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这段文本讨论了多元文化主义的概念及其在社会中的实践,特别是对美国社会的评论。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. I think that the debate over multiculturalism is essentially the debate over whose values will be imposed. ### 详细解释: 1. **I think that the debate over multiculturalism is essentially the debate over whose values will be imposed.** 谁的价值观占主导地位? 支配其他民族、人群 价值观。
2. **In a true multicultural society, individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds exist without socially enforced power differences.**
3. **But this is not the case, at least, with the United States.** 4. **Perhaps there has never been such a thing as a monocultural society.** 5. **Indeed, each person is of many cultures simultaneously.**
6. **One has a sexual identity, a racial identity, a religious identity, a class identity.** ### 总结: 这段文本探讨了多元文化主义的概念,强调了在一个多元文化社会中,个体应该不受社会强加的权力差异影响,自由地表达自己的多元文化身份。作者对美国是否实现了这种理想状态表示怀疑,并指出每个人的身份是多元的,不是单一的。这反映了对文化多样性的重视和对社会公平的追求。 |
这段文本继续探讨了个体在多元文化社会中的身份构成,以及人们对其他文化的相对无意识。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. Perhaps there has never been such a thing as a monocultural society. ### 详细解释: 1. **Perhaps there has never been such a thing as a monocultural society.** 2. **Indeed, each person is of many cultures simultaneously.**
3. **One has a sexual identity, a racial identity, a religious identity, a class identity, a school identity, an identity from the friends he keeps, a family identity, a geographic identity, and so on.** 4. **We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately, much** ### 总结: 这段文本强调了个体身份的多元性,每个人都是多种文化的综合体。同时,文本也指出了人们对其他文化的相对无意识,这可能带来对文化多样性的忽视。这种观点提醒我们,要更加意识到自己的多元文化身份,以及在多元文化社会中对其他文化的理解和尊重。 |
这段文本讨论了文化无意识、文化敌意的产生,以及社会中权力精英的角色和影响。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately, much hostility is created by our ignorance of other cultures and the failure to recognize the existence. ### 详细解释: 1. **We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately, much hostility is created by our ignorance of other cultures and the failure to recognize the existence.**
2. **In many societies there is a hierarchy of status and power.** 3. **The power elites need not be the majority.** 4. **The power elites are the individuals who have influence within the social, political, legal, economic, and religious institutions.** 5. **In the United States, the power elite controls both the material resources and goods of the country and the means and manner of production and distribution.** ### 总结: 这段文本强调了文化意识的重要性,以及对其他文化的认识不足可能导致的敌意。同时,文本也探讨了社会中权力精英的角色,他们虽然不一定是大多数,但在社会结构中占据着重要的位置,并对资源控制和分配方式有着决定性的影响。这种权力结构在很多社会中都存在,包括美国。 |
这段文本讨论了在美国社会中,阶级划分的基础是权力和对物质资源的控制,而不是民族起源或种族。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. In the United States, when you speak of upper, middle and lower classes you speak not of national origin or ethnicity but of power and control over material resources. ### 详细解释: 1. **In the United States, when you speak of upper, middle and lower classes you speak not of national origin or ethnicity but of power and control over material resources.** 2. **Economic power in the United States today is largely held by youthful, able-bodied White males.** 年富力强的白人男性手中。
3. **Whites in the United States tend not to recognize the existence of a White culture.**
4. **White culture resulted from a synthesis.**
### 总结: 这段文本强调了在美国,社会阶级的划分更多地是基于经济权力和对资源的控制,而不是种族或民族背景。同时,它指出了白人文化的形成是一个文化综合的过程,但在美国的白人可能并不总是意识到自己文化的存在和影响。这种观点揭示了文化认同和权力结构在社会中的复杂性。 |
这段文本继续讨论了美国社会中白人文化的地位以及它是如何形成的。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. Economic power in the United States today is largely held by youthful, able-bodied White males. ### 详细解释: 1. **Economic power in the United States today is largely held by youthful, able-bodied White males.** 2. **Whites in the United States tend not to recognize the existence of a White culture.** 3. **White culture resulted from a synthesis of ideas, values and beliefs inherited from European ethnic groups in the United States.** 4. **As the dominant culture in the United States, White culture is the foundation of social norms and organization.**
### 总结: 这段文本强调了在美国社会中,白人文化的形成是一个文化综合的过程,它源自欧洲各民族群体的思想和信仰。作为美国的主导文化,它塑造了社会规范和组织结构。同时,文本也指出了在美国的白人可能并不总是意识到自己文化的存在和影响,这可能与文化认同和权力结构在社会中的复杂性有关。 |
这段文本讨论了跨文化交流中的主导白人文化所包含的沟通模式,以及非主导群体在这些模式下的适应情况。以下是对这段内容的整理和详细解释: ### 英文原文整理: 1. In terms of cross-cultural communication, the dominant White culture includes communication patterns of Standard English, direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and controlled emotions. ### 详细解释: 1. **In terms of cross-cultural communication, the dominant White culture includes communication patterns of Standard English, direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and controlled emotions.** 2. **Nondominant groups are supposed to follow that pattern in one way or another.** ### 总结: 这段文本强调了在跨文化交流中,主导的白人文化设定了一套沟通规范,包括语言使用、眼神接触、身体接触和情绪表达等方面。非主导群体在与主导文化互动时,往往需要适应这些规范。这种现象反映了文化权力在沟通行为上的影响,以及不同文化群体在交流过程中可能面临的适应挑战。 |
- 汉译英; |