with ieee 802.1x port-based authentication,the devices in the network have specific roles:
switch access point(ap)
authentication server
when the linke state changes from down to up,the witch sends an esp request/identity frame to the client to request its idenity.
however,if during bootup,the client does not reccive an eap-request/idenity frame from the switch,the client can initiate authentication by sending an eapol-start frame,
if the client does not receive an eap-request/identity frame after three attempts to start authentication,the client sends frames as if the port is in the authorized state.
you control the port authorization state by using the dot1x port-control interface configuration command and these keywords:
force-authorized-disables ieee 802.1x authentication and causes the port to change to the authorized state without any authentication exchange required
force-unauthorized-causes the port to remain in the unauthorized state,ignoring all attempts by the client to authenticate
auto-enables ieee 802.1x authentication and causes the port to begin in the unauthorized state,allowing only eapol frames to be sent and received through the port in high security mode.
a voice vlan port is a special access port associated with two vlan identifiers:
wid to carry voice trffic to and from the ip phone;
the wid is used to configure the ip phone that is connected to the port.
pvid to carry the data traffic to and from the workstation connected to the switch through the ip phone;
the pvid is the native vlan of the port
wid-voice vlan id-voice domain
pvid-port vlan id-data domain
int g1/0/4
sw voice vlan 10(语音vlan)
per-user acls的802.1x
you can enable per-user access control lists(acls) to provide different levels of network access and service to an ieee802.1x-authenticated user.
when the radius server authenticates a user that is connected to an ieee 802.1x port,it retrieves the acl attributes based on the user identity and sends them to the switch.
the switch applies the attributes to the ieee802.1x port for the duration of the user session.
the switch removes the per-user acl configuration when the session is over,if authentication fails,or if a link-down condition occurs.
when ieee 802.1x is enable,ports are authenticated before any other layer 2 or layer 3 features are enable.
the ieee802.1x portocol is supported on layer 2 static-access port,voice vlan ports,and layer 3 routed ports,but it is not supported on these port types:
trunk port
dynamic ports
dynamic-access ports
etherchanel port
switched port analyzer(span) and remote span(rspan) destination ports
when ieee 802.1x is enable on a port,you cannot configure a port vlan that is equal to a voice vlan.
int g1/0/2
description ise-mab-dot1x-webauth
switch access vlan 2
switchport mode access
ip access-group acl-default in
authentication event fail action next-method
authentication event server dead action authorize vlan 10
authentication event server alive action reinitialize
authentication host-mode multi-auth
authentication open
authentication order mab dot1x
authentication priority dot1x mab
authentication port-control auto
authentication violation restrict
dot1x pae authenticator
spanning-tree portfast
启动wired autoconfig服务
配置allowed protocols只允许peap
int g1/0/2
no sh
show authentication sessions interface g1/0/2
配置peap用的authorization profiles
标签:x.1,10,vlan,access,authentication,802.1,voice,port From: https://www.cnblogs.com/smoke520/p/18366289