<template> <div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; position: relative;"> <el-button v-if="playText !=''" style="position: absolute;top: 0;right: 0;left: 0; bottom: 0;margin: auto;height: 40px;width: 100px;" type="primary" @click="frontDownload">下载插件</el-button> <div style="width:800px;height:630px;overflow:hidden;" :style="{'width':Width,'height':Height}"> <div id="playWnd" class="playWnd" ref="playWnd" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> import moment from "moment"; import JSEncrypt from 'jsencrypt/bin/jsencrypt' //页面加载时创建播放实例初始化 //声明公用变量 var initCount = 0; var pubKey = ''; let oWebControl =null; let playWndWidth = 630; let playWndHeight = 300; var that = null; // 创建WebControl实例与启动插件 function initPlugin () { oWebControl = new WebControl({ szPluginContainer: "playWnd", //指定容器id iServicePortStart: 15900, //指定起止端口号,建议使用该值 iServicePortEnd: 15909, cbConnectSuccess: function () { // setCallbacks(); //实例创建成功后需要启动服务 oWebControl.JS_StartService("window", { dllPath: "./VideoPluginConnect.dll" }).then(function () { oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ // 设置消息回调 cbIntegrationCallBack: cbIntegrationCallBack }); oWebControl.JS_CreateWnd("playWnd", playWndWidth,playWndHeight).then(function () { //JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 // that.playText = '' console.log("JS_CreateWnd success"); init(); //创建播放实例成功后初始化 }); }, function () { }); }, cbConnectError: function () { console.log("cbConnectError"); oWebControl = null; that.playText = '插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...' WebControl.JS_WakeUp("VideoWebPlugin://"); //程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 initCount ++; if (initCount < 3) { setTimeout(function () { initPlugin(); }, 3000) } else { that.playText = '插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!' } }, cbConnectClose: function () { console.log("cbConnectClose"); oWebControl = null; } }); } // 推送消息 function cbIntegrationCallBack(oData) { console.log(JSON.stringify(oData.responseMsg)); } //初始化 function init() { getPubKey(function () { ////////////////////////////////// 请自行修改以下变量值 //////////////////////////////////// var appkey = "xxx"; //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 var secret = setEncrypt("xxxx"); //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 var ip = ""; //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填,需要真实的ip var playMode = 1; //初始播放模式:0-预览,1-回放 var port = 443; //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 var snapDir = "D:\\SnapDir"; //抓图存储路径 var videoDir = "D:\\VideoDir"; //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 var layout = "1x1"; //playMode指定模式的布局 var enableHTTPS = 1; //是否启用HTTPS协议与综合安防管理平台交互,这里总是填1 var encryptedFields = 'secret'; //加密字段,默认加密领域为secret var showToolbar = 1; //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 var showSmart = 1; //是否显示智能信息(如配置移动侦测后画面上的线框),0-不显示,非0-显示 var buttonIDs = "0,16,256,257,258,259,260,512,513,514,515,516,517,768,769"; //自定义工具条按钮 //var reconnectTimes = 2; // 重连次数,回放异常情况下有效 //var reconnectTime = 4; // 每次重连的重连间隔 >= reconnectTime ////////////////////////////////// 请自行修改以上变量值 //////////////////////////////////// oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "init", argument: JSON.stringify({ appkey: appkey, //API网关提供的appkey secret: secret, //API网关提供的secret ip: ip, //API网关IP地址 playMode: playMode, //播放模式(决定显示预览还是回放界面) port: port, //端口 snapDir: snapDir, //抓图存储路径 videoDir: videoDir, //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 layout: layout, //布局 enableHTTPS: enableHTTPS, //是否启用HTTPS协议 encryptedFields: encryptedFields, //加密字段 showToolbar: showToolbar, //是否显示工具栏 showSmart: showSmart, //是否显示智能信息 buttonIDs: buttonIDs //自定义工具条按钮 //reconnectTimes:reconnectTimes, //重连次数 //reconnectDuration:reconnectTime //重连间隔 }) }).then(function (oData) { oWebControl.JS_Resize(playWndWidth,playWndHeight); // 初始化后resize一次,规避firefox下首次显示窗口后插件窗口未与DIV窗口重合问题 // that.playback(that.code) }); }); } // 获取公钥 function getPubKey (callback) { oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "getRSAPubKey", argument: JSON.stringify({ keyLength: 1024 }) }).then(function (oData) { console.log(oData); if (oData.responseMsg.data) { pubKey = oData.responseMsg.data; callback() } }) } // RSA加密 function setEncrypt (value) { var encrypt = new JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(pubKey); return encrypt.encrypt(value); } // // 监听resize事件,使插件窗口尺寸跟随DIV窗口变化 window.onresize=function () { if (oWebControl != null) { oWebControl.JS_Resize(playWndWidth,playWndHeight); setWndCover(); } }; // // 监听滚动条scroll事件,使插件窗口跟随浏览器滚动而移动 window.onscroll=function () { if (oWebControl != null) { oWebControl.JS_Resize(playWndWidth,playWndHeight); setWndCover(); } }; // 设置窗口裁剪,当因滚动条滚动导致窗口需要被遮住的情况下需要JS_CuttingPartWindow部分窗口 function setWndCover() { var iWidth = 500; var iHeight = 300; var oDivRect = that.$refs.playWnd.getBoundingClientRect(); var iCoverLeft = (oDivRect.left < 0) ? Math.abs(oDivRect.left): 0; var iCoverTop = (oDivRect.top < 0) ? Math.abs(oDivRect.top): 0; var iCoverRight = (oDivRect.right - iWidth > 0) ? Math.round(oDivRect.right - iWidth) : 0; var iCoverBottom = (oDivRect.bottom - iHeight > 0) ? Math.round(oDivRect.bottom - iHeight) : 0; iCoverLeft = (iCoverLeft > 1000) ? 1000 : iCoverLeft; iCoverTop = (iCoverTop > 630) ? 630 : iCoverTop; iCoverRight = (iCoverRight > 1000) ? 1000 : iCoverRight; iCoverBottom = (iCoverBottom > 630) ? 630 : iCoverBottom; oWebControl.JS_RepairPartWindow(0, 0, 1001, 630); // 多1个像素点防止还原后边界缺失一个像素条 if (iCoverLeft != 0) { oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(0, 0, iCoverLeft, 630); } if (iCoverTop != 0) { oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(0, 0, 1001, iCoverTop); // 多剪掉一个像素条,防止出现剪掉一部分窗口后出现一个像素条 } if (iCoverRight != 0) { oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(1000 - iCoverRight, 0, iCoverRight, 630); } if (iCoverBottom != 0) { oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(0, 630 - iCoverBottom, 1000, iCoverBottom); } } export default { props: ['mode', 'code','StyleObj','Time'], components: {}, data() { return { playText: '', startTime:'', endTime:'', // number:"34020000001320000018", number:"2b8202412fa74d938e96740ea1dbaedd", Width:0, Height:0, count:0 }; }, computed: { }, beforeDestroy(){ this.$bus.$off('playback') }, methods: { frontDownload() { var a = document.createElement('a') // 创建一个<a></a>标签 a.href = process.env.VUE_APP_Download + 'VideoWebPlugin.exe' a.download = '监控插件.zip' // 设置下载文件文件名,这里加上.xlsx指定文件类型,pdf文件就指定.fpd即可 a.style.display = 'none' // 障眼法藏起来a标签 document.body.appendChild(a) // 将a标签追加到文档对象中 a.click() // 模拟点击了a标签,会触发a标签的href的读取,浏览器就会自动下载了 a.remove() // 一次性的,用完就删除a标签 }, // 停止回放 stopAllPlayback(){ oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "stopAllPlayback" }) }, playback(e){ var startTimeStamp = new Date(this.startTime.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/')).getTime(); //回放开始时间戳,必填 var endTimeStamp = new Date(this.endTime.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/')).getTime(); oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: "startPlayback", argument: JSON.stringify({ cameraIndexCode: e, // cameraIndexCode: '579f7926668349409f64604c47bcbf92', //监控点编号 startTimeStamp: Math.floor(startTimeStamp / 1000).toString(), //录像查询开始时间戳,单位:秒 endTimeStamp: Math.floor(endTimeStamp / 1000).toString(), //录像结束开始时间戳,单位:秒 recordLocation: 1, //录像存储类型:0-中心存储,1-设备存储 transMode: 1, //传输协议:0-UDP,1-TCP gpuMode: 0, //是否启用GPU硬解,0-不启用,1-启用 wndId:0 //可指定播放窗口 }) }).then((oData) => { console.log(oData) }) }, }, created() { that = this; if(this.StyleObj){ this.Width = this.StyleObj.W?this.StyleObj.W+'px':'630px'; this.Height = this.StyleObj.H?this.StyleObj.H+'px':'630px'; playWndWidth = this.StyleObj.W?this.StyleObj.W: 630; playWndHeight = this.StyleObj.H?this.StyleObj.H: 630; } initPlugin(that); }, beforeDestroy() { if (oWebControl != null){ oWebControl.JS_HideWnd(); // 先让窗口隐藏,规避插件窗口滞后于浏览器消失问题 oWebControl.JS_Disconnect().then(function(){}, function() {}); } }, mounted() { that = this; let M1 = moment(this.Time).subtract(5, "m").format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") // 获取指定时间后5分钟 let M2 = moment(this.Time).subtract(-5, "m").format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") this.startTime = M1; this.endTime = M2; setTimeout(()=>{ that.playback(that.code) },500) }, } </script> <style scoped> .playWnd { width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #000; } </style>标签:function,630,插件,回放,对接,JS,海康,var,oWebControl From: https://www.cnblogs.com/h5it/p/16820614.html
*** 需要注意的是视频回放最多支持初始化传入7天内的时间段查看,(必须在初始化的时候出入要查看的时间段,否则不能查看其他时间段内的视频)