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时间:2024-09-30 13:25:18浏览次数:1  
标签:used adj particular 单词 something time was

appearance [əˈpirəns]

  • n
    1. the way that someone or something looks.
      [I like the appearance of stripped antique pine]
    2. an act of performing or participating in a public event.
      [he is well-known for his television appearances]
    3. an act of becoming visible or noticeable; an arrival
      [the sudden appearance of her daughter startled her]

adjust [əˈjəst]

  • v
    1. alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result
      [he smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie]
      [他理了理头发, 整理了领带]

sufficient [səˈfiSHənt]

  • adj
    1. enough; adequate
      [they had sufficient resources to survive]

uniformly [yo͞onəˌfôrmlē]

  • adv
    1. in a way that is the same in all cases and at all times
      [the performances are uniformly excellent]
    2. with equal space between each or in equal amounts; evenly.
      [immigrants are not uniformly distributed in the country]

severe [səˈvir]

  • adj
    1. (of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense
      [a severe shortage of technicians]

retention [rəˈten(t)SH(ə)n]

  • n
    1. the continued possession, use, or control of something

impose [imˈpōz]

  • v
    1. force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place
      [the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others]
      [This interface imposes a total ordering on the objects of each class that implements it]

overcome [ōvərˈkəm]

  • v
    1. succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty)
      [she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness]

semester [səˈmestər]

  • n
    1. a half-year term in a school or college, typically lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks
      [The missing semester.]

spring summer autumn winter

  • n
    1. 春夏秋冬

till [til]

  • pre
    1. up to (the point in time or the event mentioned); until.
      [I went to bed at 8 last night and slept till 6.30]

codec [ˈkōdek]

  • n
    1. a device or program that compresses data to enable faster transmission and decompresses received data.

approved [əˈpro͞ovd]

  • adj
    1. officially agreed or accepted as satisfactory.

redundant [rəˈdəndənt]

  • adj
    1. not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.
      [many of the old skills had become redundant]

excess [ikˈses]

  • adj, n
    1. an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.
      [are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?]








from scrath

  • 短语
    1. from the very beginning, especially without utilizing or relying on any previous work for assistance


  • adj
    1. having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
    2. aware of, [意识到]
      [In fact, it isn’t even aware of the signaling process or of the content of the messages]

refugee [refyo͝oˈjē]

  • n
    1. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster

sample [ˈsampəl]

  • n
    1. a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.[样本]
  • v
    1. take a sample or samples of (sth) for analysis.[采样]

quantity [ˈkwän(t)ədē]

item [ˈīdəm]

  • n
    1. an individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set.

isolated [ˈīsəˌlādəd]

  • adj
    1. far away from other place, buildings, or people; remote.
      [most of its usage in the early days was to do isolated scripting tasks]

examine [iɡˈzamən]

  • v
    1. inspect (something or someone) in detail to determine their nature or condition.

inspect [inˈspekt]

  • v
    1. look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.

chronological [ˌkränəˈläjək(ə)l]

  • adj
    1. (of a record of event) starting with earliest and following the order in which they occured.

shall [SHal]

  • v
    1. (in the first person) expressing the future tense.
      [This time next week I shall be in Scotland.]
    2. expressing a strong assertion or intention.
      [They shall successd]
    3. expressing an instruction or command
      [You shall not steal][你不能输]
    4. used in questions indicating offers or suggestions.
      [shall I send you the book?]

occasional [əˈkāZHənl]

  • adj
    1. occurring, appearing, or done infrequently and irregularly.
      [the occasional car went by but bo taxis]
      [偶尔有车经过, 但是没有出租车]

intuitive [inˈt(y)o͞oədiv]

  • adj
    1. using or based on what someone feels to be ture even without conscious reasoning.
      [I has an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him]
      [我有一个直觉, 他有不健全的地方]

conscious [ˈkän(t)SHəs]

  • adj
    1. aware of and responding to one's surroudings.

surroundings [səˈroundiNGz]

  • n
    1. the things and conditions around a person or thing.

conviction []

align [əˈlīn]

  • v
    1. place or orrange (things) in a straight line.
      [The functionality described on this reference page is aligned with the ISO C standard]

recall []

  • v
    1. bring a (fact, event or situation) back into one's mind; remember;
    2. what's difference between recall and remember?
      ["remember" means to keep something in your memory, while "recall" means to access your memory. You can not exchange "Do not foget" with "recall", only with "remember". Acceptable: Don't forget the flowers for the wedding. Not acceptable: Recall the flowers for the wedding.]

vaguely [ˈvāɡlē]

  • adv
    1. in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly.
      [I can still vaguely recall being taken to the hospital]

gain [ɡān]

  • v
    1. obtain or secure (something desired, favorable, or profitable). It's generally refer to acquiring or obtaining something over a period of time. often through effort or work. For Example, you might say "I gained a lot of knowledge about AI by studying it for years.". By contrast, "get" on the other hand, can refer to simply receiving or obtaining something, often more quickly or easily than gaining it. For example, you can say "I got a new phone for my birthday."

acquire [əˈkwī(ə)r] [获得]

  • v
    1. buy or obtain (an asset or object) for onself
    2. learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality)

special [ˈspeSHəl]

  • adj
    1. better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.
      [they always made a special effort at Christmas]
  • n
    1. a thing, such as an event, product, or broadcast, that is designed or organized for a particular occasion or purpose

recognition [ˌrekəɡˈniSH(ə)n]

  • n
    1. identification of someone or someting or person from previous encounters or knowledge.
    2. acknowledgment of something's existence.
      [she saw hime passed by without sign of recognition]
      [The recognition of these files is done within the kernel as part of processing the exec system call.]


  • adv
    1. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.
    2. to a certain or significant extant or degree.
    3. used to precede an idea that is different or opposite to a previous statement.
      [The actual file that gets executed by the kernel is not the interpreter file, but rather the file specied by the pathname on the first line of the interpreter file.]

precede [prəˈsēd]

  • v
    1. come before (something) in time.
      [a gun battle had precede the explosions.]

adjust [əˈjəst]

  • v
    1. alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance or result.
      [A process could choose to run with lower priority by adjusting it's nice value]

What's the difference between affect and effect?

Generally, we use affect as a verb(an action word) whereas use effect as a noun(an object word).

idle [ˈīdl]

  • adj
    1. (of a person) avoid working; lazy;
    2. without purpose or effect; poinless
      [with an otherwise idle system]
  • v
    1. spend time doing nothing.

trivial [ˈtrivēəl]

  • adj
    1. of little value or importance.
      [Most nontrivial application programs need to deal with signals.]

prematurely [ˌprēməˈCHo͝orlē]

  • adv
    1. before the due time; ahead of time.
      [A next in the pipeline terminating prematurely]

runaway [ˈrənəˌwā]

  • n
    1. a person who has run away, especially from their family or an institution.
      [This is how to stop a runaway program.]

exceed [ikˈsēd]

  • v
    1. be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing)
      [file size limit exceed; cpu time limit exceed]

disposition [dispəˈziSH(ə)n]

  • n
    1. the way in which something is placed or arranged; especially in relation to other things.
      [Specifically, the exec functions change the disposition of any signals being caugth to their default action and leave the status of other signals alone.]
      [确切的说, exec 函数将捕获到的信号的处理修改为默认的处理方式, 同时保留其他的信号的处理方式不变.]

What's the difference between specially and especially

Specially means "for a special reason" or "to a special or unusual degree", whereas Especially means "more than usually" or "for a particular purpose or person".

"Specially" and "especially" are adverbs that are often used interchangeably. However, there is a slight difference between the two.
"Specially" is used to describe something that is done in a particular way for a specific purpose or person. For example, "The chef prepared a special meal for the VIP guest."
"Especially" is used to emphasize something, to single it out as being of particular importance or significance. For example, "I love all types of music, especially jazz and blues."
In summary, "specially" refers to something that is done in a particular way or for a specific purpose, while "especially" emphasizes something as being of particular importance or significance.

treat [trēt]

  • v
    1. deal with in a certain way.
      [One special example of this signal status behavior is how an interactive shell treats the interrupt and quit signals for a background process.]

singular [ˈsiNGɡyələr] & plural [ˈplo͝orəl]

  • adj
    1. (of a word or form) denoting or referring to just one person or thing.
    2. or (of a word or form) denoting or referring to more than one person or thing.


  • pre
    1. identifying the agent performing an action
    2. concerning; according to;
      [Anything you do is all right by me]
      [In earlier versions of the UNIX System, signals were unrealiable. By this we mean that signals could get lost.]
  • adv
    1. so as to go past.
      [A car fulshed by on the other side of the road.]
  • prefix
    1. incidental;secondary;subordinate;

could [ko͝od]

  • v
    1. past of can.

A window of time

  • phrase
    1. 1
      [a period of time]
      [The problem with this code is that there is a window of time -- after the signal has occured, but before the call to signal in the signal handler -- when the interrupt signal could occur another time.]

borrow [ˈbärō]

  • v
    1. take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with intention of returning it.
      [borrow money]

subtract [səbˈtrakt]

  • v
    1. take away (a number or amount) from another to calculate the difference.

assumption [əˈsəm(p)SH(ə)n]

  • n
    1. A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
      [This was done under the assumption that since a signal occurred and the process caught it, there is a good chance that something has happened that should wake up the blocked system call.]

prevent [prəˈvent]

  • v
    1. keep (something) from happening or arising.
      [action must be taken to prevent futher accidents]
      [To prevent applications from having to handle interrupted system calls, 4.2BSD introduced the automatic restarting of certain interrupted system calls.]

present [ˈprez(ə)nt]

  • adj
    1. in a particular place.
      [Reads that can block the caller forever if data isn't persent with certain file types(pipes, terminal devices, and network devices.)]
  • n
    1. a thing given to someone as a gift.
    2. the period of time now occurring.
      [they are happy and at peace, refusing to think beyond the persent]
      [他们平静而高兴, 拒绝超越当下的思考]
  • v
    1. give or award formally or ceremonially
      [A celebrity will present the prizes]


  • n
    1. a famous person.

require [rəˈkwī(ə)r]

  • v
    1. need for a particular purpose.
      [POSIX.1 requires an implementation to restart a system calls only when the flag SA_RESTART is in effect for the interrupting signal.]

regard [rəˈɡärd]

  • v
    1. consider or think of (someone or something) in a particular way.
      [she regard Omaha as her base.]
      [We will talk more abort interrupted system call with regard to select and poll functions.]

other than

    • [除什么以外...]

what if

      1. 如果怎么样...会怎么样...
        [what if the process was in the middle of allocating additional memory on its heap by using malloc, and we call malloc from the signal handler?]
        [if the process 正在使用 malloc 分配额外的内存时被信号打断, 如果在信号处理方法中也调用 malloc, 那么会发生什么?]

havoc [ˈhavək]

  • n
    1. widespread destruction.
      [In the malloc example, havoc can result for the process, since malloc maintains a linked list of all it's allocated areas, and it may have been in the middle of changing this list.]

allocate [ˈaləˌkāt]

  • v
    1. distribute resource for a particular purpose.

beside [bəˈsīd]

  • pre
    1. at the side of; next to;
      [he sat beside me in the front seat;]


  • pre
    1. in addition to; apart from;
      [I have no family besides my parents;]
      [Besides being reentrant, they block any signals during operation if delivery of a signal might cause inconsistencies.]

deliver [dəˈlivər]

  • v
    1. bring and hand over (a letter or pakage ) to the proper recipient or address.
      [The products should be delivered on time.]
    2. launch or aim (a ball or attack, or blow)
      [the pitcher winds up to deliver the ball]

recipient [rəˈsipēənt]

  • n
    1. a person or thing that receives or is awarded something.

delivery [dəˈliv(ə)rē]

  • n
    1. the action of delivering letters, packages, or ordered goods.
    2. the process of giving birth.
    3. an act of throwing a ball.

capatity [kəˈpasədē]

The text "capacity" refers to the maximum amount that something can hold or contain. In technical terms, it can be used to describe the maximum amount of data that can be stored on a device or the maximum amount of power that a battery can hold. It can also refer to the ability of a person or system to perform a task or function effectively.

potentially [pəˈten(t)SHəlē]

  • adv
    1. with capacity to develop or happen in the future.
      [There is only one errno variable per thread, and we might potentially modify its value.]

right ***

  • adj

    1. morally good, justified, or acceptable.
      [I hope we are doing the right thing.]
  • adv

    1. to the forthest or most complete extent or degree(used to emphasis).
      [The car spun right off the track]
  • n

    1. that which is morally correct, just, or honorable.
      [she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.]
  • v

    1. restore to normal or upright position.
  • phrase

    1. right after. It means immediately following or directly after something else.
      [Consider of a signal handler that is invoked right after main has set errno]


  • adv
    1. references to the priciples of right and wrong behavior.
      [He believed the war was morally justified.]
      [他相信 the 战争在道义上是正当的]


  • adj
    1. having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason.


  • adj
    1. conforming to the law or to rules.
      [合法的; 合理的]


  • v
    1. clean or dry (something) by rubbing its surface with a cloth, or a piece of paper, or one's hand.
    2. remove or eliminate (something) completely.
  • n
    1. an act of wiping.
    • [wiping out]
      [If the signal handler calls read, For Example, this call can change the value of errno, wiping out the value that was just stored in main.]


  • v
    1. move one's hand or a cloth repeatly back and forth on the surface of (something) with firm presure.


  • adv
    1. out from start point and forward or into view.


  • adv
    1. in the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the front.
  • adj
    1. directed and facing toward the front or the direction that one is facing or traveling.
  • n
    1. an attacking player in basketball.[前锋]
  • v
    1. send (a letter or email) on to a further destination.
      [my emails were forwarded to a friend.]

what's the difference between rub and wipe

The main difference between rub and wipe is the motion involved.
rubbing involves applying pressure and moving your hand back and forth over a surface, while wiping involves moving a cloth or subject in one direction to remove dirt or moisture from a surface. Rubbing is often used to clean surface, while wipping is often used to remove dust or spills from surface.


  • adj
    1. (of a text or computer data or program) made unreliable by errors or alternations.


  • v
    1. say or estimate that (a specified thing ) will be happen in the future or will be consequence of something.
      [It's too easy to predict a result]


  • adv
    1. repeated frequently in the same way; regularly.
    2. without interruption; constantly.
      [Two signals that continually generate confusion are SIGCLD and SIGCHLD]

be, been, being;

  • 1

    1. I am happy.
    2. I am being carefull.
    3. I have been to china.
  • 分词短语 是一个由动词的现在分词或过去分词构成的短语,可以作为形容词或副词使用.

    1. broken glass(破碎的比例).
    2. written letter(写好的信).
    3. running water(流动的水).
    4. smiling face(微笑的脸[面孔]).


  • 冠词
    1. of the type previously metioned.
    2. of the type about to be metioned.
    3. to so high a degree; so great(used to emphasize a quality)


It is a conjunction that is used to introduce a contrasting or contradictory statement. It is often used to show that two ideas are in opposition to each other. For Example, "Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk." means that despite the fact that it was raining, we still choose to go for a walk. "Although" also can be used to indicates a limination or concesstion to a statement. For Example, "Although I enjoy chocolate, I limit my consumption of it."

When that time occurs, the signal is generated by the kernel, Although additional time could elapse before the process gets control to handle the signal, because of processor scheduling delays.

Even if

It is a conjunction that is used to introduce a hypothetical or unlikely situation. It is often used to express a condition that may not acturally happen, but is considered for the sake of argument or to emphasize a point.
For example, "Even if it rains, we will still go to the beach." means that we are committed to going to the beach regardless of whether it rains or not.
"Even if I had more money, I wouldn't buy a new car" means that the speaker is not interested in buying a new car, even if they had more money than they currently do.


  • modal verb
    1. conditional statements;
      [If I had more time, I would go for a walk.]
    2. polit reques;
      [Would you please pass the salt]
    3. past hobit or repeatly;
      [When I was a younger, I would play soccer every weekend.]
    4. Reported speech;
      [He said he would be here at 3 pm]

depart [dəˈpärt]

  • v
    1. leave; especially in order to start a journey.
      [They departed for Germany]


  • n
    1. The action of departing from an establish course or accepted standard.


  • n

    1. The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river.[航线]
      [the road adopts a tortuous course along the coast.]
    2. a dish or a set of dishes, served together; forming one of the successive parts of a meal
    3. A series of lesson or lectures on a particular subject.
  • v

    1. (of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.
      [tears coursing down her cheeks.]


This is a conjunction that is used to introduce a contrasting statement or idea. It is often used to show a deviation or exception from what was previously stated.


  • adj
    1. (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be dificult to analyze or describe.
      [His language expresses rich and subtle meannings]
      [Overall, "subtle" suggests a form of understated complexity or nuance that requires careful observation or interpretation to fully understand.]

so that

The phrase "so that " is conjunction that is used to express purpose or intent. It is often used to link two clauses together, with the first clause explaining the reason or goal for the second clause. For Example, "I studied hard so that I could pass the exam" indicates that the purpose of studying hard was to pass the exam. The phrase "so that "can also be used to indicate a result or consequence, as in "I arrived early so that I could get a good seat"(the result of arriving early was getting a good seat)


  • adv
    1. In a way that shows a lack of experience, wishdom, or judgment


  • n
    1. a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in particular kind of language or branch of study.
  • v
    1. give a descriptive name to; call by a specified name.
      [term current dispatch thread.(send a signal)]
      [terminal current dispatch thread.]


  • adj
    1. having opposite surfaces or sides close together; of little thickness or depth.
      [thin slices bread]


  • n
    1. the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.


  • v
    1. (of a process, activity, or state of things) continue for a specified period of time.
      [The Red Hat Developer Subscription for individuals lasts for one year]
      [Red Hat 个人开发者订阅有效期为一年]

cite [sīt]

  • v
    1. quote (a passage, book, author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.


  • v
    1. allocate (a job or duty)
      [his leader assigned him this mission]

concerning [kənˈsərniNG]

  • 介词
    1. on the object of or in connecting with; about;

express [ikˈspres]

  • v
    1. convey (a thought or feeling) in words

convey [kənˈvā]

  • v
    1. transport or carry to a place.
      [pipes were laid to convey water to the house]


  • v
    1. take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of vehicle, aircraft, or ship.


  • n
    1. an anction or system by which a result is brought about; a method.


  • n
    1. intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion);


  • n
    1. The action of taking out something, expecially using effort of force.
      [Tooth extraction]


  • v
    1. wash (something) with clean water to remove soap, detergent, dirt ,or impurities.


  • adj
    1. causing or likely to cause a argument;


  • n
    1. a reason or a set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is wrong or right.
      [there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal]
    2. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
      [I've had an argument with my father]


  • adj
    1. existing or coming befor in time, order or importance.
      [In versions prior of 1.7.5]


  • adj
    1. (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.
      [coherent whole]


  • adj
    1. acting or done in the same way over time, especilly so as to he fair or accurate.
      [如一, 连贯]


  • v
    1. set right(an undesirable situation)
  • n
    1. a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.

on behalf of

      1. 代表
        [on behalf of another developer]


  • v
    1. develop gradually, especially from a single to a more complex form.


  • adj
    1. taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees.


  • n
    1. the start or begining of something.


  • v
    1. take in or contain (something) as part of whole;
      [Go provides dependency management tools that helps you keep you Go applications secure as you incorporate external dependencies.]


  • 连词
    1. 假如, 在...条件下

provided that

  • 短语
    [You can borrow my car, povided that you return it by tomorrow.]
    [如果你能在明天还我, 你就能借我的车]
    [Enables or Disables adding or modifying the "Expires" and "Cache-Control" response header fields provided that the response code equals 200.]
    [当返回码等于 200 的时候, 开启或者关闭 增加或者修改这 "Expires" and "Cache-Control" 两个头信息.]


  • v
    1. an instance of two or more people comming together again after a period of separation.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yinchaows/p/18214475
