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时间:2024-10-15 11:21:28浏览次数:3  
标签:20241015 CVPR review 论文 will 2025 cvpr LLM




Due to the dramatic increase in the number of submissions and the deteriorating review quality, we will make several major changes compared to the previous CVPR editions. Please read these changes carefully:
由于提交数量的急剧增加和审稿质量的恶化,与之前的 CVPR 版本相比,我们将进行几项重大更改。请仔细阅读这些更改:

1. If they do not serve in another capacity for the organization of CVPR 2025, all authors are obliged to act as reviewers. The Program Chairs (PCs) will ensure that only qualified authors have papers assigned, and the number of reviews will depend on the level of seniority.
1. 如果他们不以其他身份参与 CVPR 2025 的组织工作,则所有作者都有义务担任审稿人。项目主席 (PC) 将确保只有合格的作者才能分配论文,审查的数量将取决于资历级别。

There were about 9k reviewers but more than 30k authors at CVPR 2024. Given the personal benefit authors receive from having a paper accepted at CVPR, we believe that it is unfair to the community when authors do not contribute to the reviewing process. Authors who serve in another capacity for the organization of CVPR 2025 or as General/Program Chairs for ICCV 2025 are exempt from this rule.
CVPR 9 大约有 2024 名审稿人,但超过 30 名作者。鉴于作者从论文被 CVPR 接受中获得的个人利益,我们认为作者不参与审稿过程对社区是不公平的。在 CVPR 2025 组织机构中担任其他职务或 ICCV 2025 的一般/项目主席的作者不受此规则的约束。

ADDENDUM: Some authors of multidisciplinary papers may not be from the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. These authors will not have to commit to reviewing papers. Other exceptions include parental leave and military service. The number of reviews assigned to each author will be commensurate with that author’s level of contribution to CVPR 2025 submissions.
ADDENDUM:一些多学科论文的作者可能不是来自计算机视觉和模式识别领域。这些作者将不必承诺审查论文。其他例外情况包括育儿假和兵役。分配给每位作者的综述数量将与该作者对 CVPR 2025 提交的贡献水平相称。

2. If a reviewer is flagged by an Area Chair as “highly irresponsible”, their paper submissions will be desk rejected per the discretion of the PCs
2. 如果审稿人被区域主席标记为“非常不负责任”,他们的论文提交将被 PC 酌情拒绝

It is expected that reviewers will submit fair and thoughtful reviews on time. An option will be available to ACs to flag a review as “highly irresponsible”, in addition to the “not met expectations” as in the past. The ACs will be directed to use this flag sparingly. Example cases of highly irresponsible behaviors are one-sentence reviews, reviews generated by Large Language Models (LLMs), reviews not relevant to the paper or that miss a substantial portion of the paper. Highly irresponsible flags are NOT supposed to be used in cases where reviewers merely have some misunderstandings, missed small parts of the paper, or hold a different opinion from other reviewers or the area chair. If a reviewer fails to submit their reviews, or a review is flagged as being highly irresponsible, it will enter an oversight process adjudicated by the PCs. The final decision about desk rejection will be decided per the discretion of the PCs.
预计审稿人将按时提交公正、周到的审稿。除了像过去一样的“未达到预期”之外,AC 还可以选择将评论标记为“非常不负责任”。将指示 AC 谨慎使用此标志。高度不负责任的行为示例包括一句话的评论、由大型语言模型生成的评论(LLMs)、与论文无关或遗漏论文大部分的评论。高度不负责任的标记不应该在审稿人只是有一些误解、遗漏了论文的一小部分或持有与其他审稿人或区域主席不同的意见的情况下使用。如果审阅者未能提交他们的评论,或者评论被标记为高度不负责任,它将进入由 PC 裁决的监督流程。关于办公桌拒绝的最终决定将由 PC 自行决定。

3. An author cannot submit more than 25 papers.
3. 作者提交的论文不得超过 25 篇。

We expect each author listed on a paper to make a significant and meaningful contribution to the work. A limit of 25 papers should be amply sufficient for every author to submit their scientific contributions. If an author submits more than 25 papers, the Program Chairs (PCs) will desk-reject the papers registered after the twenty-fifth one.
我们希望论文中列出的每位作者都能为工作做出重大而有意义的贡献。 25 篇论文的限制应该足以让每个作者提交他们的科学贡献。如果作者提交的论文超过 25 篇,项目主席 (PC) 将拒绝第 25 篇之后注册的论文。

4. Large language models (LLMs) are NOT allowed to be used for writing the reviews nor the meta-reviews at any step.
4. 大型语言模型 (LLMs) 在任何步骤都不允许用于撰写评论或元评论。

You cannot use an LLM to write your review. This is true for any LLM, whether you run it locally or use an API.
您不能使用 LLM 来撰写评论。对于任何 LLM,无论您是在本地运行它还是使用 API,都是如此。

This policy includes but is not restricted to:

  1. You can’t ask an LLM to write content for you. The review needs to be based on your own judgment
    您不能要求 LLM 为您编写内容。审核需要基于您自己的判断.
  2. You can’t share substantial content from the paper or your review with an LLM. This means, for example, that you cannot use an LLM to translate a review.  
    您不能使用 LLM。这意味着,例如,您不能使用 LLM 来翻译评论。  
  3. You can use an LLM to do background research or to check short phrases for clarity.
    您可以使用 LLM 进行背景研究或检查短语是否清晰。

Enforcement: 执法:

(Senior) ACs will check (meta-)reviews for LLM policy violations. If a review is flagged as a possible violation, the review will enter the same oversight process as mentioned above. The process will determine not if the review is certainly written by an LLM (which is not yet possible), but if the review is highly irresponsible. If this is found to be the case, the papers submitted by the reviewer will be desk rejected per discretion of the PCs.
(高级)AC 将检查(元)评论是否存在违反 LLM 策略的行为。如果某条评价被标记为可能违规,则该评价将进入与上述相同的监督流程。该过程将确定的不是评论是否确实是由 LLM目前还不可能),而是确定评论是否非常不负责任。如果发现这种情况,审稿人提交的论文将根据 PC 的自由裁量权被拒绝。

5. The reviewers’ names will be visible on OpenReview to the other reviewers of the paper after the final paper decisions have been made.
5. 在论文最终决定做出后,论文的其他审稿人可以在 OpenReview 上看到审稿人的姓名。

Waiting for the final decision will avoid authority bias. Names will also be visible to ACs, Senior ACs and PCs, as has been the policy in past years.
等待最终决定将避免权威偏见。与过去几年的政策一样,名称也将对 AC、高级 AC 和 PC 可见。

6. All the authors must complete their OpenReview profiles. 
6. 所有作者都必须完成他们的 OpenReview 个人资料。

We need the complete OpenReview profile for better assignment and conflict detection. Papers whose authors have not completed their profile will be desk rejected.
我们需要完整的 OpenReview 配置文件,以便更好地进行分配和冲突检测。作者未完成其个人资料的论文将被拒稿。

7. Data Sharing 7. 数据共享

To improve future review quality, the CVPR 2025 PCs plan to share the CVPR 2025 reviewing data privately with the PCs of other future related venues. This data will include personally identifiable records on each reviewer, including statistics on review assessments and lateness.
为了提高未来的审查质量,CVPR 2025 PC 计划与其他未来相关场所的 PC 私下共享 CVPR 2025 审查数据。此数据将包括每位审稿人的个人身份信息记录,包括有关审稿评估和逾期的统计数据。




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TBD 是 "To Be Determined" 的缩写,其含义是“待确定”、“待定”或“待确认”。这个术语广泛应用于多种情境中,特别是在那些细节尚未最终确定的情况。比如,在计划会议、设定截止日期或制定策略时,如果某个具体的时间、地点或其他细节还没有决定下来,人们就会使用 TBD 来标记这部分内容。


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https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/576866193icon-default.png?t=O83Ahttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/576866193CVPR2023开放注册! 注册与提交流程参考https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/576866193


From: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_51516317/article/details/142936924
