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COMPSCI 753 Algorithms for Massive Data

时间:2024-08-11 08:56:58浏览次数:13  
标签:753 teleport task matrix COMPSCI nodes Data your points


Algorithms for Massive Data

Assignment 1 / Semester 2, 2024

Graph Mining

General instructions and data

This assignment aims at exploring the PageRank algorithm on big real-world network data.

By working on this assignment, you will learn how to implement some of the PageRank

algorithms that we have learned in class.

Data: Download the web-Google web dataset ’web-Google-final.txt’ from the assignment

page on Canvas1 . Each line of the file represents a directed edge from a source node to a

destination node. There are N = 875713 nodes. Nodes are represented by numeric IDs

ranging from 0 to 875712.


Please submit: (1) a file (.pdf or .html) that reports the answers requested for each task,

and (2) a source code file (.py or .ipynb) that contains your code and detailed comments.

Submit this on the Canvas assignment page by 23:59 NZST, Sunday 11 August. The files

must contain your student ID, UPI and name.

Penalty Dates

The assignment will not be accepted after the last penalty date unless there are special

circumstances (e.g., sickness with certificate). Penalties will be calculated as follows as a

percentage of the marks for the assignment.

  • 23:59 NZST, Sunday 11 August – No penalty
  • 23:59 NZST, Monday 12 August – 25% penalty
  • 23:59 NZST, Tuesday 13 August – 50% penalty

1This dataset is adapted from SNAP http://snap.stanford.edu/data/web-Google.htmlTasks (100 points)

Task 1 [40 points]: Implementation of Power Iteration Algorithm.

In this task you will implement the basic version of the Power Iteration algorithm for PageR

ank. This task involves two sub-tasks, as follows:

(A) [25 points] Implement the power iteration algorithm in matrix form to calculate the

rank vector r, without teleport, using the PageRank formulation:

r (t+1) = M · r (t)

The matrix M is an adjacency matrix representing nodes and edges from your downloaded

dataset, with rows representing destination nodes and columns representing source nodes.

This matrix is sparse2 . Initialize r (0) = [1/N, . . . , 1/N] T . Let the stop criteria of your power

iteration algorithm be ||r (t+1) r (t) ||1 < 0.02 (please note the stop criteria involves the L1

norm). Spider traps and dead ends are not considered in this first task.

(B) [15 points] Run your code on the provided Google web data to calculate the rank score

for all the nodes. Report: (1) The running time of your power iteration algorithm; (2) The

number of iterations needed to stop; (3) The IDs and scores of the top-10 ranked nodes.

Task 2 [10 points]: Understanding dead-ends.

In this task, before extending your code to support dead-ends using teleport, you will run

some analysis on your current implementation from Task 1. This second task involves two


(A) [5 points] Calculate and report the number of dead-end nodes in your matrix M.

(B) [5 points] Calculate the leaked PageRank score in each iteration of Task 1 (B). The leaked

PageRank score is the total score you lose in that iteration because of dead-ends (hint: see

example on slide 2 of W1.3 lecture notes). Create a plot that shows how this leaked score

behaves as iterations progress. Explain the phenomenon you observe from this visualization.

2Consider using a sparse matrix (e.g., use scipy.sparse in Python) in your implementation, so that your

algorithm should stop within a few seconds in a basic computer. If your algorithm can’t stop within several

minutes, you may want to check your implementation.

1Task 3 [50 points]: Implementation of Power Iteration with Teleport.

In this task, you will extend your implementation from Task 1 using the teleport mechanism

to handle both dead-ends and spider traps. This task involves three sub-tasks:

(A) [25 points] Extend your PageRank code to handle both spider traps and dead ends using

the idea of teleport. In this task, your implementation will allow to teleport randomly to

any node. Code the PageRank with teleport formulation that, using the sparse matrix M,

for each iteration works in three steps (slide 8 of W1.3 lecture notes):

Step 1: Calculate the r ranks of current iteration r new (in matrix form):

r new = βM · r old

Step 2: Calculate the constant S for teleport:

S = X rj new


Step 3: Update r new with teleport:

r new = r new + (1 S)/N

In your implementation, use β = 0.9. Initialize r (0) = [1/N, . . . , 1/N] T . The stop criteria

should be ||r new r old||1 < 0.02.

(B) [15 points] Run your code on the provided Google web data to calculate the rank score

for all the nodes. Report: (1) The running time; (2) The number of iterations needed to

stop; (3) The IDs and scores of the top-10 ranked nodes.

(C) [10 points] Vary the teleport probability β with numbers in the set: {1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6}.

Report the number of iterations needed to stop for each β. Explain, in words, your findings

from this experiment.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/vx-codehelp/p/18353064


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