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ELX304 – Electronic Systems

时间:2024-10-08 20:22:20浏览次数:1  
标签:ELX304 work should Design Systems design Electronic your

ELX304 – Electronic Systems

Individual Coursework Assignment

Digital Design



This coursework exercise will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills youhave developed throughout the first half of the module. Specifically, the following learningoutcomes will be assessed:

  1. Have a critical knowledge of the design of complex multivariable combinational andsequential logic circuits
  1. Have the ability to apply digital design principles to practical problems.

This coursework contributes 50% to the overall module mark.

Design Problem:

Task 1 : Synchronous Design Problem

The following is a model of a control system for the robot shown. The circuit inputs are theproximity sensor outputs (S1S2) which are a logic high when an obstacle is detected. The outputs(Z1Z2) are the forward drive signals to the robot’s motors where a logic high represents ‘drive’and a logic low ‘brake’.01,11Robot (viewed from above)2

Determine any operational limitations that are present in the above solution.[ 5%]

  1. Design a minimal Synchronous solution to the above problem using D-type flip-flops.[40%]
  1. Produce a simulation of the system using suitable software.[15%]

Task 2 : Asynchronous Design Problem

A proposed new robot has only a single proximity sensor (Z) and avoids an obstacle by continuingto rotate in the same direction until the sensor signal is lost (Z=0). If the control strategy is toalternate rotation in the sequence left-right-left-etc., develop a minimal race-free asynchronous


Student Submission. The maximum marks obtainable for each section of the assessment are shown above, in order

to achieve good marks, it is necessary to demonstrate an in depth understanding of theproblem and the design procedures involved.

You may choose your preferred method of submission, either:

a) A full design document that shows all of the details of how 代 写ELX304 – Electronic Systems  your solution was developedand answers the questions posed. This document should be no more than 10 pages longand does not need long introductions or narratives.

  1. b) A video presentation where you talk through your design and answer the questions.This should be edited using the reView and Panopto software within Canvas. The videoshould not last longer than 10 minutes.



Extension requests

Requests for extensions should be directed to the module leader in the first instance. If yourmodule leader is unavailable, you can contact your programme leader in their absence to requestan extension. For further information on the regulations governing extensions of assessmentdeadlines, see here. Note that if you submit your work late without an agreed extension, this willbe recorded as a non-submission.

Extenuating circumstances

In situations where a short extension may not suffice, the University of Sunderland has aprocedure to deal with events which affect your work, but which are not predictable and arebeyond your control, for example, illness, enabling you to defer a piece of work (and submit it ata later assessment point).

Important note: You should note that the policy (like that of many universities) takes the viewthat by sitting an examination or handing in an assessment, students havedeemed themselvesfit, and no subsequent claim for extenuating circumstances will be considered. The Faculty willpublish deadline for the submission of such claims prior to the assessment and it is importantthat you are aware that such claims must be made by the deadline, as after it has passed, a claimwill not be considered unless there are exceptional circumstances.For further information on the regulations governing consideration of extenuatingcircumstances, guidance on extenuating circumstances and details of how to apply, see here

Academic misconduct

All work submitted is expected to be your own work. Common forms of academic misconduct

include plagiarism and collusion, but are not limited to these. The penalties for academicmisconduct can be very serious. If you are unsure what academic misconduct is, you shouldcontact the module leader or your personal tutor to discuss it. Please familiarise yourself with

the University’s Guide to Academic Integrity and Misconduct and the University’s AcademicMisconduct Regulations, available here.END

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9313/p/18450897


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