Agentic Design Patterns
- Reflection: The LLM examines its own work to come up with ways to improve it.
- Tool Use: The LLM is given tools such as web search, code execution, or any other function to help it gather information, take action, or process data.
- Planning: The LLM comes up with, and executes, a multistep plan to achieve a goal (for example, writing an outline for an essay, then doing online research, then writing a draft, and so on).
- Multi-agent collaboration: More than one AI agent work together, splitting up tasks and discussing and debating ideas, to come up with better solutions than a single agent would.
Read "Agentic Design Patterns Part 2: Reflection"
Read "Agentic Design Patterns Part 3, Tool Use"
Read "Agentic Design Patterns Part 4: Planning"
Read "Agentic Design Patterns Part 5: Multi-Agent Collaboration"
由 OpenBMB 、面壁智能及清华大学NLP实验室于去年7月共同开源。开源不到一周时间就收获 2.7k+ star,连续3天位居 GitHub Trending 榜首。
近日,斯坦福大学吴恩达教授在一次演讲中表示:“基于 GPT-3.5 构建的智能体工作流在应用中表现比 GPT-4 要好。AI 智能体工作流将在今年推动人工智能取得巨大进步,甚至可能超过下一代基础模型,这是一个值得所有人关注的趋势。”
其中,吴恩达教授点赞了来自 OpenBMB 开源社区的 ChatDev 项目,为大家详细阐述了“多智能体协作”的趣味和魅力所在——开一家游戏公司只需要一个 ChatDev 就够了:当给到不同的 prompt 时,ChatDev 可以分饰多个AI智能体,分别扮演软件公司的 CEO、产品经理、设计师、测试人员......
标签:workflow,ChatDev,Patterns,Part,Design,LLM,Agentic From: