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SSD 性能测试工具-1

时间:2024-09-13 11:24:01浏览次数:3  
标签:tests run parameters developed 性能 Linux 测试工具 SSD FIO



IOmeter (Windows & Linux*)

Open sourced by Intel in 2001, there have been a few releases subsequently. More importantly, in the 2010 release there were options for pseudorandom and full random to account for deduplicating target devices. An „old-time‟ favorite of Storage Pro‟s, originally developed by Intel and and now distributed under GNU Public License. The tool allows you to run stress tests sessions for I/O Performance Analysis.


 Nice UI that‟s easy to use, you can learn quickly how to run tests

 It can produce graphs fairly easily


Limited command-line parameters. Advanced CLI fans don‟t like this.

Even its full random load generation turns up entirely deduped in Reduxio - makes it hard to simulate real-life data.

Although pretty stable and we use it continously, development for IOMeter ended long time ago and there are no new builds. AsStorage industry keeps advancing, new media and features come out, this can have a toll on how tests come out.


disable OS cache




FIO is a powerful open source Linux/Unix benchmarking tool that is extremely flexible and writes random data (100% non-dedup friendly) by default.

This is originally written by Jens Axboe, current blq-mq developer for Linux kernel. Axboe got tired of writing specific test application and developed FIO which set the world record in 2012 for highest IOPS in a single system. Axboe left Fusion IO and is currently employed by Facebook. FIO allows you to simulate different types of IO loads and tweak several parameters including the write/read mix, amount of processes, etc.


Batch mode & very extensive set of parameters.

It's still being developed. Our friend Jens keeps fine-tuning it. 

Multiple OS support: Although we mostly run it on Linux, it also supports Windows.


No sophisticated GUI or Graphics features. This is for CLI hardliners only.

Sophisticated syntax, it‟ll take some time to get the hang of it. But it definitely worth the effort if you are going to run multiple tests.


The latest beta version has support for configurable dedup ratios. A CLI utility developed by Oracle which lets you generate a wide variety of I/O workloads and has plenty of control over workload parameters, include rate, LUN/file sizes, read/write ratios, which as mentioned before, is important to test different ratios, among other parameters.


Lets you analyze response time by buckets (i.e. 0.1-0.2ms, 0.2-0.3ms etc.).

If you run histograms on the performance results you end up with quite nice looking graphics.Reports are HTML accessible as well. 

Supported & maintained by Oracle: There‟s an active community that can solve questions you might have.

SSD 性能测试工具-2-CSDN博客

From: https://blog.csdn.net/lwexin/article/details/142096569


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