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writing practice

时间:2024-09-20 21:22:00浏览次数:3  
标签:do help was practice had writing my


corrected version

Hello guys, welcome back to my channel. I'm Ethan.  

Today is the third day I've been practicing my writing skills. You're probably wondering why I keep writing the same thing every day. The reason is, by writing the same thing over and over, I can actually memorize the words that I need in my daily life.  

So again, I'll describe what I did today: I woke up at 7 A.M., which is earlier than usual. After waking up, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was done, I had breakfast—eggs and milk. Then, I lay on my sofa and played on my phone for a bit. After a short while, I realized I needed to do some work.  

At 9:30, I left the house, drove to the office, and when I arrived, all my coworkers were already there. I was the last one to get to the office. But I wasn't too worried about it because the boss doesn't really care about things like that. As long as we do our job well, that's what matters to him.  

I brought lunch to work, which I cooked yesterday. When it was lunchtime, I used the microwave to heat it up.  

I didn't have much work to do in the morning, so I had time to type this script. I often make a lot of mistakes when writing, especially with verb tenses. When I finish writing, I use AI to help correct my mistakes, so I can see where I went wrong.  

Yesterday, I went out for dinner with a friend. We chatted for about two hours, and while we were talking, it started raining. We had an umbrella, so we kept chatting for a bit longer. It was a really nice conversation!  

As for today, I'm listening to music right now. My coworker is playing a Chinese song, but I'd prefer to listen to English music so I can learn new words while enjoying the song.  


### Key mistakes and improvements:

1. **Verb Tenses**:  

   - You used the wrong tenses a few times (e.g., "Today is the third day I've practice" → "Today is the third day I've been practicing"). 

   - Keep an eye on continuous tenses when describing actions that are ongoing, and use past simple for things that have already been completed.

2. **Articles and Prepositions**:  

   - Phrases like "I laying on my sofa to played my phone" should be "I lay on my sofa and played on my phone." Watch for prepositions like "on" (play on my phone) and proper verb forms.

3. **Sentence Structure**:  

   - Some of your sentences were long and could be simplified or broken down (e.g., "When I finish my writing, I use the AI to help me correct them" → "After finishing my writing, I use AI to help me correct it").

### My advice for your practice:

- **Focus on verb tenses**: Try practicing different types of sentences using past, present, and future tenses.

- **Read aloud**: Reading your writing out loud can help you catch mistakes and get a feel for natural English.

- **Vary your topics**: While writing the same thing helps with memorization, adding variety will help you learn more expressions and vocabulary.

- **Shorten long sentences**: Break down longer sentences to improve clarity.

Overall, you're doing great! Keep practicing, and you'll see continuous improvement!

natural version

Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! I’m Ethan.  

Today marks the third day of my writing practice. You might be wondering, "Why do you write about the same stuff every day?" Well, by repeating these things, I’m able to memorize the words and phrases I actually use in my daily life.  

So, here’s what I did today: I woke up at 7 A.M., which is earlier than usual. After getting up, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I finished, I had breakfast—just eggs and milk. Then I chilled on the sofa for a bit, scrolling through my phone. It wasn’t long before I realized I had some work to do.  

At 9:30, I headed out, got in my car, and drove to the office. By the time I got there, everyone else had already arrived. I was the last one, but I wasn’t too worried. My boss doesn’t really care about stuff like that, as long as we do our work well.  

I brought lunch from home, something I cooked yesterday. When it was time to eat, I just reheated it in the microwave.  

I didn’t have much to do this morning, so I had time to write this. I tend to make a lot of mistakes, especially with verb tenses. But after I finish writing, I use AI to help me catch the errors, which helps me see where I went wrong.  

Last night, I went out for dinner with a friend. We chatted for about two hours, and while we were talking, it started raining. Since we had an umbrella, we just kept chatting. It was a really nice evening!  

As for today, I’m listening to some music at the moment. My coworker put on a Chinese song, but I’d rather listen to something in English so I can pick up new words while I enjoy the music.  


This version flows more naturally and sounds like something you'd hear from a native English speaker. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2201_75998188/article/details/142404079


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