公共部分 --> 开始按钮
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim aryALLData, colNames
Dim curRowNo, curColNo, iRowCount, iColCount
Const cnst_fldRowNo = 1
Const cnst_BeginDataRowNo = 2
If MsgBox("开始执行吗 ?", vbYesNo, "确认开始") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub
iColCount = UsedRange.Columns.Count
aryALLData = UsedRange
iRowCount = UBound(aryALLData, 1)
iColCount = UBound(aryALLData, 2)
'--- 获取 全部列名
Set colNames = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For curColNo = 1 To iColCount
If aryALLData(cnst_fldRowNo, curColNo) <> "" Then
colNames.Add aryALLData(cnst_fldRowNo, curColNo), curColNo
MsgBox "第" & curColNo & "列标题是空,无法继续"
Exit Sub
End If
Next curColNo
Dim retString As String
On Error Resume Next
For curRowNo = cnst_BeginDataRowNo To iRowCount
Cells(curRowNo, colNames("开始1")).Value = GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM(aryALLData(curRowNo, colNames("开始日期")))
Cells(curRowNo, colNames("结束1")).Value = GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM(aryALLData(curRowNo, colNames("结束日期")))
Next curRowNo
End Sub
- 日期自动修正为 YYYY-MM格式的代码
Function GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM(strInputDate As Variant) As String On Error Resume Next strInputDate = Trim(CStr(strInputDate)) If InStr(1, strInputDate, "在岗") + InStr(1, strInputDate, "在职") > 0 Then GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM = strInputDate Exit Function ElseIf Not (IsNumeric(Left(strInputDate, 4))) Then GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM = "有误:" & strInputDate Exit Function End If Dim intYear, intMonth As Integer Dim FirstFindedPos As Long If IsDate(Left(strInputDate, 4) & "-" & Mid(strInputDate, 5, 2)) Then intYear = Left(strInputDate, 4) intMonth = Mid(strInputDate, 5, 2) Else '--- 1. 删除无需的 strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "份", "") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "日", "") '--- 2. 统一分隔符 - strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "-年", "-") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "-月", "-") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "年", "-") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "月", "-") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, "/", "-") strInputDate = Replace(strInputDate, ".", "-") If InStr(1, strInputDate, "-") > 0 Then '--- 格式 ==-> 【-】 FirstFindedPos = InStr(1, strInputDate, "-") intYear = Left(strInputDate, InStr(1, strInputDate, "-") - 1) If InStr(FirstFindedPos + 1, strInputDate, "-") = 0 Then 'xxxx-mm intMonth = Mid(strInputDate, FirstFindedPos + 1, 2) Else intMonth = Mid(strInputDate, FirstFindedPos + 1, InStr(FirstFindedPos + 1, strInputDate, "-") - InStr(1, strInputDate, "-") - 1) End If End If End If If IsDate(intYear & "-" & intMonth) Then GetFormatedValue3_YYYYMM = "'" & Format(intYear & "-" & intMonth, "yyyy-mm") End Function
标签:VBA,End,strInputDate,单元格,excel,Replace,aryALLData,InStr,curRowNo From: https://www.cnblogs.com/karkash/p/18454573