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SautinSoft HTML to RTF .Net Crack

时间:2024-08-28 15:57:04浏览次数:12  
标签:SautinSoft DOCX documents text HTML RTF Net

  SautinSoft HTML to RTF .Net Crack

  Key Features of SautinSoft HTML to RTF .Net :

  HTML to DOCX Conversion: Convert HTML content into DOCX files with full support for CSS and simple JavaScript, creating well-formatted Word documents.

  HTML to RTF Conversion: Generate RTF files from HTML that can be opened and edited in popular word processors like Microsoft Word, WordPad, and LibreOffice.

  HTML to Text Extraction: Extract plain text from HTML documents while preserving special characters and Unicode support for multilingual content.

  Merge and Replace RTF Content: Easily merge multiple RTF files into one or replace text within RTF documents using other RTF content.

  Advanced Formatting Options: Customize output documents with settings for page layout, margins, font styles, headers, footers, and page numbering.

  Cross-Platform and Cloud-Ready: Compatible with .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono, and Xamarin, with easy deployment to cloud services like Azure and AWS.

  Extensive Input and Output Support: Handles all major HTML versions, including HTML 5 and XHTML, while generating DOCX, RTF, and plain text outputs.

  User-Friendly API: Quick integration with straightforward C# code examples and comprehensive documentation to get you up and running fast.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/141610750


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