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sos.dll 命令

时间:2024-07-30 15:59:05浏览次数:8  
标签:logging modules dll content 命令 sos ----------------------------- Displays thread

0:000> !sos.help


SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed

programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of

importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis.

Type "!help <functionname>" for detailed info on that function.


Object Inspection                  Examining code and stacks

-----------------------------      -----------------------------

DumpObj (do)                       Threads (clrthreads)

DumpALC (dumpalc)                  ThreadState

DumpArray (da)                      IP2MD

DumpDelegate                       U

DumpStackObjects (dso)               DumpStack

DumpHeap                          EEStack

DumpVC                            ClrStack

GCRoot                             GCInfo

ObjSize                             EHInfo

FinalizeQueue                       BPMD (bpmd)

PrintException (pe)                   COMState



Examining CLR data structures      Diagnostic Utilities

-----------------------------      -----------------------------

DumpDomain                         VerifyHeap

EEHeap                              VerifyObj

Name2EE                             FindRoots

SyncBlk                              HeapStat

DumpMT                             GCWhere

DumpClass                           ListNearObj (lno)

DumpMD                            GCHandles

Token2EE                            GCHandleLeaks

EEVersion                            FinalizeQueue (fq)

DumpModule                         FindAppDomain

ThreadPool (tp)                       SaveModule

DumpAssembly                       ProcInfo

DumpSigElem                        StopOnException (soe)

DumpRuntimeTypes                   DumpLog

DumpSig                            VMMap

RCWCleanupList                      VMStat

DumpIL                             MinidumpMode

DumpRCW                          AnalyzeOOM (ao)

DumpCCW                          SuppressJitOptimization


Examining the GC history           Other

-----------------------------      -----------------------------

HistInit                           SetHostRuntime (sethostruntime)

HistRoot                          SetSymbolServer (setsymbolserver)

HistObj                           SetClrPath (setclrpath)

HistObjFind                        SOSFlush

HistClear                          SOSStatus (sosstatus)


                                   Help (soshelp)



  >!ext [command]



  clrmodules                                 Lists the managed modules in the process.

  dumpasync, DumpAsync                     Displays information about async "stacks" on the garbage-collected heap.

  dcd, dumpconcurrentdictionary <address>       Displays concurrent dictionary content.

  dcq, dumpconcurrentqueue <address>          Displays concurrent queue content.

  dg, dumpgen <generation>              Displays heap content for the specified generation.

  logopen <path>                             Enables console file logging.

  logclose <path>                            Disables console file logging.

  logging <path>                             Enables/disables internal diagnostic logging.

  lm, modules                                Displays the native modules in the process.

  r, registers                               Displays the thread's registers.

  runtimes                                   Lists the runtimes in the target or changes the default runtime.

  setclrpath <path>                          Sets the path to load coreclr DAC/DBI files.

  setsymbolserver, SetSymbolServer <url>     Enables and sets symbol server support for symbols and module download.

  loadsymbols <url>                          Loads symbols for all modules.

  sosstatus                                  Displays internal status or resets the internal cached state.

  setthread, threads <thread>                Displays threads or sets the current thread.

  parallelstacks, pstacks                    Displays the merged threads stack similarly to the Visual Studio 'Parallel Stacks' panel.

  taskstate, tks <address>                   Displays a Task state in a human readable format.

  threadpoolqueue, tpq                       Displays queued ThreadPool work items.

  ti, timerinfo                              Displays information about running timers.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lily-2/p/18332633


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