235 二叉搜索树最近公共祖先
unc lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q *TreeNode) *TreeNode {
// 本题相较于普通二叉树寻找最近公共祖先加了题设条件二叉搜索树,所以使用二叉搜索树特性
// 如果root 大于两个目标节点,那么目标都在root左子树
// 如果root 小于两个目标节点,那么目标都是root右子树
// 如果root == 任何一个目标,或者root大于一个小于另一个目标,那么root就是最近公共祖先
if root == nil {
return nil
// 使用后序traversal
var left, right *TreeNode
if root.Val >= p.Val && root.Val <= q.Val ||
root.Val <= p.Val && root.Val >= q.Val {
return root
if root.Val > p.Val && root.Val > q.Val {
left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.Left, p, q)
if root.Val < p.Val && root.Val < q.Val {
right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.Right, p, q)
if left != nil {
return left
if right != nil {
return right
return nil
func lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q *TreeNode) *TreeNode {
// 迭代法
if root == nil {
return nil
// 使用后序traversal
cur := root
for (cur != nil) {
if cur.Val > p.Val && cur.Val > q.Val {
cur = cur.Left
}else if cur.Val < p.Val && cur.Val < q.Val {
cur = cur.Right
}else {
return cur
return nil
701 二叉搜索树插入操作
func insertIntoBST(root *TreeNode, val int) *TreeNode {
// 思路1, 任何插入的节点都可以插入成为叶子节点中,本题并没有要求平衡,所以随意
node := &TreeNode{val, nil, nil}
if root == nil {
return node
insert(root, node)
return root
func insert(root, node *TreeNode) {
if root.Val > node.Val {
if root.Left == nil {
root.Left = node
}else {
insert(root.Left, node)
if root.Val < node.Val {
if root.Right == nil {
root.Right = node
} else {
insert(root.Right, node)
450 二叉搜索树删除节点
func deleteNode(root *TreeNode, key int) *TreeNode {
// 歪门邪道思路,遍历二叉树,然后针对每一个节点插入
if root == nil {
return nil
var newRoot *TreeNode
q := list.New()
for q.Len() > 0 {
node := q.Remove(q.Front()).(*TreeNode)
if node.Val != key {
newRoot = insert(newRoot, node.Val)
if node.Left != nil {
if node.Right != nil {
return newRoot
//func inorder (root *TreeNode, res *[]int){
// if root == nil {
// return
// }
// inorder(root.Left, res)
// *res = append(*res, root.Val)
// inorder(root.Right, res)
func insert (root *TreeNode, val int) *TreeNode{
if root == nil {
root = &TreeNode{val, nil, nil}
return root
if root.Val > val {
if root.Left == nil {
root.Left = &TreeNode{val, nil, nil}
}else {
insert(root.Left, val)
if root.Val < val {
if root.Right == nil {
root.Right = &TreeNode{val, nil, nil}
}else {
insert(root.Right, val )
return root
// 删除叶子节点:直接删除该节点。
// 删除只有一个子节点的节点:将该节点的父节点指向该节点的子节点。
// 删除有两个子节点的节点:找到该节点的中序后继或中序前驱,用后继或前驱替换该节点,然后删除后继或前驱。
func deleteNode(root *TreeNode, key int) *TreeNode {
if root == nil {
return nil
if root.Left == nil && root.Right == nil && root.Val == key{
return nil
// Find the node to be deleted and its parent.
var pre *TreeNode
cur := root
for cur != nil && cur.Val != key{
pre = cur
if key < cur.Val {
cur = cur.Left
} else {
cur = cur.Right
// If the node to be deleted is not found, return the original root.
if cur == nil {
return root
// Case 1: Node to be deleted is a leaf node.
if cur.Left == nil && cur.Right == nil {
if pre == nil {
root = nil
}else if pre.Left == cur {
pre.Left = nil
}else {
pre.Right = nil
return root
// Case 2: Node to be deleted has only one child.
if cur.Left != nil && cur.Right == nil {
if pre == nil {
root = cur.Left
}else if pre.Left == cur {
pre.Left = cur.Left
}else {
pre.Right = cur.Left
return root
if cur.Right != nil && cur.Left == nil{
if pre == nil {
root = cur.Right
}else if pre.Left == cur {
pre.Left = cur.Right
}else {
pre.Right = cur.Right
return root
// Case 3: Node to be deleted has two children.
// Find the inorder successor (smallest in the right subtree).
successorParent := cur
successor := cur.Right
for successor.Left != nil {
successorParent = successor
successor = successor.Left
// Replace node's value with successor's value.
cur.Val = successor.Val
// Delete the successor node.
if successorParent.Left == successor {
successorParent.Left = successor.Right
} else {
successorParent.Right = successor.Right
return root
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhougongjin55/p/18342940