首页 > 其他分享 >高通平台功耗 - How_to_determine_wakeup_trigger_from_suspend_caused_by_PMIC_IRQ

高通平台功耗 - How_to_determine_wakeup_trigger_from_suspend_caused_by_PMIC_IRQ

时间:2024-09-03 17:20:51浏览次数:6  
标签:kernel suspend How caused PM8941 indicates adb irq debug

[ 366.151054] gic_show_resume_irq: 222 triggered

This debug message in the kernel log indicates that a PMIC SPMI IRQ was the wakeup trigger from suspend.

To enable additional debug message printing use the following cmds.

adb root
adb wait-for-devices
adb shell mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
adb shell “echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk”
adb shell “echo ‘func qpnpint_handle_irq +p’ > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control”
Once the device wakes up from suspend, messages like the ones below will get printed out.

Example #1:

[ 26.935784] qpnpint_handle_irq: spec slave = 0 per = 18 irq = 0
slave = 0 indicates that it is PM8941. per = 18 indicates that it is PM8941 peripheral 0x12. If we look this up in the PM8941 register document it corresponds to SMBB_BAT_IF_PERPH. Looking at register 0x1218 indicates that irq = 0 corresponds to the BAT_PRES IRQ.

Example #2:

[ 23.708495] qpnpint_handle_irq: spec slave = 0 per = 19 irq = 1
slave = 0 indicates that it is PM8941. per = 19 indicates that it is PM8941 peripheral 0x13. If we look this up in the PM8941 register document it corresponds to SMBB_USB_CHGPTH_PERPH Looking at register 0x1318 indicates that irq = 1 corresponds to the USBIN_VALID IRQ.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/bsp_linux_dev/article/details/141828267


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