首页 > 其他分享 >07-图5 Saving James Bond - Hard Version(C)

07-图5 Saving James Bond - Hard Version(C)

时间:2024-08-25 22:22:34浏览次数:8  
标签:Saving 07 int James path dist Array data struct

 哈哈,我是真的服了,写了好几天结果给我个这,气死我了,果然还有很大的进步空间。如果有c测试点4,就好了。 又写了一天,是真解决不了了,这个问题等我明白一定来解答


0sample1 多条最短路,同一点有多路,最近点无路,多连通1841


15 / 15
1sample 2 聚集型,均离岸远3641


3 / 3


2 / 2


3 / 3


0 / 6


1 / 1

This time let us consider the situation in the movie "Live and Let Die" in which James Bond, the world's most famous spy, was captured by a group of drug dealers. He was sent to a small piece of land at the center of a lake filled with crocodiles. There he performed the most daring action to escape -- he jumped onto the head of the nearest crocodile! Before the animal realized what was happening, James jumped again onto the next big head... Finally he reached the bank before the last crocodile could bite him (actually the stunt man was caught by the big mouth and barely escaped with his extra thick boot).

Assume that the lake is a 100 by 100 square one. Assume that the center of the lake is at (0,0) and the northeast corner at (50,50). The central island is a disk centered at (0,0) with the diameter of 15. A number of crocodiles are in the lake at various positions. Given the coordinates of each crocodile and the distance that James could jump, you must tell him a shortest path to reach one of the banks. The length of a path is the number of jumps that James has to make.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing two positive integers N (≤100), the number of crocodiles, and D, the maximum distance that James could jump. Then N lines follow, each containing the (x,y) location of a crocodile. Note that no two crocodiles are staying at the same position.

Output Specification:

For each test case, if James can escape, output in one line the minimum number of jumps he must make. Then starting from the next line, output the position (x,y) of each crocodile on the path, each pair in one line, from the island to the bank. If it is impossible for James to escape that way, simply give him 0 as the number of jumps. If there are many shortest paths, just output the one with the minimum first jump, which is guaranteed to be unique.

Sample Input 1:

17 15
10 -21
10 21
-40 10
30 -50
20 40
35 10
0 -10
-25 22
40 -40
-30 30
-10 22
0 11
25 21
25 10
10 10
10 35
-30 10

Sample Output 1:

0 11
10 21
10 35

Sample Input 2:

4 13
-12 12
12 12
-12 -12
12 -12

Sample Output 2:






int main()
	LGraph M;
	Point *Array;
	bool *Visited;
	M = Init_Graph();
	Array = Read_Point_Array(M ->N);
	Visited = (bool*)calloc(M ->N + 1, sizeof(bool));
	M = Build_Graph(M, Array, Visited);
		double *dist;
		int *path;
		int Node;
		Stack S;
		dist = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (M ->N + 1));
		path = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (M ->N + 1));
		Dijkstra(M, dist, path);
		Node = Fllush_Mindata(M, Visited, dist, path);
		S = Init_Stack();
		Push_path_data(S, path, Node);
		Print_Path(S, Array);
	return 0;


const double INFITY = 500000.0;

typedef struct Coordinate *Point;
struct Coordinate{
	int X;
	int Y;

typedef struct ENode *PtrToENode;
typedef PtrToENode Edge;
struct ENode{
	int V1, V2;
	double dist;	

typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode;
struct AdjVNode{
	int V;
	double dist;
	PtrToAdjVNode Next;	

typedef struct VNode **AdjList;
struct VNode{
	PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;	

typedef struct GNode *LGraph;
struct GNode{
	int N;
	double D;
	AdjList G;

LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited);
LGraph Init_Graph();
Point* Read_Point_Array(int N);
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D);
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D);
void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E);
LGraph Init_Graph()
	LGraph M;
	M = (LGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct GNode));
	scanf("%d %lf", &M ->N, &M ->D);
	M ->G = (AdjList)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		M ->G[i] = (struct VNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode));
		M ->G[i] ->FirstEdge = NULL;
	return M;

Point* Read_Point_Array(int N)
	Point *Array;
	Array = (Point*)malloc(sizeof(Point) * (N + 1));
	Array[0] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
	Array[0] ->X = 0;
	Array[0] ->Y = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
		Array[i] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
		scanf("%d %d", &(Array[i] ->X), &(Array[i] ->Y));
	return Array;

LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited)
	Edge E;
	bool Up = false;
	bool Up_D = false;
	E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct ENode));
	if(Up_ashore(Array[0], M ->D + 7.5)){
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		if(Up_ashore(Array[i], M ->D + 7.5)){
			Visited[i] = true;
			Up = true;
		E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[0], Array[i], M ->D + 7.5);
		E ->V1 = 0;
		E ->V2 = i;
		if(E ->dist != 0 && E ->dist > 7.5){
			Up_D = true;
			Insert_Graph(M, E);
	if(!Up || !Up_D){
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		for(int j = i + 1; j <= M ->N; j++){
			E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[i], Array[j], M ->D);
			E ->V1 = i;
			E ->V2 = j;
			if(E ->dist != 0){
				Insert_Graph(M, E);
	return M;

void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E)
	PtrToAdjVNode NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V2;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V1;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D)
	double dis;
	dis = sqrt(pow(start ->X - end ->X, 2) + pow(start ->Y - end ->Y, 2));
	if(dis <= D){
		return dis;
		return 0;
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D)
	return (abs(P ->X) >= 50 - D || abs(P ->Y) >= 50 - D);


typedef struct HeapNode *HN;
struct HeapNode{
	int sign;
	double dist;

typedef struct Heap *MinHeap;
struct Heap{
	HN data;
	int Size;

MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M);
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign);
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H);
void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected);

void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected)
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	for(G = M ->G[head] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
		if(!collected[G ->V]){
			Insert_Heap(H, G ->dist, G ->V);

void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E)
	PtrToAdjVNode NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V2;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V1;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;

MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M)
	MinHeap dist;
	dist = (MinHeap)malloc(sizeof(struct Heap) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist->data = (HN)malloc(sizeof(struct HeapNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist ->Size = 0;
	dist ->data[0].sign = -1;
	dist ->data[0].dist = -1;
	return dist;
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign)
	int i;
	i = ++(H ->Size);
	for(; Data < H ->data[i/2].dist; i /= 2){
		H ->data[i].dist = H ->data[i/2].dist;
		H ->data[i].sign = H ->data[i/2].sign;
	H ->data[i].dist = Data;
	H ->data[i].sign = sign;
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H)
	int Child, Parent;
	struct HeapNode Min, Temp;
	if(H ->Size == 0){
		return H ->data[0];
	Min = H ->data[1];
	Temp = H ->data[H ->Size --];
	for(Parent = 1; Parent * 2 <= H ->Size; Parent = Child){
		Child = Parent * 2;
		if((Child != H ->Size) && H ->data[Child].dist > H ->data[Child + 1].dist){
		if(Temp.dist <= H ->data[Child].dist){
			H ->data[Parent].dist = H ->data[Child].dist;
			H ->data[Parent].sign = H ->data[Child].sign;
	H ->data[Parent].dist = Temp.dist;
	H ->data[Parent].sign = Temp.sign;
	return Min;


void Dijkstra(LGraph M, double *dist, int *path)
	MinHeap H;
	struct HeapNode HNode;
	bool *collected;
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	H = Init_dist(M);
	collected = (bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool) * (M ->N + 1));
	Init_DP(dist, path, M ->N);
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		Creat_Heap(i, M, H, collected);
		collected[i] = true;
		while(HNode = Delete_Heap(H), HNode.sign != -1){
			collected[HNode.sign] = true;
			if(dist[HNode.sign] > HNode.dist){
				dist[HNode.sign] = HNode.dist;
				path[HNode.sign] = i;
			for(G = M ->G[HNode.sign] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
				if(!collected[G ->V] && dist[G ->V] > dist[HNode.sign] + G ->dist){
					dist[G ->V] = dist[HNode.sign] +  G ->dist;
					path[G ->V] = HNode.sign;

void Init_DP(double *dist, int *path, int N)
	for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
		dist[i] = INFITY;
		path[i] = -1;


typedef struct Node *Stack;
struct Node{
	int data;
	Stack Next;

bool Find_Root(int *path, int N);
int Fllush_Mindata(LGraph M, bool *Visited, double *dist, int *path);
Stack Init_Stack();
void Push_Stack(Stack S, int data);
int Pop_Stack(Stack S);
bool IsEmpty(Stack S);
void Push_path_data(Stack S,  int *path, int Node);
void Print_Path(Stack S, Point *Array);

void Print_Path(Stack S, Point *Array)
	int Node;
	printf("%d\n", S ->data);
		Node = Pop_Stack(S);
		printf("%d %d\n", Array[Node] ->X, Array[Node] ->Y);
void Push_path_data(Stack S,  int *path, int Node)
	if(Node == 0){
		return ;
	if(Node != 0){
		Push_Stack(S, Node);
		S ->data++;
	Push_path_data(S, path, path[Node]);
int Fllush_Mindata(LGraph M, bool *Visited, double *dist, int *path)
	int N, Node;
	int Cycle;
	int MinCycle = (int)INFITY;
	double dmin = INFITY;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		Cycle = 0;
		if(Visited[i] && Find_Root(path, i)){
			N = path[i];
			while(N != 0){
				dist[i] += dist[N];
				N = path[N];
			if(Cycle == MinCycle){
				if(dist[i] < dmin){
					Node = i;
			if(Cycle < MinCycle){
				dmin = dist[i];
				MinCycle = Cycle;
				Node = i;	
	return Node;
bool Find_Root(int *path, int N)
	if(N == 0){
		return true;
	if(N == -1){
		return  false;
	return Find_Root(path, path[N]);

Stack Init_Stack()
	Stack S;
	S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	S ->data = 1;
	S ->Next = NULL;
	return S;
void Push_Stack(Stack S, int data)
	Stack T;
	T = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	T ->data = data;
	T ->Next = S ->Next;
	S ->Next = T;
int Pop_Stack(Stack S)
	int temp;
	Stack Top;
		printf("IS Empty the Stack!\n");
		return -1;
		Top = S ->Next;
		S ->Next = Top ->Next;
		temp = Top ->data;
		return temp;
bool IsEmpty(Stack S)
	return (S->Next == NULL);



const double INFITY = 500000.0;

typedef struct Coordinate *Point;
struct Coordinate{
	int X;
	int Y;

typedef struct ENode *PtrToENode;
typedef PtrToENode Edge;
struct ENode{
	int V1, V2;
	double dist;	

typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode;
struct AdjVNode{
	int V;
	double dist;
	PtrToAdjVNode Next;	

typedef struct VNode **AdjList;
struct VNode{
	PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;	

typedef struct GNode *LGraph;
struct GNode{
	int N;
	double D;
	AdjList G;

typedef struct HeapNode *HN;
struct HeapNode{
	int sign;
	double dist;

typedef struct Heap *MinHeap;
struct Heap{
	HN data;
	int Size;

typedef struct Node *Stack;
struct Node{
	int data;
	Stack Next;

LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited);
LGraph Init_Graph();
Point* Read_Point_Array(int N);
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D);
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D);
void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E);
MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M);
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign);
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H);
void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected);
void Init_DP(double *dist, int *path, int N);
void Dijkstra(LGraph M, double *dist, int *path);
bool Find_Root(int *path, int N);
int Fllush_Mindata(LGraph M, bool *Visited, double *dist, int *path);
Stack Init_Stack();
void Push_Stack(Stack S, int data);
int Pop_Stack(Stack S);
bool IsEmpty(Stack S);
void Push_path_data(Stack S,  int *path, int Node);
void Print_Path(Stack S, Point *Array);

int main()
	LGraph M;
	Point *Array;
	bool *Visited;
	M = Init_Graph();
	Array = Read_Point_Array(M ->N);
	Visited = (bool*)calloc(M ->N + 1, sizeof(bool));
	M = Build_Graph(M, Array, Visited);
		double *dist;
		int *path;
		int Node;
		Stack S;
		dist = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (M ->N + 1));
		path = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (M ->N + 1));
		Dijkstra(M, dist, path);
		Node = Fllush_Mindata(M, Visited, dist, path);
		S = Init_Stack();
		Push_path_data(S, path, Node);
		Print_Path(S, Array);
	return 0;
void Print_Path(Stack S, Point *Array)
	int Node;
	printf("%d\n", S ->data);
		Node = Pop_Stack(S);
		printf("%d %d\n", Array[Node] ->X, Array[Node] ->Y);
void Push_path_data(Stack S,  int *path, int Node)
	if(Node == 0){
		return ;
	if(Node != 0){
		Push_Stack(S, Node);
		S ->data++;
	Push_path_data(S, path, path[Node]);
int Fllush_Mindata(LGraph M, bool *Visited, double *dist, int *path)
	int N, Node;
	int Cycle;
	int MinCycle = (int)INFITY;
	double dmin = INFITY;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		Cycle = 0;
		if(Visited[i] && Find_Root(path, i)){
			N = path[i];
			while(N != 0){
				dist[i] += dist[N];
				N = path[N];
			if(Cycle == MinCycle){
				if(dist[i] < dmin){
					Node = i;
			if(Cycle < MinCycle){
				dmin = dist[i];
				MinCycle = Cycle;
				Node = i;	
	return Node;
bool Find_Root(int *path, int N)
	if(N == 0){
		return true;
	if(N == -1){
		return  false;
	return Find_Root(path, path[N]);
LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited)
	Edge E;
	bool Up = false;
	bool Up_D = false;
	E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct ENode));
	if(Up_ashore(Array[0], M ->D + 7.5)){
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		if(Up_ashore(Array[i], M ->D + 7.5)){
			Visited[i] = true;
			Up = true;
		E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[0], Array[i], M ->D + 7.5);
		E ->V1 = 0;
		E ->V2 = i;
		if(E ->dist != 0 && E ->dist > 7.5){
			Up_D = true;
			Insert_Graph(M, E);
	if(!Up || !Up_D){
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		for(int j = i + 1; j <= M ->N; j++){
			E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[i], Array[j], M ->D);
			E ->V1 = i;
			E ->V2 = j;
			if(E ->dist != 0){
				Insert_Graph(M, E);
	return M;
void Dijkstra(LGraph M, double *dist, int *path)
	MinHeap H;
	struct HeapNode HNode;
	bool *collected;
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	H = Init_dist(M);
	collected = (bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool) * (M ->N + 1));
	Init_DP(dist, path, M ->N);
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		Creat_Heap(i, M, H, collected);
		collected[i] = true;
		while(HNode = Delete_Heap(H), HNode.sign != -1){
			collected[HNode.sign] = true;
			if(dist[HNode.sign] > HNode.dist){
				dist[HNode.sign] = HNode.dist;
				path[HNode.sign] = i;
			for(G = M ->G[HNode.sign] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
				if(!collected[G ->V] && dist[G ->V] > dist[HNode.sign] + G ->dist){
					dist[G ->V] = dist[HNode.sign] +  G ->dist;
					path[G ->V] = HNode.sign;

void Init_DP(double *dist, int *path, int N)
	for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
		dist[i] = INFITY;
		path[i] = -1;
void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected)
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	for(G = M ->G[head] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
		if(!collected[G ->V]){
			Insert_Heap(H, G ->dist, G ->V);

void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E)
	PtrToAdjVNode NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V2;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V1;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;

LGraph Init_Graph()
	LGraph M;
	M = (LGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct GNode));
	scanf("%d %lf", &M ->N, &M ->D);
	M ->G = (AdjList)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		M ->G[i] = (struct VNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode));
		M ->G[i] ->FirstEdge = NULL;
	return M;
Point* Read_Point_Array(int N)
	Point *Array;
	Array = (Point*)malloc(sizeof(Point) * (N + 1));
	Array[0] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
	Array[0] ->X = 0;
	Array[0] ->Y = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
		Array[i] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
		scanf("%d %d", &(Array[i] ->X), &(Array[i] ->Y));
	return Array;
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D)
	double dis;
	dis = sqrt(pow(start ->X - end ->X, 2) + pow(start ->Y - end ->Y, 2));
	if(dis <= D){
		return dis;
		return 0;
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D)
	return (abs(P ->X) >= 50 - D || abs(P ->Y) >= 50 - D);

MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M)
	MinHeap dist;
	dist = (MinHeap)malloc(sizeof(struct Heap) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist->data = (HN)malloc(sizeof(struct HeapNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist ->Size = 0;
	dist ->data[0].sign = -1;
	dist ->data[0].dist = -1;
	return dist;
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign)
	int i;
	i = ++(H ->Size);
	for(; Data < H ->data[i/2].dist; i /= 2){
		H ->data[i].dist = H ->data[i/2].dist;
		H ->data[i].sign = H ->data[i/2].sign;
	H ->data[i].dist = Data;
	H ->data[i].sign = sign;
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H)
	int Child, Parent;
	struct HeapNode Min, Temp;
	if(H ->Size == 0){
		return H ->data[0];
	Min = H ->data[1];
	Temp = H ->data[H ->Size --];
	for(Parent = 1; Parent * 2 <= H ->Size; Parent = Child){
		Child = Parent * 2;
		if((Child != H ->Size) && H ->data[Child].dist > H ->data[Child + 1].dist){
		if(Temp.dist <= H ->data[Child].dist){
			H ->data[Parent].dist = H ->data[Child].dist;
			H ->data[Parent].sign = H ->data[Child].sign;
	H ->data[Parent].dist = Temp.dist;
	H ->data[Parent].sign = Temp.sign;
	return Min;

Stack Init_Stack()
	Stack S;
	S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	S ->data = 1;
	S ->Next = NULL;
	return S;
void Push_Stack(Stack S, int data)
	Stack T;
	T = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	T ->data = data;
	T ->Next = S ->Next;
	S ->Next = T;
int Pop_Stack(Stack S)
	int temp;
	Stack Top;
		printf("IS Empty the Stack!\n");
		return -1;
		Top = S ->Next;
		S ->Next = Top ->Next;
		temp = Top ->data;
		return temp;
bool IsEmpty(Stack S)
	return (S->Next == NULL);



Visited[0] = 0
Visited[1] = 0
Visited[2] = 0
Visited[3] = 1
Visited[4] = 1
Visited[5] = 1
Visited[6] = 1
Visited[7] = 0
Visited[8] = 0
Visited[9] = 1
Visited[10] = 1
Visited[11] = 0
Visited[12] = 0
Visited[13] = 0
Visited[14] = 0
Visited[15] = 0
Visited[16] = 1
Visited[17] = 1
15 ->0
== 14.142136
12 ->0
== 11.000000
7 ->0
== 10.000000
7 ->1
== 14.866069
16 ->2
== 14.000000
15 ->2
== 11.000000
13 ->2
== 15.000000
12 ->2
== 14.142136
17 ->3
== 10.000000
9 ->4
== 14.142136
16 ->5
== 11.180340
14 ->6
== 10.000000
13 ->6
== 14.866069
1 ->7
== 14.866069
0 ->7
== 10.000000
17 ->8
== 13.000000
11 ->8
== 15.000000
10 ->8
== 9.433981
4 ->9
== 14.142136
8 ->10
== 9.433981
12 ->11
== 14.866069
8 ->11
== 15.000000
15 ->12
== 10.049876
11 ->12
== 14.866069
2 ->12
== 14.142136
0 ->12
== 11.000000
14 ->13
== 11.000000
6 ->13
== 14.866069
2 ->13
== 15.000000
15 ->14
== 15.000000
13 ->14
== 11.000000
6 ->14
== 10.000000
14 ->15
== 15.000000
12 ->15
== 10.049876
2 ->15
== 11.000000
0 ->15
== 14.142136
5 ->16
== 11.180340
2 ->16
== 14.000000
8 ->17
== 13.000000
3 ->17
== 10.000000
1 -> 7
dist[1] == 24.866069
path[1] == 7
15 -> 12
dist[15] == 21.049876
path[15] == 12
11 -> 12
dist[11] == 25.866069
path[11] == 12
2 -> 12
dist[2] == 25.142136
path[2] == 12
14 -> 15
dist[14] == 29.142136
path[14] == 15

5 -> 16
dist[5] == 25.180340
path[5] == 16
14 -> 13
dist[14] == 26.000000
path[14] == 13
6 -> 13
dist[6] == 29.866069
path[6] == 13

8 -> 17
dist[8] == 23.000000
path[8] == 17

Visited[0] = 0  dist[0] = 500000        path[0] = -1
Visited[1] = 0  dist[1] = 25    path[1] = 7
Visited[2] = 0  dist[2] = 25    path[2] = 12
Visited[3] = 1  dist[3] = 500000        path[3] = -1
Visited[4] = 1  dist[4] = 500000        path[4] = -1
Visited[5] = 1  dist[5] = 25    path[5] = 16
Visited[6] = 1  dist[6] = 30    path[6] = 13
Visited[7] = 0  dist[7] = 10    path[7] = 0
Visited[8] = 0  dist[8] = 23    path[8] = 17
Visited[9] = 1  dist[9] = 14    path[9] = 4
Visited[10] = 1 dist[10] = 9    path[10] = 8
Visited[11] = 0 dist[11] = 15   path[11] = 8
Visited[12] = 0 dist[12] = 11   path[12] = 0
Visited[13] = 0 dist[13] = 15   path[13] = 2
Visited[14] = 0 dist[14] = 10   path[14] = 6
Visited[15] = 0 dist[15] = 14   path[15] = 0
Visited[16] = 1 dist[16] = 14   path[16] = 2
Visited[17] = 1 dist[17] = 10   path[17] = 3

const double INFITY = 500000.0;

typedef struct Coordinate *Point;
struct Coordinate{
	int X;
	int Y;

typedef struct ENode *PtrToENode;
typedef PtrToENode Edge;
struct ENode{
	int V1, V2;
	double dist;	

typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode;
struct AdjVNode{
	int V;
	double dist;
	PtrToAdjVNode Next;	

typedef struct VNode **AdjList;
struct VNode{
	PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;	

typedef struct GNode *LGraph;
struct GNode{
	int N;
	double D;
	AdjList G;

typedef struct HeapNode *HN;
struct HeapNode{
	int sign;
	double dist;

typedef struct Heap *MinHeap;
struct Heap{
	HN data;
	int Size;

typedef struct Node *Stack;
struct Node{
	int data;
	Stack Next;

LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited);
LGraph Init_Graph();
Point* Read_Point_Array(int N);
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D);
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D);
void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E);
MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M);
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign);
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H);
void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected);
void Init_DP(double *dist, int *path, int N);
void Dijkstra(LGraph M, double *dist, int *path);
void Print_Check(LGraph M, bool *Visited);

int main()
	LGraph M;
	Point *Array;
	bool *Visited;
	M = Init_Graph();
	Array = Read_Point_Array(M ->N);
	Visited = (bool*)calloc(M ->N + 1, sizeof(bool));
	M = Build_Graph(M, Array, Visited);
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		printf("Visited[%d] = %d\n", i, Visited[i]);
	Print_Check(M, Visited);
		double *dist;
		int *path;
		dist = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (M ->N + 1));
		path = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (M ->N + 1));
		Dijkstra(M, dist, path);
		for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
			printf("Visited[%d] = %d\tdist[%d] = %.lf\tpath[%d] = %d\n", i, Visited[i], i, dist[i], i, path[i]);
	return 0;
LGraph Build_Graph(LGraph M, Point *Array, bool *Visited)
	Edge E;
	bool Up = false;
	E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct ENode));
	if(Up_ashore(Array[0], M ->D + 7.5)){
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		if(Up_ashore(Array[i], M ->D + 7.5)){
			Visited[i] = true;
			Up = true;
		E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[0], Array[i], M ->D + 7.5);
		E ->V1 = 0;
		E ->V2 = i;
		if(E ->dist != 0){
			Insert_Graph(M, E);
		return NULL;
	for(int i = 1; i <= M ->N; i++){
		for(int j = i + 1; j <= M ->N; j++){
			E ->dist = Dict_E(Array[i], Array[j], M ->D);
			E ->V1 = i;
			E ->V2 = j;
			if(E ->dist != 0){
				Insert_Graph(M, E);
	return M;
void Dijkstra(LGraph M, double *dist, int *path)
	MinHeap H;
	struct HeapNode HNode;
	bool *collected;
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	H = Init_dist(M);
	collected = (bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool) * (M ->N + 1));
	Init_DP(dist, path, M ->N);
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		Creat_Heap(i, M, H, collected);
		collected[i] = true;
		while(HNode = Delete_Heap(H), HNode.sign != -1){
			collected[HNode.sign] = true;
			if(dist[HNode.sign] > HNode.dist){
				dist[HNode.sign] = HNode.dist;
				path[HNode.sign] = i;
			for(G = M ->G[HNode.sign] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
				if(!collected[G ->V] && dist[G ->V] > dist[HNode.sign] + G ->dist){
					dist[G ->V] = dist[HNode.sign] +  G ->dist;
					path[G ->V] = HNode.sign;
					printf("%d -> %d\n", G ->V, HNode.sign);
					printf("dist[%d] == %lf\n", G ->V, dist[G ->V]);
					printf("path[%d] == %d\n", G ->V, path[G ->V]);
void Print_Check(LGraph M, bool *Visited)
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		for(G = M ->G[i] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
			printf("%d ->%d\n", G ->V, i);
			printf("== %lf\n", G ->dist);
			if(Visited[G ->V]){
void Init_DP(double *dist, int *path, int N)
	for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
		dist[i] = INFITY;
		path[i] = -1;
void Creat_Heap(int head, LGraph M, MinHeap H, bool *collected)
	PtrToAdjVNode G;
	for(G = M ->G[head] ->FirstEdge; G; G = G ->Next){
		if(!collected[G ->V]){
			Insert_Heap(H, G ->dist, G ->V);

void Insert_Graph(LGraph M, Edge E)
	PtrToAdjVNode NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V2;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V1] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
	NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode));
	NewNode ->V = E ->V1;
	NewNode ->dist = E ->dist;
	NewNode ->Next = M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge;
	M ->G[E ->V2] ->FirstEdge = NewNode;
LGraph Init_Graph()
	LGraph M;
	M = (LGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct GNode));
	scanf("%d %lf", &M ->N, &M ->D);
	M ->G = (AdjList)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	for(int i = 0; i <= M ->N; i++){
		M ->G[i] = (struct VNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode));
		M ->G[i] ->FirstEdge = NULL;
	return M;
Point* Read_Point_Array(int N)
	Point *Array;
	Array = (Point*)malloc(sizeof(Point) * (N + 1));
	Array[0] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
	Array[0] ->X = 0;
	Array[0] ->Y = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
		Array[i] = (Point)malloc(sizeof(struct Coordinate));
		scanf("%d %d", &(Array[i] ->X), &(Array[i] ->Y));
	return Array;
double Dict_E(Point start, Point end, double D)
	double dis;
	dis = sqrt(pow(start ->X - end ->X, 2) + pow(start ->Y - end ->Y, 2));
	if(dis <= D){
		return dis;
		return 0;
bool Up_ashore(Point P, double D)
	return (abs(P ->X) >= 50 - D || abs(P ->Y) >= 50 - D);
MinHeap Init_dist(LGraph M)
	MinHeap dist;
	dist = (MinHeap)malloc(sizeof(struct Heap) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist->data = (HN)malloc(sizeof(struct HeapNode) * (M ->N + 1));
	dist ->Size = 0;
	dist ->data[0].sign = -1;
	dist ->data[0].dist = -1;
	return dist;
void Insert_Heap(MinHeap H, double Data, int sign)
	int i;
	i = ++(H ->Size);
	for(; Data < H ->data[i/2].dist; i /= 2){
		H ->data[i].dist = H ->data[i/2].dist;
		H ->data[i].sign = H ->data[i/2].sign;
	H ->data[i].dist = Data;
	H ->data[i].sign = sign;
struct HeapNode Delete_Heap(MinHeap H)
	int Child, Parent;
	struct HeapNode Min, Temp;
	int Temp_sign;
	if(H ->Size == 0){
		return H ->data[0];
	Min = H ->data[1];
	Temp = H ->data[H ->Size --];
	for(Parent = 1; Parent * 2 <= H ->Size; Parent = Child){
		Child = Parent * 2;
		if((Child != H ->Size) && H ->data[Child].dist > H ->data[Child + 1].dist){
		if(Temp.dist <= H ->data[Child].dist){
			H ->data[Parent].dist = H ->data[Child].dist;
			H ->data[Parent].sign = H ->data[Child].sign;
	H ->data[Parent].dist = Temp.dist;
	H ->data[Parent].sign = Temp.sign;
	return Min;

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2301_80474443/article/details/141507501


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