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时间:2024-10-09 19:44:48浏览次数:1  
标签:do about Writting Write their our your

Prompt: Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

‘It’s very difficult for children to understand the difference between right and wrong behaviour.’

What do you think?


Write about:

  1. the age of the child

  2. learning from family

  3. …………………… (your own idea)

Write your answer in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: I strongly disagree with the statement that it's very difficult for children to understand the difference between right and wrong behavior. In fact, I believe that children can grasp this concept as early as possible, depending on their age and learning environment.

Firstly, younger children are more likely to learn from observing their family members' behaviors. Children aged 3-5 years old tend to mimic what they see at home, which means if parents or caregivers model good behavior, the child is more likely to follow suit. This social learning theory suggests that children can pick up on moral values and principles through observation.

Secondly, as children grow older, their cognitive abilities develop, allowing them to understand complex concepts like right and wrong. By around 7-8 years old, most children are able to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior due to increased self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.

Lastly, I believe that teaching children about empathy and understanding others' perspectives can also help them develop a sense of morality. When children learn to put themselves in someone else's shoes, they begin to understand the impact their actions have on others, making it easier for them to make decisions based on what is right or wrong.

In conclusion, while some may argue that children struggle with understanding right and wrong behavior, I firmly believe that with proper guidance, support, and cognitive development, children can grasp this concept from a young age.
Prompt: Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
‘It’s very difficult for children to understand the difference between right and wrong behaviour.’
What do you think?
Write about:
the age of the child
learning from family
…………………… (your own idea)
Write your answer in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: I disagree with the statement that it's very difficult for children to understand the difference between right and wrong behavior. In my opinion, a combination of factors contributes to their ability to grasp this concept.

Firstly, the age of the child plays a significant role. Children as young as 3-4 years old can begin to develop an understanding of what is considered "good" or "bad". As they grow older and mature cognitively, around 7-8 years old, their ability to distinguish between right and wrong behavior becomes more refined.

Secondly, learning from family members is a crucial factor. Children often mimic the behaviors they observe at home, which means that if parents or caregivers model good behavior, children are more likely to follow suit. This social learning theory suggests that children can pick up on moral values and principles through observation.

Lastly, I believe that teaching children about empathy and understanding others' perspectives is essential in helping them develop a sense of morality. When children learn to put themselves in someone else's shoes, they begin to understand the impact their actions have on others, making it easier for them to make decisions based on what is right or wrong.

In conclusion, while some may argue that children struggle with understanding right and wrong behavior, I firmly believe that a combination of age, family influence, and empathy can help children develop this important concept.
Prompt: Read the email from your English friend, Kelly.

I’d like to know about your hobbies. What’s your favourite hobby? Why do you enjoy this hobby? How often do you do it?

Write an email to Kelly and answer the questions.

Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: My Hobbies!

Dear Kelly,

I'm glad you're interested in knowing about my hobbies! I have a few, but if I had to pick just one favorite, it would be reading. There's something about getting lost in a good book that really relaxes me and takes my mind off things.

What do I enjoy most about reading? Well, for starters, it allows me to escape into another world or explore different cultures without leaving my armchair! It also helps me expand my vocabulary, improve my critical thinking skills, and even sparks new ideas for creative writing. Plus, there's something special about sharing a favorite book with friends and having meaningful conversations about the themes and characters.

As for how often I do it, I try to set aside some time each week – usually during my daily commute or before bed. Depending on the length of the book, I might read 30-60 minutes at a stretch. Sometimes, if I'm really engrossed in a story, I'll even stay up late reading until I finish the chapter!

I hope that gives you an idea of what I enjoy about my favorite hobby! What about you – do you have any hobbies or interests that bring you joy?

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read the email from your English friend, Kelly.
I’d like to know about your hobbies. What’s your favourite hobby? Why do you enjoy this hobby? How often do you do it?
Write an email to Kelly and answer the questions.
Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: My Hobbies!

Dear Kelly,

I'm excited to share my favorite hobby with you! I have a passion for writing, particularly creative fiction. What draws me to it is the ability to express myself freely and tap into my imagination.

I enjoy writing because it allows me to explore different characters, settings, and storylines, which keeps my mind engaged and stimulated. It's also an excellent way to process emotions, reflect on experiences, and gain new insights. Plus, I find the creative process incredibly fulfilling – there's nothing quite like bringing a character or scene to life!

As for how often I do it, I try to set aside dedicated time each week, usually 1-2 hours in the morning with a cup of coffee. Sometimes, if inspiration strikes, I'll jot down ideas during my daily commute or late at night when I'm feeling particularly creative.

I'd love to hear about your hobbies and interests! Do you have any favorite activities that bring you joy?

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read the email from your English pen-friend, Hemal.

Tell me about the last party you went to. What was the reason for the party? What did you wear? What did you eat there?

Write an email to Hemal and answer the questions.

Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Last Party I Went To!

Dear Hemal,

I'm excited to share with you about my last party experience! It was a friend's birthday celebration, and we had an amazing time.

The reason for the party was to mark our dear friend's 25th milestone – it was a big deal for us! We decided to throw her a surprise bash at a trendy rooftop bar in town. The venue offered stunning views of the city skyline, which made it even more special.

As for what I wore, I opted for a comfortable yet stylish outfit: a flowy white dress with floral patterns and a pair of statement earrings that added a pop of color to my overall look. My friends all looked great too – we had a fantastic time taking photos together!

The food was incredible! The party venue offered an impressive selection of finger foods, including mini quiches, deviled eggs, and veggie sticks with hummus. We also had a variety of sweet treats like brownies, cupcakes, and fruit skewers. And let's not forget the drinks – we enjoyed a range of cocktails, from classic gin & tonics to more adventurous concoctions!

It was an unforgettable night filled with laughter, music, and great company. I'm so grateful for friends who know how to throw a party! How about you? Have you had any exciting parties or celebrations recently?

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read this email from your English friend, Nicky.

I’d love to go shopping with you. Which day do you want to go? How shall we get to the shopping centre? What do you want to buy?

Write an email to Nicky and answer the questions.

Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Shopping Trip!

Dear Nicky,

I'd love to go shopping with you too! Let's plan it for this Saturday, as I'm free that day.

As for how we can get to the shopping centre, why don't we meet at the train station and take the mall shuttle together? It'll be a convenient way to travel without worrying about parking or traffic. Alternatively, if you'd prefer to drive, we could arrange to meet up there as well.

Now, let's talk about what I want to buy! As it happens, my favorite clothing store is having a sale on their new summer collection, and I've been eyeing some adorable dresses and tops. Maybe we can even find something for you too? What are your shopping priorities?

Looking forward to our shopping adventure together!

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read this email from your English friend, Nicky.
I’d love to go shopping with you. Which day do you want to go? How shall we get to the shopping centre? What do you want to buy?
Write an email to Nicky and answer the questions.
Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Shopping Trip!

Dear Nicky,

I'd love to join you for a day of shopping! Let's plan it for this Saturday, as I'm free that morning.

As for transportation, how about we meet at the train station and take the mall shuttle together? It'll be easy and convenient. If you prefer driving, no worries - we can arrange to meet up there too!

Regarding what I want to buy... well, my favorite clothing store is having a massive sale on their new summer collection! I've been eyeing some gorgeous dresses and tops that would look great with the warm weather approaching. Maybe we'll even find something you like? What are your shopping priorities?

Looking forward to our fun day out together!

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read this email from your English friend, Nicky. I’d love to go shopping with you. Which day do you want to go? How shall we get to the shopping centre? What do you want to buy? Write an email to Nicky and answer the questions. Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Shopping Trip!

Dear Nicky,

I'm thrilled to join you for a day of shopping! Let's plan it for this Saturday, as I have no commitments that morning.

As for transportation, how about we meet at the train station and take the mall shuttle together? It'll be easy and convenient. If you prefer driving, no worries - we can arrange to meet up there too!

Regarding what I want to buy... well, my favorite clothing store is having a massive sale on their new summer collection! I've been eyeing some gorgeous dresses and tops that would look great with the warm weather approaching. Maybe we'll even find something you like? What are your shopping priorities?

I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the latest beauty products at our favorite cosmetics store - they always have such amazing deals!

Looking forward to our fun day out together!

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read this email from your English friend, Nicky. I’d love to go shopping with you. Which day do you want to go? How shall we get to the shopping centre? What do you want to buy? Write an email to Nicky and answer the questions. Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Shopping Trip!

Dear Nicky,

I'm excited to join you for a day of shopping! Let's plan it for this Saturday, as I have no commitments that morning.

As for transportation, how about we meet at the train station and take the mall shuttle together? It'll be easy and convenient. If you prefer driving, no worries - we can arrange to meet up there too!

Regarding what I want to buy... well, my favorite clothing store is having a massive sale on their new summer collection! I've been eyeing some gorgeous dresses and tops that would look great with the warm weather approaching. Maybe we'll even find something you like? What are your shopping priorities?

I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the latest beauty products at our favorite cosmetics store - they always have such amazing deals!

Looking forward to our fun day out together! Let me know if there's anything specific on your wishlist, and I can keep an eye out for it.

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read this email from your English friend, Nicky. I’d love to go shopping with you. Which day do you want to go? How shall we get to the shopping centre? What do you want to buy? Write an email to Nicky and answer the questions. Write your email in 25 words or more.
Response: Subject: Re: Shopping Trip!

Dear Nicky,

I'm thrilled to join you for a day of shopping! Let's plan it for this Saturday, as I have no commitments that morning.

As for transportation, how about we meet at the train station and take the mall shuttle together? It'll be easy and convenient. If you prefer driving, no worries - we can arrange to meet up there too!

Regarding what I want to buy... well, my favorite clothing store is having a massive sale on their new summer collection! I've been eyeing some gorgeous dresses and tops that would look great with the warm weather approaching. Maybe we'll even find something you like? What are your shopping priorities?

I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the latest beauty products at our favorite cosmetics store - they always have such amazing deals!

Looking forward to our fun day out together! Let me know if there's anything specific on your wishlist, and I can keep an eye out for it.

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read the text message from your English friend, Simon.
Hello. I am in a nature park. I like it here. I see animals every day and I learn from the people that live here.
Tell me about a place in nature that you like to visit. Do you like to talk to the people that live there? What do you learn from them?
Why do you like visiting this place?
Response: Subject: Re: Your Nature Park Experience!

Dear Simon,

It's great to hear that you're enjoying your time at the nature park! I'm glad you get to see animals every day and learn from the people who live there.

As for me, I have a special spot in nature that I love visiting - it's a beautiful beach near my hometown. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is so calming, and I always feel at peace when I'm walking along the shoreline or watching the sunset over the water.

I do like to talk to the people who live nearby, especially during peak tourist season. They're usually locals who have lived in the area for generations, and they share some amazing stories about the history of the place and how it's changed over time. I've learned a lot from them - everything from where to find the best seafood restaurants to which hidden coves are worth exploring.

I think what I love most about visiting this beach is the sense of connection I feel with nature. Being surrounded by the ocean, sand, and wildlife always makes me feel grounded and reminded of how small we are in the grand scheme of things. It's a great reminder to appreciate the beauty around us and take care of our planet.

I'm glad you're enjoying your time at the nature park! Maybe one day I'll get to visit it with you!

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read the text message from your English friend, Simon. Hello. I am in a nature park. I like it here. I see animals every day and I learn from the people that live here. Tell me about a place in nature that you like to visit. Do you like to talk to the people that live there? What do you learn from them? Why do you like visiting this place?
Response: Subject: Re: Your Nature Park Experience!

Hey Simon,

I'm glad you're enjoying your time at the nature park! I have a special spot in nature that I love visiting - it's a beautiful forest near my hometown. The trees are so tall and the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling create such a peaceful atmosphere.

Yes, I do like to talk to the people who live there, especially during peak tourist season. They're usually locals who have lived in the area for generations, and they share some amazing stories about the history of the place and how it's changed over time. I've learned a lot from them - everything from where to find the best hiking trails to which hidden waterfalls are worth exploring.

I think what I love most about visiting this forest is the sense of connection I feel with nature. Being surrounded by trees, wildlife, and wildflowers always makes me feel grounded and reminded of how small we are in the grand scheme of things. It's a great reminder to appreciate the beauty around us and take care of our planet.

I'm glad you're enjoying your time at the nature park! Maybe one day I'll get to visit it with you!

[Your Name]
Prompt: Read the text message from your English friend, Simon. Hello. I am in a nature park. I like it here. I see animals every day and I learn from the people that live here. Tell me about a place in nature that you like to visit. Do you like to talk to the people that live there? What do you learn from them? Why do you like visiting this place?
Response: Hi Simon!

I'm glad you're enjoying your time at the nature park! I have a special spot in nature that I love visiting - it's a beautiful beach near my hometown. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is so calming, and I always feel at peace when I'm walking along the shoreline or watching the sunset over the water.

Yes, I do like to talk to the people who live there! They're usually locals who have lived in the area for generations, and they share some amazing stories about the history of the place and how it's changed over time. I've learned a lot from them - everything from where to find the best seafood restaurants to which hidden coves are worth exploring.

I think what I love most about visiting this beach is the sense of connection I feel with nature. Being surrounded by the ocean, sand, and wildlife always makes me feel grounded and reminded of how small we are in the grand scheme of things. It's a great reminder to appreciate the beauty around us and take care of our planet.

I'm glad you're enjoying your time at the nature park! Maybe one day I'll get to visit it with you!

Best, [Your Name]
Prompt: You see this announcement in an English-language home and garden magazine:

Reviews wanted

Shopping for your home or garden

We’re looking for reviews of shops which sell things for your home and garden.

Describe what kinds of things you can buy there, what you like about the shop, and if there’s anything that could be improved about the shop.

Write your review in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Garden Delight Review

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Garden Delight, a charming shop nestled in the heart of our town's garden district. As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by the warm aroma of fresh soil and the sound of gentle chirping from the nearby pond.

The shop offers an impressive array of gardening essentials, including high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and tools for every level of green thumb. What sets Garden Delight apart is its curated selection of unique plant species and beautiful garden decor pieces that add a touch of whimsy to any outdoor space.

What I appreciate most about this shop is the knowledgeable staff who are always happy to offer advice on everything from soil pH levels to pest control methods. The store's owner, a passionate gardener herself, has created a welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel like part of the gardening community.

If there's one area for improvement, it would be expanding their online shopping options – I'd love to order some of those gorgeous garden ornaments and have them delivered right to my doorstep! Overall, Garden Delight is a must-visit destination for any gardener or home enthusiast looking to add a touch of natural beauty to their space.
Prompt: You see this announcement in an English-language home and garden magazine:
Reviews wanted
Shopping for your home or garden
We’re looking for reviews of shops which sell things for your home and garden.
Describe what kinds of things you can buy there, what you like about the shop, and if there’s anything that could be improved about the shop.
Write your review in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: The Homemaker's Haven Review

I recently discovered The Homemaker's Haven, a delightful store that has become my go-to destination for all things home and garden. This charming shop offers a wide range of products to suit every taste and style, from plush throw pillows to elegant vases.

What I love most about this shop is the attention to detail in their product selection. The staff are always happy to offer expert advice on everything from interior design trends to gardening tips. Their curated collections of artisanal home decor pieces and unique garden ornaments make it easy to find one-of-a-kind treasures for my own home.

If there's room for improvement, I'd suggest expanding the store's online shopping options – it would be wonderful to browse their selection from the comfort of my own home! Overall, The Homemaker's Haven is a treasure trove that has earned a special place in my heart.
Prompt: You see this announcement in an English-language home and garden magazine: Reviews wanted Shopping for your home or garden We’re looking for reviews of shops which sell things for your home and garden. Describe what kinds of things you can buy there, what you like about the shop, and if there’s anything that could be improved about the shop. Write your review in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Blooms & Baskets Review

I'm thrilled to share my experience with Blooms & Baskets, a charming boutique specializing in beautiful flowers, lush greenery, and unique home decor items. Upon entering the shop, I was greeted by the sweet scent of fresh blooms and the warm smile of the owner.

The store offers an impressive array of products, including artisanal vases, hand-tied bouquets, and expertly curated planters filled with everything from succulents to orchids. What sets Blooms & Baskets apart is their exceptional customer service – the staff are knowledgeable, friendly, and happy to offer advice on flower care or suggest matching decor pieces.

If I were to suggest an improvement, it would be expanding their online shopping options to include same-day delivery for local customers. Overall, Blooms & Baskets has become my go-to destination for all things floral and homey – a true haven in the heart of our community!
Prompt: In your English class you have been talking about challenging yourself. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

‘Doing sport is the best way to challenge yourself.’

What do you think?


Write about:

  1. feeling satisfied

  2. physical effects

  3. …………………… (your own idea)

Write your answer in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Challenging Oneself through Sport

I firmly believe that engaging in sports is the most effective way to challenge oneself. Not only does it bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, but it also has numerous physical benefits.

Participating in sports can lead to feelings of satisfaction and pride when we push ourselves beyond our limits and achieve our goals. This confidence boost can then translate to other areas of life, encouraging us to take on new challenges and strive for excellence. Moreover, the physical effects of regular exercise are well-documented – improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and flexibility, and enhanced overall fitness.

In addition to these tangible benefits, I propose that sports also provide an opportunity for personal growth through failure. When we attempt a difficult task or push ourselves beyond our comfort zone, we may not always succeed. However, it is in these moments of defeat that we learn the most about perseverance, resilience, and adaptability – essential life skills that can be applied to various aspects of our lives.

In conclusion, engaging in sports offers an unparalleled opportunity for self-challenge, fostering a sense of satisfaction, physical well-being, and personal growth.
Prompt: In your English class you have been talking about challenging yourself. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
‘Doing sport is the best way to challenge yourself.’
What do you think?
Write about:
feeling satisfied
physical effects
…………………… (your own idea)
Write your answer in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Challenging Oneself through Sport

I strongly agree that participating in sports is the best way to challenge oneself. Not only does it bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, but it also has numerous physical benefits.

Engaging in sport can lead to feelings of satisfaction when we push ourselves beyond our limits and achieve our goals. This confidence boost can then translate to other areas of life, encouraging us to take on new challenges and strive for excellence. Moreover, regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, increases strength and flexibility, and enhances overall fitness.

Furthermore, sports provide an opportunity for personal growth through failure. When we attempt a difficult task or push ourselves beyond our comfort zone, we may not always succeed. However, it is in these moments of defeat that we learn the most about perseverance, resilience, and adaptability – essential life skills that can be applied to various aspects of our lives.

In conclusion, participating in sports offers an unparalleled opportunity for self-challenge, fostering a sense of satisfaction, physical well-being, and personal growth.
Prompt: In your English class you have been talking about challenging yourself. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. ‘Doing sport is the best way to challenge yourself.’ What do you think? Notes Write about: feeling satisfied physical effects …………………… (your own idea) Write your answer in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: The Power of Sports

I firmly believe that engaging in sports is the most effective way to challenge oneself. Not only does it bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, but it also has numerous physical benefits.

Participating in sport can lead to feelings of satisfaction when we push ourselves beyond our limits and achieve our goals. This confidence boost can then translate to other areas of life, encouraging us to take on new challenges and strive for excellence. Moreover, regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, increases strength and flexibility, and enhances overall fitness.

Furthermore, sports provide an opportunity for personal growth through failure. When we attempt a difficult task or push ourselves beyond our comfort zone, we may not always succeed. However, it is in these moments of defeat that we learn the most about perseverance, resilience, and adaptability – essential life skills that can be applied to various aspects of our lives.

In conclusion, participating in sports offers an unparalleled opportunity for self-challenge, fostering a sense of satisfaction, physical well-being,
Prompt: You see this announcement on an English-language website:

Reviews wanted

Cookery course

Have you ever been on a cookery course? If so, tell us what kind of food you learned to cook, what was good and bad about the course, and what kind of people you would recommend the course to.

Write your review in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: A Delicious Experience

I recently had the pleasure of attending a cookery course at [Name], and I'm thrilled to share my experience with others! The course focused on Mediterranean cuisine, teaching us how to prepare mouth-watering dishes like paella, risotto, and moussaka.

What impressed me most was the hands-on approach. Our instructor, Maria, guided us through each recipe, sharing valuable tips and techniques along the way. I appreciated her patience and willingness to answer questions – it made all the difference in building my confidence in the kitchen!

While some may find the pace a bit slow, I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and opportunity to practice new skills. The course is perfect for anyone looking to improve their cooking skills or simply wanting to learn more about Mediterranean cuisine.

I'd highly recommend this cookery course to foodies of all levels – it's an excellent way to spend a weekend!
Prompt: Reviews wanted
Cookery course
Have you ever been on a cookery course? If so, tell us what kind of food you learned to cook, what was good and bad about the course, and what kind of people you would recommend the course to.
Write your review in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: A Taste of Success

I recently completed a cookery course at [Name], where I learned to prepare a variety of mouth-watering dishes from around the world. The course focused on international cuisine, covering everything from sushi-making to pasta-throwing.

What impressed me most was the expert instruction and hands-on approach. Our chef-instructor, Maria, guided us through each recipe with patience and enthusiasm, sharing valuable tips and techniques along the way. I appreciated her willingness to answer questions and provide feedback – it made all the difference in building my confidence in the kitchen!

While some may find the pace a bit slow, I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and opportunity to practice new skills. The course is perfect for anyone looking to improve their cooking skills or simply wanting to learn more about international cuisine.

I'd highly recommend this cookery course to foodies of all levels – it's an excellent way to spend a weekend!
Prompt: Recently, a programme has been introduced in your city to encourage English-speaking students to study at your local college for six months. Now, you have been asked to write a report for the students on the best ways of learning your language.

In your report, you should:

explain how to start learning your language before they arrive
outline any difficulties they might have
describe ways in which they can practise your language when they arrive.

Write your report in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Learning English with Ease

Welcome, international students! We're excited to have you join our community and learn the best way to master the English language.

Before arriving at our college, start by familiarizing yourself with basic phrases like greetings, introductions, and common expressions. Watch English-language TV shows or movies with subtitles, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, and practice speaking aloud in front of a mirror.

When you arrive, don't worry if you encounter difficulties – it's normal! Focus on building your vocabulary by reading books, articles, or news websites. Take advantage of our language support services, including conversation classes, tutoring sessions, and online resources like language learning apps.

To practise English outside the classroom:

  • Join a book club or discussion group
  • Watch TV shows or movies without subtitles
  • Listen to podcasts or radio stations
  • Engage in conversations with native speakers

Remember, consistent practice is key. Stay motivated by setting achievable goals and rewarding yourself for progress made. We're here to support you every step of the way!
Prompt: Recently, a programme has been introduced in your city to encourage English-speaking students to study at your local college for six months. Now, you have been asked to write a report for the students on the best ways of learning your language.
In your report, you should:
explain how to start learning your language before they arrive outline any difficulties they might have describe ways in which they can practise your language when they arrive.
Write your report in 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.
Response: Learning English with Ease

As international students, you're about to embark on a fantastic six-month adventure at our college! To help you make the most of this experience, we've put together some tips for learning English before and during your stay.

Before arriving, start by familiarizing yourself with basic phrases like greetings, introductions, and common expressions. Watch English-language TV shows or movies with subtitles, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, and practice speaking aloud in front of a mirror. You might also consider taking online language courses or using mobile apps to get started.

When you arrive, don't worry if you encounter difficulties – it's normal! Our college offers language support services, including conversation classes, tutoring sessions, and online resources like language learning apps. To practise English outside the classroom:

  • Join a book club or discussion group
  • Watch TV shows or movies without subtitles
  • Listen to podcasts or radio stations
  • Engage in conversations with native speakers

Remember, consistent practice is key! Stay motivated by setting achievable goals and rewarding yourself for progress made. We're here to support you every step of the way!
Prompt: Read the two texts below.

Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.

Tourism and the environment

The continuing growth in tourism across the world can lead to the overuse of local natural resources. Tourism often puts pressure on key resources like water through over-consumption. Instead of promoting luxury holidays for those in search of new experiences abroad, the tourism industry would do well to encourage people to take advantage of what their own countries have to offer. Popular tourist activities such as golf can generally be played in countries with sufficient water, whereas a golf course in a country with low rainfall, for example, uses water which is needed by local inhabitants.

Impacts of tourism

As one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors internationally, tourism’s capacity to attract significant investment, generate jobs and increase revenue makes it highly significant for economic growth and development. It accounts for a huge proportion of jobs in many parts of the world, often being particularly important in these terms for developing and smaller nations. At the same time, large-scale tourism can often have a negative effect on the local way of life. Accommodation, transport, entertainment, restaurants and other services focus on the needs of visitors rather than those of the people who have always lived there.

Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The growth of tourism worldwide has significant implications for both the environment and local communities. On one hand, excessive consumption of natural resources can lead to their depletion, as highlighted by the example of golf courses requiring large amounts of water. This overuse not only harms the environment but also affects the livelihoods of local inhabitants who rely on these resources.

On the other hand, tourism has the potential to be a significant driver of economic growth and development. It generates jobs, attracts investment, and increases revenue for many countries, particularly developing nations where it can play a crucial role in their economies. However, large-scale tourism can also have negative impacts on local cultures and ways of life.

As the industry continues to grow, it is essential that sustainable practices are implemented to mitigate these effects. This could involve promoting eco-friendly activities, such as golfing in countries with sufficient water resources, or supporting local businesses and communities. Additionally, governments and tour operators must work together to ensure that tourism development is balanced with environmental conservation and social responsibility.

Ultimately, the key to responsible tourism lies in striking a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and cultural preservation. By adopting sustainable practices and prioritizing local needs, we can harness the benefits of tourism while minimizing its negative impacts on our planet's precious resources.
Prompt: Read the two texts below.
Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.
Tourism and the environment
The continuing growth in tourism across the world can lead to the overuse of local natural resources. Tourism often puts pressure on key resources like water through over-consumption. Instead of promoting luxury holidays for those in search of new experiences abroad, the tourism industry would do well to encourage people to take advantage of what their own countries have to offer. Popular tourist activities such as golf can generally be played in countries with sufficient water, whereas a golf course in a country with low rainfall, for example, uses water which is needed by local inhabitants.
Impacts of tourism
As one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors internationally, tourism’s capacity to attract significant investment, generate jobs and increase revenue makes it highly significant for economic growth and development. It accounts for a huge proportion of jobs in many parts of the world, often being particularly important in these terms for developing and smaller nations. At the same time, large-scale tourism can often have a negative effect on the local way of life. Accommodation, transport, entertainment, restaurants and other services focus on the needs of visitors rather than those of the people who have always lived there.
Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The growth of tourism worldwide has significant implications for both the environment and local communities. On one hand, excessive consumption of natural resources can lead to their depletion, as highlighted by the example of golf courses requiring large amounts of water. This overuse not only harms the environment but also affects the livelihoods of local inhabitants who rely on these resources.

On the other hand, tourism has the potential to be a significant driver of economic growth and development. It generates jobs, attracts investment, and increases revenue for many countries, particularly developing nations where it can play a crucial role in their economies. However, large-scale tourism can also have negative impacts on local cultures and ways of life.

As the industry continues to grow, it is essential that sustainable practices are implemented to mitigate these effects. This could involve promoting eco-friendly activities, such as golfing in countries with sufficient water resources, or supporting local businesses and communities. Furthermore, governments and stakeholders must work together to ensure that tourism development is balanced with environmental conservation and social responsibility.

Ultimately, the key to responsible tourism lies in finding a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and cultural preservation. By adopting sustainable practices and prioritizing local needs, we can harness the benefits of tourism while minimizing its negative impacts on our planet's precious resources.
Prompt: Read the two texts below.

Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.

Green energy

The economic case for wind power is hard to argue with. Once wind turbines are installed, the costs involved in operating them are very low because wind is totally free, and very little investment is needed to maintain the technology that turns it into energy for our use. Unlike coal, natural gas, or oil, all of which will sooner or later run out, wind is completely renewable. Once traditional fossil fuel resources have been extracted from the ground and burned to produce power, they can no longer be used, whereas there are no future supply issues with wind.

Wind turbines

As we increasingly rely on wind for our energy, the visual pollution caused by the technology used to exploit it is becoming a very serious issue. In order to capture sufficient wind to make a difference, huge turbines are installed in exposed landscapes – mountain ranges, open grasslands, oceans and lakes – where they ruin the natural beauty. A good deal of the wildlife that inhabits or passes through these environments is negatively affected by turbines. In particular, all sorts of creatures that move through the air are killed when they unknowingly fly into the spinning turbine blades.

Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The debate surrounding green energy and wind power has sparked a heated discussion on its benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, the economic case for wind power is undeniable. With low operating costs and no future supply issues, it presents an attractive alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Additionally, wind turbines can be installed in areas where they are not interfering with human activities or natural habitats.

However, as we increasingly rely on wind energy, concerns about visual pollution have emerged. The installation of large-scale turbines in pristine landscapes has raised questions about the impact on wildlife and environmental aesthetics. Moreover, the spinning blades pose a significant threat to airborne creatures that unknowingly fly into them, resulting in unnecessary deaths.

To mitigate these issues, it is essential to strike a balance between harnessing wind energy and preserving natural environments. This can be achieved through careful planning and installation of turbines in areas where they will have minimal impact on wildlife habitats or scenic beauty. Furthermore, innovative technologies could help reduce the visual pollution caused by large-scale turbines, such as smaller, more discreet designs.

Ultimately, the benefits of green energy and wind power must be weighed against their drawbacks. By adopting a holistic approach that prioritizes environmental sustainability while minimizing negative impacts, we can create a cleaner, greener future for generations to come.
Prompt: An essay: Teaching and learning
Read the two texts below.

Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.

The purpose of teaching

Teaching is viewed in different ways across the world. One view is that teaching is the act of transmitting knowledge from the teacher to the student. This is a teacher-centred approach in which the teacher’s role is to supply students with a specific body of knowledge in a pre-determined order and test their achievements. From the student’s perspective, learning can feel safe and secure but limited. They may view their teacher as an authority figure and expert who will guide them through lessons and tests. They may also feel they cannot ask questions or discuss difficulties because their role is to listen and learn.

One view of teaching and learning

There are a number of very different views of teaching and learning. I argue that teaching should have the potential to transform the learner in many different ways including cognitively, emotionally, socially and creatively. Transformational teaching is a means for students to discover their full potential as learners, members of society and as human beings. Although academic achievement is still important, learning is determined through the achievement of personalised goals, as well as through assessments. That is, transformational teaching is perceived as discovering and developing each individual’s unique talents and capabilities to the fullest extent possible.

Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The purpose of teaching has been debated across cultures and societies, with two primary views emerging: a teacher-centered approach and transformational learning.

In the traditional view, teaching is seen as transmitting knowledge from the teacher to the student, where students are passive recipients of information. This approach can lead to a sense of security for learners, but it also limits their potential for growth and development. Students may feel restricted in asking questions or exploring topics that interest them, viewing their role solely as listeners.

In contrast, transformational learning emphasizes the empowerment of students through personalized goals and assessments. This approach recognizes that teaching should not only transmit knowledge but also transform individuals cognitively, emotionally, socially, and creatively. Transformational teaching encourages learners to discover their unique talents and capabilities, fostering a sense of autonomy and agency.

While academic achievement remains important, transformational learning prioritizes the development of each individual's potential as a learner, member of society, and human being. This approach acknowledges that students are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in the learning process.

Ultimately, effective teaching should strike a balance between these two views. By incorporating elements of both approaches, educators can create an environment where learners feel supported yet empowered to explore their full potential.
Prompt: An essay: The future
Read the two texts below.

Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.

Dreams of a better tomorrow

It’s quite normal for people of different ages to think about the future. Some teenagers may fantasise about the exciting and glamorous career they hope to have one day. People in middle-age often dream of a life of leisure and pleasure when they finally retire. Whatever our age and circumstances, it’s always enjoyable to visualise a different life for ourselves. It may even be useful to indulge in a little daydreaming, provided we also take things a step further by making some concrete plans. It’s most unlikely that we’ll ever get where we dream of going if we aren’t willing to do that.

Visions of the future

The greatest minds in our society, including writers, artists, and businesspeople, have always speculated about the future of the world. In many brilliant novels and films, we are presented with a wide range of highly imaginative visions of the future, where scientific and technological breakthroughs have transformed society, though not always for the better. It’s important for everyone to visualise positive future scenarios and not get caught up in a lazy pessimism. This doesn’t mean ignoring the very real problems we face on a global level, but all of us need to have faith that we can create a better future.

Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The concept of dreaming about the future is a universal human experience, regardless of age or circumstances. Whether it's fantasizing about an exciting career, a life of leisure after retirement, or simply visualizing a different reality for oneself, daydreaming can be both enjoyable and motivating. However, as the texts suggest, mere imagination is not enough; concrete plans must also be made to turn these visions into a tangible future.

The greatest minds in society have long speculated about the future, presenting us with imaginative scenarios of what could be if scientific breakthroughs are achieved. While some of these visions may be utopian, others may highlight potential pitfalls and challenges that we face as individuals and as a global community. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain faith in our ability to create a better future.

In today's world, where technology is rapidly advancing and the pace of life continues to quicken, it is more important than ever to dream about the future. By doing so, we can inspire ourselves and others to strive for positive change. Moreover, by making concrete plans and taking action towards our goals, we can turn these visions into a reality.

Ultimately, dreaming about the future serves as both a source of inspiration and motivation. It encourages us to think critically about what could be and how we can work together to create a better world. By balancing imagination with practicality, we can harness the power of daydreaming to shape our own futures and those of generations to come.
Prompt: An essay: The future
Read the two texts below.

Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answer.

Dreams of a better tomorrow

It’s quite normal for people of different ages to think about the future. Some teenagers may fantasise about the exciting and glamorous career they hope to have one day. People in middle-age often dream of a life of leisure and pleasure when they finally retire. Whatever our age and circumstances, it’s always enjoyable to visualise a different life for ourselves. It may even be useful to indulge in a little daydreaming, provided we also take things a step further by making some concrete plans. It’s most unlikely that we’ll ever get where we dream of going if we aren’t willing to do that.

Visions of the future

The greatest minds in our society, including writers, artists, and businesspeople, have always speculated about the future of the world. In many brilliant novels and films, we are presented with a wide range of highly imaginative visions of the future, where scientific and technological breakthroughs have transformed society, though not always for the better. It’s important for everyone to visualise positive future scenarios and not get caught up in a lazy pessimism. This doesn’t mean ignoring the very real problems we face on a global level, but all of us need to have faith that we can create a better future.

Write your essay in 240 – 280 words.
Response: The concept of dreaming about the future is a universal human experience, transcending age and circumstances. As the texts suggest, people from different walks of life engage in daydreaming, fantasizing about their ideal careers, lifestyles, or retirements. This imaginative exercise can be both enjoyable and motivating, serving as a source of inspiration for personal growth.

However, mere imagination is not enough; concrete plans must also be made to turn these visions into reality. The texts emphasize the importance of taking action towards one's goals, highlighting that simply dreaming about the future without making tangible progress will likely lead to disappointment.

The second text takes this idea a step further by emphasizing the significance of positive thinking in shaping our collective futures. It encourages individuals to visualize optimistic scenarios, rather than succumbing to pessimism and apathy. This approach acknowledges the existence of real-world problems but emphasizes the importance of faith in humanity's ability to create a better future.

In conclusion, dreaming about the future is an essential aspect of human nature, serving as both a source of inspiration and motivation for personal growth. However, it is crucial that we balance our imagination with concrete plans and positive thinking to turn these visions into tangible realities. By doing so, we can shape not only our individual futures but also contribute to creating a better world for generations to come.
Prompt: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write an essay about the following topic:

Some people prefer to do most of their shopping online. This has both positive and negative effects for individuals, businesses and society. Are there more advantages or more disadvantages of online shopping?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write 200-250 words.
Response: The rise of e-commerce has led to a significant shift in the way people shop, with many opting for online purchases over traditional brick-and-mortar stores. While this trend has its benefits, it also poses several drawbacks for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

On one hand, online shopping offers numerous advantages. For instance, consumers can browse and purchase products from anywhere with an internet connection, making it more convenient than physically visiting stores. Additionally, online retailers often provide competitive pricing, discounts, and promotions, which can lead to significant savings for customers. Furthermore, e-commerce has enabled small businesses and entrepreneurs to reach a global audience, promoting entrepreneurship and economic growth.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages associated with online shopping. For individuals, excessive screen time and the temptation of impulse purchases can contribute to overspending and financial difficulties. Moreover, online shoppers may lack the tactile experience and social interaction that comes with in-store shopping, potentially leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

In conclusion, while online shopping has its benefits, such as convenience and competitive pricing, it also poses drawbacks for individuals, businesses, and society. The key is finding a balance between the two, using e-commerce wisely and not relying solely on digital transactions. By doing so, we can reap the rewards of online shopping while minimizing its negative effects.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/fuTtech/p/18455010


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