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【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P41:[P041]02_optimizing-with-solver - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm





求解器将是我们的首选武器,那么什么是求解器,求解器是一个标准,Excel在Windows上添加,它可以在Excel for Mac的更高版本上使用,如果你使用Mac,我们有一个链接为您解释细节。

如果你使用谷歌工作表,求解器的一个版本作为所谓的Add on可用,好的,这是我的Excel模板缩放器,下划线零,它发布在我们的网站上,所以你现在可以打开它,按照步骤操作,我在这里经历零版本。


我们将在Windows平台上使用Excel 213,如果你用的是Mac或谷歌工作表,取而代之的是,你还是要看台阶,我们在这里跟随,首先在我们建立模型之前,让我们找出在哪里找到求解器。

所谓的Excel求解器添加,我们在Excel 213上,然后这个版本的Excel求解器位于选项卡下,在抽头的部分中调用数据,称为分析,这是我的求解器按钮,如果你的设置和我一样,你看到那里的银按钮。





n将持有要生产的剃刀滑板车数量的值,这是决策变量的值,R和D 10将保留给纳瓦霍滑板车的数量,即决策变量n的值,让我们把头部放在A单元格中10个单位来制作,让我们在单元格C10和D10中添加一些试验值。







F10中的数字立即改变以反映新的利润值,所以让我们回去把它换成五百,顺便说一句,如果您想查看特定单元格中的公式或编辑该公式,您可以使用Windows快捷方式f 2,所以我们在牢房里。










框架制造时间,我们将在甲板集合时间,包装时间和Q A,让我们先来看看我们的框架制造,我们需要确保我们考虑的任何生产计划,本计划使用的框架制造小时数,不超过代数公式中可用的框架制造小时数。

生产计划使用的框架制造小时数,用决策变量r和n描述等于4乘以r加5乘以n,可用小时数是五千六百一十小时,在我们的电子表格配方中,cell g,十四持有可用的框架制造小时数的价值五千六百一十个。


以及对Q A和包装小时数的限制,如果你看看这些约束的代数公式,您会注意到两者的结构与约束的结构非常相似,我们已经处理过了,框架制造小时数的限制,所有三个约束都具有以下结构表达式,在约束的左手边。





Excel提供了一种通过使用复制和粘贴来避免这种情况的方法,和所谓的绝对单元格引用或单元格锚定,让我们比较单元格E中的公式,14到单元格E 15和E 16中的公式,再来一次。

这三个公式都使用决策变量单元格C10和D10的和积,这是14号细胞的分子式,以及该单元的每种资源的消耗量c 14和d 14,c十五和d十五,15号牢房和16号牢房,所以如果我们在14号细胞中取一个公式。

复制并粘贴到E 15和E 16单元格中,我们需要指示Excel离开C10和D10,在此复制和粘贴操作期间不变,并改变C14和D14,变成c十五和d十五,变成C16和D16。


我们使用Windows快捷方式f 4,在C10和D10单元格的地址周围贴上美元标志,那些美元分配,指示Excel不要更改单元格的地址,复制粘贴时,如果我现在只复制并粘贴E14中的公式。





目标函数与资源消耗值,我们将如何找到最佳的生产计划,总之,我们想找到单元格C10和D10中的值,我们的决策变量单元格,使单元格中的值f 10,我们的目标功能细胞尽可能大,同时确保E14中的值。









我们需要指定以解决约束是什么,我们使用服从约束分开,然后点击,添加对话框,添加约束出现在此对话中,我们使用单元格引用来选择单元格E 14,约束左手边的E15和E16,我们还使用约束部分来选择值g 14。



选择我们的决策变量到十和d十,然后在下拉菜单中选择I T选项选项,意思是整数,所以现在当我们点击好的,Excel求解器理解它必须只使用单元格中的整数值,当它寻找最佳生产计划时,好的。



所以如果您确定您的模型是作为线性模型构建的,使用此选项,因为它非常有效地求解线性模型,如果你的模型不是线性的,但是,您正在尝试使用LP SimpleX选项,求解者现在将在这次讨论中抱怨。
























【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P42:[P042]03_network-optimization-example - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm










让我们从公司需要确定的决策变量开始,从每个仓库运多少钱,就像洛杉矶,芝加哥和纽约,到每个配送中心,和奥斯汀,所以让我们分配一个变量x l,D代表从洛杉矶到丹佛的船的金额。



我从洛杉矶乘船到丹佛,每吨要花我一百零五美元。所以把L deons从洛杉矶运到丹佛,产生105倍xl d的成本贡献,并将XL吨从洛杉矶运往奥斯汀,产生135倍x a的成本贡献,用同样的方式。










在每个仓库和每个配送中心之间,有三个仓库和三个配送中心,所以我们的模板中有九个决策变量,我们有九个细胞,B 12到D 14有标题装运数量,让我们用这些单元格来表示决策变量的值。



























【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P43:[P043]04_optional-week-2-review - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm



我们将讨论优化问题的另外两个例子,资源分配和网络管理,下面是资源分配的上下文,一个联合国机构正计划为最近一次自然灾害的灾民建造住房,四种类型的住房单元被认为是a b,c和d。




所以我们让n a指定要构建的A型单元的数量,和b要建造的b类单元数,和c n和d要建造的c和d类单元数,分别是,我们有四个决策变量,好的,该机构希望最大限度地增加接受庇护的总人数。

如果它建造了一个A型单位,在这些单位避难的总人数将是,以同样的方式,如果它建立了NB、C、N和D单位,这些决定对目标函数的贡献将是NB的六倍,在c中加5乘以7乘以n d,为所有单位类型添加此贡献。


数控C型机组用四百三百倍和砖,然后D型单位的D,所需的砖块总数将是n的四百倍,加600乘以n b加400乘以n c加300乘以nd,不应超过一分,该机构有500万块砖头,铁皮怎么样。

铁片上的约束看起来是一样的,所需铁片的数量不能超过现有铁片的数量,所以我们增加了四种单元类型的铁板的所有要求,20乘n a加10乘n b加2,5乘以n c+18乘以n d,这不应该超过10万张铁皮。

该机构现有的铁皮,以类似的方式,所需的木杆数量不能超过木杆的可用性,所需的杆数为三根,5乘n a加3,两次和b,加两个,六倍nc加三十倍n d,这个总数不能超过一百二十,该机构现有的5000根木杆。






联合国机构正试图最大限度地增加受庇护者的总数,单元格H 5将用于存储此目标的值,配方是某种产品,我们的决策变量C5F5和单元格C6F6,因为这些牢房反映了每种类型的住房单元中庇护的人数,这就是公式。





然后将这个公式复制粘贴到g 11到g 13的单元格中,只是为了确保我们复制的一切都正确,让我们去G13细胞看看公式,我们使用快捷方式F2来显示公式,好的,看起来是正确的,好的。



我们还需要告诉求解器我们的决策变量,住房单元数必须为整数,所以我们点击添加,我们选择我们的决策变量,我们选择i t整数作为选项,这里我们点击确定,我们看到我们的约束被添加到这里。













我们将把这些决策变量的值放在单元格B11到D12中,例如,B 11号牢房,我们将保留数千平方英尺的硬木地板的价值,从A厂运到第一区,让我们把一些试验值放入决策变量单元格中,说每个细胞一千,和以前一样。


我们从等号开始,放入我们决策变量单元格的一些乘积,d十二和相应的运输费,F3单元格中的结果是根据Excel 120,四千欧元,所以我们有目标功能细胞,让我们把单元格中的字体改为粗体和红色,让它脱颖而出。






类型,就是确保从每个工厂运来的数量,不超过每个工厂的容量,单击确定,第二类约束是确保每个区域接收的任何东西,B 13到D 13至少是这个地区所要求的,现在我们不需要这里的整数约束,因为我们可以运送少量。


【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P44:[P044]05_optional-solver-on-mac - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm

在我们第二次会议的主视频中,我们已经研究了如何设置和解决一个优化问题,在Windows平台上的Excel 213中,在看这个之前,请确保你看了主视频,在这个视频里,我们将讨论方法上的差异。

Excel和求解器是在Mac和Windows上设置的,这里有一个缩放问题的电子表格,在电子表格上加载到Excel for Mac 211,我们已经进入了一个试验解决方案,五百五百。




我可以按Ctrl u显示和编辑此公式,我们想指出的第二个区别是,在Windows平台上引入绝对单元格引用的方式,这个快捷方式是Mac上的F4,它是命令T,比如说,如果我进入单元格E14。




【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P45:[P045]06_optional-solver-in-google-sheets - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm


对于目标函数和谷歌工作表上使用的资源量,求解器是附加组件之一,为了加载求解器,我们需要去添加,单击搜索框中的获取添加类型求解器,当你找到它的时候,安装它,好的,在这里,我们有求解器出现在Add on下。

关于快捷方式的几个评论,在谷歌工作表上的特定单元格中显示和编辑公式的快捷方式,与F2窗口相同,所以如果我们去目标函数单元F10,我们可以使用相同的快捷方式显示和编辑它的内容,这同样适用于快捷方式f 4。

如果我们检查单元格E,可以用来施加绝对单元格引用,十四并突出显示决策变量单元格,我们可以通过重复按F来改变单元格在绝对和相对之间的地址,四,好的,让我们调用求解器,让我们选择Add ons求解器。





【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P5:[P005]03_descriptive-data-collection-net-promoter-score-and-self-reports - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm





































【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P6:[P006]04_descriptive-data-collection-survey-design - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm



















































【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P7:[P007]05_passive-data-collection - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm














INO Scout是这个InfoCard的解决方案,实际上希望人们给他们的收据拍一张快照,然后寄回给他们,所以如果这些顾客在购买产品和全食产品明信片上就会有这些信息,但销售点数据可能没有。




【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P8:[P008]06_media-planning - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm

so now from point of sales data,let's go to media planning,now。

i want to give you some examples of how companies can go ahead and collect some data。

sometimes themselves and sometimes by the aid of other companies to get a sense of audience engagement。

so in radio,for example,there are companies out there that can collect this type of data。

so kantar media,for instance collects a lot of data in terms of who is listening to different radio shows。

how is the popularity of different stations,and so on there are other companies as well that collect this type of data。

for example nian audio again,you can think about these kinds of engagement,even at the tv level。

so here nielsen collects a lot of data,which is from the tv level。

how do they do that with a set top box,so this is the box which will go along with your cable box。

what are they trying to do here,they're trying to basically record。

who are the people who are watching a particular tv station,who is it in the family。

and then they aggregate at different households,to get a sense of how popular is a particular tv show。

how popular are different channels and so on,so again ac nielsen is not the only company doing this。

there are many other companies as well,another company is the following example。

again rent track is a company that basically collects information again about tv engagement。

there's slightly different ways of doing it,but the overall idea is exactly the same。

what would we want to do in these kinds of issues,tv or radio get a sense of how popular is a particular show or a particular channel。

what are the kinds of questions that can be answered,with these kinds of data that's available。

so for example,who is watching what show as a brand manager,or in fact as a tv station manager。

we would like to know which shows are popular,which shows potentially can be funded next year。

how is the viewership pattern changing over time,and for example。

if you start thinking about viewership pattern,how should i be spending different kinds of money on different types of ads。

in these tv shows,so broadly these kinds of questions can be answered by getting information about audience engagement。

and that's what companies like nielsen,companies like kantar media。

that's what they're doing when they're collecting different types of data。

either through radio shows or for tv shows,so now we'll talk about social media analytics。

so social media is becoming extremely popular,there are many many people on facebook twitter。

you name the different formats,people are there talking about brands,talking to each other。

and so on so clearly when you think about it yourself,as a brand manager。

you start thinking about what are customers talking about,you need data about social media。

and there are companies out there that will help you get that data,for example。

hootsuite is a company that does a lot of information and data collection on things。

going on on facebook or twitter,so it's a platform that collects that data。

sprout social is another example,so there are many companies out there that are collecting information on。

what customers are saying and doing on social media。

so what are the kinds of questions that a manager can answer using this type of data。

the first one is just audience engagement,if i'm running a campaign on facebook。

if i'm running a campaign on twitter,how many people are responding,that gives me a sense。

on how good that campaign is,another example might be more along the lines of thinking about brand mentions。

is our brand being mentioned more times than our competitors,what's our share of voice,so。

for example,as we just saw we could track,for instance。

how many times wharton came up in the last month on twitter。

you can start doing this search for your own brand,and see how it compares to your competitors。

you can also start thinking about doing sentiment analysis,so it's not just about mentions。

but how is it being mentioned,is it being mentioned in a positive way。

is it being mentioned in a negative way,how is it being mentioned。

and then you can start thinking about linking,for instance,what might be going on in the economy。

all different kinds of issues,together with brand mentions to see how they might change over time。

so social media data is very,very powerful,there are companies out there that can help you collect this type of data。

to see how your company is trending on social media as compared to your competitors。

so now we'll talk about another type of data,this is broadly categorized as web data。

this would be basically,all the different kinds of searches that you're doing on the internet。

all the different websites that people might be visiting and so on。

of course there's a wealth of information out there,first is。

you can start looking at your own company's website and seeing what customers are looking at。

but at the same time,you also want to know what's happening in the marketplace。

and that's where these other companies come in,for example,compete dot。

com is a website that will allow you to look at what people are looking at,at different sites。

there are,of course many other companies that do the same thing,for instance。

comscore is another company that collects this type of data as well,so are many other companies。

so this is another example,and lots of other companies that basically collect information on what are people searching for。

which websites are visiting,and so on what does a data stream look like again。

i went to compete,com,and looked for the type of searches。

and the type of people who are coming in on the wharton website。

that's what it looks like in the last month,so it gives you information on。

for instance on unique visitors and so on。

so besides,of course,going out and looking at companies that collect a wealth of information。

you can have data from your own website,for instance,as an example。

etsy com is a company where you can get a lot of information。

for instance on what are people looking at,so etsy has this data。

they can look at what people are searching for,and get a sense of what products are becoming popular。

what websites for example are becoming popular,and so on。

so collectively web data,gives you a lot of information in terms of what your customers are looking at。

either on your own website or competitive website,and so on,broadly。

this type of data helps you answer questions which are very managerally oriented。

you can start thinking about any kind of campaign,you can broadly categorize。

the type of spending that you're doing in terms of earned media,aid media and own media,own media。

basically is your own website,aid media,is any kind of engagement that you're doing in terms of paying for that media。

and earned media,are people who are organically coming to you。

if you start thinking about collecting this type of web data。

it gives you a sense of what is the roi for many kinds of campaigns,that you're doing so again。

the type of data and the type of questions you're trying to answer,have to go hand in hand,finally。

of course,when you start thinking about the holy grail。

it's mobile data that's where many many companies are making inroads,think about facebook。

of course it started off as a desktop,but many more people are accessing facebook using their mobile phones。

facebook has this data,they know where people are accessing facebook。

and they know the location as well,that's a wealth of information,as another example。

this is foursquare again,this is a website in which people kind of check in。

usually through their mobile phone,foursquare again has a lot of information on where people are。

where they are checking in what else is around them。

so many many such companies are basically collecting this information on the flip side。

there are companies such as fluy analytics,what do they do,they get a sense of,you know,hey。

how's your app doing in terms of overall customer engagement,and they can also start helping you。

monetize the app,and make it better in terms of people accessing it easily。

and trying to make more money out of that,what are the type of managerial questions that can be answered。

for example,is customers search in the mobile platform,different from the desktop。

what information should show customers based on their location,so think about foursquare。

for instance,they have information on where you are。

should the information they show you be different,depending on your location,probably yes。

and of course another type of question would be,are there coupons that can be sent based on your location。

all of these questions can be answered by looking at mobile data。

and again there are companies out there that can help you collect the data,you collect the data。

you collect the data。

【沃顿商学院】商业分析 全套课程(客户、运营、人力资源、会计) - P9:[P009]07_causal-data-collection-and-summary - 知识旅行家 - BV1o54y1N7pm



我们试图在更改登陆页面之间建立因果关系,查看点击率,这就是因果关系的全部,这就是现场实验的全部,所以有很多公司允许你做这种类型的A B测试,比如说,当你开始考虑A B测试时。











看看它们如何产生因果影响,所以有很多公司会帮助你做这个A B测试,所以一个简单的例子可能是,如果你开始考虑两个登陆页面,登陆页A与登陆页B,你如何区分哪一页更好,以下是理想情况下你想做的。






所以总的来说,当你开始考虑这些不同公司的定价计划时,启动计划通常是免费的,所以你可以自己做很多A B测试,如果你开始考虑你的整体登陆页面,你开始考虑购买的整体漏斗,那是你开始付大笔钱的时候。










沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P1:0_营销101建立强大品牌(一).zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c


Hello, I'm Barbara Kahn, and I'm a professor of marketing at the Wharton School。

And I'm here to talk to you about marketing。 So this segment is the marketing 101, the basics。

principles of marketing。 And my focus is going to be on building strong brands。 Because of course。

the essence of marketing is to have a very strong brand。 So let's start off with the first question。

a very basic question, but, maybe not as obvious as you might think, which is what is marketing?

And I'm going to argue that marketing is the study of a market。

So what's a market? A market is an exchange between two partners, frequently a buyer and。

a seller, but marketing also applies to nonprofit or。

things where there isn't necessarily money being transacted。

But what you need for marketing to exist or for。

a market to exist is to have an exchange。 And what I'm going to argue is that what marketing means is going to differ as。

a function of different aspects of those exchange。 So let's look at the basic exchange。

You have one buyer and one seller。 And I'm going to give a very simplified view to make a point。

No market's are ever quite this simple。 And I'm going to look at the two extremes just to make my point here。

And the real markets are somewhere in the middle。 But you'll see when I start defining this。

that it's very useful to use this, kind of simplification。

So if we think of an exchange between buyers and sellers, on one extreme we。

could have what's called a seller's market。

And then the seller's market, what that means is the seller has a product。

And if you want that product, you have to come to the seller。 So the seller has all the power。

The opposite of that would be a buyer's market, where there's lots of competition。

and a lot of products out there。 And the buyer has the power。 And what I would argue。

and I think would make sense to you too, if you think about it。

is marketing should not be the same in a seller's market as in a buyer's market。

So in a seller's market, what marketing tends to be is what we call product focus。

marketing。 You have the product, if the customers want it, they're going to come to you。

In that case, you should develop that product to the best of your ability。

You should innovate in that product。 You should try to reduce costs。

And you should really focus on the product。 Your business objective in a product focus market is to sell as much as you can。

And profitability from a product focus market is going to come from volume, selling as much。

as you can。 In the past when we've studied product focus markets, we've shown that profitability is。

tied to market share。 So market share becomes your business objective。

And why does market share increase profitability? Because the bigger your market share。

the more your revenues。 And the bigger your market share and your volume。

the lower the product cost, and hence, profitability。 Higher revenues, lower costs, more profit。

That's really the goal of a product focus market。 And when your product focus。

where do you get growth? Will you develop new products based on your product experience?

Or you go to new markets? That's product focus marketing。 So what's customer focus marketing?

Is it the opposite? And the answer is going to be no, not exactly。 In fact。

it's quite a different type of marketing。 Let's think about it。

Customer focus marketing means that I need to focus on the customer to get that customer。

to buy from me rather than the competition。 Well, what's the best way to get the customer to buy from you rather than from the competition?

The best way to do it is to look at what that customer wants and deliver a product that。

meets the needs of that customer。 So where is the product focus market on the expert?

And I create the very best product I can based on my expertise in a customer based market。

What I'm going to do is look at what the customer wants and try to create product to。

meet that customer's need。 That's a very different point of view。

Some people call it inside out is product focused and outside in is customer focus。 Okay。

so now we're going to look at what the customer wants to deliver value to that, customer。

But think about it。 What does the customer want? Well, the first question is, well, which customer?

You can't give every customer what they want and we know customers are going to want all。

different things。 So the reason why a buyer's market or customer focused marketing is so different than product。

focus is that every customer out there wants something different。

If we try to give everybody what they want, we'll go out of business。 That's too hard to do。

So the intuition of customer focus marketing is to pick and choose customers, deliver value。

to some customers, say yes to some customers and no to other customers。

That's the process of segmentation。 I'm going to talk about that in the next section。

But the idea here is that I go after some customers and I say no to other customers。

Well then how do I become profitable in that? Understand that in a product focused marketing what we did is sell as much as we can。

We sold that product to anybody who wanted that product。

In a customer focused market we're saying no to some customers and yes to others。

So how do we make that profitable? And the answer is you pick and choose the customers you want to deliver。

You deliver value to that customer, give them exactly what they want and that they're willing。

to pay for。 And where the profitability comes from is not from volume but it's from creating value。

How can value based marketing be profitable?

Well the first thing is if I give you exactly what you want many times you'd be willing。

to pay a premium price。 Then the profitability comes in not from reduced costs which we saw in the seller's market。

side but from increased price premium。

If you give me exactly what I want I'll be willing to pay a higher price for it。 So that's one way。

The other way customer based marketing is profitable is by giving the customer what they。

want time after time after time。 I don't think about just one transaction。

I think about building customer loyalty and delivering value to that customer over time。

That concept is called customer share rather than market share where I try to get a little。

bit from everybody。

The idea of customer share or share of wallet is that I go out through a more narrow market。

and try to get more from each of those customers' wallets。

And it turns out that loyalty is very, if you do it right can be very profitable。

And why is loyalty more profitable? Because it's the cost of delivering value to the customer。

When I'm doing a customer based marketing it's actually quite expensive to give the。

customer exactly what they want。 Once I figure out what that customer wants and I deliver it to them the first time it's。

cheaper to deliver it to them time after time after time。

So it's more difficult and more expensive to acquire new customers but it's cheaper to。

retain those customers over time and that's where the profitability comes from。

It comes from loyalty。 The other thing if you're thinking about building share of wallet in the customer focus market。

is that I not only sell one product to you I think that other things that you might need。

and I try to cross sell around it。

Let me give you an example of this notion of cross selling。

If you've ever got into a gap or some gene store and you go to cash register and you buy。

a pair of jeans, the cashier or the person behind the counter might say oh these are very。

nice jeans。 Do you think you'll need a belt with that? Do you think you'll need socks?

That's the notion of cross selling。 So I'm selling other things to you besides that one specific product。

All of these are the idea of increasing customer share and that's a very important part of。

customer focus marketing。 Give the customer exactly what they want。

They'll be willing to pay a premium price for it。 Give them what they want and keep delivering value over time。

They will stay loyal to you and they'll buy over time and that's more profitability and。

if you understand their needs you can not only sell them one product but you can cross。

sell other products that may also meet their needs。

So in a customer base market where profitability comes from is premium price, loyalty and cross。

selling。 The difference between sellers market says you focus on the product on what the customer。

does well and you push that out and in a customer base market you focus on the customer。

what the customer wants and you deliver value to the customer better than the competition。

So that's the basic difference between product base marketing and customer focus market。

Now in today's world the market place has changed even more。

What's changed? Well now not only do you have an exchange between buyers and sellers but because of globalization。

and because of the internet and technology and social media and things like that it's。

not a one-to-one conversation anymore。 Customers can talk to other customers。 That's good and bad。

If you're doing a really good job in meeting the needs of the customers the fact that they'll。

buzz to their other customers and tell their other friends about what a terrific service。

your company is doing well that's really good news。

On the other hand if something goes wrong and they tell their friends something bad well。

that's not such good news and so you have to be really careful in every transaction with。

the customer now that you deliver not only value but that you deliver a top-notch customer。

experience。 Because although what I've been talking about in the sellers market and in the buyers market。

has focused on transactions in the sellers market I talked about a single transaction。

In the buyers market I talk about transactions over time or customer loyalty but in the connected。

community if your message is being transmitted by customers to other customers they talk about。

the customer experience。 What do I mean by customer experience? Let me give you an example。

It starts way before the transaction and it goes way after the transaction。

So for example if a customer told another customer about their experience at a restaurant。

they might say well I was driving to that restaurant and I hit a lot of traffic then I。

got to the parking lot and I couldn't find a parking space。

Only when I got into the restaurant I finally got a table the meal was really good but then。

at the end of the meal when I was leaving I tripped and fell。

That may be the way they describe the experience at the restaurant。

And if that's the way your message about your product is going to be transmitted from customer。

to customer then you as a marketer need to focus on the entire customer experience。

So one of the things and we'll talk about this later that's changed in marketing in this。

world of social media and internet and globalization is that the marketer has to be completely transparent。

has to be authentic and has to focus on the entire customer experience。

One thing else to mention we're seemingly coming out of a recession now but there was。

a global recession and in the last few years probably starting about 2008 we had some real。

strong economic uncertainty。 There was a lot of scandals going on people became a skeptical of marketing marketing。

had some bad names that the financial services industry people lost trust and so with all。

those changes in the economic environment there's been a focus again in marketing and。

marketing now has to focus on authentic genuine customer value。

In order to be profitable you not only have to deliver customer value over time and in。

an experiential way but now because of the tightness of the economy and the uncertainty。

there you really have to cut costs and figure out a way to deliver value in a very disciplined。

manner and be very flexible to changes in the marketplace。

So let me just summarize what I've just said the different types of marketing orientation。

there's the product orientation where you focus on the product and you persuade the。

customer to want what the firm has。 There's the marketing orientation where you persuade the firm to offer what the customer。

wants that the customer focus approach。 The experience orientation says that you not only think about the transaction and think。

about the transactions over time but you try to manage the customer's entire experience。

with the firm and when times get tough or customers stop trusting markets then you need。

to remember to build that relationship based on authenticity, on trust and on discipline。

And what's the difference in these different types of markets in terms of what you offer?

In a production orientation you're focusing on product innovation but also reducing costs。

so you tend to see generic products and standardization。

When you're focusing on customer value you see differentiated products and we'll talk。

about that when we talk about brands also how you position your product to meet the needs。

of the customers better。 In an experience orientation you look at experiential value and when you're going to that tight。

discipline mind frame or mindset you look at genuine value。

And what's the competitive sustainable competitive advantage in each of these markets?

In a product orientation the bigger companies win because they tend to have larger market。

share and lower cost and lower cost is a big strategic advantage。

In a marketing orientation when you're focusing on the customers the companies that do the。

best are companies that really know their customers that can deliver quality and that。

have a lot of customer data and know how to use that data to deliver better value。

In an experiential market you look at transformation the customer becomes a co-creator of the value。

and it's really making the customer and the product one kind of overall experience。

And in a trust orientation the sustainable competitive advantage are the companies that。

you trust and that means you've had a long history with them they're transparent and。

you trust them over time。 And what are the measurements of profitability?

In production orientation as I mentioned market share is tied to profitability。

In marketing orientation it's share of wallet or customer share, customer loyalty。

In experience market when you're looking at customers talking to other customers we start。

measuring social networks and buzz and word of mouth and referrals。

And in a trust orientation we really focus on reduced costs。



沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P10:9_数据驱动的商业模式.zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c

So I want to talk about a couple of examples about companies that have used information。

technology and specifically the data about their customers to come up with business models。

that are quite distinct from product centricity。 And so two examples I want to share with you very briefly would be Harrah's。

the casino, chain here in the US and Tesco, the grocery retail chain in the United Kingdom。

In many ways the stories are quite similar despite the fact that they're very different。

companies operating different businesses and different geographies。

In both cases these are companies that were getting beaten up in their businesses。

They weren't nearly as large as some of their competitors, they didn't have the resources。

to compete head to head in a traditional product centric manner and so they turned to the data。

they turned to a deep understanding about their customers to draw insight and to let。

them change their business models in a way that actually let them rise to the top of their。

industries。 So let's talk first about Harrah's, casino chain here in the US。

They're having a hard time competing against other chains that just had deeper pockets。

greater resources。 It was hard for them to develop products and services to compete on a head-to-head basis。

So Harrah's instead turned to its data and in particular developed an amazing loyalty, program。

Now many companies developed loyalty programs but few of them were able to draw the actionable。

insights that Harrah's was to truly understand at a granular level what each customer is。

doing not only what games they're playing but what meals they're eating, what room preferences。

they have, what entertainment options they seek and to understand when that customer is。

likely to change his behavior, when he's likely to walk away from the table and what kinds。

of things that Harrah's itself could do to change their behavior for the better。

What kinds of messages and offers to provide at the right time and through the right channel。

in order to create and extract more value from that customer。

So Harrah's was just brilliant in drawing those insights and understanding for instance what。

someone's threshold was, if this customer goes down about say on a $150 it's time to, intervene。

it's time to offer them a meal or some kind of other activity which is going。

to make them feel great but equally importantly it's going to reset their mental account and。

so when they sit back down again the threshold is back towards zero。

So Harrah's was very smart about understanding that kind of messaging and it's a very similar。

story for Tesco, again competing very very tough with other big grocery chains in the, UK。

Sainsbury, Morrisons and so on, they turned to the data, they developed a loyalty program。

they really understood their customers in some very clever ways。

They would understand which households were buying a lot of their meals and other products。

from Tesco and which ones weren't and specifically which kinds of products were the light households。

not buying from Tesco。 So Tesco knew which kinds of coupons to send to which kinds of households at which time。

in order to get them to buy more and this helped them not only grow the business with。

those customers but also it helped them to compete more effectively。

So when Walmart bought a small chain and entered the UK Tesco knew which customers were most。

vulnerable to switch to Walmart and which products they'd likely buy from Walmart。

So Tesco knew again which coupons to send to which households at which time in order to。

really hold onto those customers and bolster their business。

So by understanding its customers Tesco was able to do a great job defending itself against。

Walmart and staying at the top of the grocery business in the UK。

So those are only two examples of companies that have turned to the data in addition to。

developing fine products and services but really leaning heavily on the data and a rich deep。

understanding of their customers in order to pivot their business model in a way that they。

could never achieve through products and services alone。 [MUSIC]。

沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P100:23_管理人员.zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c

When we look at the dictionary definition of manage or management for that matter, it's。

all about getting the people below us, maybe in some of the unit to do well。

We promote them if they have succeeded。 But management in my view is a kind of a 360 in reverse。

We've got to manage people below。 Of course, we've got to manage partners。

joint venture people that we're working with。

There's out here that may have, on our part, picked up some of the outsource functions。

that they can do better than we can do。

And today, we also have to be able to manage our boss, manage with our boss。

That's not about currying favor。 It is about making certain that Chuck Schwab is going to be on board。

We've got to manage that if we're actually going to do it。

If he gets in a way, it's not going to happen。 Thus, David。

look at the photograph there at the bottom, sits down with Charles Schwab。

They talk for a couple weeks knowing your boss that you can manage。

Charles Schwab is a very analytic guy along with all the other ways we think。 Of course。

the intuition is very powerful。 But he says to David, David knew it。 Show me the numbers。

If we cut our revenue by 70% with that price cut, are we indeed?

What's the evidence that we're going to make up for that in a huge new flow of new customers?

We'll make up for price cut in radically rising volume。

The two of them talk about that for two and a half weeks。 Lots of going back and forth。

It is pointed out that a 20% or 25% loss of stock price by the company Charles Schwab。

may cost Chuck Schwab himself close to $500 million, maybe even $1 billion because so。

much of his own net worth and net of his family is in Charles Schwab's stock。

Probably not a billion, but maybe at least a couple hundred million。 That loss, by the way。

might happen in just a couple days when the stock price plummets。

maybe by 22% in line with the drop in pre-tax profits。 At this point, the question for Chuck Schwab。

an obvious one, David, you're asking me to。

kind of bet my family fortune, should I trust you? And the answer is, well, you should。

I've been working with you for quite a while。 You've seen me make management decisions before。

I've explained them to you。 Unlike our firefighter and man Gulch。

who didn't explain almost anything, David Potruk, of a school that he had an opportunity to think through。

has been explaining to people, below, outside and above, in this case, Charles Schwab。

how he makes decisions。 With that, Chuck says, let's do it。

Now we're not quite done as we begin now to push this through though because we got two。

areas of people that we still have to manage, not yet articulated or identified。

The first is the board of directors itself。 They tend to think if you're in a big company。

it's way up there。 But this is a kind of bet the company decision。 Do they want to know about it?

Of course。 And we have to not only take it to them。

We actually have to manage how they think about it in the best sense of management, not。

to manipulate, but to put the facts out so they can make their own independent, reasoned。

judgment call。 At the next board meeting, thus Chuck says to Charles Schwab says to David Potruk。


the board has to look at this, of course, has to approve it, for sure, and I'd like you。

to take it into the next board meeting。"。

David walks in and in about two and a half hours at the next Charles Schwab board of directors。

meeting, lots of non-executive directors, people from the outside there, it takes David。

only a couple hours to make the case and to find approval。 And that quick。

talking good and timely here, of course, yet again, that quick decision。

came in part because David had earlier, won't go into it now, but had earlier forced himself。

to master the art of managing up, not only in the direction of the chief executive, "I。

got to get better managing my relationship with Charles Schwab, I've got to get really。

good at managing all these non-managing with all these non-executive directors。"。

By the time he got to that meeting, thus it went extremely well, two and a half hours, it's a go。

And now for the final group of people, all part of our question here, how do we build an。

organization, design it well, and then change it when the world is changing around us as。

the internet is doing that to the retail brokerage market in spades。 And now appreciates。

going back to that earlier, eight item set of warnings, what can get in, the way that 14。

990 people don't know about this, and most of them are probably going to。

be skeptical if not outright hostile to it。

Why is that? Just work the logic。 If we cut 70% of our income。

how are we going to pay people salaries at the end of the month? Things like cutbacks。

maybe even storefront closures, the Schwab offices are all over。

the country。

Maybe people are going to get no bonus, maybe we're going to cut into people's retirement。 And thus。

even though intellectually it might sound appealing, as people think about the。

whole mortgage and the family, they may think, they probably do think this better be good。

otherwise it's going to be a personal catastrophe。

So David does this, mindful of all the above。 It's right on that earlier chart。

He arranges for everybody in the top several hundred ranks of the company。

He's got to be careful because if he publicly announces this or privately, but in a public。

way through the company, announces this plan, all the competitors are going to get wind。

of it and they may jump the gun。 They may be announcing cuts before his own cut on January 15th is announced。

So secrecy, that's something that's another management function here, keeping the secret, critical。

Thus, on an early San Francisco morning, David asked his top several hundred people to meet。

him essentially over breakfast at a hotel near the San Francisco airport。 Now San Francisco。

we all know three hours behind New York, New York Stock Exchange open, big customers are calling。

I want to buy and sell stock。 So there's some question。

Why are they in the middle of a trading hour going off to have a breakfast at a hotel?

Even worse, one of the speakers that David brings on the podium is an historian who's。

going to tell about the history of San Francisco。 And he begins to say everybody's kind of blinking on this one that the decision to build the。

Golden Gate Bridge goes back to 1917。

So 20 years that opens in 1937。 Along the way, there were a lot of people who said it could never be done。

There were a lot of people whose lives were at risk。 It's a dangerous business。

But the people who decided to build the bridge pushed through against all those sources of。

organizational inertia。 The ferry operators, for example, violently opposed building a bridge。

You can see where they're coming from。

And the company that built it took special measures to protect the life of construction, workers。

Okay, so where's this going? Everybody's thinking。 And David then, Potra himself。

stands up at the podium and says, look, it took 20 years。

for that to happen。 Of course, when it did happen。

it transformed San Francisco from what it was to an icon。

of American life。 What's across the bridge, Marin County。

just a huge development that it would have never, prospered like a wood without the bridge。

The bridge transformed San Francisco, California。 It's an icon of American life。 And by the way。

almost no lives were lost during the construction。 So we can see where that's going。 He then says。

I'm here to announce today that on January 15th, this is October 15th, we're。

going to go full service trading at $29, kind of a gasp out there in the audience。

And in doing that, we're going to make every effort to avoid layoffs。

Hence that illusion back to the workers lost on the bridge。 But in doing that。

we're going to transform the industry before it transforms us。

Back to the somewhat bland words of this topic, we're going to redesign our architecture。

before we're forced to do so。 I know there are a lot of forces of inertial resistance to that。

But he then, two final steps here to get at those。 He asks all the assembled managers, quite senior。

arrange though cross functionally。 Let's go back to that idea。 People in finance。

next to people in sales, next to people who are back office, next to。

people who are information technology。 And he asks each table there to take a few minutes talking privately。

Everybody's going to have a chance now to talk。 This is how we make organizational change。

He asks each of the tables for the eight people around them to take about ten minutes and。

identify the points of resistance that they're going to encounter。 Well。

of course what's on earth is really interesting。

Has to be managed。 That's the topic, managing people。 And by the way。

the other great value of that method to say the obvious here is that in asking。

people to refer not to their own reasons to fight it, but to those below them, they also。

have a chance to put in their answers what other people are going to think, their own。

thinking。 Because David Potrock is chief executive, knowing that a chief executive one time told。

me that the higher he goes, the better the information gets because nobody wants to bring。

up resistance or bad news。 This was David's way of understanding from his top people, the top 200。

Why would they resist? Equally, importantly, why would people below them push back as well?

With that then, and I'm going to really kind of bring this to a summary point right here。

David says, "Great to thank you for all the input you've heard from our historian。

I now have a bunch of luxury coaches out the door of this hotel and we're going up to the。

San Francisco side of the Golden Gate Bridge。 There it is, seen from across the Golden Gate。

Marin County。 They begin at the far end。 They get off the buses。 Everybody。

David's got this plotted out。 It gets a nice, warm blue jacket。 Unfortunately。

it turned out to be one of the warmest days ever in October。 But David says then。

"We're now going to walk from the San Francisco side of the bridge。

all the way across to the Marin terminus of the bridge。 A few of you have done that。 Most of not。

I've been out there many times。 I've never paid that walk。 It's a long walk。 Just look at it。

And then they get up on a hill at the far end and they take the following photograph。

You see it right there。 Caption as it now is going to hang on office walls all through Schwab is crossing the。

chasm October 15th。 What's that got to do with new pricing and redoing back office algorithms and how we。

charge a customer? Well nothing technically but everything with the fact that we got people who have a head。

Got to go for that。 And they also have a heart。 It's the way of saying we got to get to the cognitive side of the brain。

We also have to get to people's emotions。 Is this a big deal?

Of course it's big。 Just look at this。 We're crossing this chasm。 Epilogue。 January 15th。

It is a shock, is a well-kept secret。 Pretty much on board。 It made all the changes required。

And in the days that follow Wall Street, even though it's explained by David what was, going on。

the stock drops about 25% huge losses。 In the middle of all this I happened to work with David Potrock along the way。

I called him up and I said, "Hey David, how's this going? I've read all about this。", And he said。

"Well it's going。", He said, "You should know。 I actually am sleeping like a baby。"。

I said, "Really?", And he said, "Yeah, I'm actually waking up every two hours and crying。"。

So it was a tough, very stressful period。

Go back to our previous topic。 One's a great team, most vital to a group。

a team to work well or a group of people to。

work well。 During a period of high stress, his team was well built。

They all had the same jacket。 They knew each other。 And over the next 12 months really。

with the loss of 70% revenue, it's more than made up。

for by new customers。 They just came pouring in。

Pretty hard to resist buying a seat on an airline that's going to do a 70% discounted。

ticket or in this case sell you a thousand shares of Cisco for 70% less than you could。

do it the day before in January 14。 That gets then to a summary。

more affirmatively taking those eight opening thoughts on what。

gets in the way。 And here we have a more affirmative model for you。 The kinds of steps。

this is from John Carter。 In my view, when it comes to managing。

and we said this at the outset of the course, it really is a matter of judgment and having a dozen or so or a couple dozen working concepts。

that you apply。 I say all that as an intro into this particular eight step model for leading change。

Take a look at these。 I recommend you grab a few like a burning platform。 That's what David did。

He said at this event at the hotel, look, this industry is changing。 E-Trade is coming along。

If we don't change now, we're going to be out of business。 There's a burning platform。

The other factors look at number four, getting buy-in, taking the top 200 people across the, bridge。

all part of the enactment。 But look at the eight points here as guidance for your own judgment。

That concludes our thinking here on the fourth and final topic of human and social capital。

managing people at work。 Thank you。 Thank you。 for your attention。 [BLANK_AUDIO]。

沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P101:24_管理人员模板的人力资本和社会资本.zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c

And by way of summary, briefly just to put words in what you see there, going back to。

John Chambers' "Sisco" or a topic was making good and timely decisions, finding people。

around you to whom you can turn for offline trusted feedback。

You do need to think about where you want to go, let people below you well-picked, well-trained。

job design appropriately paid to work out the execution。

Breathing down their neck is going to undercut that, so convey intent with no micromanage。

But number three, think about that firefighting team that went into that fire setting in Montana。

They had never worked with each other before。 And there's an argument, I think it's right。

had they known each other, had they trusted, each other before they got there。

The number two person, named Robert Sally, would have more likely followed the huge management。

decision by the incident commander Wagner Dodge when he created a life-saving fire, what's。

called an escape fire now, but he couldn't manage people to get into that because they。

barely knew Wagner Dodge the bus。 And the fourth and final piece on making good and timely decisions。

which is think about, Charles Ilodgig and Ann Livermore。

more broadly big companies creating just a mindset of learning, to make good decisions。

making a first time mistake, making decisions good enough, but。

not making them necessarily perfect to use Ann Livermore's commentary there。

As we turn to architecture, the design, it's an independent force。

Good to think about how we reward people, good to think about how we promote, good to think。

about designs that animate or discourage people。 Separately, the way we put people together。

do we put them together in a division standalone, do we have people reporting。

call that a profit and loss design, or within a given division。

do we have all the functional specialists like the marketing people reporting up to the。

central VP for marketing, as by the way was largely the case there back at Howser Foods。

That might be the word that really captures this point。 To be a manager。

to be a general manager means we got to grab all these pieces。

That's the essence of this section of the course。 And they need to work together。

If they're pulling in different directions, we saw that actually at Howser Foods, we've。

got a problem。 With that problem of that kind solved though。

inequity is a kind of a haunting fact of the, human condition。 It's just there。

And as a way of saying, people, if it's pay, promotion, or anything else for performance。

if it looks like they're getting, somebody's getting promoted or paid or somehow treated。

better with a better office for performance, if they feel unfair and unfairness has been。

committed by you, the manager, got a problem here。 We need to solve it。 First point。

got to be aware of it, and then we got to be obviously very good at ensuring。

a very close tie between what we actually reward and what we want from people。 Finally。

we need to build a bigger scaffolding。 We've got a lot of people, more than 10 or 15 in many cases。

thousands, some companies, take Walmart 2。2 million。

We have to find ways of putting people together, organizing teams so that they work with other。

teams。 Having done that, critical to get that right, a whole scaffolding for doing that well, we。

then face just a lifelong problem of needing to change, to restructure from time to time。

how the design does work。 And for that, we've ended with the basic notion when you take a design as a manager that maybe。

you've been given, maybe you even helped create, to get people to go with you, a burning platform。

and going for their head and their heart, probably pretty important for your future。

So may you all manage and here are some of the tools。

We hope that will help you do so。 [BLANK_AUDIO]。

沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P102:0_直觉与贴现.zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c

Welcome to Corporate Finance in our first lecture。

Today we're going to talk about the time value of money。

We're going to start off with some intuition。 Then I want to introduce the tools associated with the time value of money。

namely the discount factor and the timeline。 Finally。

I want to apply those tools to move money back in time via a process called discounting。

Let's get started。 Hey everybody, welcome to Corporate Finance in our first lecture on the time value of money。

We're going to start off with some intuition and discounting。 In particular。

I want to give everybody a good sense of what the time value of money means in a context with which they're already familiar。

Then I want to introduce some tools and then I want to apply those tools to our first financial problems。

So some intuition。 Hopefully in a setting with which everybody is already comfortable and familiar with。

that's foreign currency。

Imagine I've got 100 euros and 100 dollars。 And I ask the question, "How much money do I have?"。

Well, we can't answer that, at least not yet, because we can't add euros to dollars。

What we need to do is what? We need to convert the euros to dollars to find out how much we have in dollars or convert the dollars to euros to find out how much we have in euros。

And we do this using an exchange rate。 There's nothing special in this example that there's only two currencies。

If I had three currencies, euros, dollars and you won。

I would have to convert two of the currencies into one currency, one base currency。

whether it's into yuan, dollars or euros using the appropriate exchange rates in order to answer the question。

"How much money I have?" or in order to add the different currencies。 So what's the message? Well。

look, we can't add or subtract different currencies。

We have to convert the currencies to a common base currency using an exchange rate。

So what does this have to do with the time value of money?

Well, the time value of money refers to the fact that money received or paid at different times is like different currencies。

You can't add it。 Money has a time unit。 What you have to do is you have to convert to a common base unit in order to aggregate it。

and to do that, we need an exchange rate for time。

So let's talk about some of the tools that we're going to use to accomplish this task。 So first。

the timeline, which is exactly what it sounds like。

I've got a timeline here that lays out different time periods, and these periods could be anything。

They could be years, they could be months, they could be days, they could be decades。 Typically。

we refer to time period zero as "today" or "now" or the point at which we're answering the question。

Underneath that, we lay out our cash flows, denoted by CF。 The subscript denotes the time period。

and this is nothing more than a visual representation of when money is coming or going。 That's it。

Getting the habit of placing cash flows on a timeline, when you work in Excel。

it almost automatically does that for you。 But it's a great tool to emphasize the point that money arrived at different points in time。

has a different time unit, and cannot be added。 Right? Don't add money at different points in time。

Let me say it one more time。 Never add money received at different points in time。

I put a little asterisk there because some people will say, "Well。

what if the money arrives very close in time?", Then it's not such a sin。

but getting the habit of just not doing it。 I say it multiple times because you'll do it。

your friends will do it, people in finance do it all the time。 But it's not a good thing to do。

and you'll see why in just a moment。 What we need is we need an exchange rate for time to convert to a common time unit。

and that exchange rate is called a discount factor。

Our discount factor is given by one plus r raised to the power t。 t。

that's just the number of the time periods into the future, if t is greater than zero or past。

if t is less than zero, that we want to move the cash flows。 r, like it's its own slide。

r is the rate of return offered by investment alternatives in the capital markets of equivalent risk。

That's a mouthful。 r goes by several other names, goes by a discount rate, a hurdle rate。

an opportunity cost of capital。 The way to think about r is just to ask yourself。

"What are the risk or how risky are the cash flows that I'm going to be discounting here?"。

Then think about how that relates to investments in the capital markets。

What I've done here is I've presented average annual returns to six different investments。

What do you notice? You notice that riskier investments, as I move down the columns。

riskier investments are met with higher returns。 Riskier investment, higher return。

How do we use the tools? We're first going to focus on bringing cash flows back in time。

and when we move cash flows back in time, that's called discounting。

Here's my timeline that we started out with。 I'm simply illustrating that if I want to convert all of these cash flows from period one forward into time zero units。

what I would do is I apply my discount factor to each one。

To move cash flow one back to period zero, I'm going to multiply by one plus r to the minus one because I'm moving it back in time。

hence it's negative, one period, hence one。 Similarly for cash flows two, three, and four。 Again。

notice that all of the exponents are negative because we're moving all of these cash flows back in time to today's units。

Once I've done that, once I've discounted each cash flow back to today。

I can add all of these numbers。 They're all in the same time units, namely date zero units。

Let's get rid of this mess。 These values of the future cash flows as of today are called present values。

Present values of cash flows is the discounted value of the cash flow as of period T。

or in this case period zero。 And the notation is just that。

Present value as of period zero of cash flow one。 Present value as of period zero of cash flow two。

It's just some notation that will be useful as we move throughout the course。 Let's do an example。

How much money do you have to save today to withdraw $100 at the end of each of the next four years if you can earn 5% per annum?

The first step in tackling any problem is to just put the cash flows on a timeline。

Let's get our bearings straight。 The question is how much do I need today?

So how much do I need today, period zero, if I'm going to withdraw $100 each year over the next four years thereafter?

Well, the naive thing to do would be to just add these and say $400。

But we know that's wrong because that's a no-no。 These cash flows or these dollar amounts have different time units。

We can't add them。 What we need to do is move them back in time today by discounting。

And since we've assumed a 5% discount rate or a 5% rate of return on our investment, that's our R。

And you'll notice I'm dividing each one by the discount raised to the appropriate power。

We can do a little arithmetic。 And now I can add all of these numbers。

They're all in the same time units to answer the question。 We're going to need $354。60。

More precisely, we need $354。60 today in an account earning 5% each year so that we can withdraw $100 at the end of each of the next four years。

Alternatively, the present value of $100 received at the end of the next four years is $354。

60 when the discount rate is 5%。 Now, I know that's just another way of saying what I said in one。

but getting the habit of different warherds meaning the same thing。

Finance is just laden with jargon and the sooner you get used to it and the more exposure you have to it。

the more comfortable you come with it。 With that segue。

interpretation 3 is today's price for a contract that pays $100 at the end of the next four years is $354。

60 when the discount rate is 5%。 Three different ways to say the same thing。 All right。 Now。

I want to mention we're assuming that the discount rate R is constant over time。 See。

when I pull back each cash flow, I discount each one by the same 5%。 That's a common assumption。

but I want to emphasize it's still an assumption, one we're going to look at when we talk about the term structure of interest rates and yield curves later on。

But what's going on in the background? How is this working?

What's actually happening on a dynamic basis? Well, time periods zero。

we're inserting or depositing $354。60。 Then we're going to earn interest at 5% on that money。

which is going to amount to $17。73%。 $17。73。 And I'm assuming all the activity happens at the end of the period。

It just makes things a little bit easier conceptually。 There's nothing special about that。

We can make the period shorter, which we will later on。 I earn my interest, which is the 354。

60 times the 5%。 That's going to give me a pre withdrawal balance of the initial balance plus the interest。

But notice that's just the present value of that amount。 The present value of this 372。

32 is just our initial withdrawal balance。 That's our 354。60。 I'm going to pull out $100。

That's going to leave me with 272。32 after the first year。

And if we continue this process for the next three years, 23。4。

what we see is we're going to exactly offset or exactly exhaust the funds in the account。

Okay, so let's summarize what we learned today。 Rule number one。

never add or subtract cash flows from different time periods。 You'll want to do it, don't do it。

What we need to do is recognize that money has a time unit。

And in order to add money at different points in time。

we need to convert that money to a common base unit using an exchange rate for time called our discount factor。

We're also going to get in the habit of using a timeline to get our bearing straight。

A visual representation of when money is moving in or out。

And we learned about the present value of a cash flow。

It tells us the value of future cash flow as of some time period, some earlier time period。

It also tells us the price of a claim to those cash flows。 And what's coming up next。

we're going to go in the other direction。 Moving cash flows forward, in other words, compounding。

Thanks for listening and I look forward to seeing you in the next lecture。

沃顿商学院《商务基础》|Business Foundations Specialization|(中英字幕) - P103:1_复利.zh_en - GPT中英字幕课程资源 - BV1R34y1c74c

Welcome back to Corporate Finance。 Last time we introduced the time value of money。

We started with some intuition, we introduced the tools。

namely the timeline and the discount factor, and then we showed how to move money back in time via discounting。

Today, I want to go the other direction。 I want to move money forward in time via a process called compounding。

Let's get started。 Hey everyone, welcome back to Corporate Finance。

Today we're going to be talking about compounding。

but let me start off with a brief recap of what we did in the last lecture。

Last time we introduced the time value of money, the concept。

We started off with some intuition and showed that money has a time unit that prevents money arriving at different points in time from being aggregated or added together。

Then we introduced some tools associated with the time value of money, notably the timeline。

which is just a visual representation of when money is moving in or out, and the discount factor。

which was our exchange rate for the time value of money。

It allowed us to convert the time units on money moving it forward or backward。

Then we applied those tools to move cash flows back in time via discounting。

The big lesson was don't add cash flows with different time units ever。

Today I want to go the other direction and talk about compounding or moving cash flows forward in time。

Let's get started。 Compounding just refers to moving cash flows forward in time。

Here's our familiar timeline。 What I'm doing is I'm taking each cash flow, CF-0, 1, 2, and 3。

moving them forward to period 4 via compounding。 So focusing on cash flow 2。

I move that forward to period 4 by taking cash flow 2。

multiplying it by my discount factor raised to the power of 2。

because I'm moving it 2 periods forward, and it's positive because I'm moving it forward。

We're generally all of the exponents are positive, again。

because we're moving all of the cash flows forward in time。

I can add all of these cash flows now because they're all in the same time units, namely, right?

I can add all of these cash flows。 They're all in date 4 time units。 Now these cash flows。

once they've been moved forward, are referred to as future values。 So, again。

this is just notation like with present values。 This is the future value as of period 4 of cash flow 3。

the future value as of period 4 of cash flow 2, and likewise for cash flows 1 and 0。

Let's do an example。 How much money will I have after 3 years if I invest $1。

000 in a savings account paying 3。5% interest per annum? Well, step 1, put down a cash line。

Put down a timeline。 Put the cash flows on a timeline。 So, I'm going to invest $1,000 today。

period 0, and the question's asking how much money will I have in 3 years? Well。

all we're going to do is move the cash flow forward in time by compounding。

I'm going to multiply by 1 plus r, where r is 3。5% in this case。

and I'm moving the cash flow 3 years forward in time。

so that's a positive 3 exponent on my discount factor。 If we do the arithmetic, we get that the $1。

000 is worth $1,108。72 or just under $0。72。 And I should also mention that this is just the future value of the $1。

000, in particular it's the future value as of period 3 of the cash flow in period 0, which was $1。

000。 Let's do a second example。 How much money will we have for years from today if we save $1。

000 a year beginning today for the next 3 years, assuming we are in 5% per annum? Step 1。

with the cash flows on a timeline。 That's exactly right。

So we're saving $100 a year beginning today for the next 3 years。

We're going to earn 5% and I want to know how much I have after 4 years。 Well, to do that。

we're going to have to move each cash flow forward in time to period 4。 So look at cash flow。

the cash flow in period 3。 I need to move that forward 1 period。

so I multiply by 1 plus r raised to the positive power 1。 We're going forward 1 period。

Cash flow 2 has to go forward 2 periods, so we're going to multiply that by our discount factor raised to the power positive 2。

And likewise for cash flows arriving in, or the cash flows in period 0 today and 1 year from today。

If we do the arithmetic, we get these future values of the cash flows, right? 105, 110, 115, 121。

We can now add all of these cash flows because they're all in the same time for period 4 time units。

And if we do that, I get 4。52。564。 So what does this mean? How do we interpret that? Well。

we will have $452。56 at the end of 4 years if we save $100 starting today for the next 3 years and our money earns 5% per annum。

The future value for years from today of saving $100 starting today for the next 3 years at 5% per annum is $452。

56。 So what's going on here? What's going on behind the scenes? Well。

we're going to deposit $100 today。 That's going to earn 5% interest and give us an additional $5 at the end of year 1。

So our pre-deposit balance that's pre before our next deposit is just $105。

which by the way is also equal to the future value one period hence of the $100, right?

The future value of this $100 one period hence is just the 100 times the 1 plus r to the 1。

I deposit another $100 and I've got $205 after the first year。

We continue this process for 4 years and lo and behold, we're left with $452。

56 at the end of the fourth year。 More generally, there's nothing special about moving the cash flows to the end of the timeline or the beginning。

You can move them anywhere。 Just as long as you're consistent。

we can pick any point in time such as period 2。 And I can move cash flows 3 and 4 back in time。

I'm going to buy applying a discount factor raised to a negative value。

I can move the cash flows today and the cash flow one year from today forward in time by applying a positive exponent to the discount factor。

And now these cash flows here are all in the same time to period units。

All right, so let's summarize this up。 We use compounding to move cash flows forward。

We apply a discount factor with a positive exponent to move them forward in time and that gets us future values。

So what I want to see you do now is work on the problem set。

And then coming up next in our next lecture, I want to talk about some useful shortcuts for present value and future value of common streams of cash flows。

So thanks again for listening and I look forward to seeing you in the next lecture。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/apachecn/p/18475446


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