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时间:2024-10-09 20:46:50浏览次数:3  
标签:tgt ip CS144 斯坦福 len prefix Lab5 interface route






下一跳的IP地址 ;




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1.本实验中的 Router 实现比较简单,只需实现一下 IP 最长匹配并将数据包转发即可。




#pragma once

#include "network_interface.hh"

#include <optional>
#include <queue>

// A wrapper for NetworkInterface that makes the host-side
// interface asynchronous: instead of returning received datagrams
// immediately (from the `recv_frame` method), it stores them for
// later retrieval. Otherwise, behaves identically to the underlying
// implementation of NetworkInterface.
class AsyncNetworkInterface : public NetworkInterface
  std::queue<InternetDatagram> datagrams_in_ {};

  using NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface;

  // Construct from a NetworkInterface
  explicit AsyncNetworkInterface( NetworkInterface&& interface ) : NetworkInterface( interface ) {}

  // \brief Receives and Ethernet frame and responds appropriately.

  // - If type is IPv4, pushes to the `datagrams_out` queue for later retrieval by the owner.
  // - If type is ARP request, learn a mapping from the "sender" fields, and send an ARP reply.
  // - If type is ARP reply, learn a mapping from the "target" fields.
  // \param[in] frame the incoming Ethernet frame
  void recv_frame( const EthernetFrame& frame )
    auto optional_dgram = NetworkInterface::recv_frame( frame );
    if ( optional_dgram.has_value() ) {
      datagrams_in_.push( std::move( optional_dgram.value() ) );

  // Access queue of Internet datagrams that have been received
  std::optional<InternetDatagram> maybe_receive()
    if ( datagrams_in_.empty() ) {
      return {};

    InternetDatagram datagram = std::move( datagrams_in_.front() );
    return datagram;

// A router that has multiple network interfaces and
// performs longest-prefix-match routing between them.
// class Router
// {
//   // The router's collection of network interfaces
//   std::vector<AsyncNetworkInterface> interfaces_ {};

//   struct Route_entry//route_entry_
//   {
//     uint32_t route_prefix{};
//     uint8_t prefix_length{};
//     std::optional<Address> next_hop;
//     size_t interface_num{};
//   };
//   //static typedef struct route_entry_ Route_entry;
//   std::vector<Route_entry> route_table_{};
class Router
  // The router's collection of network interfaces
  std::vector<AsyncNetworkInterface> interfaces_ {};
  struct Route_entry
    uint32_t route_prefix {};
    uint8_t prefix_length {};
    std::optional<Address> next_hop;
    size_t interface_num {};


  std::vector<Route_entry> route_table_ {};

  //std::vector<Route_entry>::iterator longest_prefix_match_( uint32_t dst_ip );

  //static int match_length_( uint32_t src_ip, uint32_t tgt_ip, uint8_t tgt_len );
  // Add an interface to the router
  // interface: an already-constructed network interface
  // returns the index of the interface after it has been added to the router
  size_t add_interface( AsyncNetworkInterface&& interface )
    interfaces_.push_back( std::move( interface ) );
    return interfaces_.size() - 1;

  // Access an interface by index
  AsyncNetworkInterface& interface( size_t N ) { return interfaces_.at( N ); }

  // Add a route (a forwarding rule)
  void add_route( uint32_t route_prefix,
                  uint8_t prefix_length,
                  std::optional<Address> next_hop,
                  size_t interface_num );

  // Route packets between the interfaces. For each interface, use the
  // maybe_receive() method to consume every incoming datagram and
  // send it on one of interfaces to the correct next hop. The router
  // chooses the outbound interface and next-hop as specified by the
  // route with the longest prefix_length that matches the datagram's
  // destination address.
  void route();

  std::vector<Route_entry>::iterator longest_prefix_match_( uint32_t dst_ip );
  int match_length_( uint32_t src_ip, uint32_t tgt_ip, uint8_t tgt_len );
  // std::vector<Route_entry>::iterator longest_prefix_match_( uint32_t dst_ip );
  // int match_length_( uint32_t src_ip, uint32_t tgt_ip, uint8_t tgt_len );


#include "router.hh"

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

// route_prefix: The "up-to-32-bit" IPv4 address prefix to match the datagram's destination address against
// prefix_length: For this route to be applicable, how many high-order (most-significant) bits of
//    the route_prefix will need to match the corresponding bits of the datagram's destination address?
// next_hop: The IP address of the next hop. Will be empty if the network is directly attached to the router (in
//    which case, the next hop address should be the datagram's final destination).
// interface_num: The index of the interface to send the datagram out on.
// void Router::add_route( const uint32_t route_prefix,
//                         const uint8_t prefix_length,
//                         const optional<Address> next_hop,
//                         const size_t interface_num )
// {
//   cerr << "DEBUG: adding route " << Address::from_ipv4_numeric( route_prefix ).ip() << "/"
//        << static_cast<int>( prefix_length ) << " => " << ( next_hop.has_value() ? next_hop->ip() : "(direct)" )
//        << " on interface " << interface_num << "\n";

//   // (void)route_prefix;
//   // (void)prefix_length;
//   // (void)next_hop;
//   // (void)interface_num;

//   route_table_.emplace_back(route_prefix, prefix_length, next_hop, interface_num);
//   return;
// }

// void Router::route()
// {
//   for ( auto& current_interface : interfaces_ ) {
//     auto received_dgram = current_interface.maybe_receive();
//     if ( received_dgram.has_value() ) {
//       auto& dgram = received_dgram.value();
//       if ( dgram.header.ttl > 1 ) {
//         dgram.header.ttl--;
//         // NOTE: important!!!
//         dgram.header.compute_checksum();
//         auto dst_ip = dgram.header.dst;
//         auto it = longest_prefix_match_( dst_ip );
//         if ( it != route_table_.end() ) {
//           auto& target_interface = interface( it->interface_num );
//           target_interface.send_datagram( dgram, it->next_hop.value_or( Address::from_ipv4_numeric( dst_ip ) ) );
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

// std::vector<Router::Route_entry>::iterator Router::longest_prefix_match_( uint32_t dst_ip )
// {
//   auto res = route_table_.end();
//   int max_length = 0;
//   for ( auto it = route_table_.begin(); it != route_table_.end(); ++it ) {
//     int len = match_length_( dst_ip, it->route_prefix, it->prefix_length );
//     if ( len > max_length ) {
//       max_length = len;
//       res = it;
//     }
//   }
//   return res;
// }

// int Router::match_length_( uint32_t src_ip, uint32_t tgt_ip, uint8_t tgt_len )
// {
//   if ( tgt_len == 0 ) {
//     return 0;
//   }

//   if ( tgt_len > 32 ) {
//     return -1;
//   }

//   // tgt_len < 32
//   uint8_t const len = 32U - tgt_len;
//   src_ip = src_ip >> len;
//   tgt_ip = tgt_ip >> len;
//   return src_ip == tgt_ip ? tgt_len : -1;
// }

void Router::add_route( const uint32_t route_prefix,
                        const uint8_t prefix_length,
                        const optional<Address> next_hop,
                        const size_t interface_num )
  cerr << "DEBUG: adding route " << Address::from_ipv4_numeric( route_prefix ).ip() << "/"
       << static_cast<int>( prefix_length ) << " => " << ( next_hop.has_value() ? next_hop->ip() : "(direct)" )
       << " on interface " << interface_num << "\n";

  route_table_.emplace_back( route_prefix, prefix_length, next_hop, interface_num );

void Router::route()
  for (uint32_t i=0; i<interfaces_.size();i++) {
    auto received_dgram = interface(i).maybe_receive();
    if ( received_dgram.has_value() ) {
      auto dgram = received_dgram.value();
      if ( dgram.header.ttl > 1 ) {
        auto dst_ip = dgram.header.dst;
        auto it = longest_prefix_match_( dst_ip );
        if ( it != route_table_.end() ) {
          interface( it->interface_num ).send_datagram( dgram, it->next_hop.value_or( Address::from_ipv4_numeric( dst_ip ) ) );

std::vector<Router::Route_entry>::iterator Router::longest_prefix_match_( uint32_t dst_ip )
  auto res = route_table_.end();
  int max_length = -1;
  for ( auto it = route_table_.begin(); it != route_table_.end(); ++it ) {
    int len = match_length_( dst_ip, it->route_prefix, it->prefix_length );
    if ( len > max_length ) {
      max_length = len;
      res = it;
  return res;

int Router::match_length_( uint32_t src_ip, uint32_t tgt_ip, uint8_t tgt_len )
  if ( tgt_len == 0 ) {
    return 0;

  if ( tgt_len > 32 ) {
    return -1;

  // tgt_len < 32
  uint8_t len = 32U - tgt_len;
  src_ip = src_ip >> len;
  tgt_ip = tgt_ip >> len;
  return src_ip == tgt_ip ? tgt_len : -1;

From: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37293468/article/details/142796323


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