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Interactive Employee Management System

时间:2024-09-10 11:49:55浏览次数:1  
标签:Management System should employee points Employee


Final Assignment

Mark 40

Business Requirement: Interactive Employee Management System

Background: ABC Corporation recognizes the need for a robust Employee Management System(EMS) to streamline HR operations and enhance employee management processes. The systemaims to centralize employee data, simplify administrative tasks, and improve decision-makingthrough insightful reporting. To achieve these objectives, the EMS will be developed using theJava Swing framework, ensuring cross-platform compatibility and a richuser interfaceexperience.

Requirement Details:

  1. User Authentication (10 points):
  • Users should be authenticated using a username and password combination.
  • Upon successful authentication, users will gain access to the system's features based onheir assigned roles and permissions.
  • Unauthorized access attempts should be logged and reported to administrators forsecurity purposes.
  1. Employee Records Management (15 points):
  • HR administrators should be able to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)operations on employee records.
  • Each employee record should contain comprehensive details such as personalinformation, employment history, salary details, and emergency contacts.
  • Administrators should have the ability to search and filter employee records based onvarious criteria.
  1. Attendance Tracking (15 points):
  • The system should support the recording and tracking of employee attendance.
  • HR administrators should be able to mark attendance for individual employees on a dailybasis, indicating their status as present, absent, or on leave.
  • Additionally, the system should 代 写Interactive Employee Management Systemcalculate total working hours and leave balances for eachemployee.
  1. Leave Management (10 points):• Employees should be able to submit leave requests through the system, specifying thetype of leave (e.g., sick leave, vacation) and the duration.
  • HR administrators should review and approve/reject leave requests, with the option toprovide comments or additional information.
  • Employees should be notified of the status of their leave requests via email or within thesystem.
  1. Reporting (10 points):
  • The system should provide comprehensive reporting capabilities to HR administratorsand management.
  • Standard reports such as employee attendance summaries, leave balances, and employeeirectory should be available.
  • Reports should be customizable with options to filter data based on criteria such asdepartment, date range, or employee status.
  1. User Interface Design (10 points):
  • The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, with easy navigation and clearvisual indicators.
  • Utilize appropriate Swing components and layouts to ensure a consistent andaesthetically pleasing interface.
  • Consider usability principles such as accessibility, responsiveness, and readability whendesigning the UI.
  1. Data Security (10 points):
  • Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive employee data from unauthorizedaccess or modification.
  • Utilize encryption techniques to secure data transmission over the network and ensuredata integrity.
  • Apply role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict access to sensitive features and databased on user roles and permissions.
  1. Error Handling and Validation (10 points):
  • Implement error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle exceptions and errorconditions.
  • Validate user inputs to prevent data entry errors and ensure the accuracy and consistencyof data.
  • Provide informative error messages to guide users in correcting input errors or resolvingissues.
  1. Documentation (5 points):• Prepare comprehensive documentation covering all aspects of the EmployeeManagement System.
  • Include system requirements, design specifications, installation instructions, user guides,nd troubleshooting tips.
  • Documentation should be well-structured, organized, and easily accessible to users andadministrators.
  1. Bonus Feature (5 points):
  • Implement an additional feature to enhance the functionality or usability of the EmployeeManagement System.
  • Example bonus features include integration with biometric attendance systems,utomated report scheduling, or integration with HR analytics tools for data visualization.

Delivery Guidelines:

  • Develop the Employee Management System using Java Swing, adhering to the specifiedrequirements and best practices in software development.
  • Submit the project source code along with comprehensive documentation in a structuredformat.Ensure thorough testing to validate the functionality, usability, and security of the systembefore delivery.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • The success of the Employee Management System will be evaluated based on itsadherence to the specified requirements, functionality, usability, security, and overallquality of implementation.
  • Bonus points may be awarded for innovative features, exceptional user experience, andadherence to best practices in software development.

Note: ABC Corporation expects the Employee Management System to significantly improve HRprocesses, increase efficiency, and enhance employee satisfaction. The successful

mplementation of the EMS will contribute to the company's goals of fostering a productive andengaged workforce.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qq--99515681/p/18405761


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