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FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security

时间:2024-08-31 10:49:17浏览次数:21  
标签:code Part Introduction FIT1047 will computer file memory your




FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and

security – S2 2024

Assignment 2 – Processes and MARIE Programming


Processes and programs are what make computers do what we want them to do.

In the first part of this assignment, students will investigate the processes running

on their computers. The second part is about programming in MARIE assembly

language. This will allow students to demonstrate their comprehension of the

fundamental way a processor works.

The assignment relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4.

Your task

Part 1a: Submit your reflections. See details below.

Part 1b: Write a short report describing the processes running on your computer.

Part 1c: Disassemble and add comments to a MARIE program.

Part 1d: Write a MARIE program that can display bitmap numbers.

Part 2: Interview for Part 1d.


25% of your total marks for the unit.

The assignment is marked out of 60 marks.

Word Limit

See individual instructions.

Due Date

Part 1a-1d: 11:55 pm Friday 30 August 2024

Part 2: Interview during Week 8


  • This is an individual assignment (group work is not permitted).
  • Turnitin and MOSS will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.

Ignore the Turnitin warning or error messages for zip files or other non

document files.

  • DRAFT submission is not assessed. DRAFT upload confirmation email from

Turnitin is not a submission. You must press the submit button to accept the

terms and conditions in Moodle.

  • In this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to

generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.

  • You will need to explain and extend your code in an interview. (Part 2)



Part 1a is assessed based on relevance of the submission to the unit.

Part 1b is assessed based on correctness and completeness of the descriptions.

Part 1c is assessed based on correctness of the code and the labels/comments.

Part 1d is assessed based on correctness of the code, as well as the


Part 2 is assessed based on the understanding of the code you have written.

See instructions for details.FACULTY OF



Late Penalties • 5% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week

  • Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark

of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.



See Moodle Assessment page


Feedback will be provided on student work via:

  • general cohort performance
  • specific student feedback ten working days post submission


This assignment has five parts. Make sure you read the instructions carefully.

For Part 1a, collect your reflections from each week’s Ed Lesson and create a single PDF

document. You can simply copy/paste your reflection, but please add headings for each week.

Submit the PDF through the Moodle Assignment activity.

Part 1b-1d, you need to submit files through the Moodle Assignment activity.

Files that are required via Moodle Assignment Submission:

  • Part 1a: one pdf file (containing reflection from Week 4, 5 and 6)
  • Part 1b: one pdf file (containing answer)
  • Part 1c: one .mas file for Part 1c
  • Part 1d: one .mas file for Part 1d

You may see the following error message from Turnitin. You can ignore this error message!

Part 2 is an interview in Week 8. Instructions will be available in Moodle and communicated via

an announcement post.FACULTY OF



Part 1a: Reflections (Hurdle – you MUST submit it in order to pass this assignment!)

Complete your reflection activities in Week 4 to Week 6 Ed Lesson and copy/paste them into a pdf file.

Each week the reflection must have at least 100 words (relevant and meaningful to the specific week).

Failure to submit all relevant week’s reflections (missing all submissions or incomplete

submissions) will result in your assignment 1 having a maximum mark of 49% only. For

example, if the overall combined mark is 61/100, it will be scaled to 49/100. If the overall combined

mark is 44/100 then it will remain as 44/100.

You may use the template provided in Moodle to write down your reflection.

Part 1b: Processes (10 marks total)

For this task, write a brief report about processes that you observe running on your computer.

You can use one of the following tools (depending on your operating system):

  • On Windows, use the Task Manager
  • On macOS, use the Activity Monitor
  • On Linux, use a command line tool like htop, top, or the ps command

Answer the following questions:

  1. Briefly describe the columns displayed by the tool you use that relate to a) memory usage and
  2. b) CPU usage of a process. What can you say about the overall memory usage of all

processes, compared to the RAM installed in your computer? Include graphs or charts for the

comparison. (5 marks)

  1. Pick a process you perhaps don’t know much about, or which you did not expect to find

running on your computer. Try to find out and describe briefly what it does. (5 marks)

Include a screenshot of your processes in the report along with CPU/memory usage graphs and/or

charts. The screenshot should show between 5 and 10 processes.

The word limit for this part (both questions together) is 500 words (about 1 page, not including images

and tables). Use APA 7th referencing style in the report.

Submit your report for this part (Part 1b) as a PDF file (independent of the other parts) in




Part 1c: MARIE Disassembly (20 marks total)

Follow the link on Moodle to access your personalised MARIE memory screenshot for this task.

Important: Your memory screenshot is different from the one other students are working on.

Only download the file while you are correctly logged into Moodle with your own student


Task 1: Disassemble the memory (10 marks)

Based on the memory contents, recreate the MARIE program that corresponds to your personalised

memory screenshot. This is called “disassembling” the machine code, since it is the opposite operation

of “assembling” the MARIE code into the binary memory contents.

For each memory cell, decode the instruction and (if applicable) the address that the memory cell is

encoding. You can make the following assumptions:

- There is exactly one Halt instruction in the code

- Every memory location after the Halt instruction contains data

- Any memory location that contains the value 0 is data (even before the Halt instruction)

Here is an example of a memory screenshot and the corresponding decoded MARIE program:

Disassembled program:


Add 005


Jump 000


DEC 10

Note: You need to decode the actual instructions. E.g. for the first memory location, HEX 5000 would

not be a valid answer. The contents of all memory that follows the Halt instruction is considered to be

data. Therefore, DEC 10 is the correct decoding of location 5 (instead of JnS 00A), and HEX 00A

would also be correct. You don’t need to list all the locations containing zeros starting from address

006 (these will be filled with zeros by the assembler anyway).

Tip: You can verify that your disassembled code is correct by entering it into the MARIE simulator,

assembling it and comparing the memory contents to the screenshot you started from.FACULTY OF



Task 2: Add labels (5 marks)

Now update the program you decoded in Task 2.1. Removing all hard-coded memory addresses by

adding labels to replace all memory locations that are used as addresses in the program instructions.

Labels should have meaningful names in the context of what the program does (i.e., not just A, B, C).

For the example above, this could result in the following program:

MainLoop, Input

Add Ten


Jump MainLoop


Ten, DEC 10

Task 3: Add comments (5 marks)

Comment the code based on your understanding of what it does. Comments should describe the

function of the different parts. E.g., if you identify a subroutine in the code, add a comment at the start

of the subroutine that describes what it does, and whether it takes any arguments.

For this part (Part 1c), you need to submit one .mas file containing your final code. Do not

submit one .mas file per each subtask! FACULTY OF



Part 1d: MARIE Programming (22 marks)

In this task you will develop a MARIE application that draws numbers on the screen. We will break it

down into steps for you.

Each task requires you to write code and documentation. On Moodle, you will find a template for the

code. Your submission must be based on this template, i.e., you must add implementations of your

own subroutines into the template. The template already contains the main program that calls the


Your code must contain readable comments and meaningful labels for your tutor / marker to

understand the logic flow of your program (e.g. the purpose of a subroutine, jump / skipcond

statement etc.).

Interview (Part 2): You will be required to join an interview to demonstrate your code to your tutor in

week 8 (after the submission deadline). Failure to demonstrate will lead to zero marks being

awarded for the entire Part 1d, regardless of your submission in Moodle. In addition, during the

interview (Part 2), you will also need to answer further questions about your submitted code (see

below for details).

Code similarity: We use tools such as MOSS and Turnitin to check for collaboration and copying

between students. If you copy 代写FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and  security parts of your code from other students, or you let them copy parts of

your code, this will result in a report to the Academic Integrity team. As a result, you may receive a

penalty such as 0 marks for the entire assignment, 0 marks for the whole unit, or in severe

cases (such as contract cheating), suspension or expulsion from Monash University.

Rubric: The marking rubric on Moodle provides details for the marking. A correctly working MARIE

program that covers all tasks and is well documented will receive full marks. Missing/incomplete

documentation will result in a loss of up to ¼ of the task’s marks.

Introduction: Bit-mapped displays

So far, the only output capability we have seen in the MARIE system is using the Output instruction,

which will print a single 16-bit value. Many computers of course are capable of displaying arbitrary

graphics, often in high resolution and great colour depth.

In the lectures on input/output systems, we have seen that one way to implement this is to map a

certain location of the memory to an output device. I.e., writing to that memory location (e.g. using a

Store instruction) causes the output to happen.

In the simplest form of graphics hardware, we can dedicate part of the RAM to be graphics memory.

Each memory cell corresponds to a pixel on screen, and the value in the memory cell encodes the

colour of the pixel. That way, we can create arbitrary graphics by simply writing values into the




The MARIE simulator has a feature called Display, which you access from the list of tabs that also

shows the output log, RTL log etc:

The display shows the memory from address F00 to address FFF as a 16x16 pixel screen. The value

in the memory locations represents the colour of the pixels. We will only use the colours black,

represented as 0, and white, represented as FFFF. When you start the MARIE simulator and

assemble your code, the memory starting from location F00 is (usually) filled with zeroes, which means

that the display is black. Let’s now change the contents of the memory using some Store


Load White

Store 0F80

Store 0F81

Store 0F82

Store 0F83



After running this program, the display will look like this:

You can see that the first four pixels in the 9th row have now turned white.FACULTY OF



Task 1: Clearing the display (4 marks)

Write a subroutine SubClearDisplay that turns all pixels in the graphics memory white.

Remember that the graphics memory ranges from address 0F00 to address 0FFF, and that white

pixels are represented by the value FFFF. Document your subroutine with comments.

Task 2: Painting a number (10 marks)

The template for this task contains data for bitmaps of the digits 0-9, stored at the label Font. Each

digit consists of 3x5 pixels of data. The first 3 words are the first row of pixels, the next 3 words are the

second row, and so on. For example, the digit 2 is represented as
















You can see the pattern here, the zeros “paint” the shape of the character 2 in black, with the

background in white (FFFF).

Your task is to write a subroutine called SubPaintDigit that paints a digit into the graphics

memory. The start of the subroutine needs to look like this:

PaintDigitCharacter, HEX 0

PaintDigitDisplay, HEX 0

SubPaintDigit, HEX 0

In the PaintDigitCharacter argument, we pass the address of the first pixel data in the font for

the digit we want to paint. In the PaintDigitDisplay argument, we pass the address of the top

left corner where we want to start painting in the graphics memory. For example, to paint the digit 0,

starting from the second pixel in the second row, we could use the following code:

Load FontAddr

Store PaintDigitCharacter

Load Display22

Store PaintDigitDisplay

JnS SubPaintDigit


Display22, HEX 0F11

Note that the address 0F11 (label Display22) lies exactly 17 words after the start of the graphics

memory. This means we’re skipping the first row (16 words) and the first pixel in the second row (1


Here we simply use FontAddr to refer to the first character (for the digit 0). For the other characters,

we would have to add a corresponding offset into the font memory.FACULTY OF



In order to paint a digit in your subroutine, you can follow this “recipe”:

- Your subroutine should contain two nested loops.

- Each digit contains 15 pixels, so you need to loop through those 15 pixels, load each one from

the font definition and store it into the graphics memory. This is the outer loop of your


- After each set of 3 pixels, you need to start in the next row of the graphics display. This means

that if you were currently writing into graphics memory at address X, you now need to continue

writing at address X plus the width of the display minus the width of a character. This is the

inner loop of your subroutine.

- Once you have “copied” all 15 pixels from the font definition into the graphics memory, you

can exit the subroutine.

Your subroutine needs to contain sufficient comments to enable someone else (like the person

marking your assignment) to understand the purpose of each line of your code.

Task 3: Counting down (8 marks)

Your final task is to implement a subroutine SubCountDown that clears the screen and then counts

down from 9 to 0, drawing those digits on the bit-mapped display using the subroutines developed in

the previous tasks.

In order to get full marks, your code needs to use a loop that decrements a counter and calls

SubPaintDigit based on the value of the counter, rather than a sequence of instructions that calls

SubPaintDigit with each digit’s address. Use additional subroutines to structure your code nicely.

You will notice that it would be nice for the countdown to wait for a fraction of a second between digits.

Think of a way you can achieve this, so that the countdown takes (more or less) exactly 10 seconds on

your computer to execute. Document how you achieved this in the code comments.

A sample output video for this part (part 1d) is provided for your reference:


For this part (Part 1d), you need to submit one .mas file, based on the template, containing the

code for all subroutines. Do not submit one .mas file per each subtask! FACULTY OF



Part 2: Interview (8 marks)

You need to demonstrate the code you submitted for Part 1d Task 1–3 to your tutor in an interview (to

be conducted in Week 8) after the submission deadline. Failure to explain how your code works will

result in 0 marks for the individual tasks that you cannot demonstrate.

In addition, you will be asked to modify the code you submitted in certain ways and explain how the

MARIE concepts work that you were required to use for the individual tasks. These additional

questions add up to 8 marks for this task (Task 2).

Failure to attend the interview will result in 0 marks for the entire Part 1d and 2, regardless of

your submission in Moodle.

Submission Checklist: Please check before you submit:

Altogether, you should submit the following files:

  • Part 1a:


1 pdf file for Week 4 to Week 6 Reflection

Failure to submit this file will result in getting only a maximum

49% marks in this assignment (combined part 1 and part 2)!

  • Part 1b:

o 1 pdf file – your answers to Part 1b questions

  • Part 1b:

o 1 .mas file

submit one .mas file only one .mas file containing your final code. Do NOT

per each subtask! You MUST NOT submit any

pdf file in this part!

  • Part 1d:

o 1 .mas file

only one .mas file containing your final code


on the template, containing the code for all subroutines. Do NOT

submit one .mas file per each subtask! You MUST NOT submit any

pdf file in this part!

Failure to submit the correct file type (e.g. submit a word file instead of pdf file

in Part 1b, or a pdf file in Part 1c or Part 1d), or missing any file in your

submission (e.g. your weekly reflection) will result in significant marks


Please check before you submit!

You CANNOT revert any submission!!!

(Note: Draft submission is not assessed!)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/vvx-99515681/p/18389954


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