中还有其他成员在类似任务方面拥有更多经验。项目经理应该怎么做?A project team member is struggling to deliver an assigned task. In a team meeting, the project manager determines that there are other members on the team who have more experience with similar tasks. What should the project manager do?
- 121、 [单选] 项目团队中一些经验丰富的成员抱怨项目经理。这些高级项目团队成员觉得项目经理在事无巨细地管理他们,阻碍他们完成工作。当项目经理意识到这些问题时,应该怎么做?Some of the mote experienced members of a project team have complained about the project manager. The senior project team members feel that the project manager is micromanaging them and preventing them from completing their work. What should the project manager do when made aware of these issues?
- 122、 [单选] 项目经理正在使用预测性项目管理方法处理多个建筑建设项目。组织内部的高级领导正在促进将更敏捷的实践包含到当前的项目方法中。项目发起人现在希望这些项目能够使用更敏捷的方法。强制在项目中使用任何敏捷方法之前,项目经理应该先做什么? A project manager is working on multiple building construction projects using a predictive project management approach. Senior leadership within the organization is promoting the inclusion of more agile practices into the current project methodologies. The project sponsor now wants the projects to use more agile methodologies. Before mandating any agile methods to be used in a project, what should the project manager do first?
- 123、 [单选] 一位项目经理已经接管了一个现有的项目,根据前任项目经理的说法,该项目已经步入正轨并在预算范围内,但是,干系人对最近的进度报告不满意,因为指标显示项目被推迟,成本高于预期。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager has taken over an existing project. According to the previous project manager, the project is on track and within budget. However, stakeholders are unhappy with the recent progress report since the metrics show that the project is delayed and the cost is higher than expected. What should the project manager do?
- 124、 [单选] 项目经理正在进行一个使用混合方法的项目。可交付成果的一个关键输入是另一个使用敏捷方法项目的结果。项目经理下一步应该做什么?A project manager is working on a project that is using a hybrid approach. One key input for the deliverable will be from the outcome of another project that is using an agile approach. What should the project manager do next?
- 125、 [单选] 在一次绩效考核后,一个团队成员找到项目经理,要求得到反馈。项目经理认为这个团队成员虽然有一两次工作迟到,但做事积极,而且一般都能按时完成工作。该团队成员对没有得到更好的年度绩效评价表示沮丧。项目经理应该怎么做才能避免成员出现挫折感?After a performance review, a team member approaches the project manager and asks for feedback. The project manager mentions anecdotal information about this team member being a positive team player and generally getting their work done on time, even though they have been late with work once or twice. The team member expresses frustration at not having better information included in the annual performance review. What should the project manager do to prevent this frustration going forward?
- 126、 [单选] 在一个大项目的执行阶段中期,一个不熟悉项目的新干系人加入了董事会,影响了项目的决策。这种变化正在影响项目的进度。项目经理应该先做些什么? In the middle of the execution phase for a big project, a new stakeholder who was unfamiliar with the project joined the board of directors and is influencing the decisions made in the project. This change is impacting the project's progress. What should the project manager do first?
- 127、 [单选] 尽管在质量控制和营销活动上投入了大量资金,但创新产品仍不能满足目标消费者。哪种敏捷实践可以最好地防止这种性质的失败? An innovative product fails to satisfy targeted consumers despite significant investments in quality control and marketing campaigns. Which agile practice would best prevent future failures of this nature?
- 128、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到了一个项目,任务是开发一项全新的突破性技术。鉴于项目的复杂程度,此项目将使用敏捷法进行管理。项目经理应做些什么来确保此项目的风险能得到妥善处理?A project manager is assigned a project to develop a new breakthrough technology. Given the complexity of the project, this project will be managed using an agile approach. What should the project manager do to ensure that the risks of the project are properly handled?
- 129、 [单选] 在冲刺计划过程中,产品负责人希望对具有高业务价值的项目进行优先排序。然而,项目团队关心的是技术债务和基础设施的依赖性,以交付预期的价值。项目经理应该如何处理这个问题? During sprint planning, the product owner wants to prioritize items with high business value. However, the project team is concerned about technical debt and infrastructure dependencies to deliver the expected value. How should the project manager handle this issue?
- 130、 [单选] 一个高绩效团队成员的绩效在过去一年中得到持续提升,和其他成员拉开差距,但是项目经理不愿意公开承认该团队成员的贡献,因为他担心会打击其他人的积极性。而项目经理同样也很担心如果团队成员得不到应有的奖励,团队成员会离开。项目经理应该怎么做?
- 131、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个针对客户的分析项目。项目经理需要确保团队的表现始终领先于预计的交付进度。项目经理在推动项目未来的冲刺周期上应该采取哪些措施?A project manager is assigned to an analysis project for a customer. The project manager needs to keep the performance of the team a step ahead of the estimated delivery schedules. What should the project manager do to impact the sprint cycles going forward on the project?
- 132、 [单选] 项目发起人和项目经理发现,由于供应商在不同时区的工作造成了产品交付的延迟,现在需要密切监督,直到项目恢复正轨。唯一的选择是重新安置项目团队中的三个关键成员,让他们在国外待上6个月。项目经理接下来应该做什么?A sponsor and project manager found out that a vendor in a different time zone has delayed the delivery of its products and needs close supervision until the project gets back on track. The only option is to relocate three key members of the project team to spend 6 months abroad. What should the project manager do next?
- 133、 [单选] 在最后一次迭代结束时,客户拒绝可交付物,因为它们没有满足客户的期望。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况发生?At the end of the last iteration, the customer rejects the deliverables since they did not meet the customer's expectations. What should the project manager have been done to prevent this situation?
- 134、 [单选] 项目经理在一个正在转向敏捷的组织工作。开发团队推荐使用燃尽图向所有干系人展示项目进展。项目经理应该怎么做,以确保项目整个过程中的有效沟通?A project manager works at an organization that is transitioning to agile. The development team has recommended using a burndown chart to provide visibility on project progress to all stakeholders. What should the project manager do to ensure effective communication throughout the project?
- 135、 [单选] 项目经理正在评估一个项目,并意识到项目的挣值(EV)表明花费的成本高于交付的价值。然后项目经理发现团队已经添加了不属于需求的小功能。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager is evaluating a project and realizes that its earned value (EV) shows the cost spent is higher than the value delivered. The project manager then discovers that the team has been adding small features that are not part of the requirements. What should the project manager do?
- 136、 [单选] 在分析每月状态报告的项目时,项目经理注意到进度绩效指数(SPI)为0.75,成本绩效指数(CPI)为1.25。项目经理必须尽快提供第一次项目状态审查,并希望强调项目处于受控状态。项目经理应如何向主要干系人报告项目状态? In analyzing a project for monthly status reporting, the project manager notices that the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.75 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 1.25. The project manager must provide the first project status review soon and wants to emphasize that the project is under control. How should the project manager report the project status to key stakeholders?
- 137、 [单选] 某食品公司正在运用预测型方法开发一种新产品,该产品目前正处于测试阶段,鉴于测试反馈的特点,项目经理已决定采用迭代方法,在其中一个迭代结束时,政府颁布了一部与该产品相关的法规。项目经理接下来该做什么?A food company is developing a new product using a predictive approach, and the product is currently in the testing phase. Given the nature of the feedback of the tests,the project manager has decided to use an iterative approach. At the end of one of the iterations, a new regulation related to the product is enacted. What should the project manager do next?
- 138、 [单选] 市场营销团队正在转向在他们的项目中使用混合方法。市场总监不了解混合方法,而项目经理需要总监的支持,因为市场总监是一个关键的干系人。项目经理应该怎么做来获得支持? The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. The marketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies, and the project manager needs the director's support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder. What should the project manager do to obtain the support?
- 139、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个全球项目,在规划过程中,来自不同地区的团队成员不同意相互协作。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager was assigned to a global project and during the planning process, team members from different regions disagreed collaborate with each other. What should a project manager do?
- 140、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一个由工料合同(T&M)协议资助的混合项目。项目已经完成,客户接受了产品的交付。一周后,客户要求项目经理修复他们在产品中发现的两个缺陷。项目经理对时间和金钱做出了估算,并要求客户对此进行确认。客户不同意,并坚持认为这项工作应该免费完成,因为这是产品中的一个缺陷。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况发生? A project manager is leading a hybrid project funded by a time and materials (T&M) agreement. The project was completed, and the client accepted the delivery of the product. One week later, the client asked the project manager to fix two defects they found in the product. The project manager responded with an estimate of time and money and asked the client to confi rm this. The client disagreed and insisted that the work should be done for free because it is a defect in the product. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?
- 141、 [单选] 在一个混合项目的执行过程中,不得不更换一个开发人员。新资源在质量保证任务上极其胜任,但在开发上却没有太多经验。项目经理该怎么做?During the execution of a hybrid project, one developer had to be replaced. The new resource is extremely competent in quality assurance tasks, but does not have much experience in development. What should the project manager do?
- 142、 [单选] 一位项目经理最近被分配到一个敏捷项目,发现该项目的承包商没有任何敏捷经验。项目经理该怎么做?A project manager has recently been assigned to an agile project and discovers that a contractor for the project does not have any experience with agile. What should the project manager do?
- 143、 [单选] 一个项目团队在故事大小不合适的情况下完成了很多次迭代。在一些迭代中,团队对一些故事进行了大小调整,并提前完成了它们。在其他迭代中,团队确定了故事的大小,但无法完成计划的活动。在计划下一个迭代的过程中,团队应该做些什么不同的事情?A protect team has completed many iterations without proper sizing of the stories. In some iterations the team sized some stories and completed them ahead of time. In other iterations the team sized the stones but was unable to complete the planned activities. What should the team do differently during planning for the next iteration?
- 144、 [单选] 在使用敏捷方法的软件项目中,最近出现了工作超支。在评估情况后,项目经理得出结论,超支是由于产品待办事项列表项不够细化造成的。为了纠正这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?In a software project using an agile approach, there have recently been work overruns. After assessing the situation, the project manager concluded that the overruns are occurring because of insufficiently refined product backlog items. What should the project manager do to correct this issue?
- 145、 [单选] 项目经理在混合项目中扮演Scrum主管的角色,处理团队成员之间的冲突。应该使用什么策略来处理这种冲突?A project manager is acting as a scrum master in a hybrid project and is dealing with a conflict between team members. What strategy should be used to handle this conflict?
- 146、 [单选] 一个项目在12个月前开始,目前处于14次迭代的第12次。团队表现良好,按时完成了所有可交付物。然而,一些团队成员开始抱怨项目的时间太长,在这个关键阶段产生了绩效不佳的风险。作为服务型(仆人式)领导者,项目经理应该做些什么来减少这种风险呢?
- 148、 [单选] 加入Scrum团队的新成员的行动能力有限。敏捷教练意识到一些团队成员不确定团队的动态将如何变化。敏捷教练应该做什么?The new team member joining the scrum team has limited mobility. The scrum master is aware that some team members are unsure how the dynamics of the team will change. What should the scrum master do?
- 149、 [单选] 一名敏捷团队成员获得了新工具的认证,然而,这名团队成员抱怨团队的其他成员由于缺乏知识而没有使用该工具。服务型领导者应该如何运用情商来利用这种情况使项目受益?An agile team member received certification on a new tool: however, this team member is complaining that the rest of the team is not using the tool due to lack of knowledge. How should the servant leader apply emotional intelligence to leverage this situation to benefit the project?
- 150、 [单选] 敏捷团队需要解决技术性、复杂的需求,该需求无法向客户展示可视化交付。产品经理应该提供什么指导来改进需求开发? An agile team is required to address a technical, complex requirement that has no visual deliverable to show the customer. What guidance should the product manager provide to improve the requirement development?
- 151、 [单选] 在每日站会上,项目负责人注意到一位资深开发人员正在将一些简单的待办事项重新分配给其他团队成员,理由是让资深开发人员处理复杂事项更有效率。项目负责人应该怎么做?In a daily stand-up, the project leader notices that one of the senior developer is reassigning some of the easy backlog items to other team members, arguing that it is more efficient for the senior developers to work on complex items. What should the project lead do?
- 152、 [单选] 一名几乎完成了原型所需产品功能的开发人员将在迭代过程中离开公司。项目经理应该做什么?A developer who has almost completed a require d product feature for a prototype leaves the company in the middle of an iteration. What should the project manager do?
- 153、 [单选] 一个新的项目经理正在管理一个混合项目。项目经理希望成为服务型(仆人式)领导者,通过消除障碍因素来支持团队,但是没有收到来自团队的关于他们所面临的问题和风险的反馈。项目经理应该怎么做?A new project manager is managing a hybrid project. The project manager wants to be a servant leader to support the team by removing impediments but is not receiving feedback from the team about the issues and risks they are facing.What should the project manager do?
- 154、 [单选] 在有两个团队(A和B)的项目的第二次迭代中,项目经理担心来自团队A的两个关键活动必须在第四次迭代中启动。此外,这两个活动依赖于B团队尚未确定优先级的活动。项目经理应该怎么做? During iteration two of a project with two teams (A and B), the project manager is concerned that there are two critical activities from team A that must be started in iteration four. Additionally, these two activities are dependent on an activity from team B that has not yet been prioritized. What should the project manager do?
- 155、 [单选] 项目经理将运用混合型方法开始一个项目,但注意到某些团队成员仅了解预测型方法。项目经理首先需要做什么才能获得出色的项目绩效? A project manager is starting a project using a hybrid approach and notices some team members only have knowledge of predictive approaches. What does the project manager need to do first in order to have good project performance?
- 156、 [单选] 敏捷团队成员抱怨工作环境太差,阴暗潮湿,项目经理应该怎么做?Agile team members complain that the work environment is too dark and damp. What should the project manager do?
- 157、 [单选] 一个公司开始实施Scrum,在第一个冲刺进行到一半的时候,沟通出现了一些问题,一些项目团队成员与其他团队成员不同步,造成这种沟通差距的原因是什么?A company starts implementing scrum about half way through the first sprint, communication issues develop some project team members are not insync with other team members. What is the cause for this communication gap?
- 158、 [单选] 公司成立了一个新的敏捷创新团队,其使命是将产品质量置于所有其他考虑因素之上。这一举措是在看到,社交媒体网络上存在大量对品牌质量下降的抱怨后提出的。哪个选项对实现团队目标最有效?
- 159、 [单选] 一个实施新的线上登录平台的项目已经启动。在第一次冲刺之后,项目发起人要求变更。接下来项目经理该怎么做?A project to implement a new online landing platform has started. After the first sprint, the project sponsor requested a change. What should the project manager do next?
- 160、 [单选] 最近有两名团队成员因为客户削减预算而从一个项目中释放出来。然而,敏捷团队收到的工作需求仍然和以前一样,甚至更多。敏捷项目负责人应该如何解决这种情况?
- 161、 [单选] 敏捷项目的项目经理希望拥有一个高度敬业的团队。项目经理应该如何实现这一目标?A project manager for an agile project wants to have a highly engaged team. How should the project manager achieve this objective?
- 162、 [单选] 一个项目经理刚刚成功地完成了一次部署,并准备在开始关闭操作之前将项目过渡到一个运营状态。项目经理应如何操作以确保项目做好转移到运营状态的准备?
- 163、 [单选] 一个项目经理正在领导一个刚开始敏捷的团队。在启动会议期间,一名团队成员询问如何使用敏捷方法管理风险。项目经理应该如何回应?
- 164、 [单选] 一个计划在四个月内执行的项目被分为八个迭代。在第一次回顾中,团队意识到只有一个成员有经验做一个关键的项目需求。项目经理应该怎么办?
- 165、 [单选] 项目经理被分配到一个新项目。该项目是针对该公司希望尽快推出的新产品,以测试市场准备情况。该项目是大型业务转型的一部分,目标是为新产品打开交付渠道。项目经理应该推荐哪种交付方式?
- 166、 [单选] 在第四个冲刺中,一个项目经理注意到没有一个客户代表参加过任何一个冲刺。团队告诉项目经理他们已经准备好了一个原型。项目经理下一步应该做什么?During the fourth sprint, a project manager noticed that none of the customer representatives have participated in any of the sprints. The team told the project manager that they had a prototype ready. What should the project manager do next?
- 167、 [单选] 一个项目经理被指派接管一个现有的软件项目。项目经理继承了一个由关键干系人、主题专家和高级开发人员组成的精益团队。在与团队一起审查项目状态时,项目经理发现团队似乎缺乏方向和热情。新上任的项目经理该怎么做?
- 168、 [单选] 敏捷项目在遵循组织流程方面存在冲突,其中许多流程不会为项目增加任何价值。为了解决这一问题,以下哪一项应被视为最高优先级?
- 169、 [单选] 敏捷项目中遇到了缺陷问题,项目经理担心缺陷会影响团队的交付能力,项目经理该怎么办?
- 170、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到一条新的数字产品生产线,公司希望这能增加他们的收入。产品很复杂,需要客户反馈来不断完善产品。这个项目是由跨职能的敏捷团队来处理的。项目经理应该做些什么来确保快速交付价值?A project manager has been assigned to a new digital product line, which the company hopes will boost their revenue. The product is complex and requires customer feedback to continually refine the product. The project is being handled by a cross-functional agile team. What should the project manager do to ensure value is delivered quickly?
- 1、 项目经理刚刚从组织辞职的另一位项目经理那里接管一个正在进行的项目。在审查项目管理计划时,项目经理意识到成本偏差和进度偏差主要是负面的。项目尚未解决,还未向供应商支付已完成的工作,并且减轻次生风险正迅速耗尽预算。本应该采取哪种三项措施来避免这种情况?(选择三项)
- 2、 项目经理观察到,两名团队成员在各种会议上一直公开地争论不休。为了推销自己的想法,他们分别直接与发起人单独沟通,并做出决定,从未知会项目经理和其他团队成员。项目经理应采取哪两种措施?(选择两项)
- 3、 某为期多年的大型项目需要高技能员工才能成功部署。管理团队和项目发起人分析了资源需求,并同意为项目雇佣长期职工,以避免潜在的预算超支问题。但在项目开展过程中存在员工流动的风险,这可能会对交付产生影响,项目经理应采取哪两种措施来减轻这种风险?(选择两项)A large multi-year project requires highly skilled staff for successful deployment The management team and the project sponsor have analyzed the resource requirements and agreed to have permanent staff hired for the project to avoid potential budget overrun.However,there is a risk of staff turnover during the course of the project,which may have an impact on the delivery. Which two actions should the project manager take to mitigate this risk? (Choose two)
- 4、 在一个混合型项目中,客户发布的合同规定了每个季度的可交付成果,客户希望在第一季度向干系人展示一项有形的成果,并希望将第二个里程碑前移至第一季度,项目经理向客户解释说这是不可行的,除非第二个里程碑的需求有所变更。项目经理应采用哪两种措施?(选择两项)
- 5、 你正在为一个将使用敏捷方法进行产品开发的项目制定项目管理计划。你希望确保关键的干系人在项目的整个过程中都能了解交付的业务价值。 你的最佳行动方案是什么?(选择三个)
- 6、 团队成员提出了一个风险,全国范围的停电威胁可能会影响软件开发项目的项目时间线。在上个月,这种风险变成了现实,项目时间线不得不延长2个月。项目经理应该采取哪两项行动?(选择两个)
- 7、 在构建阶段结束前,三名测试人员加入了项目团队。在项目团队会议上,测试人员表示项目质量很差,他们不应该继续测试,直到所有缺陷都被修复。项目经理应该采取哪三项行动?(选择三项)
- 8、 一个项目经理正在和三个虚拟团队一起做一个项目。团队A与团队B和团队C处于不同的时区。项目进行得很顺利,但最近A团队开始觉得自己被冷落了。信息到达A团队的时间较晚,或者有时会错过,B和C团队会优先考虑彼此的问题,而不是A团队。项目经理已经设定了项目指导方针,但意识到需要改进。项目经理应该做哪两件事来帮助团队更好地协作?(选择两个)
- 9、 一个项目经理被分配到一个长期项目。这位项目经理遇到了政府关于一项可能影响项目的新法律的辩论。项目经理应该采取的前两项行动是什么?(选择两个)
- 10、 某公司领导团队决定采用敏捷方法投资新产品。商业和产品团队已经开始了这个新项目的规划活动。为了交付这个产品,项目经理需要哪三个关键因素?(选择三个)
1、 [单选] 收到新项目的客户请求之后,项目经理首先应该做什么?
What should a project manager do first after receiving a customer request for a new project?
A:寻求项目发起人批准。 Seek project sponsor approval.
B:准备商业论证。 Prepare the business case.
C:组织项目启动大会 。Organize a kick-off meeting.
D:获得专家判断。 Obtain expert judgment.
2、 [单选] 项目负责人反复抱怨,称开发团队开发的功能似乎与原始设计不一致。什么做法有助于解决这个问题?
A project owner repeatedly complains, saying that a function developed by the development team does not seem to align with the original design. What will help to solve this issue?
A:让产品负责人参加下一次迭代审查会议,以了解产品的开发状态。 Ask the product owner to sit in on the next iteration review meeting to learn more about the development status for the product.
B:要求质量保证团队识别与初始设计相比较的任何功能不匹配。 Ask the quality assurance team to identify any mismatches in functionality compared to the initial design.
C:要求开发团队重写功能,使其与项目范围相匹配。 Ask the development team to rewrite the function so that it matches with the project scope.
D:在下一次回顾会议中安排时间讨论所有的纠正措施,并要求项目负责人参加会议。 Schedule time during the next retrospective session to discuss all corrective actions and ask the project owner to participate in the session.
3、 [单选] 项目经理被批准执行一个价值1200万美元为期三年的项目,6个月后,25%项目已完成,项目团队开支为400万美元。计算完进度绩效指数和成本绩效指数后,下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is approved to execute a $12million, three-year project. After 25% of the project is completed. What is the next step after calculating the schedule performance index and cost performance index?
A:要求更多资金 Ask for more money
B:执行偏差分析 Perform variance analysis
C:制定绩效预测 Develop performance forecast
D:提交变更请求 Submit a change request
4、 [单选] 你正在处理一个为某位客户开发产品的项目。你已经决定采用敏捷开发方法论。你注意到,客户并不有意参与项目,因为他们认为,一旦已与你签下订单,你的团队应该在商定的时间和成本内交付产品。在这种情况下,最好的方法是什么?
You are handling a project to develop a product for one of your clients. You have decided on Agile methodology for development. You notice that the client is not very involved in the project because they believe that once the order has been placed with you, your team should deliver the product within the time and cost agreed on. What would be the best approach in this scenario?
A:在项目的开始签署 Take a sign-off at the beginning of the project
B:与产品负责人合作,并进行冲刺审查 Engage product owner and conduct sprint reviews
C:等待客户提供反馈 Wait for the client to give you feedback
D:基于类似的项目做出决定 Make a decision based on similar projects
5、 [单选] 一家公司启动了一个与开发新服务相关的项目,而该公司并不具有此类专业知识。项目经理了解到,运营部门不批准且可能不支持持续维护。项目经理应该怎么做?
A Company launches a project related to the development of a new service, and the Company does not have this expertise. The project manager understands that the Operations Department does not approve and may not give support for the ongoing maintenance. What should the project manager do?
A:执行沟通需求分析,并记录该情况 To perform communication needs analysis and record the situation
B:根据之前项目的信息,创建一份风险识别核对单 Create a checklist of risk identification based on information from previous projects
C:将此活动包含在工作分解结构(WBS)中,并在发生时对其进行处理 To include this activity into the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and process it when occurred
D:评估如何获得该部门的项目支持,以减少任何负面影响 To assess how to get project support from the department to reduce any negative impact
6、 [单选] 随着项目进行,项目经理会收到干系人的抱怨,他们声称项目状态会议和电子邮件报告太少,无法让干系人了解项目的最新状态。项目经理审查沟通管理计划,并提交变更请求以修改报告状态的方式。项目经理最好在变更请求中包含以下哪项?
As the project progresses, the project manager gets complaints from stakeholders who say that project status meetings and email reports are too infrequent to keep the stakeholders up-to-date with the project’s status. The project manager reviews the communications management plan and submits a change request to modify the way the status is reported. Which of the following is best for the project manager to include in the change request?
A:结合使用信息发射源 Incorporating the use of information radiators
B:终止分发电子邮件报告 Eliminating the distribution of email reports
C:在每日站会汇报项目状况 Reporting project status at the daily standups
D:将项目状态发送给更少的干系人 Sending project status to fewer stakeholders
7、 [单选] 根据沟通管理计划,项目应该使用仪表板向干系人传达信息。一些团队成员在更新他们在仪表板上的项目数据时遇到了一些困难。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
According to the communications management plan, the project should use a dashboard to communicate information to stakeholders. Some team members are struggling to keep their project data current. What is the best action for the project manager?
A:鼓励团队成员尽可能输入任何信息 Encourage team members to enter any information whenever they can
B:向那些在及时报告上有困难的团队成员提供帮助 Offer help to those team members who are struggling to report on time
C:让团队专注于他们的工作并代表他们报告状态 Have the team focus on their work and report the status on their behalf
D:减少或调整那些无法保持数据最新状态的格式 Reduce or adjust the format of those not able to keep their data current
8、 [单选] 项目团队负责制造10,000个小零件。基于集中检查500个零件的批次质量是控制质量工具哪一种的实例?
The project team is responsible for creating 10,000 small parts. Basing the quality of the batch on an intensive review of 500 parts is an example of what quality control tool?
A:质量审计 Quality audit
B:帕累托原则 Pareto principle
C:统计抽样 Statistical sampling
D:检查 Inspection
9、 [单选] 在与项目团队成员的非正式谈话中,项目经理发现某个关键部分的供应商在执行一个已获批准的产品变更时有问题。项目经理接下来应执行下列哪一项?
In informal conversations with project team members, the project manager found that a key part of the vendor was having problems executing an approved product change. Which of the following should the project manager do next?
A:实施对供应商的质量审计 Implement quality audits for suppliers
B:安排一次变更控制会议 Schedule a Change Control meeting
C:审查供应商的工作绩效 Review suppliers work performance
D:与供应商的高级经理谈话 Talk to the senior manager of the Supplier
10、 [单选] 进行自制或外购分析后,项目经理将已经包含工作分解结构(WBS)中的内容进行外包,项目经理应该采取下列哪一项措施?
After a make-or-buy analysis, the project manager decided to outsource the deliverables that included in the work breakdown structure (WBS). Which of the following should the project manager do next?
A:将需要外包的可交付成果从WBS中移除 Remove deliverables from the WBS that will be outsourced
B:将需要外包的可交付成果保留在WBS中 Maintain in the WBS the deliverables that will be outsourced
C:创建另一个WBS,仅包含将需要外包的可交付成果 Create another WBS includes only the deliverables that will be outsourced
D:等到选定外包供应商后才对WBS进行更改 Don’t change anything of the WBS until the outsourcing provider is selected
11、 [单选] 在每日站会上,项目经理与团队成员逐个交流,询问每个成员已经完成的工作,并批评他们到目前为止团队进展缓慢。会议持续了近一个小时,最后变成了一个状态会议。项目经理应该做些什么来避免下次的站会变成状态会议?
During a daily standup meeting, the project manager goes from one team member to another questioning each one on the work they have accomplished and reprimanding them for the slow progress the team made so far. The meeting lasts for almost an hour and turns into a status meeting. What should the project manager do differently to avoid the next standup meeting turning into a status meeting?
A:使用在会议开始30分钟后配置为报警的计时器 Use a timer configured to alarm 30 minutes after the start of the meeting
B:将开发生命周期从适应型切换到预测 Switch the development life cycle from adaptive to predictive
C:让团队成员代替项目经理来引导站会 Have a team member to facilitate the standup instead of the project manager
D:只关注阻碍进展的障碍和阻碍的问题 Only focus on issues that represent roadblocks and impediments to progress
12、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队刚刚完成了最终项目可交付成果的开发。团队成员正在向项目经理寻求下一步的建议。项目经理应该建议团队下一步做什么?
An agile team has just completed the development of the final project’s deliverable. The team members are seeking advice from the project manager as to their next step. What should the project manager advise the team to do next?
A:确定验收标准 Determine the acceptance criteria
B:确保用户故事符合准备就绪的定义(DoR) Ensure that the user stories meet the definition of ready (DoR)
C:举行项目回顾 Hold a project retrospective
D:验证可交付成果是否符合完成的定义(DoD) Verify that the deliverables meet the definition of done (DoD)
13、 [单选] 敏捷项目进入第三次迭代。尽管团队坚持遵循敏捷最佳实践,但Scrum主管还是觉得团队动态存在问题。每个团队成员都独立工作,在Scrum活动中,团队成员之间不开放,避免冲突。团队目前在Tuckman开发模型的哪个阶段运行,Scrum主管可以做些什么来帮助团队进入下一个阶段?
An agile project enters its third iteration. Even though the team diligently adheres to agile best practices, the scrum master feels that there is something wrong with the team dynamics. Each team member works independently, and during scrum events, the team members are not open to one another and avoid conflict. In what stage of the Tuckman development model does the team currently operate, and what can the scrum master do to help the team to move onto the next stage?
A:震荡阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队在冲突中找到方向,实现高绩效 Storming; the scrum master needs to help the team navigate the conflict towards high performance.
B:规范阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队将不健康和低效的冲突放在一边 Norming; the scrum master needs to help the team put conflict aside as unhealthy and nonproductive
C:成熟阶段;Scrum主管需要确保冲突得到缓解,以便让团队成员继续工作 Performing; the scrum master needs to ensure conflict is mitigated to keep the team members on task.
D:形成阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队认识到冲突是具生产力且有必要的 Forming; the scrum master needs to help the team acknowledge that conflict is productive and necessary.
14、 [单选] 在项目评审会上,从事活动AD的项目团队成员通知项目经理,完成该活动还需要三天,组织的高级经理要求项目经理,即使需要额外的预算,也必须找到方法,按原定基准计划交付项目。项目应该使用什么方法来满足高级经理的需求?
During a project review meeting, the project team member working on activity AD advises the project manager that it will take three more days to complete the activity. The organizations senior manager asks the project manager to find ways to deliver the project according to the original baseline plan, even though it may need additional budget. What should the project manager use to meet the senior managers needs?
A:使用快速跟进 Use fast tracking
B:使用赶工 Use fast crashing
C:应用关键链法 Applied critical chain method
D:应用时间提前量和时间滞后量 Apply leads and lags
15、 [单选] 一名关键项目干系人撤回对项目的财务支持。项目现在资金不足,可能会取消,项目经理应该怎么做?
A key project stakeholder withdraws financial support for the project. The project is currently underfunded and may be cancelled. What should the project manager do?
A:与该项目干系人开会,确定撤回财务支持的原因 To hold a meeting with the project stakeholders to identify the reason for withdrawing financial support
B:与团队一起头脑风暴成本节约方案 To brainstorm cost savings solution with the team
C:寻找愿意提供财务支持的新项目干系人 To find new project stakeholders who are willing to provide financial support
D:与项目发起人开会,建议取消项目 To hold a meeting with the project sponsor, it is recommended to cancel project
16、 [单选] 在迭代回顾会议上,团队回顾了上一次迭代的各种指标。度量标准包括速度、吞吐量和在制品(WIP)。团队成员分析数据并得出结论,他们的周期时间非常高,应该减少。这个团队向项目经理寻求建议。项目经理最好建议以下哪个选项?
At the iteration retrospective meeting, the team reviews the various metrics from the last iteration. The metrics include velocity, throughput, and work in progress (WIP). The team members analyze the data and conclude that their cycle time is very high and should be reduced. The team approaches the project manager for advice. Which of the following options is the best for the project manager to recommend?
A:减少WIP和吞吐量 Decrease WIP and throughput
B:提高WIP数量、生产速度和生产效率 Increase WIP, velocity, and throughout
C:增加WIP和生产能力 Increase WIP and throughput
D:减少WIP数量,提高生产能力 Decrease WIP and increase throughput
17、 [单选] 项目发起人和客户通知项目经理他们对产品结果满意。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The project sponsor and the customer inform the project manager that they are satisfied with the product results. What should the project manager do next?
A:解散项目团队并收集经验教训 To dissolve the project team and collect lessons learned
B:向项目干系人提供最终审查报告,并获得他们的反馈 To provide the project stakeholders with final review report and get their feedback
C:结束采购并向承包商付款 To close the procurement and pay the contractor
D:获得项目干系人的正式验收,并结束项目 To obtain the formal acceptance by project stakeholders and close the project
18、 [单选] 一家供应商称因为某项主要功能未包含在约定的范围内,所以未能实施。项目团队不认同这一说法,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A supplier said that a major function could not be implemented because it was not included in the agreed scope. The project team did not agree with this statement. What should the project manager do next?
A:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人解决 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for resolution
B:签发一份报价邀请书(RFQ),聘请新的供应商 Issue an invitation to quote (RFQ) and hire a new supplier
C:要求法律部门对供应商采取行动 Ask the legal department to take action on the supplier
D:审查采购管理计划和合同协议 Review the procurement management plan and contract agreement
19、 [单选] 项目团队成员来自多个部门,并将处理项目和运营活动,任务和资源均已确定。若要确保资源,项目经理应做什么?
Project team members come from multiple departments and will handle project and operational activities, tasks and resources have been determined. What should the project manager do to ensure resources?
A:要求职能经理为项目提供可用资源 Ask the functional manager to provide available resources for the project
B:与职能经理协商项目的资源和角色 Negotiate project resources and roles with functional managers
C:联系资源,沟通任务,并与职能经理确认 Contact resources, communicate tasks, and confirm with functional manager
D:将资源需求发送给发起人以与职能经理协商 Send resource requirements to the sponsor to negotiate with the functional manager
20、 [单选] 项目经理把发起人的指示函件通过电子邮件转发给了异地的团队成员,该团队成员收到该邮件后及时发送了邮件回执,并开始采取行动。然而项目经理到项目上去检查时,对项目团队成员的工作非常不满意,坚持说他曲解了邮件的内容。这可能是沟通中哪个环节出了问题?
The project manager has forwarded the instructions issued from the sponsor to a team member in other place by email. Upon the receipt of the email, the team member sends the receipt and takes action. But when the project manager inspects the project site, he is very dissatisfied with the work and insists that such member has misunderstood the email. Which part of the communication may cause this problem?
A:项目经理编码错误 Project manager makes a coding error
B:不应该采取电子邮件来传递信息 He shouldn’t have transmitted the information by email
C:缺乏信息反馈 Lack of information feedback
D:没有及时告知收到信息 Failure of promptly notifying that such information has been already received
21、 [单选] 项目团队正在与客户就某个软件实施项目密切合作,客户指定一个单一联系点以促进项目活动。需要该联系人来确保构建产品,以便相关用户可以启动测试阶段,由于工作量大, 该联系人无法执行其分配的活动导致项目严重延迟。若要确保及时交付项目,项目经理首先应该做什么?
The project team is working closely with the client on a software implementation project. The client specifies a single point of contact to facilitate project activities. This contact person is needed to ensure that the product is built so that the relevant user can start the testing phase, and due to the heavy workload, the contact person cannot perform his assigned activities causing a serious delay in the project. To ensure timely project delivery, what should the project manager do first?
A:要求客户提供额外的联系点 Ask customers to provide additional points of contact
B:执行风险再评估以确保识别风险 Perform a risk reassessment to ensure that risks are identified
C:将该问题添加到问题日志中并查找备选方案 Add the issue to the issue log and find alternatives
D:在未审产品的情况下启动测试 Initiate testing if the product is being reviewed
22、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目的规划阶段,公司被承诺如果比约定交付时间提前两个月交付产品,公司将获得一份奖励,产品开发的项目经理让编程人员在需求和设计完成之前开始代码编写。这种情况下,项目经理在应用哪项进度技术?
During the planning phase of a software development project, the company is offered an incentive to deliver the product two months earlier than the agreed upon delivery date. The project manager for the product development asks the programmer to start coding before the requirements and design are completed. Which scheduling technique is the project manager applying in this situation?
A:赶工 Crashing
B:快速执行 Fast implementation
C:快速跟进 Fast tracking
D:分阶段执行 Phased implementation
23、 [单选] 为了满足正在制定的政府税收新法规,一家组织启动了一个项目,来修改其企业资源规划(ERP)系统。在管理这个项目时,项目经理应该做什么?
To meet new government tax regulations under development, an organization initiates a project to revise its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. What should the project manager do when managing this project?
A:将其搁置,直到新法规得到明确规定 Place it on hold until the new regulations have been clearly define
B:创建一份工料合同(T&M) Create a time and material(T&M)contract
C:使用总价加经济价格调整合同(FPEPA) Use a fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA)
D:制定一份灵活的工作说明书(SOW),规定明确退出条款 Develop a flexible statement of work(SOW)that has a clear exit clause
24、 [单选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
One project needs to manufacture and install an equipment. This equipment has been manufactured in a foreign factory. According to the established plan, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site within two weeks and will be installed there. According to what happened lately, the project manager considers that the equipment may not arrive at the site on schedule. What should he do right now?
A:立即将这个问题和推迟情况通知客户 To inform the client of this issue and delay immediately
B:确定这一事件对项目成本和进度的影响 To ascertain the impact of this event on project cost and progress
C:使用风险储备从当地购买设备,以便按时开始安装 To use risk reserves to purchase the equipment from local manufacturer, in order to start installation on schedule
D:召开团队会议,制订变通方案 To hold a team meeting and to work out a workaround plan
25、 [单选] 你被分配到一个软件开发项目。产品需求在一开始就没有明确定义。因此,决定使用敏捷框架来开发产品。项目的其他方面将使用传统的瀑布式项目管理方法进行管理。以下哪一项可能会花费较少的时间来开发和/或实现该项目?
You are assigned to a software development project. The product requirements are not clearly defined upfront. Therefore, it has been decided to develop the product using an agile framework. Other aspects of the project will be managed using the traditional waterfall project management approach. Which of the following might you spend less time developing and/or implementing for this project?
A:项目章程 The project charter
B:问题日志 The issue log
C:变更管理计划 The change management plan
D:确认范围过程 The Validate Scope process
26、 [单选] 你正在创建在你的公司部署一个新的ERP软件的时间表。该公司目前正在进行敏捷转型,因此决定迭代开发新的ERP。ERP的第一个版本应该在四个月内推出,你知道另一个全公司范围操作系统升级的项目计划在三个月内推出。随着升级项目影响你的进度,你应该评估以下哪一项以确定在推出前的迭代次数?
You are creating the schedule to deploy a new ERP software in your company. The company is currently undergoing an agile transformation, so it was decided to develop the new ERP iteratively. The first release of the ERP should be rolled out in four months, and you know that another project, a company-wide operating system upgrade, is scheduled in three months. With the upgrade project affecting your schedule, an impact on which of the following should you assess to determine the number of iterations until roll out?
A:发布规划 Release planning
B:产品路线图 Product road map
C:迭代待办事项列表 Iteration backlogs
D:项目章程 Project charter
27、 [单选] 项目经理与关键干系人进行了成本效益分析研讨会,以确定项目边界并证明其合理性。在审核结果后,项目经理发现预期收益的值不一致。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager held a cost-benefit analysis workshop with key stakeholders to establish and justify project boundaries. After reviewing the results, the project manager found inconsistent values with expected benefits. What should the project manager do?
A:接洽干系人,以确认所提供的价值与项目范围一致 Engage with stakeholders to confirm that provided values align with the project’s scope
B:根据干系人提供的值修改项目范围,并更新项目章程 Revise the project’s scope based on stakeholder-provided values, and update the project charter
C:计算不一致值的平均值,并更新分析以符合预期收益 Compute the average of the inconsistent values,and update the analysis to align with expected benefits
D:将该不一致性记录为一项风险,并假设风险与风险管理计划中列出的预期收益一致 Log the inconsistencies as a risk,and assume that the risk aligns with the expected benefits outlined in the risk management plan
28、 [单选] 随着项目的进展,偏差分析表明与绩效测量基准相比,实际的项目绩效会恶化。因此,对成本、进度和范围的估算不再有效。团队确定大量的新功能、变更请求和缺陷修复是差异背后的主要原因。项目经理要确保在实际进展的基础上对项目的剩余工作进行进一步的估算,最好的行动方案是什么?
As the project progresses, the variance analysis shows that actual project performance compared to the performance measurement baseline deteriorates. As a result, estimates for cost, schedule, and scope are no longer valid. The team determines that a high volume of new features, change requests, and defect repairs are the main reason behind the variance. What is the project manager’s best course of action to ensure that further estimates for the remainder of the work on the project are made based on real progress?
A:将产品开发方法转换为通过短迭代来适应和度量进度 Switch the product development approach to adaptive and measure progress via short iterations
B:限制项目中允许的新功能、变更请求和缺陷修复的数量 Limit the number of new features, change requests, and defect repairs allowed on the project
C:请使用自下而上估算成本和进度计划估算技术以及三点估算范围 Use a bottom-up estimating technique for cost and schedule, and three-point estimating for scope
D:基于单个的基准而不是单一的综合基准来衡量进度 Measure progress based on the individual baselines instead of the single integrated baseline
29、 [单选] 产品待办事项列表包含用户故事,这些故事通常基于最高价值进行优先级排序。谁负责在产品待办事项列表中定义和确定用户故事的优先级?
A product backlog contains the user stories, and these are typically prioritized based on the highest value. Who is responsible for defining and prioritizing user stories in a product backlog?
A:项目经理 Project Manager
B:产品负责人 Product Owner
C:Scrum主管 Scrum master
D:发起人 Sponsor
30、 [单选] 一个大型房地产开发项目的项目经理意外离职,任命了新项目经理,进度计划仅受到了一个月的影响。这使用的是什么风险应对策略?
The project manager of a large real estate development project unexpectedly leaves the Company and a new project manager has been appointed. The schedule is only affected by one month. What risk response strategy is used here?
A:转移 Transfer
B:减轻 Mitigation
C:回避 Avoidance
D:接受 Acceptance
31、 [单选] 作为一位Scrum主管,当两个开发人员开始就应该分配给特定用户故事的点数而争吵不休时,你正在领导一个用户故事的相对规模评估练习。在争执变成现实之前,你把两个开发人员分开。考虑到这不是第一次发生这样的事件,你应该做些什么来尝试解决冲突?
As a scrum master, you are leading a user story relative sizing exercise, when two developers begin screaming at each other over the number of points that should be assigned to a particular user story. You separate the two developers before the argument becomes physical. Considering this is not the first such incident, what should you do to try and resolve the conflict?
A:取消会议,然后与开发人员会面 Dismiss the meeting and meet with the developers afterward
B:平均两个团队成员提供的故事点估算值 Average the story point estimates provided by the two team members
C:允许开发人员自行解决问题 Allow the developers to work out the issue on their own
D:使用理想时间估算方法而不是故事点 Use the ideal time estimation method instead of story points
32、 [单选] 一家组织正在几个不同的国家/地区执行一个大型业务转型项目。干系人包括来自不同文化背景和年龄组的经理,项目信息主要通过电子邮件和社交媒体沟通。一个干系人抱怨说他们没有充分获得项目进展情况的通知。项目经理应该做什么?
An organization is implementing a large business transformation project in several different countries. The parties include managers from different cultural backgrounds and age groups, and project information is mainly communicated via email and social media. One party complained that they did not get full notification of project progress. What should the project manager do?
A:在所有项目会议中包含干系人 Include interested parties in all project meetings
B:要求干系人定期查收电子邮件 Relevant parties are required to check emails regularly
C:建立深层次的信任关系 Build deep trust relationships
D:遵循多方面的沟通方法 Follow a variety of communication methods
33、 [单选] 某项目主要依靠外部组织的力量来完成,其中一个合同的期限预计为3年,价格可能高达500万美元。买方想要采用总价合同,但又担心潜在卖方在报价中计入过高的通货膨胀应急储备。买方应该选择什么合同?
A project is completed by relying on the strength of external organization. The term of a contract is expected to be 3 years, and the price might be up to $5 million. The buyer intends to use lump-sum contract, but has a concern that the potential seller records excessive inflation emergency reserves in the offer. What kind of contract should the buyer choose?
A:固定总价合同 Firm Fixed Price (FFP)
B:总价加激励费用合同 Fixed Price Incentive Fee (FPIF)
C:总价加奖励费用合同 Fixed Price Reward Fee
D:总价加经济价格调整合同 Fixed Price plus Economic Price Adjustment (FPEPA)
34、 [单选] 由于生产线存在错误和缺陷,制造商正面临大量产品退货,产品经理怀疑根本原因可能是培训和/或库存采购和货物分类流程较差,若要确定生产问题的准确的、根本原因,应使用下列哪一项工具?
A manufacturer is experiencing a large number of returned items due to production line errors and defects. The product manager suspects that the root causes may be training and/or poor inventory purchasing and sorting processes. Which to should be utilized to determine the precise root causes of the production problems?
A:帕累托图 Pareto chart
B:直方图 Histogram
C:质量控制图 Quality control chart
D:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
35、 [单选] 项目经理与多位高管干系人一起参与一个生命周期替换项目,其中一位干系人强烈反对该项目。若要获得该干系人的支持,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager joins a life cycle replacement project with multiple executive stakeholders, one stakeholders is strongly against the project. What should the project manager do to gain the stakeholders’ support ?
A:制定权力/影响力方格,以确定该干系人影响项目的能力并确认其支持 Develop A power/influence grid to determine the stakeholders’ ability to influence the project and confirm its support
B:创建干系人参与计划,以确定该干系人的项目支持水平 Create a stakeholder engagement plan to determine the stakeholder’s level of project support
C:将该问题升级上报给项目推动者,并请求替换一个支持该项目的干系人 Escalate the issue to a project champion and request an alternate stakeholder that will support the project
D:执行干系人分析,以确定缺乏项目支持的原因并对这些原因进行优先级排序 Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize reasons for the lack of project support
36、 [单选] 一个组织正在从预测性项目管理过渡到敏捷。作为项目经理,你即将开展的项目需要提交合规报告,由于监管的原因,这些报告需要提交给内部审计师。如何在这种混合环境中满足法规遵循报告的需要?
An organization is transitioning from predictive project management to agile. As a project manager, your upcoming project will require compliance reporting that will need to be submitted to internal auditors due to regulatory oversight. How might you address the need for compliance reporting in this hybrid environment?
A:与审计师合作来简化过程 Work with the auditors to streamline the process
B:任命一位团队成员完成合规性报告 Task one of the team members to complete the compliance reporting
C:将合规报告的责任转移给法律部门 Transfer the responsibility of compliance reporting to the legal department
D:避免敏捷,因为它不适合在监管环境中运行的项目 Avoid agile as it not suitable for projects that operate in a regulatory environment
37、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理意识到对项目成功至关重要的几个关键干系人不包含在干系人参与计划中。项目经理应该如何让这些干系人参与并管理这些干系人?
During project execution,a project manager realizes that several key stakeholders critical to project success are not included in the stakeholder engagement plan. What should the project manager do to engage and manage these stakeholders?
A:了解新识别干系人的影响力和职权级别,并准备一份状态报告以向他们提供更新信息 Gain an understanding of the newly identified stakeholders’ level of influence and authority
B:向新识别的干系人通知他们的项目职责 Inform the newly identified stakeholders of their project responsibilities
C:与所有干系人开会,介绍新识别的干系人 Meet with all stakeholders to include the realizes the newly identify stakeholders
D:将新识别的干系人添加至执行、负责、咨询和知情图,并向他们发送信息 Add the newly identified stakeholders to the responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) chart, and send them the information
38、 [单选] 在启动为一家大公司创建服务的过渡项目时,项目经理发现存在多个具有相互竞争需求的业务领域。若要获得干系人的共识,项目经理应该做什么?
While inviting a transition project to create service for a large company,a project manager discovers that there are multiple business areas with competing requirements. What should the project manager do to obtain consensus among stakeholders?
A:与干系人开会,以获得必要的信息 Meet with stakeholders to obtain the necessary information
B:进行业务领域评估,以了解独特需求 Conduct business area evaluation to understand unique needs
C:确保项目发起人承诺负责项目章程 Ensure that the project sponsor commits to the project charter.
D:协商每个业务领域最有资质的资源 Negotiation for the most-qualified resources to obtain the necessary information
39、 [单选] 在最后一次迭代结束的前几天,团队通知项目经理,他们将无法完成两个工作包A和B,因为WBS不够完善。团队认为他们可能能够按时完成包A,但需要额外一周的时间来完成包B,后者的优先级更高。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
A few days before the end of the last iteration, the team informs the project manager that they will be unable to finish two work packages, A and B, because the WBS is insufficiently refined. The team thinks they might be able to complete package A on time but will need an additional week to complete package B which has a higher priority. What is the best course of action for the project manager?
A:扩展迭代长度以完成包A和B Extend the iteration length in order to finish both packages A and B
B:指示团队完成包B,因为它具有更高优先级 Instruct the team to complete package B since it has a higher priority
C:指示团队完成包A,因为它可以及时完成 Instruct the team to complete package A since it can be done on time
D:咨询产品负责人并做出相应的决定 Consult with the product owner and make a decision accordingly
40、 [单选] 你刚被指派负责某项目,该项目正处于项目计划阶段,风险管理团队负责人向你报告已完成风险识别工作,该负责人对项目存在很多风险表示很担心,为了有效地管理项目风险,项目经理下一步的工作将如何开展?
Recently, you have been assigned to take charge of a project. This project is in the planning phase. The leader of the risk management team reports to you that he has completed risk identification. This leader is very concerned that the project may have a lot of risks. In order to manage the project risks effectively, what should the project manager do next?
A:通过风险分析确定哪些风险最值得管理 To identify which risks are the most worthy of managing by performing risk analysis
B:为已识别的风险编制有效的应对计划 To prepare an effective response plan for identified risks
C:开展风险分析工作,进一步了解风险 To perform risk analysis, in order to further understand such risks
D:为各项风险指定责任人 To appoint the responsible persons for individual risks
41、 [单选] 在项目会议期间,一个团队发现三个月前关闭的问题仍然处于活跃状态,并对项目的预算产生负面影响。若要防止这种情况再次发生,项目经理可以做什么?
During a project meeting, a team discovers that an issue closed three months ago is still active and negatively impacting the project’s budget. What should the project manager do to avoid this from reoccurring?
A:要求团队监督潜在问题 Ask the team to monitor potential issues.
B:将该问题作为一项风险记录在风险登记册中 Document the issue as a risk in the risk register
C:更新问题日志,并监督纠正措施 Update the issue log,and monitor corrective actions
D:将会议纪要就近保存,以跟踪所有问题 Keep meeting minutes nearby to track all issues
42、 [单选] 在管理项目时,你发现团队中的一些成员相处得不好。你还认识到三个团队成员不确定如何完成他们的可交付成果。你所有的团队成员都在同一栋楼里一起工作。你还可以在一个单独的会议室里与所有团队成员定期举行每周会议。在这种情况下,哪种方法没有帮助?
While managing a project, you discovered that a few of your team members are not getting along. You also realized that three team members are not sure how to complete their deliverables. All of your team members are working together in the same building. You also have regular weekly meeting with all the team members in a single meeting room. Which technique will NOT be helpful in this situation?
A:作战室 War room
B:训练 Training
C:奖励和表扬 Reward and recognition
D:谈判 Negotiation
43、 [单选] 由于内部需求,项目主题专家(SME)的职能经理要求项目发起人更新负责该地区的项目主题专家(SME),该SME对该项目十分关键,他的决定将对项目的进度计划产生严重风险。项目经理应该做什么?
Due to internal needs, the functional manager of the project subject matter expert (SME) asked the project sponsor to update the project subject matter expert (SME) in charge of the area. This SME is critical to the project, and his decision will pose a serious risk to the project schedule.What should the project manager do?
A:请求与项目发起人及职能经理开会 Request a meeting with the project sponsor and functional manager
B:释放该SME并更新项目进度计划 Release the SME and update the project schedule
C:与该SME交谈,请求其留在项目中 Talk to the SME and ask it to stay in the project
D:向项目发起人请求提供额外资金以聘请一位新SME Ask the project sponsor for additional funding to hire a new SME
44、 [单选] 项目集经理要求定期更新计划下项目的进展情况。除了一个项目外,所有项目都使用传统方法进行管理。项目集经理指出在整个规划中有太多的范围变更,并希望看到这些变更是如何影响各种项目的总体进度的。对于领导敏捷项目的Scrum主管来说,要满足项目经理的要求,最好的行动方案是什么?
A program manager requests regular updates on the progress of the projects under the program. All but one project in the program are managed using traditional methods. The program manager indicates that there are too many scope changes across the program and wants to see how these changes affect the overall progress of the various projects. What is the best course of action for the scrum master leading the agile project to address the program manager’s request?
A:邀请项目集经理参加迭代审查会议 Invite the program manager to attend the iteration review meeting
B:建议项目集经理参加每日站会 Suggest that the program manager participate in the daily standups
C:让项目集经理审查迭代燃尽图 Have the program manager view the iteration burndown chart
D:定期将发布燃起图发送给项目集经理 Periodically send the release burnup chart to the program manager
45、 [单选] 项目交付日期前两天,项目发起人希望核实是否所有可交付成果均满足业务目标以及在项目生命周期过程中是否已应用所有变更。项目经理从开始就知道文档齐全。项目经理应该向项目发起人提供什么文件?
Two days before a project’s delivery date. The project sponsor wants to verify that all deliverable meet the business objectives, and that all the changes were applied throughout the project life cycle. The project manager knows that the project has been well documented from the beginning. What should the project manager provide to sponsor?
A:项目管理计划的所有版本 All versions of the project management plan
B:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirement traceability matrix
C:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
D:项目章程副本 copy of the project charter
46、 [单选] 在一个项目的早期阶段,项目经理与许多干系人开会,就项目的目标、关键可交付成果和预算达成共识。项目经理现在可以完成哪份文件?
In the early stages of a project, the project manager meets with many interested parties to reach consensus on the project’s goals, key deliverable, and budget. Which document can the project manager complete now?
A:项目管理计划 Project management plan
B:商业论证 Business case
C:项目章程 Project charter
D:可行性计划 Feasibility plan
47、 [单选] 产品负责人与敏捷团队负责人接触时,会担心团队在最后几次冲刺中进展缓慢。产品负责人怀疑,从最近的站会上团队成员疲惫的外表和无精打采的状态来看,他们可能是筋疲力尽了。在这种情况下,团队领导采取的最佳行动方案是什么?
A product owner approaches the agile team lead with concerns of slow team’s progress during the last few sprints. The product owner suspects that judging by the tired looks and low energy in recent stand-up meetings, the team members are burnt out. What is the best course of action for the team lead to take in this situation?
A:要求产品负责人解决问题 Ask the product owner to resolve the issue
B:把这个问题提出来与团队讨论 Bring the issue up with the team to discuss
C:带领团队度过愉快的一天,让他们充电 Take the team on a fun day to help recharge
D:与HR经理讨论问题 Brainstorm the issue with the HR manager
48、 [单选] 你的项目团队成员总是抱怨没有项目团队的整体感,因为他们分别在不同地方工作。为了改善这种情况,你设计了一个项目口号并将其印在T恤衫上来提高大家的集体感,但这一做法没有起到多大作用。你下一步要怎么做?
The team members on your project have been complaining that do not have sense of identity as a team because they are located in different areas of the building. To remedy this situation, you developed a project logo and had it printed on T-shirts to promote the project, but this action has not worked. What are you going to do next?
A:印发时事通信 Initiate a newsletter
B:创造一种关于这个项目的神秘感 Create an air of mystery about the project
C:建立一个“作战室” Establish a war room
D:发布一个关于团队成员应如何同主要干系人相互合作的指导方针 Issue guidelines on how team members should interact with other stakeholders
49、 [单选] 一项目经理和公司中设计铁路设备的团队要设计一台能将石头装载到火车上的机器。该项目允许损耗2%,每天允许损耗2吨以上的石块。在下列哪项中项目经理记录该项目的质量控制、质量保证和质量改进?
A project manager and team from a firm that designs railroad equipment are tasked to design a machine to load stone onto railroad cars. The design allows for 2 percent spillage, mounting to over two tons of spilled rock per day. In which of the following does the project manager document quality control, quality assurance and quality improvements for this project?
A:质量管理计划 Quality management plan
B:质量政策 Quality policy
C:控制图 Control charts
D:项目管理计划 Project management plan
50、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理了解到一些干系人认为已批准的变更是不必要的,所以他们对接受这些变更犹豫不决,这些变更对项目的成本和进度基准影响很小。项目经理应该做什么?
During a project’s execution phase, the project manager learns that some stakeholders are hesitant to accept approved changes because they believe the changes are unnecessary. These changes have minimal effect on the project’s cost and schedule baselines. What should the project manager do?
A:将该问题升级上报给高级管理层 Execute the issue to senior management
B:要求变更控制委员会(CCB)重新审查批准的变更 Ask the change control board (CCB) to re-review the approved changes
C:与这些干系人开会,打消他们的顾虑 Meet with these stakeholders do address their concerns
D:执行这些变更,因为它们的影响微不足道 Execute the changes since their impact is insignificant
51、 [单选] 在冲刺计划会议上,Scrum主管重申,如果在冲刺结束时敏捷项目团队正在构建的产品增量没有达到冲刺开始时指定的标准,那么这项工作将不会包含在当前冲刺的速度中。Scrum主管指的是什么?
At the sprint planning meeting, the scrum master reiterates that if by the end of the sprint the product increment that the agile project team is building does not meet the criteria specified at the beginning of the sprint, this work will not be included in the velocity for the current sprint. What does the scrum master refer to?
A:完工尚需估算 Estimate to complete
B:完成的定义 Definition of done
C:项目退出标准 Project exit criteria
D:质量测量指标 Quality metrics
52、 [单选] 发起人担心敏捷项目进展不够快,因为没有发送项目状态报告。发起人向Scrum主管表达他们的担忧。Scrum主管向发起人保证项目正在按计划进行,并邀请发起人参加会议,亲眼看看项目进展。下面哪个会议Scrum主管最有可能邀请发起人?
A sponsor is worried that the agile project does not progress fast enough since no project status reports are being sent. The sponsor approaches the scrum master with their concerns. The scrum master reassures the sponsor that the project is moving ahead as planned and invites the sponsor to attend a meeting and see the progress with their own eyes. Which of the following meetings did the scrum master most likely invite the sponsor?
A:冲刺计划会议 Sprint planning meeting
B:每日站会 Daily standup meeting
C:冲刺审查会议 Sprint review meeting
D:冲刺回顾会议 Sprint retrospective meeting
53、 [单选] 一个关键项目落后于进度,并超出预算。项目管理办公室(PMO)的详细分析表明并非所有关键人员都被识别,并且没有积极的过程来接洽和管理这些人员。项目经理应该采取什么纠正措施?
A critical project is behind schedule and over budget. Detailed analysis by the project management office (PMO) revealed that not all key people were identified, and no active process for engaging and managing them. What corrective action should the project manager take?
A:改进干系人参与计划。 Improve the stakeholder management plan.
B:查看权力/利益方格。 Review the power/interest grid.
C:控制干系人参与程度。 Control stakeholder engagement.
D:更新沟通管理计划。 Update the communications management plan.
54、 [单选] 在项目过程中,项目经理得知一位关键干系人被替换了。虽然新的干系人表达了对项目范围的理解,但他们仍想坚持几项新的需求,而这将影响项目的成本和进度计划。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During the project, the project manager learned that a key stakeholder was replaced. Although the new stakeholders expressed their understanding of the scope of the project, they still wanted to adhere to several new requirements, which would affect the project’s cost and schedule.What should the project manager do next?
A:请求干系人经理支持保持当前的需求 Ask the relevant party manager for support to maintain current needs
B:通知项目发起人将发生的延迟情况以及将增加的费用 Notify the project sponsor of the delays that will occur and the costs that will increase
C:要求之前的干系人与新的干系人讨论此事 Ask previous parties to discuss the matter with new parties
D:与新的干系人一起评估项目延迟和成本影响的细节 Evaluate details of project delays and cost impacts with new stakeholders
55、 [单选] 项目经理完成了一个新产品开发项目的规划过程。在继续进入执行过程组之前需要完成的最后一个重要里程碑是什么?
The project manager completes the planning process for a new product development project.What is the last important milestone that needs to be completed before proceeding with the execution process?
A:最终确定项目章程 To finalize the Project Charter
B:接收执行项目的项目资金 To receive project funds for the project implementation
C:获得发起人和干系人的批准 To seek approval from the sponsor and stakeholders
D:执行干系人管理策略 To execute stakeholders’ management strategies
56、 [单选] 发起人启动了一个实施正常变更的项目,已识别了项目干系人,并且发起人要求项目经理根据他们的影响力和权力提供相关的参与的政策。项目经理应该做什么?
The sponsor initiated a project that implements normal changes, identified project stakeholders, and the sponsor asked the project manager to provide a relevant participation policy based on their influence and power. What should the project manager do?
A:访谈干系人 Interview with interested parties
B:使用干系人映射(影响)分析 Use Stakeholder Mapping (Impact) Analysis
C:参考干系人登记册 Reference to Register of Interested Parties
D:使用数据分析技术 Using data analysis techniques
57、 [单选] 项目经理为她的跨职能团队提供全面的指导、培训和支持,但委托团队管理和跟踪他们自己的工作分配,并作为一个团队做出决策。项目经理会参加有规律的团队会议,以监督团队的进展并提供支持,但通常不会参与有关工作量或团队决策制定的讨论。项目经理用什么来管理团队?
A project manager provides overall direction, training, and support to her cross-functional team, but entrusts the team to manage and track their own work assignments and make decisions as a group. The project manager participates in regular team meetings to monitor the team’s progress and provide support, but generally stays out of discussions about workload or team decision making. What is the project manager employing to manage the team?
A:情商 Emotional intelligence
B:自组织团队 Self-organizing teams
C:团队建设 Team building
D:动机 Motivation
58、 [单选] 审查问题日志的团队意识到一项关键可交付成果可能会延期,这将影响项目进度计划几个月时间。该项目在公司的投资组合中具有更高的优先级。项目经理应该做什么?
A team reviewing the issue log realizes that a key deliverable may delayed,which will impact the project schedule by a few months. This project has high priority within the company’s portfolio. What should the project manager do?
A:在问题日志中描述其影响 Describe the impact in the issue log
B:更新项目的进度基准 Update the project’s schedule baseline
C:请求项目发起人的支持 Ask the project sponsor for support
D:在风险登记册中添加一个新的高概率风险 Add a new, high-probability risk to register
59、 [单选] 一家公司正在为外部客户运行一个敏捷项目。团队在冲刺审查会议上演示了网络用户界面的新功能后,一个干系人找到产品负责人,并建议对其中一个屏幕进行改进。干系人坚持认为,这种改进将使用户更容易在界面中导航。产品负责人的最佳行动方案是什么?
A company is running an agile project for an external customer. After the sprint review meeting where the team demonstrated the new capabilities of the web user interface, a stakeholder approaches the product owner and suggests an improvement to one of the screens. The stakeholder insists this improvement would make it easier for the user to navigate the interface. What is the product owner’s best course of action?
A:在下次冲刺中实施干系人的请求,因为它将增强客户体验 Implement the stakeholder’s request in the next sprint because it will enhance customer experience
B:与客户讨论干系人的要求,并决定是否以及何时实施 Discuss the stakeholder’s request with the customer and decide if and when it should be implemented
C:为干系人的请求创建用户故事,并放在产品待办事项列表的底部 Create a user story for the stakeholder’s request and place it at the very bottom of the product backlog
D:在每日站会上讨论干系人的要求,并让团队决定如何继续 Discuss the stakeholder’s request at the daily standup meeting and let the team decide on how to proceed
60、 [单选] 项目的混凝土供应商通知项目经理,材料将比预定时间晚三个星期交付。项目经理更新了进度计划并通知项目团队。在这种情况下,哪种合同类型承担的风险最小?
A project’s concrete supplier informs the project manager that the material will be delivered three weeks later than scheduled. The project manager update the schedule and notifies the project team. In this situation, what contract type carries the least amount of project risk?
A:总价加激励费用合同(FPIF) Fixed price incentive fee(FPIF)
B:总价加经济价格调整合同(FPEPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA)
C:工料合同(T&M) Time and material(T&M)
D:固定总价合同(FFP) Fixed total price contract(FFP)
61、 [单选] 为解决具有挑战性的客户请求,启动了一个项目。该项目必须在短时间内交付。项目经理应该怎么做来尽可能提高项目的成功率?
In order to solve a challenging customer request, a project has started .The project must be delivered in a short time. What should the project manager do to maximize the success rate of the project?
A:安排采购会议,加快采购 To arrange a procurement meeting to speed up the process of procurement
B:将问题上报给项目发起人 To report the issue to the project sponsor
C:开始执行项目活动 To start executing the project activities
D:与团队一起制定详细计划 To work with the team to develop a detailed plan
62、 [单选] 一家公司考虑进行开发新移动应用的一个项目。因为目前还不清楚目标用户将如何使用该应用,公司决定开发一个早期版本只有必备功能的增量。若用户反馈积极,则使用预测性项目管理方法推进全面开发。手机应用的提前发布代表了什么?
A company considers a project to develop a new mobile app. Since it’s unclear how will target users adopt the app, the company decides to develop an early release incrementally with only the must-have features, and then, if the feedback from the users is positive, move forward with full-blown development using a predictive project management approach. What does the early release of the mobile app represent?
A:敏捷发布规划 Agile release planning
B:最小可行产品 Minimum viable product
C:功能完整的原型 Fully functioning prototype
D:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure
63、 [单选] 在新项目启动会议期间,因为项目需要采购新设备,生产经理拒绝接受批准的章程。项目经理通知项目发起人,由于生产经理缺席,章程未能包括设备采购。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the start of the new project, the production manager refuses to accept the approved Charter because the project would require the procurement of new equipment. The project manager informs the project sponsor that the Charter fails to include equipment procurement due to the absence of the production manager. What should the project manager do next?
A:与客户一起审查生产经理关切的问题 To review the concerns of the production manager with customer
B:记录生产经理关切的问题,并在项目启动大会之后获得他们的支持 To record the concerns of the production manager and get their support after the project kick-off meeting
C:开展另一项成本效益分析,包括生产经理的反馈 To conduct another cost-benefit analysis, including feedback from the production managers
D:向生产经理解释设备成本不会影响项目业务价值 Explain to the production manager that equipment costs will not affect the business value of the project
64、 [单选] 一个项目需要在技术部门之间进行详细信息交流,项目团队位于不同位置。一些团队成员对提议的沟通系统没有经验。项目经理应该使用什么来解决这个问题?
A project requiring detailed information exchanges among technical departments has teams situated in different locations. Some team members are inexperienced with the proposed communication system. What should the project manager use to address this?
A:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan
B:沟通技能 Communication skills
C:项目沟通渠道 Project communication channels
D:沟通技术 Communication technology
65、 [单选] 在迭代计划过程中,敏捷教练希望确保她的开发团队有一种简单的方法来组织他们的工作,以及在迭代中剩余工作的可视化表示。敏捷教练最好使用以下哪一种工具来实现她的目标?
During iteration planning, an agile coach wants to ensure that her development team has an easy way of organizing their work as well as a visual representation at a glance of the work remaining to be completed in an iteration. Which of the following tools is best for the agile coach to use to accomplish his goals?
A:燃尽图 A burndown chart
B:任务板 A task board
C:燃起图 A burnup chart
D:一览表 A glance chart
66、 [单选] 项目经理正在收集正式的项目需求。在进行干系人访谈后,项目经理意识到有些目标与项目章程中的目标不一致。根据在启动阶段获得的信息,必须高度关注该项目,以保持符合预算限制。若要管理需求并满足干系人的期望,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is gathering formal project requirements. After conducting stakeholder interviews, the project manager realizes that some objective are inconsistent with those in the project charter. Based on information learned during the initiation phase, this project must be highly focused to stay within budget limits. To manage requirements and meet stakeholder expectations, what should the project manager do?
A:将干系人的期望与项目章程中的目标调整一致 Realign the stakeholder’s expectations with the objectives in the project charter.
B:扩展项目章程以包含新识别到的目标 Expand the project charter to include the newly identified objectives.
C:删除项目章程中与干系人目标不一致的目标 Remove objectives in the project charter that are not aligned with the stakeholders’ objectives.
D:忽视可能超出项目章程中详述的范围的干系人目标 Disregard stakeholders’objectives that may be outside the scope detailed in the project charter.
67、 [单选] 你所负责的项目正在执行过程中,一个团队成员找到你,询问关于他的职责和工作,因为他不知道如何去完成工作。项目经理应该给他看什么?
The project you are in charge is in execution. A team member finds you and asks about his duties and functions because he has no idea how to get the work done. What should the project manager show to him?
A:责任分配矩阵 Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)
B:人员配备管理计划 Staffing management plan
C:项目管理计划 Project Management Plan
D:项目组织机构图 Project organization chart
68、 [单选] 在一个为期12个月的项目中,供应商通知项目经理所需的项目设备将被延迟,经过进一步调查后,项目经理得知该供应商在业绩表现方面口碑不佳。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
One month into a 12-month project, a vendor informs the project manager that required project equipment will be delayed. After further investigation,the project manager learns that this vendor has a reputation for under performing. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?
A:检查更新后的风险登记册和问题日志 Check the updated risk register and issue log
B:在供应商名单中添加备选供应商 Added a backup vendor to vendor list
C:在进度计划基准中包含应急缓冲 Include a contingency buffer in the schedule baseline
D:查看其他项目的经验教训文档 Reviewed the lessons learned documents from other projects
69、 [单选] 一名项目经理被委任到正在执行的工程项目上。刚上任不久,他发现负责与客户沟通的玛丽经常抱怨客户对报告太挑剔,经常要求她对报告返工。项目经理应该首先做什么?
A project manager is appointed to a project under construction. Shortly after assuming this position, he finds that Mary, a member who is responsible for communicating with clients, often complains that a client is too picky about the report and often asks her to revise. What should the project manager do in the first place?
A:对玛丽进行报告编写技能的培训 To provide a training of report writing for Mary
B:向客户了解不满和要求 To know the dissatisfaction and requirements from the customer
C:告诉客户不要太挑剔 To tell the customer not to be too picky
D:让更能干的团队成员替代玛丽编写报告 To replace Mary with more capable member to write the report
70、 [单选] 在高科技产品开发中,为了保证产品成功,在产品最终定型之前,通常要进行大量的测试工作。这种做法被认为是高科技产品开发项目风险管理的有效方法,尽管增加测试会增加项目成本。这属于哪种风险应对策略?
In the development of hi-tech products, to ensure that the product is commercially successful, a number of tests is usually carried out before the final type approval. This practice is believed to be an effective instrument for the risk management of hi-tech product development project, even though more tests means higher project cost. Which kind of risk response strategy does this belong to?
A:风险接受 Risk acceptance
B:风险转移 Risk transfer
C:风险规避 Risk avoidance
D:风险缓解 Risk mitigation
71、 [单选] 一名初级项目经理被指派到一个新启动的项目,高级项目经理指示该初级项目经理去识别在项目中享有既得利益的人员。高级项目经理让初级项目经理创建的是下列哪一项?
A junior project manager is assigned to a newly initiated project, and the senior project manager instructs the junior project manager to identify the person who has a vested interest in the project. Which of the following items is created by the senior project manager for the junior project manager?
A:干系人管理计划 Related party management plan
B:项目团队清单 List of project teams
C:项目批准人清单 List of project approver
D:干系人登记册 Relevant party registers
72、 [单选] 一家公司将更换使用了10年、不再符合市场需求基于旧平台的集成系统。在项目规划期间,管理人员将一个更灵活的价格结构作为关键需求。高级管理人员还未决定如何满足这项需求,但是同意该需求的战略正确性。在项目执行期间,价格结构的变更将要求频繁的返工和重新测试。下列哪项项目计划元素能够系统的解决这些问题?
A company will be replacing its integrated systems after 10 years of service from a legacy platform that on longer meets market needs. During project planning, managers identify a more flexible pricing structure as a key requirement. Senior managers have not yet decided how to meet this requirement but agree it is strategically correct. During project execution, changes in the pricing structure will require frequent rework and retesting. Which of the following is an element of the project plan that addresses this in a systemic way?
A:项目变更需要获得高级管理人员批准的质量政策 A quality policy requiring project changes to be approved by senior managers
B:能够从新需求中识别风险的风险应对计划 A risk response plan that would identify risks from new requirements
C:实施价格结构变更的人员增加计划 A staff augmentation plan to implement pricing structure changes
D:具有详细实施需求的范围说明书 A scope statement with detailed requirements for implementation
73、 [单选] 在管理当前项目的时候,非常重要的一点是要运用从以往项目上积累的经验教训来提高项目管理的水平。因此在结束项目或阶段程序中,回顾下列哪项是比较重要的?
When managing current projects, it is important to use lessons learned from previous projects to improve the organization’s project management process. Therefore, in Close Project or Phase, it is important to review the-
A:曾发生过的中等程度的风险 Secondary risks that occurred
B:风险核对单 Checklists for risk identification
C:工作分解结构词典 WBS dictionary
D:团队成员简历 Team members’ curriculum vitae
74、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个高度敏感的政府项目,按时交付该项目至关重要。第三方供应商按时交付一个关键项目组件,但不满足规范要求。目前尚不清楚交付的组件是否会按照批准的项目设计进行。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager is leading a highly sensitive government project, and delivering the project on time is critical. A third-party vendor delivered a critical project component on time, but did not meet the specification requirements. It is unclear whether the delivered components will follow the approved project design. What should the project manager do?
A:接受该组件并按时交付该项目 Accept the component and deliver the project on time
B:要求退还该项目的款项,并告知干系人该延迟情况 Request a refund of the project and inform the parties of the delay
C:与客户协商接受不合格的组件 Negotiate with customers to accept substandard components
D:拒绝该组件并重新订购,并且重新制定项目的进度计划 Reject the component and reorder, and re-schedule the project
75、 [单选] 客户所用的软件应用程序已有10个年头,但仍需要该软件支持其业务流程,关联项目干系人认为文件已过时,并需要更换,以便满足当前的信息技术标准。一名项目经理被任命制作商业论证书。商业论证书将用来确定下列哪一项?
The customer’s ten year-old software application is still needed to support its business process. The key stakeholders decide that the software is outdated and needs to be replaced current information technology standards. A project manager is assigned to develop a business case. What will the business case be used to determine?
A:整个项目的成本The cost of the whole project
B:项目干系人的决策是否正确Whether stakeholders decision is correct or not
C:项目是否值得进行投资Whether the project is worth investing or not
D:整个项目的持续时间The duration of the entire project
76、 [单选] 在项目开始时,项目经理被要求准备一份快速、高层次成本估算。该项目经理之前从事过一个具有类似规模和复杂性的项目。项目经理应使用下列哪项工具或技术准备估算?
At the beginning of a project, a project manager is asked to prepare a quick, high-level cost estimate. The project manager previously worked on a project of similar size and complexity. What tools and techniques should the project manager use to develop the estimate?
A:三点估算和质量成本(COQ) Three-points estimating and cost of quality (COQ)
B:卖方投标分析和群体决策技术 Vendor bid analysis and group decision-making techniques
C:专家判断和类比估算 Expert judgment and analogous estimating
D:自下而上估算和储备分析 Bottom-up estimating and reserve analysis
77、 [单选] 你当前的项目刚刚完成了使用预测性项目管理方法的阶段。下一阶段的性质要求项目团队使用敏捷。你希望授权团队进行这种转换,并确保团队成员理解他们的角色和职责将如何变更。首先你应该做什么?
Your current project has just completed a phase that used a predictive project management approach. The nature of the next phase requires that the project team will utilize agile. You want to empower the team for this transition and ensure that the team members understand how their roles and responsibilities will change. What should you do first?
A:与团队合作,确定目标,以便他们可以围绕阶段的目标进行参与和共同努力 Work with the team to define the purpose so they can engage and coalesce around the goal for the phase
B:使用网络实施解决方案,为项目团队消除障碍、阻碍和破坏性 Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the project team
C:确定所有项目干系人的沟通方法、渠道、频率和详细级别 Determine communication methods, channels, frequency, and level of detail for all project stakeholders
D:根据外部业务环境的变更评估和确定对项目待办事项列表的影响的优先级 Assess and determine the priority of the impact on the project to-do list based on changes in the external business environment
78、 [单选] 一家公司正在几个国家部署一个新的解决方案。项目经理协商多个虚拟团队,但交付解决方案团队向另一位经理报告工作。在一次组织会议期间,该解决方案团队宣布,由于技术问题,预期解决方案将延迟两个月。项目经理在该会议之前没有意识到这种延迟,现在必须重新制定所有部署的进度计划。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A company is deploying a new solution in several countries. The project manager negotiates multiple virtual teams, but the delivery solution team reports work to another manager. During an organizational meeting, the solution team announced problem, the expected solution will be delayed for two months. The project manager was unaware of this delay before the meeting and must now reschedule the schedule for all deployments. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do beforehand?
A:要求直接管理所有团队,以确保监督项目的可交付成果 Requires direct management of all teams to ensure oversight of project deliverable
B:在进度计划中添加特定任务,以解决可能发生的任何未知延迟 Add specific tasks to the schedule to address any unknown delays that may occur
C:确认团队中拥有具备虚拟团队经验的高素质技术专家 Confirm that the team has high-quality technical experts with virtual team experience
D:确保与所有团队定期举行会议,以分享关键信息并预测问题 Ensure regular meetings with all teams to share key information and predict problems
79、 [单选] 你的公司被一位客户承包来进行一个软件开发项目。项目将使用敏捷方法来交付产品增量。然而,对于客户来说,该项目将是他们第一次体验敏捷。你想要确保客户端获得软件早期和持续交付的全部好处。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
Your company has been contracted by a client for a software development project. The project will use agile methods to deliver product increments. For the client, however, this project will be their first experience with agile. You want to make sure that the client gains the full benefit of early and continuous delivery of software. What is your best course of action?
A:制定变更管理计划来应对不可避免的变更 Develop a change management plan to address the inevitable changes
B:请求客户参与产品测试以加快交付速度 Request the client to take part in product testing to speed up delivery
C:在项目可交付成果的时间安排上获得与客户的一致 Gain alignment with the client on the timing of project deliverables
D:指导项目团队在单个版本中开发所有功能 Instruct the project team to develop all features in a single release
80、 [单选] 项目经理B临时替换休探亲假的项目经理A,在一次每周进度会议期间,项目经理B发现两名团队成员对可交付成果的质量存在冲突,项目经理B审查质量管理计划,发现未明确定义质量标准,难以轻松衡量质量。项目经理B应该做什么?
Project manager B temporarily replaced project manager A who was on vacation. During a weekly progress meeting, project manager B found that two team members had conflicts with the quality of deliverable. Project manager B reviewed the quality management plan and found that it was not clearly defined quality standards make it difficult to measure quality easily. What should Project Manager B do?
A:与两位团队成员交谈以尝试解决争议 Talk to two team members to try to resolve the dispute
B:等待项目经理A回来,然后再指出问题 Wait for project manager a to come back before pointing out the problem
C:保持质量标准,因为这将使可交付成果获得更多的批准 Maintain quality standards, as this will lead to more approval of deliverable
D:签发变更请求,以更新质量管理计划 Issue a change request to update the quality management plan
81、 [单选] 公司授权一个内部Scrum项目为高级管理层开发一个报告工具。由于预算有限,公司要求技术主管同时担任产品负责人。主管与管理层一起开发用户故事。在冲刺审查中,管理代表感到失望,因为工具不是他们所期望的。技术主管今后的最佳行动方案是什么?
A company authorizes an internal scrum project to develop a reporting tool for senior management. Due to a limited budget, the company requests the technical lead to also act as a product owner. The lead works with the management to develop user stories. At the sprint review, the management representative is disappointed as the tool is not what they expected. What is the technical lead’s best course of action going forward?
A:让Scrum主管替产品负责人填写 Ask the scrum master to fill in for the product owner
B:将产品负责人的职责委派给团队成员 Delegate the product owner responsibilities to the team members
C:要求公司提供专门的产品负责人 Ask the company to provide a dedicated product owner
D:继续履行技术领导和产品负责人的职责 Continue to perform the duties of both the technical lead and product owner
82、 [单选] 干系人经常打电话和发邮件给开发团队以获取项目的状态,从而对团队的进展产生负面影响。敏捷教练应该如何处理这种情况?
A stakeholder frequently calls and emails the development team to get status on the project, thus negatively affecting the team progress. How should an agile coach handle this situation?
A:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue the project sponsor
B:指导干系人进行适当的敏捷实践 Guide the stakeholder on proper agile practices
C:将干系人引荐给产品负责人 Direct the stakeholder to the product owner
D:让团队决定如何处理此问题 Let the team decide on how to handle this issue
83、 [单选] 一个开发新药的安全性和有效性可视化的项目正在进行中。Scrum被选为开发方法。在第三次冲刺的中途,项目团队成员发现所提供的数据缺少一个强制性参数。在项目计划期间,获得不完整数据的风险被提前识别并记录在风险登记册中。什么时候是使这个问题浮出水面的最合适的方法?
A project to develop visualizations of the safety and efficacy of a new drug is underway. Scrum has been selected as the development approach. Midway into the third sprint, a project team member finds that the data provided is missing a mandatory parameter. The risk of getting incomplete data was identified and recorded in the risk register earlier, during project planning. When would be the most appropriate approach to surface this problem?
A:问题应作为主题包含来在下次冲刺回顾上进行讨论 The problem should be included as a topic for discussion at the next sprint retrospective.
B:团队成员应在每日Scrum会议上将问题作为障碍提出来 The team member should raise the issue as an impediment during the daily scrum meeting.
C:在冲刺审查中应演示具有缺失参数的产品增量 The product increment with the missing parameter should be demonstrated at the sprint review.
D:已实现的风险应触发并由规划风险应对过程解决 The realized risk should trigger and be addressed by the Plan Risk Responses process.
84、 [单选] 在每日站会上,开发团队的两名成员开始争论来自WBS的一个特定的工作包是否已经满足了被认为是完整的要求。项目团队的两名成员都将被闲置,直到达成解决方案。在会议结束之前,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a daily standup meeting, two members of the development team begin arguing over whether or not a particular work package from the WBS has met requirements to be considered complete. Both project team members will be idled until a resolution can be reached. Before adjourning the meeting, what should the project manager do first?
A:审查需求文件 Review the requirements documentation
B:参阅需求跟踪矩阵 Refer to the requirements traceability matrix
C:执行确认范围过程 Perform the Validate Scope process
D:在问题日志中记录障碍 Record the impediment in the issue log
85、 [单选] 一个为期两年的项目完成了50%,进度绩效指数1.051和成本绩效指数为1.02。一个新的项目进入投资组合,被视为一个优先级并且高于当前的项目。因此,目前项目失去了三个关键资源。尽管资源紧张,但是高级主管仍然要求项目经理按时完成项目,并且按照预算且不会有额外的资源补给。项目经理应该怎样做?
A two-year project is 50% complete has a schedule performance index of 1.051 and a cost performance index of 1.02, a new project enters the portfolio and is deemed a higher priority than the current project. As a result, the current project loses three key resources. Despite tossing resources, the project manager is asked by senior management to complete the project on time and within budget without additional resources. What should do next?
A:执行资源平衡 executive resources balance
B:赶工 crashing
C:变更项目基准 change the project baseline
D:实施偏差分析 implements deviation analysis
86、 [单选] 项目经理安排一次会议,让Scrum项目团队进行反思和调整。与会者在这次会议上最可能做什么?
A project manager schedules a meeting for the scrum project team to reflect and adapt. What will the participants be most likely doing at this meeting?
A:向客户演示产品增量 Demonstrating the product increment to the customer
B:为下次冲刺选择用户故事 Selecting user stories for the next sprint
C:讨论正在进行的工作和阻碍进展的障碍 Discussing the on-going work and impediments to progress
D:寻找对团队过程的任何改进 Looking for any improvements to the team’s process
87、 [单选] 两名项目团队成员一直对产品设计意见不一致。即使经过多次尝试,项目经理仍无法解决这个问题,项目现在落后于进度计划。项目经理应该使用什么冲突解决技术来立即解决这个问题?
Two project team members continually disagree on product design. Despite several attempts, the project manager is unable to resolve the issue, and the project is now behind schedule. What conflict resolution technique should the project manager use to immediately resolve this issue?
A:缓和/包容 Smooth/accommodate
B:妥协/调解 Compromise/reconcile
C:撤退/回避 Withdraw/avoid
D:强迫/命令 Force/direct
88、 [单选] 每次你与你的项目发起人会面,她都要强调对于你的新的电子商务项目的成本控制的必要性。她经常询问你成本业绩方面的问题,诸如哪一个预算达到了哪一个没有达到。为了回答她的问题,你应该提供什么?
Each time you meet with your project sponsor, she emphasizes the need for cost control on your new-business project. She always asks you about cost performance in terms of which budgets have been met and which have been met and which have not. What should you provide to answer her question?
A:绩效测量基准 Cost Performance baseline
B:业绩衡量图表 Performance measurement graphs and charts
C:资源生产力分析 Resource productivity analyses
D:趋势分析统计 Trend analysis statistics
89、 [单选] 项目准备收尾时,团队成员识别出一个新风险,作为项目经理,应该怎么做?
At the project closing, team members identify a new risk. What should the project manager do?
A:通知项目干系人 To notify the project stakeholder
B:实施风险减轻策略 Implement risk mitigation strategies
C:实施定性风险分析 To perform qualitative risk analysis
D:制订权变计划 To draw up a contingency plan
90、 [单选] 项目经理了解到主题专家(SME)正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中?
The project manager learned that the subject matter expert (SME) was considering leaving the company, the expert resource has deep knowledge in its subject area and is difficult to replace, to ensure that the subject matter expert can remain in the project throughout the project, the project manager discusses possible measures with the manager of the subject matter, and what documents should be recorded in these measures?
A:人力资源计划 Human resources planning
B:风险登记册 Risk Register
C:风险管理计划 Risk management Plan
D:组织分解结构 Organizational Breakdown Structure
91、 [单选] 在敏捷团队完成三次迭代之后,项目经理确定团队在这三次迭代中的平均速度是30个故事点。还有292个故事点来完成项目的剩余部分。团队需要多少次额外的迭代才能完成项目?
After an agile team completes three iterations, the project manager determines that the average velocity of the team for these three iterations was 30 story points. There are 292 more story points to complete the remaining portion of the project. How many additional iterations will it take for the team to complete the project?
A:7次迭代 7 iterations
B:8次迭代 8 iterations
C:9次迭代 9 iterations
D:10次迭代 10 iterations
92、 [单选] 项目经理前往另一个国家执行最终可交付成果的上线过程,到达后,项目经理得知,由于任务计划在当地假日期间完成,关键资源将不可用,而延迟上线将使最终项目的交付处于危险之中。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该在项目开始时完成哪一项工作?
The project manager travels to another country to perform the final deliverable on-line process. Upon arrival, the project manager learns that because the task is scheduled to be completed during the local holiday period, key resources will be unavailable, and the delayed on-line will make the final project delivery at risk. To avoid this problem, which task should the project manager complete at the beginning of the project?
A:创建一份团队日历并围绕该信息创建项目进度计划 Create a team calendar and create a project schedule around that information
B:要求所有团队,无论在哪个国家,均遵循总部的日历 Require all teams, regardless of country, to follow the headquarters calendar
C:制定加班预算以补偿在假期工作的资源 Develop an overtime budget to compensate for resources that work during the holidays
D:记录风险登记册中包含各个国家日历的影响 Record the effect of the national calendar in the risk register
93、 [单选] 为了应对一些计划任务上的延误,项目经理重新安排了一些后续任务的优先级以解决这个问题。重新确定优先级并没有使项目回到正轨,现在项目经理需要将问题上报给项目干系人。为了上报问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
In response to slippage on some scheduled tasks, the project manager reprioritized a number of subsequent tasks in order to fix the problem. The reprioritization did not put the project back on track, and now the project manager needs to escalate the issue to project stakeholders. To escalate the issue, what should the project manager do first?
A:查阅沟通管理计划。 Refer to the communications management plan.
B:审查干系人参与计划。 Review the stakeholder engagement plan.
C:查阅变更管理计划。 Refer to the change management plan.
D:审查风险管理计划。 Review the risk management plan.
94、 [单选] 项目执行阶段,发现一个子团队没有为约定的项目目标工作。项目经理应该查阅哪份文件?
During the project execution phase, it is discovered that a sub-team is not working toward agreed-upon project goals. What document should the project manager consult?
A:项目管理计划 Project management plan
B:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
C:项目章程 Project charter
D:资源管理计划 Resource management plan
95、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到一个大型银行公司的敏捷软件开发项目。在项目刚刚开始的时候,项目经理已经了解了一些新的黑客战术,这些战术对项目的法规合规性构成了潜在的威胁。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project manager is assigned to an agile software development project for a large banking corporation. With the project just getting underway, the project manager has learned about new hacking tactics that present a potential threat to regulatory compliance for the project. What should the project manager do next?
A:审查项目回顾期间的风险 Review the risks during the project retrospective
B:分析不合规的后果 Analyze the consequences of non-compliance
C:提交变更请求以更新风险管理计划 Submit a change request to update the risk management plan
D:制定累积流程图 Develop a cumulative flow diagram
96、 [单选] 在一个项目中,一家公司替换了其CEO,该CEO提出了一项新的五年战略计划。目前的项目完全符合这一新战略,但项目发起人希望修改项目的范围以适应该战略。项目经理应该做什么?
In a project, a company replaced its CEO, who proposed a new five-year strategic plan. The current project is fully in line with this new strategy, but the project sponsor hopes to modify the scope of the project to suit the strategy. What should the project manager do?
A:要求项目发起人发起变更请求 Ask the project sponsor to initiate a change request
B:修订项目章程,以反映范围变更 Revise the project charter to reflect changes in scope
C:在风险登记册中包含变更的影响 Include the effects of the change in the risk register
D:更新项目管理计划,以包含该变更 Update the project management plan to include the change
97、 [单选] 传统管理的项目使用Scrum来开发项目可交付成果。敏捷发布规划要求将最近完成的MVP部署到生产中。然而,质量保证(QA)部门拒绝了MVP,声称部门的政策和程序没有处理中期可交付成果的实施。将问题记录在障碍板上后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A traditionally managed project is using Scrum to develop the project deliverables. The agile release plan calls for the recently completed MVP to be deployed into production. However, the quality assurance (QA) department rejects the MVP stating that the department’s policies and procedures do not address the implementation of interim deliverables. After recording the issue on the impediment board, what should the project manager do next?
A:提交变更请求以更新质量控制测量结果 Submit a change request to update the quality control measurements
B:请求项目发起人帮助获得必要的批准 Request the project sponsor’s help with obtaining the necessary approvals
C:尊重QA部门的意见,并按计划发布MVP Ignore the QA department’s opinion and release the MVP as scheduled
D:使项目团队在部署前交付功能完整的产品 Ask the project team to deliver a feature-complete product before deployment
98、 [单选] 你和你的项目团队与来自不同国家的干系人举行见面会。会议后的反馈表明,项目团队感到干系人很冷漠,因为他们在参与对话时总是退让。然而,一些干系人认为项目团队过于强势,不尊重他们的个人空间。有什么可以帮助你避免这些观念?
You and your project team hold a meet-and-greet with stakeholders from a different country. Feedback after the meeting indicates that your project team felt the stakeholders were distant and aloof as they kept stepping back when engaged in conversation. Whereas, some of the stakeholders thought the project team was too pushy and did not respect their personal space. What could have helped you to avoid these perceptions?
A:更好的文化意识 Better cultural awareness
B:获取资源 Improved political awareness
C:进行虚拟会议 Conducting the meeting virtually
D:应用冲突管理技能 Applying conflict management skills
99、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队正处于冲刺中,此时发起人要求项目经理停止当前冲刺中几个用户故事的工作。由于最近发布的一项新技术即将上市,发起人倾向于认为这些用户故事没有什么价值。项目经理应该做什么?
An agile team is in the middle of a sprint when the sponsor asks the project manager to stop work on several user stories in the current sprint. With a recent news announcement of new technology soon to hit the market, the sponsor is inclined to think that these user stories would be of little value. What should the project manager do?
A:从冲刺待办事项列表移除发起人指定的用户故事 Remove the user stories indicated by the sponsor from the sprint backlog
B:忽略发起人意见,并指示团队按原计划进行 Ignore the sponsor’s input and instruct the team to proceed as originally planned
C:联系产品负责人,询问用户故事是否仍具有优先级 Contact the product owner and ask if the user stories are still a priority
D:进行市场调查以确认新技术的发布 Conduct market research to confirm the announcement of the new technology
100、 [单选] 你负责管理某新产品开发项目。高级管理层已经签发项目章程,批准项目计划。项目进度和预算都十分紧张,质量要求也很高。在项目执行阶段,项目干系人一直通过项目沟通计划所规定的方法了解项目进展情况。项目的范围、进度、成本和质量都符合项目计划的要求。突然,你得知整个项目有可能被取消,因为开发的产品完全无法接受。导致这种情况的原因是什么?
You are responsible for the management of a new product development project. The senior management has issued the project charter and approved the project plan. The project schedule and budget are very tight and the quality requirements are extremely high. In the project execution phase, the project stakeholders get to know the project progress by using the method as specified in the project communication plan. The project scope, progress, cost and quality are in line with the requirements specified in the project plan. Unexpectedly, you are told that the whole project may be cancelled because the developed product is totally unacceptable. What is the possible reason?
A:没有识别出某个关键项目干系人 The stakeholder of a key project has not yet been identified
B:项目干系人误解了项目执行情况 The stakeholder misunderstands the status of project execution
C:高级管理层不再支持项目 The senior management no longer supports the project
D:项目遇到了技术上的重大难题 The project is stuck in a major technical problem
101、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理意识到项目干系人一直延迟答复敏感性电子邮件。项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project’s execution phase, the project manager realizes that a stakeholder is consistently late in responding to sensitive emails. What should the project manager do?
A:将其作为一个沟通问题记录在风险登记册中。 Log it in the risk register as a communication issue.
B:参阅监督沟通过程,获得替代沟通方式。 Refer to the Control Communications process for an alternative form of communication.
C:修订沟通管理计划中使用的沟通渠道。 Revise the communication channel being used in the communications management plan.
D:请求项目发起人解决该项目干系人的问题。 Ask the project sponsor to address the issue with the stakeholder.
102、 [单选] 在编制项目章程用于批准时,项目经理发现有两名干系人对关键可交付成果的期望有冲突。若要解决期望冲突问题并完成项目章程,项目经理应该首先做什么?
When the Project Charter is prepared for approval, the project manager finds that there are conflicts between the two stakeholders concerning the expectations of key deliverables. What should the project manager do first to resolve the expected conflicts and complete the Project Charter?
A:与关键干系人一起召开一个问题解决会 To hold a problem solving meeting with key stakeholders
B:将该问题上报给项目发起人 To report the issue to the Project Sponsor
C:使用专家判断来决定可交付成果 To use experts’ judgement to determine deliverables
D:在章程中减少可交付成果用于后期定义 To reduce deliverables in the Charter for later definition
103、 [单选] 一个项目是为了开发一个新产品,在该项目开始几周后,当地社区煽动破坏项目工作。项目经理应该做什么?
A few weeks after a project to develop a new project begins,local community advocates disrupt project work.What should the project manager do?
A:要求项目发起人与当地社区团体接洽,解释项目的收益 Ask the project sponsor to engage with local community groups to explain the project’s benefits
B:将该社区作为干系人添加进干系人参与计划中 Add the community as stakeholders in the stakeholder engagement plan
C:获取法律援助以重新获得项目控制权 Obtain legal assistance in regaining control of the project
D:告知社区必须联系他们的当地代表 Advise the community that their local representatives must be contacted
104、 [单选] 一位敏捷教练被要求为即将到来的敏捷项目团队建立团队。管理层希望利用公司现有的人才,而不要使用外部资源。敏捷教练联系人力资源部门,在公司内部网站上为未来的团队成员发布招聘广告。敏捷教练在广告中提出的以下哪项工作要求是最好的?
An agile coach has been requested to put together a team for the upcoming agile project. The management wants to use the talent available in the company without the need to go outside. The agile coach approaches the human resource department to advertise the position for the prospective team members on the company internal website. Which of the following job requirements is best for the agile coach to indicate in the ad?
A:熟悉动态系统软件开发方法(DSDM) Experienced with the dynamic systems software development methods (DSDM)
B:熟练掌握自动化测试过程和程序 Self-starter and proficient in the automated testing processes and procedures
C:对不同技能是否有专注的专长和丰富的经验 Has a focused specialty as well as a breadth of experience across multiple skills
D:具有团队合作精神,熟悉所有敏捷软件开发工具 Team player and briefly familiar with all agile software development tools
105、 [单选] 在团队会议期间,项目经理不能保持项目团队的注意力,团队成员不断查看电子邮件,并讨论不相关的话题,发生这种问题的原因是什么?
During team meetings, the project manager cannot maintain the project team’s attention. Team members constantly check emails and discuss unrelated topics. What is the cause of this issue?
A:项目经理没有准备会议议程 The project manager does not have a meeting agenda
B:项目经理没有沟通团队原则 The project manager has not communicated the ground rules
C:项目经理处于一个弱矩阵型组织 The project manager is in a weak matrix organization
D:项目经理的领导力不足 The project manager has inadequate leadership skills
106、 [单选] 物业管理团队通知他们的现有办公大楼已经达到其容量。项目经理已经开始为新项目招募资源,包括外包提供商和一些外部承包商。项目经理应考虑下列哪一项?
A property management team advises that their existing office building has reached its capability. A project manager has already started acquiring resources for a new project, which will include outsourced providers and a few external contractors.Which of the following should the project manager consider?
A:组建虚拟团队,从多个地点工作 Forming virtual teams working from multiple locations
B:允许团队成员在远程地点工作 Allowing team members to work from remote locations
C:安排团队成员在不同班次、时间或日期工作 Scheduling team members to work in different shifts, hours, or days
D:提交一份请求,重新安排项目团队的工作地点 Submitting a request to relocate the project team
107、 [单选] 一个使用多个供应商的项目估计将在两年内完成。在第一年结束时,发现存在重大预算超支。项目经理意识到必须将项目重新拉回控制,因此签发一项变更请求。若要支持这项变更请求,项目经理应该做什么?
A project that uses several vendors is estimated to complete in two years. At the end of the first year, a significant budget overrun is identified that project must be brought back under control, the project manager issues change request. What should the project manager do to support the change request?
A:更新变更控制过程 Update the change control progresses
B:完成质量审计 Complete a quality audit
C:召开风险研讨会 Conduct a risk workshop
D:执行根本原因分析 Perform a root cause analysis
108、 [单选] 制定项目范围说明书之后,团队已准备好继续进行其他项目活动。项目团队要项目经理为下一个项目会议的活动和成果提供指导。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
After defining the project scope statement the team is ready to proceed with other project activity. The team members request the project manager to provide education about activities and outcomes for the next project session. What should the project manager do next?
A:列出限制团队更新项目文件选择范围的制约因素 list the project constraints that limit the team options to update project documents
B:收集需求,创建需求跟踪活动资源 collects the requirement to create the requirements resource
C:将活动清单排序,估算活动 sequence the activity list to estimate the activity resources
D:审查之前项目的政策、程序和经验教训,创建工作分解结构 review the policies, procedures, and lessoned from work breakdown structure
109、 [单选] 当项目发起人找到Scrum主管,要求在当前的冲刺中立即开发一个新的、紧急的、潜在的复杂的强制性法规遵循相关的需求时,Scrum团队正处于冲刺的中途。发起人强调,如果需求没有实现,整个项目可能会被取消。Scrum主管的最佳回应是什么?
A scrum team is midway into a sprint when the project sponsor approaches the scrum master and requests that a new, urgent, and potentially complex mandatory compliance-related requirement should be developed immediately in the current sprint. The sponsor stresses that if the requirement is not implemented, the entire project may be canceled. What is the scrum master’s best response?
A:将要求添加到产品待办事项列表,并请求产品负责人在冲刺结束之后审查需求 Add the requirement to the product backlog and request the product owner to review the requirement after the sprint is over
B:与产品负责人讨论要求,让他们做出决定,包括冲刺取消 Discuss the requirement with the product owner, and let them make a decision, including sprint cancellation
C:提交变更请求以更新范围基准并将要求添加到需求可追溯性矩阵 Submit a change request to update the scope baseline and add the requirement to the requirement traceability matrix
D:将要求添加到当前冲刺待办事项列表,并指示团队立即开始处理该待办事项列表 Add the requirement to the current sprint backlog and direct the team to start working on it immediately
110、 [单选] 项目已完成并获得客户批准,IT部门计划对项目进行不定期审计。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project has been completed and approved by the customer. The IT department plans to conduct an unscheduled audit on the project. What should the project manager do?
A:请求审查IT部门的质量保证政策 Request to review IT departments quality assurance policy
B:告知项目发起人IT审计不是质量管理计划的一部分 Inform the project sponsor that the IT audit is not part of the quality management plan
C:审查公司政策并通知涉及项目的干系人 Review the companys policies and notify the project stakeholders
D:允许审计,因为可以为项目提供更多价值 Allow auditing, because it can provide more value to the project
111、 [单选] 你向项目出资人提供了项目的成本估算,他对估算不满意,因为他认为价格太高了。他要你削减项目估算的15%,你该怎么做?
You provide a project cost estimate to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15 percent off the project estimate. What should you do?
A:启动该项目,并不断的节约成本 Start the project and constantly look for cost savings
B:告诉所有团队成员削减其估算的15% Tell all the team members to cut 15 percent from their estimates
C:告诉出资人要削减的活动 Inform the sponsor of the activities to be cut
D:加入工资率低的额外资源 Add additional resources with low hourly rates
112、 [单选] 在新建水处理厂的建设过程中,政府对处理厂制定了更为严格的质量要求。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
In the middle of the construction of a new water treatment plant, the government established more stringent water quality requirements for treatment plants. What should the project manager do next?
A:根据法律要求,更新质量管理计划 Update the quality management plan due to the legal requirement
B:提交变更请求以更新质量管理计划 Submit a change request to update the quality management plan
C:督促项目发起人更新项目章程 Ask the project sponsor to update the project charter
D:更新范围基准以反映这些变更 Update the scope baseline to reflect the changes
113、 [单选] 项目经理制定了一个全面的项目管理计划,包括完全详细的WBS和详细的项目进度计划。尽管做了这些努力,但项目仍然落后于计划,因为变更控制委员会(CCB)无法处理大量变更,即使其中大部分已经被产品负责人批准了。项目经理的最佳行动方案是什么?
A project manager has developed a comprehensive project management plan, including a fully elaborated WBS and detailed project schedule. Despite these efforts, the project is running behind schedule because the change control board (CCB) is unable to cope with the high volume of changes, even though most of them have been approved by the product owner. What is the project manager’s best course of action?
A:要求终止现有的项目,并寻求批准来启动一个将使用敏捷方法的新项目 Request the termination of the existing project and seek approval to initiate a new project that will utilize agile methodologies
B:提交变更请求来更新项目进度计划,以反映CCB的长过程时间所造成的延迟 Submit a change request to update the project schedule to reflect the delays caused by the CCB’s long process times
C:寻求批准绕过变更控制过程,让项目团队直接与产品负责人合作 Seek approval to bypass the change control process and have the project team collaborate directly with the product owner
D:告诉产品负责人项目正在使用预测模型,这意味着大多数变更都应该被拒绝 Instruct the product owner that the project is using a predictive model, which means most of the changes should be rejected
114、 [单选] 一个大型复杂项目的项目经理了解到,一位关键干系人反对在项目后期批准的变更,项目经理不愿冒犯这位干系人,但也不希望延迟该项目。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager of a large and complex project learned that a key party was opposed to changes approved later in the project, and the project manager was unwilling to offend the party, but did not mean to delay the project. What should the project manager do?
A:与该干系人一起审查沟通管理计划 Review the communication management plan with the interested party
B:取消已批准的变更,以满足干系人的要求 Cancel approved changes to meet the requirements of interested parties
C:让干系人参考变更日志,以显示变更批准 Have interested parties refer to the change log to show change approval
D:与干系人一起讨论干系人参与计划 Discuss the stakeholder participation plan with the stakeholder
115、 [单选] 为了利用早期的收入,一个项目团队正在逐步地生产可交付成果。该项目趋向于满足所有的基准。然而,项目经理已经确定团队的速度在相同的时间段内,在SPI为0.83的前5次冲刺中,速度每次都是50个故事点。项目经理应该如何回应团队的表现?
A project team is producing deliverables incrementally in order to take advantage of early revenue. The project is trending to meet all of the baselines. However, the project manager has determined that the team’s velocity has been 50 points for each of the first five sprints with an SPI of 0.83 over the same time period. How should the project manager respond to the team’s performance?
A:提交变更请求以修订项目进度基准 Submit a change request to revise the project schedule baseline
B:建议团队在冲刺计划中设定更现实的目标 Suggest that the team set more realistic goals during sprint planning
C:打破时间表,让生产力回到正轨 Crash the schedule in order to get productivity back on track
D:为每次冲刺分配60个故事点 Assign the team 60 story points for each sprint going forward
116、 [单选] 在项目施工阶段,供应商处发生火灾,导致原材料的供应延迟了一周,项目经理已识别到延迟的风险并包含在计划当中,发生这个事件之后,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
During the projects construction phase, a supplier has a fire and the supply of raw material is delayed by a week, the project manager identified the risk of a delay and included it in the plan. After the occurrence of the event, what should the project manager do first?
A:执行风险响应计划 Carry out risk response planning
B:由于材料延误,要求项目延期 Ask for an extension of the project due to delay
C:更新项目基准 Update the project baseline
D:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register
117、 [单选] 项目经理正在对比项目预算与行业指数,项目经理注意到项目预算低于类似项目的预算,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is comparing the project budget with the industry index. The project manager noticed that the project budget was lower than the budget for similar projects. What should the project manager do?
A:更新风险登记册 Update risk register
B:调节资金限制 Regulate funding limit
C:执行储备分析 Execute reserve analysis
D:请求专家判断 Request expert judgment
118、 [单选] 一位新团队成员在一个月前加入团队,并接受了资源管理计划中规定的必要培训,这位新团队成员无法按时完成分配的任务,从而影响到团队绩效。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A new team member joined the team a month ago and received the necessary training as specified in the resource management plan. The new team member was unable to complete the assigned tasks on time, which affected the team’s performance. How to do it?
A:增加所需的额外培训并更新资源管理计划 Increase additional training required and updating the resource management plan
B:将问题升级上报给管理层,要求将该团队成员调到另一个项目,并找到一位经验更丰富的资源作为替代 Escalate the problem to management, request that the team member be transferred to another project, and find a more experienced resource as an alternative
C:与该团队成员讨论这个问题,并就一项具有可测量纠正措施的行动计划达成一致 Discuss the issue with the team members and agree on an action plan with a measurable corrective action
D:在下一次计划的绩效评估中解决该团队成员的培训需求 Address the training needs of the team members in the next planned performance evaluation
119、 [单选] 在一个项目接近完成时,客户请求增加在已批准项目范围以外的额外功能。客户表示如果没有该功能,将不会提供项目验收。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
When a project is nearing completion, the client requests additional features that are not included in the scope of the approved project. The customer stated that without this feature, project acceptance will not be provided. What should the project manager do next?
A:与项目发起人讨论客户的需求,并请求获得他们的批准 Discuss the client’s needs with the project sponsor and request their approval
B:要求客户遵循已批准的工作说明书(SOW)并避免变更 Require customers to follow approved work instructions (sow) and avoid changes
C:分析增加新功能的影响,并在不影响进度计划时将其包含在内 Analyze the impact of adding new features and include them only if they do not affect the schedule
D:收集有关该功能的更多信息,并向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求 Collect more information about the feature and submit a change request to the Change Control Board (CCB)
120、 [单选] 一位项目团队成员在完成分配的任务时遇到困难。在一个团队会议上,项目经理确定团队中还有其他成员在类似任务方面拥有更多经验。项目经理应该怎么做?A project team member is struggling to deliver an assigned task. In a team meeting, the project manager determines that there are other members on the team who have more experience with similar tasks. What should the project manager do?
A:请求其中一位经验较丰富的团队成员支持该成员完成任务。Ask one of the more experienced team members to support the team member with the task.
B:将任务重新分配给其中一位经验较丰富的项目团队成员,以加快完成任务的速度。Reassign the task to one of the more experienced project team members for a faster completion of the assigned task.
C:要求经验丰富的团队成员制作一份关于如何完成任务的手册。Ask the experienced team members to produce a manual on how to complete the task.
D:将问题告知项目管理办公室(PMO),并要求替换经验较少的团队成员。Inform the project management office (PMO) of the issue and request a replacement for the less experienced team member.
121、 [单选] 项目团队中一些经验丰富的成员抱怨项目经理。这些高级项目团队成员觉得项目经理在事无巨细地管理他们,阻碍他们完成工作。当项目经理意识到这些问题时,应该怎么做?Some of the mote experienced members of a project team have complained about the project manager. The senior project team members feel that the project manager is micromanaging them and preventing them from completing their work. What should the project manager do when made aware of these issues?
A:询问如何成为这些团队成员更好的导师的建议。Ask for advice on how to be a better mentor to these team members.
B:建立一个团队建设活动,将协同作用带回项目团队。Set up a team building event to bring synergy back to the project team.
C:调整项目经理的管理风格,使其更适合高级团队成员。Adjust the project manager’s management style to better fit senior team members.
D:每天与每个高级团队成员会面,监督项目状态。Meet daily with each senior team member to monitor project status.
122、 [单选] 项目经理正在使用预测性项目管理方法处理多个建筑建设项目。组织内部的高级领导正在促进将更敏捷的实践包含到当前的项目方法中。项目发起人现在希望这些项目能够使用更敏捷的方法。强制在项目中使用任何敏捷方法之前,项目经理应该先做什么? A project manager is working on multiple building construction projects using a predictive project management approach. Senior leadership within the organization is promoting the inclusion of more agile practices into the current project methodologies. The project sponsor now wants the projects to use more agile methodologies. Before mandating any agile methods to be used in a project, what should the project manager do first?
A:为项目团队的成员提供敏捷培训。 Provide agile training to those who will be part of the project team.
B:将所有现有项目转换为具有严格时间表的敏捷方法。 Shift all existing projects to agile methodologies with a strict timeline.
C:暂停当前的项目,使其适应新的敏捷节奏。 Pause the current projects to align them to the new agile cadence.
D:评估组织文化和对转型的准备情况。 Assess the organizational culture and readiness for the transformation.
123、 [单选] 一位项目经理已经接管了一个现有的项目,根据前任项目经理的说法,该项目已经步入正轨并在预算范围内,但是,干系人对最近的进度报告不满意,因为指标显示项目被推迟,成本高于预期。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager has taken over an existing project. According to the previous project manager, the project is on track and within budget. However, stakeholders are unhappy with the recent progress report since the metrics show that the project is delayed and the cost is higher than expected. What should the project manager do?
A:安排与前任项目经理的会议。Schedule a meeting with the previous project manager.
B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求。Submit a change request to the change control board (CCB).
C:为项目组成员安排培训。Schedule training for project team members.
D:进行挣值分析(EVA)。Conduct an earned value analysis (EVA).
124、 [单选] 项目经理正在进行一个使用混合方法的项目。可交付成果的一个关键输入是另一个使用敏捷方法项目的结果。项目经理下一步应该做什么?A project manager is working on a project that is using a hybrid approach. One key input for the deliverable will be from the outcome of another project that is using an agile approach. What should the project manager do next?
A:参与其他项目的每日站会。Participate in the other project’s daily stand-up meetings.
B:要求其他项目经理改变交付方法。Ask the other project manager to change the delivery methodology.
C:与其他项目经理的高层项目时间表保持一致。Align with the other project manager’s high-level project time lines.
D:要求其他项目经理制定一个工作分解结构(WBS)。Request that the other project manager develop a work breakdown structure (WBS).
125、 [单选] 在一次绩效考核后,一个团队成员找到项目经理,要求得到反馈。项目经理认为这个团队成员虽然有一两次工作迟到,但做事积极,而且一般都能按时完成工作。该团队成员对没有得到更好的年度绩效评价表示沮丧。项目经理应该怎么做才能避免成员出现挫折感?After a performance review, a team member approaches the project manager and asks for feedback. The project manager mentions anecdotal information about this team member being a positive team player and generally getting their work done on time, even though they have been late with work once or twice. The team member expresses frustration at not having better information included in the annual performance review. What should the project manager do to prevent this frustration going forward?
A:要求人力资源(HR)部门提供为这个项目定义的关键绩效指标(KPIs)。Request the human resource (HR) department to provide the key performance indicators (KPIs) that were defined for this project.
B:设定团队绩效目标,并解释团队如何获得相同的绩效分数。Set team performance goals and explain how the team receives the same performance scores.
C:审查该团队成员的关键绩效指标(KPIs),并提醒该团队成员这些指标是如何确定的。Review the key performance indicators (KPIs) for this team member and remind the team member how they are determined.
D:为团队成员提供速度跟踪工具,并解释团队成员如何看到和跟踪绩效。Provide the team member with velocity tracking tools and explain how the team member can see and track performance.
126、 [单选] 在一个大项目的执行阶段中期,一个不熟悉项目的新干系人加入了董事会,影响了项目的决策。这种变化正在影响项目的进度。项目经理应该先做些什么? In the middle of the execution phase for a big project, a new stakeholder who was unfamiliar with the project joined the board of directors and is influencing the decisions made in the project. This change is impacting the project’s progress. What should the project manager do first?
A:通知客户有关变更的信息。 Inform the client about the change.
B:用一个新的风险来更新风险登记册。 Update the risk register with a new risk.
C:向干系人展示该项目。 Present the project to the stakeholder.
D:修订项目进度计划。 Revise the project schedule.
127、 [单选] 尽管在质量控制和营销活动上投入了大量资金,但创新产品仍不能满足目标消费者。哪种敏捷实践可以最好地防止这种性质的失败? An innovative product fails to satisfy targeted consumers despite significant investments in quality control and marketing campaigns. Which agile practice would best prevent future failures of this nature?
A:对产品发布进行持续的消费者可用性测试。 Run continuous consumer usability testing on product releases.
B:使产品负责人和市场营销人员的目标一。 Align objectives between the product owner and marketing.
C:拓宽目标消费者的角色类型定义。 Broaden the persona type definition of the target consumer.
D:向最小可行产品(MVP)添加更多功能和测试。 Add more features and tests to the minimum viable product (MVP).
128、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到了一个项目,任务是开发一项全新的突破性技术。鉴于项目的复杂程度,此项目将使用敏捷法进行管理。项目经理应做些什么来确保此项目的风险能得到妥善处理?A project manager is assigned a project to develop a new breakthrough technology. Given the complexity of the project, this project will be managed using an agile approach. What should the project manager do to ensure that the risks of the project are properly handled?
A:运用对增量工作进行频繁审查的方法,确保该项目的风险得到识别。Use frequent reviews of incremental work to ensure that project risks are identified.
B:要求对此项目的价值和风险实施新的成本效益分析。A new cost-benefit analysis of the value and risk of the project was required.
C:建立Scrum风险登记册来跟踪所有的项目风险。Establish a Scrum risk register to track all project risks.
D:制定风险矩阵来跟踪、评估和评价此项目的不确定性。Develop a risk matrix to track, evaluate and evaluate the uncertainty of the project.
129、 [单选] 在冲刺计划过程中,产品负责人希望对具有高业务价值的项目进行优先排序。然而,项目团队关心的是技术债务和基础设施的依赖性,以交付预期的价值。项目经理应该如何处理这个问题? During sprint planning, the product owner wants to prioritize items with high business value. However, the project team is concerned about technical debt and infrastructure dependencies to deliver the expected value. How should the project manager handle this issue?
A:支持投票活动,以便所有团队成员都可以表达他们的意见和投票背后的原因。 Support a voting exercise so all team members can express their opinion and the reason behind their vote.
B:支持项目发起人,以便自上而下做出决定,团队遵循所提供的方向。 Support the project sponsor so the decision is made top-down and the team follows the provided direction.
C:支持产品负责人,这样具有高业务价值的项目才会被包括在下一个冲刺中。 Support the product owner so only items with high business value are included in the next sprint.
D:支持项目团队,包括技术债务和基础设施依赖。 Support the project team so technical debt and infrastructure dependencies are included in the next sprint.
130、 [单选] 一个高绩效团队成员的绩效在过去一年中得到持续提升,和其他成员拉开差距,但是项目经理不愿意公开承认该团队成员的贡献,因为他担心会打击其他人的积极性。而项目经理同样也很担心如果团队成员得不到应有的奖励,团队成员会离开。项目经理应该怎么做?
A high-performing team member’s performance has been consistently increasing over the past year, leaving other peers behind. The project manager has been reluctant to publicly recognize the tea m member’s contributions for fear of discouraging others. The project manager is also concerned that the team member may leave if not rewarded for the contributions made. What should the project manager do?
A:将表现较好的团队成员提升到更高的职位。Promote the higher performing team member to a higher position.
B:要求表现好的团队成员指导其他团队成员。Request the high-performing team member t o mentor the other team members.
C:提醒表现好的团队成员关注共同的奖励而不是个人的奖励。Remind the high-performing team member to focus on shared rewards rather than individual rewards.
D:私下奖励表现好的团队成员,以避免团队的混乱。Reward the high-performing team member privately to avoid team disruption.
131、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个针对客户的分析项目。项目经理需要确保团队的表现始终领先于预计的交付进度。项目经理在推动项目未来的冲刺周期上应该采取哪些措施?A project manager is assigned to an analysis project for a customer. The project manager needs to keep the performance of the team a step ahead of the estimated delivery schedules. What should the project manager do to impact the sprint cycles going forward on the project?
A:增强团队的能力,以改善冲刺周期,并提供每周趋势报告。Build the capacity of the team to improve sprint cycles and provide weekly trend reports.
B:聘请项目管理专家向团队解释在冲刺周期中工作的速度。Engage an expert in project management to explain to the team how fast to work on the sprint cycle.
C:与团队合作,只专注于预先沟通的项目结果。Work with the team on how to focus on only pre-communicated project results.
D:培训团队在时间表内分析数据并完成用户故事。Train the team to analyze data and complete the user stories within the schedule.
132、 [单选] 项目发起人和项目经理发现,由于供应商在不同时区的工作造成了产品交付的延迟,现在需要密切监督,直到项目恢复正轨。唯一的选择是重新安置项目团队中的三个关键成员,让他们在国外待上6个月。项目经理接下来应该做什么?A sponsor and project manager found out that a vendor in a different time zone has delayed the delivery of its products and needs close supervision until the project gets back on track. The only option is to relocate three key members of the project team to spend 6 months abroad. What should the project manager do next?
A:在下次项目状态会议中,向整个团队传达成员出国重新安置的决定,以及这样做的含义Communicate to the whole team the decision to relocate team members abroad and the implications of doing so in the next project status meeting.
B:与受影响的团队成员进行个别沟通,协商决定并确认他们愿意重新安置Communicate individually with the affected team members to negotiate the decision and confirm their willingness to relocate.
C:将决定传达给人力资源(HR)部门,以便他们指示项目团队成员出国Communicate the decision to the human resources (HR) department so they can direct the project team members to be sent abroad.
D:与受影响团队成员的经理沟通,并安排会议讨论这项任务的详细信息Communicate to the affected team members’ manager and schedule a meeting to discuss the details of this assignment.
133、 [单选] 在最后一次迭代结束时,客户拒绝可交付物,因为它们没有满足客户的期望。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况发生?At the end of the last iteration, the customer rejects the deliverables since they did not meet the customer’s expectations. What should the project manager have been done to prevent this situation?
A:让客户更多地参与到项目的规划过程中,并确保对程序达成一致。Involved the customer more in the planning process for the project, and ensured agreement on the proceedings.
B:在商定的完成定义(DoD)中包括所有相关的标准,并共同制定产品愿景。Included all relevant criteria in the agreed upon definition of done (DoD), and crafted a shared product vision.
C:在迭代开始时向客户提供待办事项列表和指定的用户描述。Provided the customer with the backlog and the specified user stories at the beginning of the iteration.
D:与所有干系人密切合作制定DoD,以确保包括他们的期望。Developed the DoD in close cooperation with all stakeholders to ensure their expectations were included.
134、 [单选] 项目经理在一个正在转向敏捷的组织工作。开发团队推荐使用燃尽图向所有干系人展示项目进展。项目经理应该怎么做,以确保项目整个过程中的有效沟通?A project manager works at an organization that is transitioning to agile. The development team has recommended using a burndown chart to provide visibility on project progress to all stakeholders. What should the project manager do to ensure effective communication throughout the project?
A:建议项目管理办公室(PMO)使用燃尽图作为唯一的沟通渠道。Advise the project management office (PMO) to use the burndown chart as the single communication channel.
B:为干系人登记表中的每个类别制定一份沟通管理计划。Develop a communications management plan for each category in the stakeholder register.
C:把燃尽图包含在每月向所有干系人发送的报告中。Include the burndown chart in a monthly report that is distributed to all stakeholders.
D:由于组织目前没有定义的敏捷方法论,所以推迟这项建议。Postpone the recommendation since the
organization does not currently have a defined agile methodology.
135、 [单选] 项目经理正在评估一个项目,并意识到项目的挣值(EV)表明花费的成本高于交付的价值。然后项目经理发现团队已经添加了不属于需求的小功能。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager is evaluating a project and realizes that its earned value (EV) shows the cost spent is higher than the value delivered. The project manager then discovers that the team has been adding small features that are not part of the requirements. What should the project manager do?
A:要求团队只关注和交付商定的功能。Ask the team to focus on and deliver only the agreed-upon features.
B:请求追加预算,因为正在增加其他功能。Request additional budget because additional features are being added.
C:鼓励团队继续,因为这最终会帮助客户。Encourage the team to continue, as this will eventually help the customer.
D:要求产品负责人将额外的功能添加到需求中。Ask the product owner to add the additional features to the requirements.
136、 [单选] 在分析每月状态报告的项目时,项目经理注意到进度绩效指数(SPI)为0.75,成本绩效指数(CPI)为1.25。项目经理必须尽快提供第一次项目状态审查,并希望强调项目处于受控状态。项目经理应如何向主要干系人报告项目状态? In analyzing a project for monthly status reporting, the project manager notices that the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.75 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 1.25. The project manager must provide the first project status review soon and wants to emphasize that the project is under control. How should the project manager report the project status to key stakeholders?
A:为干系人准备一份关于挣值的详细演示,包括如何计算挣值以及项目当前挣值结果 Prepare a detailed presentation for stakeholders on earned value including how it is calculated and the project’s current earned value results
B:报告项目落后于计划,但可以添加额外的经验丰富的资源以保持在计划内并保持预算 Report that the project is behind schedule but that an additional experienced resource can be added to stay within schedule and maintain the budget
C:利用帕累托图和鱼骨图进行详细的根本原因分析,以证明该项目已处于控制之中 Perform a detailed root cause analysis utilizing a pareto chart and fishbone diagrams to demonstrate that the project is under control
D:报告项目没有按预期跟踪,但仍在控制中,因为下一个项目里程碑还有一个多月 Report that the project is not tracking as expected, but is still under control since the next project milestone is over a month away
137、 [单选] 某食品公司正在运用预测型方法开发一种新产品,该产品目前正处于测试阶段,鉴于测试反馈的特点,项目经理已决定采用迭代方法,在其中一个迭代结束时,政府颁布了一部与该产品相关的法规。项目经理接下来该做什么?A food company is developing a new product using a predictive approach, and the product is currently in the testing phase. Given the nature of the feedback of the tests,the project manager has decided to use an iterative approach. At the end of one of the iterations, a new regulation related to the product is enacted. What should the project manager do next?
A:重新进行测试,使试验符合新法规。Start the tests over, adapting the trials to the new regulation.
B:进行评估,以确认在下一个迭代中遵守该新法规。Include an assessment to verify compliance in the next iteration.
C:举行迭代审查会议,以应对该新法规。Conduct an iteration review to address the new regulation.
D:就项目范围提出变更请求,以确保遵守该新法规。Make a change request regarding the project’s scope to ensure compliance.
138、 [单选] 市场营销团队正在转向在他们的项目中使用混合方法。市场总监不了解混合方法,而项目经理需要总监的支持,因为市场总监是一个关键的干系人。项目经理应该怎么做来获得支持? The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. The marketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies, and the project manager needs the director’s support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder. What should the project manager do to obtain the support?
A:培训市场营销团队,并随时通知总监。 Train the marketing team and keep the director informed.
B:指导市场总监采用混合方法。 Mentor the marketing director on hybrid approaches.
C:请市场营销团队成员来指导总监。 Ask the marketing team members to coach the director.
D:请市场总监参加日常会议。 Ask the marketing director to participate in daily meetings.
139、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个全球项目,在规划过程中,来自不同地区的团队成员不同意相互协作。项目经理应该怎么做?A project manager was assigned to a global project and during the planning process, team members from different regions disagreed collaborate with each other. What should a project manager do?
A:回顾从以前使用同一团队的项目中吸取的经验教训Review the lessons learned from previous projects using the same team
B:审查组织文化、结构和治理Review organizational culture, structure, and governance
C:协调会议以了解情况并解决任何冲突Coordinate meetings to understand the situation and resolve any conflicts
D:与区域经理协调会议,寻求支持Coordinate meetings with regional managers to seek support
140、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一个由工料合同(T&M)协议资助的混合项目。项目已经完成,客户接受了产品的交付。一周后,客户要求项目经理修复他们在产品中发现的两个缺陷。项目经理对时间和金钱做出了估算,并要求客户对此进行确认。客户不同意,并坚持认为这项工作应该免费完成,因为这是产品中的一个缺陷。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况发生? A project manager is leading a hybrid project funded by a time and materials (T&M) agreement. The project was completed, and the client accepted the delivery of the product. One week later, the client asked the project manager to fix two defects they found in the product. The project manager responded with an estimate of time and money and asked the client to confi rm this. The client disagreed and insisted that the work should be done for free because it is a defect in the product. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?
A:培训客户工程师在产品交付后提供支持。 Trained client engineers to support the product after its delivery.
B:与客户一起审核项目质量控制计划。 Reviewed the project quality control plan with the client.
C:建议以固定成本为基础,并包括1个月的免费bug修复。 Suggested a fixed-cost basis and included free bug fixes for 1 month.
D:计划产品交付后如何支持。 Planned how the delivered product will be supported after its delivery.
141、 [单选] 在一个混合项目的执行过程中,不得不更换一个开发人员。新资源在质量保证任务上极其胜任,但在开发上却没有太多经验。项目经理该怎么做?During the execution of a hybrid project, one developer had to be replaced. The new resource is extremely competent in quality assurance tasks, but does not have much experience in development. What should the project manager do?
A:允许团队重新评估任务并决定如何分配任务。Allow the team to reevaluate the tasks and determine how they should be allocated.
B:保持相同的任务分配结构,以避免项目团队中的任何中断。Maintain the same task allocation structure to avoid any disruption in the project team.
C:将开发人员转移到另一个团队,寻找替代开发人员。Move the developer to another team and look for a replacement developer.
D:请求将所有质量保证任务分配给新的资源。Request that all quality assurance tasks be allocated to the new resource.
142、 [单选] 一位项目经理最近被分配到一个敏捷项目,发现该项目的承包商没有任何敏捷经验。项目经理该怎么做?A project manager has recently been assigned to an agile project and discovers that a contractor for the project does not have any experience with agile. What should the project manager do?
A:要求项目发起人替换承包商,因为他们没有敏捷经验Ask the project sponsor to replace the contractor since they do not have agile experience.
B:向承包商发出正式通知,要求其获得敏捷认证Issue a formal notice to the contractor to obtain an agile certification.
C:咨询项目团队,了解承包商培训需求的程度Consult the project team to understand the extent of the training needs for the contractor.
D:指导承包商接受敏捷培训,因为项目已经开始Instruct the contractor to receive agile training since the project has already started.
143、 [单选] 一个项目团队在故事大小不合适的情况下完成了很多次迭代。在一些迭代中,团队对一些故事进行了大小调整,并提前完成了它们。在其他迭代中,团队确定了故事的大小,但无法完成计划的活动。在计划下一个迭代的过程中,团队应该做些什么不同的事情?A protect team has completed many iterations without proper sizing of the stories. In some iterations the team sized some stories and completed them ahead of time. In other iterations the team sized the stones but was unable to complete the planned activities. What should the team do differently during planning for the next iteration?
A:要求产品负责人和团队协调人提供故事的大小Request the product owner and team facilitator to provide the size of the story
B:平均每个团队成员为一个故事提供的故事点Average the story points provided by each team member for a story
C:继续多轮计划扑克,得出故事的大小Continue multiple rounds of planning poker and arrive at the size of the story
D:与不同的团队合作,得出故事的规模Collaborate with different teams and arrive at the size of the story
144、 [单选] 在使用敏捷方法的软件项目中,最近出现了工作超支。在评估情况后,项目经理得出结论,超支是由于产品待办事项列表项不够细化造成的。为了纠正这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?In a software project using an agile approach, there have recently been work overruns. After assessing the situation, the project manager concluded that the overruns are occurring because of insufficiently refined product backlog items. What should the project manager do to correct this issue?
A:与发起人合作,修订产品愿景。Work with the sponsor to revise the product vision.
B:为待办事项列表中的事项创建一个准备就绪(DoR)的定义。Create a definition of ready (DoR) for the backlog items.
C:与服务请求管理者讨论问题。Discuss the issue with the service request manager.
D:与干系人一起完善产品待办事项列表。Refine the product backlog items with the stakeholders.
145、 [单选] 项目经理在混合项目中扮演Scrum主管的角色,处理团队成员之间的冲突。应该使用什么策略来处理这种冲突?A project manager is acting as a scrum master in a hybrid project and is dealing with a conflict between team members. What strategy should be used to handle this conflict?
A:将冲突分为两类:正面的和负面的。Sort conflicts into two groups: positive and negative.
B:将冲突分为结构冲突和人际冲突两类。Place conflicts into categories: structural and interpersonal.
C:把冲突放在共享冲突列表中,并确保它是可见的。Place conflicts on a shared conflict list and en sure it is visible.
D:在每日Scrum会议中审查冲突,以便它们能及时处理。Review conflicts during daily Scrum so they are handled in a timely manner.
146、 [单选] 一个项目在12个月前开始,目前处于14次迭代的第12次。团队表现良好,按时完成了所有可交付物。然而,一些团队成员开始抱怨项目的时间太长,在这个关键阶段产生了绩效不佳的风险。作为服务型(仆人式)领导者,项目经理应该做些什么来减少这种风险呢?
A project started 12 months ago and is currently in the 12th iteration of 14 iterations. The team performed well and completed all deliverables on time. However, some team members began to complain that the project took too long, creating a risk of poor performance at this critical stage. As a service-oriented leader, what should a project manager do to reduce this risk?
A:如果项目可交付物未能按时完成,与团队会面以加强他们的责任和后果。Meet with the team to reinforce their responsibilities and the consequences if the project deliverables are not completed on time.
B:对项目可交付物实施额外控制,以确保所有里程碑按时完成。Apply additional controls to the project deliverables to ensure that all milestones are achieved on time.
C:联系职能经理,确保团队的积极性在项目结束前保持高水平。Contact the functional manager to ensure that team motivation remains high until the end of the project.
D:与项目发起人安排一次团队活动,以突出项目的重要性并认可团队的工作。Schedule a team event with the project sponsor to highlight the importance of the project and recognize the work of the team.
147、 [单选] 在项目的初始阶段,关键的干系人经常要求对项目范围进行变更。项目经理应该做什么来提高干系人的参与度?During the initiating phase of a project, a key stakeholder requests frequent changes to the project scope. What should the project manager do to improve the stakeholder’s engagement?
A:与关键干系人讨论工作分解结构(WBS)并细化需求。Discuss the work breakdown structure (WBS) with the key stakeholder and refine the requirements.
B:更新项目待办事项列表,并与主要干系人讨论。Update the project backlog and discuss it with the key stakeholder.
C:更新项目章程,并与主要干系人讨论。Update the project charter and discuss it with the key stakeholder.
D:与主要干系人讨论项目范围说明书并建立原型。Discuss the project scope statement with the key stakeholder and build prototypes.
148、 [单选] 加入Scrum团队的新成员的行动能力有限。敏捷教练意识到一些团队成员不确定团队的动态将如何变化。敏捷教练应该做什么?The new team member joining the scrum team has limited mobility. The scrum master is aware that some team members are unsure how the dynamics of the team will change. What should the scrum master do?
A:创建一个干系人参与计划。Create a stakeholder engagement plan.
B:设计一个沟通管理计划。Design a communications management plan.
C:相应的更新团队章程。Update the team charter accordingly.
D:安排一次会议,讨论团队必须做出的调整。Set up a meeting to discuss accommodations the team will have to make.
149、 [单选] 一名敏捷团队成员获得了新工具的认证,然而,这名团队成员抱怨团队的其他成员由于缺乏知识而没有使用该工具。服务型领导者应该如何运用情商来利用这种情况使项目受益?An agile team member received certification on a new tool: however, this team member is complaining that the rest of the team is not using the tool due to lack of knowledge. How should the servant leader apply emotional intelligence to leverage this situation to benefit the project?
A:申请预算来奖励团队成员,这样其他人就会有动力去获得同样的认证。Request budget to reward the team member so others will be motivated to obtain the same certification.
B:将团队成员提升为产品负责人,与客户一起利用新的知识。Promote the team member to product owner to leverage the new knowledge with the clients.
C:为开始在项目中使用新工具的团队成员提供激励。Provide an incentive to team members who begin using the new tool on this project.
D:请团队成员利用其最近获得的知识为团队开发和提供培训。Ask the team member to use their recently acquired knowledge to develop and provide training to the team.
150、 [单选] 敏捷团队需要解决技术性、复杂的需求,该需求无法向客户展示可视化交付。产品经理应该提供什么指导来改进需求开发? An agile team is required to address a technical, complex requirement that has no visual deliverable to show the customer. What guidance should the product manager provide to improve the requirement development?
A:通过降低复杂活动的优先级来重新排定产品积压工作的优先级,以便在项目后期进行处理。Reprioritize the product backlog by lowering the priority of the complex activity, so it will be worked on later in the project.
B:允许团队专注并完成复杂的工作,因为这将减少在项目后期发现问题的风险。Allow the team to focus and complete the complex work because it will reduce the risk of finding issues later in the project.
C:与团队讨论这个问题,并重新确定待办事项的优先级,通过包含复杂工作的一部分来实现最大的价值。Discuss this with the team and reprioritize the backlog to deliver maximum value by including a portion of the complex work.
D:通知客户,由于需求所涉及的复杂性,将不会有任何可交付物。Inform the customer that there will not be any deliverable due to the complexity involved in the requirement.
151、 [单选] 在每日站会上,项目负责人注意到一位资深开发人员正在将一些简单的待办事项重新分配给其他团队成员,理由是让资深开发人员处理复杂事项更有效率。项目负责人应该怎么做?In a daily stand-up, the project leader notices that one of the senior developer is reassigning some of the easy backlog items to other team members, arguing that it is more efficient for the senior developers to work on complex items. What should the project lead do?
A:在下一个冲刺评审会议中包括这一做法,并与所有团队成员讨论。Include this practice in the next sprint review and discuss it with all of the team members.
B:要求资深开发人员停止分配任务,因为那是Scrum Master的工作。Ask the senior developer to stop assigning tasks because that’s the scrum master’s job.
C:支持资深开发人员的行动及其对其他团队成员的权威。Support the senior developer’s action and their authority over other team members.
D:在下一个冲刺回顾会议中包括这一做法,并与所有团队成员讨论。Include this practice in the next sprint retrospective and discuss it with all of the team members.
152、 [单选] 一名几乎完成了原型所需产品功能的开发人员将在迭代过程中离开公司。项目经理应该做什么?A developer who has almost completed a require d product feature for a prototype leaves the company in the middle of an iteration. What should the project manager do?
A:检查待办事项列表,为以后的迭代重新安排可交付物的时间。Review the backlog to reschedule the deliverable for a later iteration.
B:直接与干系人一起回顾迭代过程。Engage with stakeholders directly to review the iteration process.
C:确定其他跨职能团队成员是否能够接管工作。Determine whether other cross-functional team members are able to take over the work.
D:去找管理层,要求雇用一个新的外部开发人员。Go to management and ask to hire a new external developer.
153、 [单选] 一个新的项目经理正在管理一个混合项目。项目经理希望成为服务型(仆人式)领导者,通过消除障碍因素来支持团队,但是没有收到来自团队的关于他们所面临的问题和风险的反馈。项目经理应该怎么做?A new project manager is managing a hybrid project. The project manager wants to be a servant leader to support the team by removing impediments but is not receiving feedback from the team about the issues and risks they are facing.What should the project manager do?
A:实施每日站会,团队可以分享他们的障碍因素、风险和问题。Implement daily standups where the team can share their impediments, risks, and issues.
B:审查沟通管理计划并实施变更。Review the communications management plan and implement changes.
C:与团队安排每周风险评审会议,评审项目风险和关注点。Schedule weekly risk review meetings with the team to review project risks and concerns.
D:分发一份沟通管理计划给Scrum主管。Distribute a copy of the communications management plan to the scrum master.
154、 [单选] 在有两个团队(A和B)的项目的第二次迭代中,项目经理担心来自团队A的两个关键活动必须在第四次迭代中启动。此外,这两个活动依赖于B团队尚未确定优先级的活动。项目经理应该怎么做? During iteration two of a project with two teams (A and B), the project manager is concerned that there are two critical activities from team A that must be started in iteration four. Additionally, these two activities are dependent on an activity from team B that has not yet been prioritized. What should the project manager do?
A:取消当前迭代,并根据依赖活动重新安排顺序。 Cancel the current iteration and reschedule it with the dependent activity.
B:在团队B的当前迭代中包含相关的活动。 Include the dependent activity in the current iteration for team B.
C:确保团队B在第三次迭代中优先考虑相关活动。 Ensure team B prioritizes the dependent activity in iteration three.
D:在第二次迭代中将两个关键活动分配给团队B。 Assign the two critical activities to team B in iteration two.
155、 [单选] 项目经理将运用混合型方法开始一个项目,但注意到某些团队成员仅了解预测型方法。项目经理首先需要做什么才能获得出色的项目绩效? A project manager is starting a project using a hybrid approach and notices some team members only have knowledge of predictive approaches. What does the project manager need to do first in order to have good project performance?
A:评估每名团队成员所需的培训。Assess the required training per team member.
B:向所有团队成员提供混合型方法方面的培训。Deliver hybrid training to all team members.
C:指导缺乏混合型方法知识的团队成员在工作中学习。Coach those team members lacking hybrid knowledge to learn on the job.
D:对团队进行改造,将混合型方法方面的专家包含进来。Change the team to include hybrid experts.
156、 [单选] 敏捷团队成员抱怨工作环境太差,阴暗潮湿,项目经理应该怎么做?Agile team members complain that the work environment is too dark and damp. What should the project manager do?
A:让团队指派代表进行处理。Have the team assign a representative to handle it.
B:让团队克服并适应环境。Let the team overcome and adapt to the situation.
C:告诉团队这个问题马上得到解决。Tell the team that the problem will be fixed immediately.
D:让团队自组织打扫环境卫生解决吵闹问题。Let the team self-organize the cleaning to solve the noise problem.
157、 [单选] 一个公司开始实施Scrum,在第一个冲刺进行到一半的时候,沟通出现了一些问题,一些项目团队成员与其他团队成员不同步,造成这种沟通差距的原因是什么?A company starts implementing scrum about half way through the first sprint, communication issues develop some project team members are not insync with other team members. What is the cause for this communication gap?
A:项目冲刺板尚未更新The project sprint board has not been updated.
B:没有举行或执行每日的站立会议Daily stand up meetings were not held or enforced.
C:项目状态仪表板尚未更新The project status dashboard has not been updated.
D:尚未制定沟通管理计划The communications management plan has not been developed.
158、 [单选] 公司成立了一个新的敏捷创新团队,其使命是将产品质量置于所有其他考虑因素之上。这一举措是在看到,社交媒体网络上存在大量对品牌质量下降的抱怨后提出的。哪个选项对实现团队目标最有效?
Company B is setting up a new agile innovation team with a mission of placing product quality above all other considerations. The initiative comes after a number of high-profile complaints on social media networks about the brand’s diminished quality Which option would be most effective to achieve the team’s goals?
A:提高产品价格,为使用更优质的材料提供资金。 Raise the product price to fund use of better-quality materials.
B:对比竞争对手产品的特性并跟踪缺陷。 Benchmark features against competitor products and track defects.
C:创建一个自动化测试台,以消除人为错误。 Create an automated testing bench to eliminate human error.
D:使用基于持续用户焦点组输入的测试驱动开发。 Use Test-Driven Development based on continuous user focus group input.
159、 [单选] 一个实施新的线上登录平台的项目已经启动。在第一次冲刺之后,项目发起人要求变更。接下来项目经理该怎么做?A project to implement a new online landing platform has started. After the first sprint, the project sponsor requested a change. What should the project manager do next?
A:将变更请求升级到发起人Escalate the change request to the sponsor
B:验证完成的工作Validate the work completed
C:将变更通知干系人Inform the stakeholders of the change
D:协助更新产品待办事项列表Facilitate the update of the product backlog
160、 [单选] 最近有两名团队成员因为客户削减预算而从一个项目中释放出来。然而,敏捷团队收到的工作需求仍然和以前一样,甚至更多。敏捷项目负责人应该如何解决这种情况?
Two team members were recently released from a project because the customer reduced the budget. However, the agile team is still receiving the same, if not more, work requirements as before. How should the agile project leader resolve this situation?
A:用新的团队容量更新限制日志。Update the restriction log with the new team capacity.
B:向团队解释新的项目需求。Explain the new project requirements to the team.
C:与释放的团队成员一起更新项目预算。Update the project budget with the released team members.
D:向客户解释新的团队速度。Explain the new team velocity to the customer.
161、 [单选] 敏捷项目的项目经理希望拥有一个高度敬业的团队。项目经理应该如何实现这一目标?A project manager for an agile project wants to have a highly engaged team. How should the project manager achieve this objective?
A:明确方向和任务,这样人们就能专注于他们的工作。Be clear with directions and assignments so people stay focused and engaged with their work.
B:营造一种环境,让每个人都知道自己的贡献对整个项目意味着什么。Promote an environment where everybody knows what their contribution means to the project as a whole.
C:设计一个奖励系统,通过认可上一次冲刺中的重要个人贡献来激励人们。Design a reward system to get people motivated by recognizing significant individual contributions from the last sprint.
D:鼓励团队成员之间不断轮换角色,以在项目交付过程中保持大家的积极性。Encourage continuous rotation of roles among team members to keep people motivated throughout project delivery.
162、 [单选] 一个项目经理刚刚成功地完成了一次部署,并准备在开始关闭操作之前将项目过渡到一个运营状态。项目经理应如何操作以确保项目做好转移到运营状态的准备?
A project manager just completed a successful deployment and is preparing to transition the project to an operational state before starting closeout actions. What should the project manager do to ensure that the project is ready to move to an operational state?
A:评审项目章程中的项目批准要求,并确认由谁来批准项目目。Review the project approval requirements in the project charter and confirm who will be approving the project.
B:与项目团队会面,评审工作分解结构(WBS),并确认已交付成果。Meet with the project team to review the work breakdown structure (WBS) and confirm deliverables have been delivered.
C:参考项目正在进行的工作(WIP)报告,以确保待办事项工作中没有其他工作。Refer to the project’s work in progress (WIP) reports to ensure that there is no additional work in the backlog.
D:制定计划以偿还项目期间发生的技术债务,并确保项目发起人同意该计划。Develop a plan to repay the technical debt incurred during the project and ensure that the project sponsor agrees with the plan.
163、 [单选] 一个项目经理正在领导一个刚开始敏捷的团队。在启动会议期间,一名团队成员询问如何使用敏捷方法管理风险。项目经理应该如何回应?
A project manager is leading a team that is new to agile. During the kickoff meeting, one team member asks how risks will be managed using agile approaches. How should the project manager respond?
A:风险管理是一项协作工作,将在每次迭代中进行管理。Risk management is a collaborative effort and will be managed during each iteration.
B:风险由项目经理管理,并在每个项目开始时进行预测。Risks are managed by the project manager and forecast at the beginning of each project.
C:风险将在与所有团队成员的回顾会议期间进行管理。Risks will be managed during a retrospective session with all of the team members.
D:风险由团队管理,并将在风险管理启动时对其进行分析。Risks are managed by the team and they will be analyzed during risk management kickoff.
164、 [单选] 一个计划在四个月内执行的项目被分为八个迭代。在第一次回顾中,团队意识到只有一个成员有经验做一个关键的项目需求。项目经理应该怎么办?
A project defined to be executed in four months is divided into eight iterations. During its first retrospective, the team realizes that only one member has experience doing a key project requirement. What should the project manager do?
A:邀请团队成员在下一次回顾中分享经验。Invite the team member to share experience in the next retrospective.
B:请求发起人增加具有所需经验的团队成员。Ask the sponsor to add team members with the required experience.
C:在团队内计划知识共享会议。Plan knowledge-sharing sessions within the team.
D:请求发起人为团队提供培训课程。Ask the sponsor for a training course for the team.
165、 [单选] 项目经理被分配到一个新项目。该项目是针对该公司希望尽快推出的新产品,以测试市场准备情况。该项目是大型业务转型的一部分,目标是为新产品打开交付渠道。项目经理应该推荐哪种交付方式?
A project manager is assigned to a new project. The project is for a new product that the company wants to launch as soon as possible to test market readiness. The project is part of a large business transformation, and the objective is to open delivery channels for the new product. Which delivery approach should the project manager recommend?
A:有经验的项目团队的预测方法。A predictive approach with an experienced project team.
B:具有明确定义的用户故事的自适应方法。An adaptive approach with clearly defined user stories.
C:具有定义松散的大型史诗的自适应方法。An adaptive approach with loosely defined large epics.
D:具有明确接受标准的预测方法。A predictive approach with clear acceptance criteria.
166、 [单选] 在第四个冲刺中,一个项目经理注意到没有一个客户代表参加过任何一个冲刺。团队告诉项目经理他们已经准备好了一个原型。项目经理下一步应该做什么?During the fourth sprint, a project manager noticed that none of the customer representatives have participated in any of the sprints. The team told the project manager that they had a prototype ready. What should the project manager do next?
A:联系客户,确认他们收到了在制品(WIP)的更新。Contact the customer to confirm that they received updates of the work in progress (WIP).
B:告诉团队创建一个原型手册,为最终用户提供指导。Tell the team to create a prototype manual to provide guidance for the end user.
C:向质量保证(QA)团队提供关于能力的演示。Deliver a presentation about the capabilities to the quality assurance (QA) team.
D:邀请客户代表参加评审会议,与团队一起评审原型。Invite the customer representatives to the review meeting to review the prototype with the team.
167、 [单选] 一个项目经理被指派接管一个现有的软件项目。项目经理继承了一个由关键干系人、主题专家和高级开发人员组成的精益团队。在与团队一起审查项目状态时,项目经理发现团队似乎缺乏方向和热情。新上任的项目经理该怎么做?
A project manager has been assigned to take over an existing software project. The project manager inherited a lean team comprised of key stakeholders, subject matter experts (SMEs), and senior developers. While reviewing the project status with the team, the project manager observes that the team seems to lack direction and enthusiasm. What should the new project manager do?
A:确保每个人按计划完成分配的任务。Ensure everyone performs their assigned tasks as planned.
B:定期组织团队建设会议,更新风险登记册。Organize frequent team building sessions and update the risk register.
C:与项目发起人会面,提出项目的纠正措施。Meet with the project sponsor and propose a corrective action for the project.
D:鼓励参与决策并赋予团队权力。Encourage participation in decision making and empower the team.
168、 [单选] 敏捷项目在遵循组织流程方面存在冲突,其中许多流程不会为项目增加任何价值。为了解决这一问题,以下哪一项应被视为最高优先级?
There is a confliction an agile project about following organizational processes, many of which do not add any value to the project. To resolve this, which one of the following should be regarded with the highest priority?
A:组织的需求Needs of the organization
B:客户的需求 Needs of the customer
C:敏捷领导的需求 Needs of the agile lead
D:项目管理的需求 Needs of the project manage
169、 [单选] 敏捷项目中遇到了缺陷问题,项目经理担心缺陷会影响团队的交付能力,项目经理该怎么办?
What should the project manager do when he encounters a defect problem in an agile project and is concerned that the defect will affect the team’s ability to deliver?
A:审视完成的定义(DoD)Review Completed Definitions (DoD)
B:只关注缺陷不关注增量Focus on defects, not increments
C:在产品交付完成后再解决缺陷Fix defects after product delivery
D:忽略缺陷Ignore the defect
170、 [单选] 一位项目经理被分配到一条新的数字产品生产线,公司希望这能增加他们的收入。产品很复杂,需要客户反馈来不断完善产品。这个项目是由跨职能的敏捷团队来处理的。项目经理应该做些什么来确保快速交付价值?A project manager has been assigned to a new digital product line, which the company hopes will boost their revenue. The product is complex and requires customer feedback to continually refine the product. The project is being handled by a cross-functional agile team. What should the project manager do to ensure value is delivered quickly?
A:计划项目以通过定期发布增量交付价值。Plan the project to deliver value incrementally with regular releases.
B:请求增加预算,以支付主题专家(SMEs)更多的加班。Request a budget increase to pay the subject matter experts (SMEs) more overtime.
C:确定可以并行运行的任务,以更快地交付项目。Identify tasks that can run in parallel to deliver the project faster.
D:请项目发起人提供额外资源,以便迅速完成项目。Ask the project sponsor to provide additional resources to fast track the project.
选择题 (每题1分,共10道题)
1、 项目经理刚刚从组织辞职的另一位项目经理那里接管一个正在进行的项目。在审查项目管理计划时,项目经理意识到成本偏差和进度偏差主要是负面的。项目尚未解决,还未向供应商支付已完成的工作,并且减轻次生风险正迅速耗尽预算。本应该采取哪种三项措施来避免这种情况?(选择三项)
A project manager has just taken over an ongoing project from another project manager who resigned from the organization. During a review of the project management plan, the project manager realizes that the cost variance and schedule variance are primarily negative. Several issues reported on the project have not been resolved. Vendors have not been paid for work done, and mitigation of secondary risks is quickly depleting the budget. Which three actions should have been taken to avoid this situation? (Choose three)
A: 在项目章程中实施明确的假设 Implemented explicit assumptions in the project charter
B: 在项目章程中增加应急预算 Added a contingency budget to the project charter
C: 确定项目交接程序 Identified project handoff procedures
D: 确保项目治理控制措施得到批准和实施 Ensured the project governance controls were approved and implemented
E: 在项目规划阶段确定高风险和对策 Identified high-level risks and responses in the project planning phase
2、 项目经理观察到,两名团队成员在各种会议上一直公开地争论不休。为了推销自己的想法,他们分别直接与发起人单独沟通,并做出决定,从未知会项目经理和其他团队成员。项目经理应采取哪两种措施?(选择两项)
The project manager has observed that two team members have been arguing with each other openly at meetings To push their ideas through, each team member individually spoke with the sponsor directly and made decisions without informing the project manager or other team members. What two actions should project manager take? (Choose two)
A: 在下一次会议上重申基本规则,确保所有团队成员都清楚这些规则。Reiterate ground rules at the next meeting and ensure that a!l team members are clear about these rules.
B: 让团队成员自行解决问题。Ask the team members to work it out themselves.
C: 解决每名团队成员的行为问题。Address the behavioral issue with each team member.
D: 直接与他们的经理讨论这种行为,并请求他们纠正这种行为。Discuss the behavior directly with their managers and request them to correct the behavior.
E: 与其他项目经理讨论这一情况,并请求他们提供建议。Discuss this situation with other project managers and ask for advice.
3、 某为期多年的大型项目需要高技能员工才能成功部署。管理团队和项目发起人分析了资源需求,并同意为项目雇佣长期职工,以避免潜在的预算超支问题。但在项目开展过程中存在员工流动的风险,这可能会对交付产生影响,项目经理应采取哪两种措施来减轻这种风险?(选择两项)A large multi-year project requires highly skilled staff for successful deployment The management team and the project sponsor have analyzed the resource requirements and agreed to have permanent staff hired for the project to avoid potential budget overrun.However,there is a risk of staff turnover during the course of the project,which may have an impact on the delivery. Which two actions should the project manager take to mitigate this risk? (Choose two)
A: 引入一个奖励计划,对资源绩效进行激励和奖赏。Introduce a recognition program to motivate and reward resource performance.
B: 通过培训、辅导和指导推动项目团队提高能力。Enhance the competencies of the project team through training mentoring,and coaching.
C: 增加训练有素的员工,以便培养后备资源。Increase the trained staff to create back-up for resources.
D: 说服高层管理人员雇佣第三方员。工Convince senior management to hire third-party staff.
E: 与管理层开会讨论将项目分解成较小的项目。Meet with management to discuss dividing the project into smaller projects.
4、 在一个混合型项目中,客户发布的合同规定了每个季度的可交付成果,客户希望在第一季度向干系人展示一项有形的成果,并希望将第二个里程碑前移至第一季度,项目经理向客户解释说这是不可行的,除非第二个里程碑的需求有所变更。项目经理应采用哪两种措施?(选择两项)
In a hybrid project, the customer has issued a contract that specifies the deliverables for each quarter. The customer wants to show their stakeholders a tangible outcome in the first quarter and wants to move the second milestone to the first quarter. The project manager explains to the customer that it is not feasible unless the requirements for the second milestone are changed. Which two actions should the project manager take?(Choose two)
A: 询问开发团队,与其讨论第二个里程碑的哪些需求可以在第一季度实施。Go back to the development team and discuss which second milestone requirements can be performed in the first quarter.
B: 就第二个里程碑的需求,了解客户的优先要务。Ask the customer for their priorities regarding the requirements for the second milestone.
C: 告诉客户将里程碑前移会对项目成本产生很大影响。Tell the customer that moving the milestone has a very high impact on the cost of the project.
D: 将问题上报给上层管理人员,以便解决该问题,并提出计划。Escalate the issue to upper management to resolve the prob and suggest a plan.
E: 说服客户将第二个里程碑保持原样,不要对之作出变更。Convince the customer to leave the second milestone in place and not change it.
5、 你正在为一个将使用敏捷方法进行产品开发的项目制定项目管理计划。你希望确保关键的干系人在项目的整个过程中都能了解交付的业务价值。 你的最佳行动方案是什么?(选择三个)
You are in the process of developing the project management plan for a project which will use agile methods for product development. You want to ensure that the key stakeholders will be kept apprised of the business value delivered throughout the course of the project. What is your best course of action? (Choose three)
A: 等到项目结束时,向干系人展示项目可交付成果 Wait until the end of the project to demonstrate the project deliverables to the stakeholders
B: 邀请干系人参加定期的迭代评审会议 Invite the stakeholders to attend the regular iteration review meetings
C: 根据项目待办事项列表中每个项的业务值分配故事点 Assign story points based on the business value for each item in the project backlog
D: 利用信息发射器,如看板和燃烧图表 Utilize information radiators such as a Kanban board and burn charts
E: 确保沟通管理计划指定定期向干系人报告项目状态 Ensure the communications management plan specifies periodic project status reporting to the stakeholders
6、 团队成员提出了一个风险,全国范围的停电威胁可能会影响软件开发项目的项目时间线。在上个月,这种风险变成了现实,项目时间线不得不延长2个月。项目经理应该采取哪两项行动?(选择两个)
Team members raised the risk that the threat of a nationwide power outage could affect the project timeline of a software development project. Last month, that risk became a reality and the project timeline had to be extended by two months. What are the two actions a project manager should take? (Choose two)
A: 要求团队成员加班,把损失的时间补回来,不影响项目进度。Ask the team member to work overtime to make up the time lost so that the project schedule is not impacted.
B: 分析问题的影响,提交变更请求以更新项目进展。Analyze the impact of the issue and submit a change request to update the project schedule.
C: 通知项目发起人,风险已经出现,并要求增加项目预算。Inform the project sponsor that the risk has materialized and request that the project budget be increased.
D: 延长项目截止日期,更新项目进度以反映延迟。Extend the project deadline and update the project schedule to reflect the delay.
E: 更新风险登记册,并与相关负责人合作,实施应对计划。Log it in the risk register and work with the relevant owner to implement the mitigation action plan.
7、 在构建阶段结束前,三名测试人员加入了项目团队。在项目团队会议上,测试人员表示项目质量很差,他们不应该继续测试,直到所有缺陷都被修复。项目经理应该采取哪三项行动?(选择三项)
Three testers joined the project team just before t he end of the build. During the project team meeting, the testers indicated that the project quality is poor, and they should not continue testing until all the defects are fixed. Which three actions should the project manager do? (Choose three)
A: 停止项目并审查输出。Slop the project and review the output.
B: 要求测试人员提供更多信息。Ask the testers to provide additional information.
C: 与项目团队一起头脑风暴问题。Brainstorm the issue with the project team.
D: 按照计划继续测试。Continue with testing according to the plan.
E: 请求发起人的协助和指导。Ask the sponsor for assistance and guidance.
8、 一个项目经理正在和三个虚拟团队一起做一个项目。团队A与团队B和团队C处于不同的时区。项目进行得很顺利,但最近A团队开始觉得自己被冷落了。信息到达A团队的时间较晚,或者有时会错过,B和C团队会优先考虑彼此的问题,而不是A团队。项目经理已经设定了项目指导方针,但意识到需要改进。项目经理应该做哪两件事来帮助团队更好地协作?(选择两个)
A project manager is working on a project with three virtual teams. Team A is in a different time zone than teams B and C. The project was going well, but recently team A has started feeling left out. Information reaches team A late or is sometimes missed, and teams B and C give preference to each other’s problems over team A. The project manager has already set project guidelines, but realizes they need to be improved. Which two things should the project manager do to help the teams collaborate better? (Choose two)
A: 安排与所有三个团队的每周进度会议,让他们轮流担任关键角色。 Schedule weekly progress meetings with all three teams and have them take turns as key players.
B: 计划团队成员在彼此的位置临时工作,以更好地提供团体意识。 Plan for team members to temporarily work at each other’s locations to better provide a sense of community.
C: 更新沟通管理计划,并鼓励各小组迅速和积极地加以审查。 Update the communications management plan and encourage the teams to review it promptly and proactively.
D: 创建状态报告模板,并在当天结束前与所有团队成员分享。 Create a status reporting template and share it with all team members before the day end.
E: 安排与每个团队的日常会议,详细了解他们的进展和关注点。 Schedule daily meetings with each team to understand their progress and concerns in detail.
9、 一个项目经理被分配到一个长期项目。这位项目经理遇到了政府关于一项可能影响项目的新法律的辩论。项目经理应该采取的前两项行动是什么?(选择两个)
A project manager has been assigned to a long-term project. The project manager came across a government debate over a new law that may affect the project. What are the first two actions the project manager should perform? (Choose two)
A: 创建变更请求,与变更控制委员会(CCB)讨论。Create a change request to discuss with the change control board (CCB).
B: 请求追加紧急情况预算。Request additional budget for contingency.
C: 与项目团队一起执行风险识别过程。Perform a risk identification process with the project team.
D: 与项目干系人协商。Consult with the project stakeholders.
E: 与主题问题专家(SMEs)讨论可能的影响。Discuss the possible impacts with subject matter experts (SMEs).
10、 某公司领导团队决定采用敏捷方法投资新产品。商业和产品团队已经开始了这个新项目的规划活动。为了交付这个产品,项目经理需要哪三个关键因素?(选择三个)
A company’s leadership team has decided to invest in a new product using an agile approach. The commercial and product teams have started the planning activity for this new venture. Which three key factors does the project manager need in order to deliver this product? (Choose three)
A: 高水平的产品待办事项列表High-level product backlog
B: 关键绩效指标(KPIs)Key performance indicators (KPIs)
C: 产品愿景Product vision
D: 进度性能指标(SPIs)Schedule performance indexes (SPIs)
E: 产品路线图Product roadmap