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RME40002 Mechatronics Systems Design – Portfolio Tasks Description

时间:2024-09-26 12:12:57浏览次数:1  
标签:RME40002 Tasks Description Design task Mechatronics Portfolio your block

RME40002 Mechatronics Systems Design – Portfolio Tasks DescriptionSchool of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies RME40002 Mechatronics Systems Design

Portfolio Tasks Description

Semester 2, 2024 Page 1 of 21RME40002 Mechatronics Systems Design – Portfolio Tasks DescriptionPage 2 of 21


  1. The portfolio is individual assessment. You must complete the tasks by your own.Read the RME40002 Assessment Criteria document in Canvas for details.
  1. You could get feedback from your tutor in class on your solution prior to thesubmission due date.
  1. Use the Portfolio Template provided in Canvas for your submission.
  2. You do not need to copy the task questions into your portfolio, but clearly labelthe task number you are answering.
  1. For MATLAB questions, include all source codes and commands as text in theportfolio. If a question asks you to plot or display something to the screen, alsoinclude the screenshots of plot and screen output your code generates. Includeresults and sufficient comments if required.
  1. For LabVIEW questions, provide screenshots of both front panel and block diagramwith sufficient resolution for readability.
  1. For non-programming questions, you may type in your answers or scan yourhandwritten answers to include in the portfolio.
  1. You should submit two separate portfoliosfor the tasks required in this document.Each portfolio must be a single electronic file in PDF format or Word document.
  1. The file name and deadline of your portfolio submission requirement:

First Portfolio – Answers to tasks from Week 1 to 4

File name

[Your student ID]-[PF1]

For example, 12345678-PF1.pdf

Submission deadline

Sunday, September 1, 2024 by 23.59pm

Second Portfolio – Answers to tasks from Week 5 to 8

File name

[Your student ID]-[PF2]

For example, 12345678-PF2.pdf

Submission deadline

Sunday, September 29, 2024 by 23.59pm


Penalty will be applied for late submission (see Unit Outline for details).

  1. The only way to submit your portfolio for assessment is uploading through

Canvas>>Assignment>>Portfolio Submission. Submissions by using other

methods such as through Email would not be accepted.

  1. Submissions failing to satisfy the above requirements would NOT be assessed!
  2. You also need to keep a record of the source codes of your solution. You may be

asked to provide the source codes during the assessment period.RME40002 Mechatronics Systems Design – Portfolio Tasks Description

Week 1

1.1 LabVIEW Basics – Data types, math calculation, and display

1.1.1 Data types

This task is designed to help students get started with LabVIEW, which also helps to

familiarize the common data types.

  1. 1) Start a new file in the LabVIEW and save it as Week1p1p1.vi
  2. 2) Select Window>>Show Block Diagram (Ctrl+E)
  3. 3) Create controllers-indicator pairs for different variables such as
  4. Name (strings),
  5. Age (doubles),
  6. LED (Booleans),
  7. Exam results (array)
  8. A cluster that contains all variables above, bundle them, then unbundle and

show with a cluster indicator containing Name, Age and LED three items


  1. 4) Organize components in your front panel and block diagram for readability
  2. 5) Provide screenshots of both the front panel and block diagram you have

designed in the portfolio report. Your results may be like below.

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1.1.2 Math calculation

This task practices how to program a math expression and calculate its result.

Calculate the value of y according to the following expression by using the blocks of

numeric palette, formula node and mathscript, respectively.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wx--codinghelp/p/18433202


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