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CCT361H5S LEC0101 Speculative Design

时间:2024-07-19 15:18:00浏览次数:17  
标签:students Speculative programming LEC0101 will course Design such Students

CCT361H5S LEC0101

Speculative Design II

Course Outline - Winter 2024

Course Description

In this course students are introduced to programming languages regularly used in management operations. Students will learn what these languages are, when and why they are applied, and how to read and write basic scripting code. The goal of this course is to

familiarize students with scripting so that they can communicate more effectively with programmers in business settings.

Prerequisite: CCT261H5 (SSc) Distribution Requirement: SSc

It is your responsibility to ensure that the prerequisites for course have been met. Students without the prerequisites can be removed at any time. No waivers will be granted.

Goals and Learning Objectives

This course provides an elementary introduction to computer programming, suitable for students with little or no programming

background. Students will acquire elementary skills for programming, in particular for building mobile apps for phones and tablets with the visual programming language provided by MIT App Inventor. Students will also be introduced to the practice of

programming in industry and associated project management techniques.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

.  Apply computational thinking to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions. .  Thoroughly understand the software life cycle and its main components.

.  Explain typical programming workflows and practices within diverse organizations. .  Identify different techniques to plan, design and prototype mobile apps.

.  Understand foundational programming principles and concepts such as properties, behaviours, function calls, and parameters.

.  Develop basic event-driven mobile applications with appropriate information architectures.

Required Materials

Wolber, D., Abelson, H., Spertus, E., & Looney, L. (2014).App Inventor 2: Create Your Own Android Apps (2nd edition). Beijing: O'Reilly Media. Retrieved from: http://www.appinventor.org/book2.

Other course readings and materials will be supplied through Quercus.

Android tablet or phone - In order to perform. live testing of the mobile apps you create in this course, connecting to an Android device is ideal. Teams should be formed such that one is available. However, students can use the web-based device emulator to complete the course's activities if such access is not possible but need to understand there are associated limitations (e.g. it is slower, may not provide camera access).

Assessment and Grading Policies



Due Date



Term Project - Proposal




Game App




Term Project - Interim Process Report




Term Project - Mobile App




Weekly quizzes




Weekly lab exercises



Final Exam

Final exam







You should receive at least one significant mark (15%) before the last day you can drop a course without academic penalty.

Requirements and Criteria

Arcade game app ( 15%)

Alone or in pairs, students will create a traditional arcade game using MIT App Inventor (https://appinventor.mit.edu/). This is a summative assessment, where students demonstrate their competence with a particular set of technical concepts related to the

construction of mobile apps.

Term project (35%)

Students will work in small groups (2-4) to develop an interesting mobile app that showcases the unique capabilities of the medium such as location- and context-awareness, as well as responding to the term's contextual design prompt. There are two interim

deliverables: a briefproposal and an interim design report.

Reading quizzes (10%)

Short quizzes will be conducted during the lecture using a platform such as Kahoot to allow students to evaluate their understanding of relevant concepts.

The lowest grade will be dropped automatically. Exercises from this category can't be made up or submitted late for credit. Lab activities (15%)

Students must enroll in a practical section. Each week, the lab practical will regularly be devoted to a related exercise that you will turn in to be graded. These will typically be practical programming exercises that apply the concepts and skills discussed in class,   which may be completed using pair programming. These are formative assessments: as long as students demonstrate a good effort, they will get full credit.

The lowest grade will be dropped automatically. Final exam (25%)

The final exam will assess students' ability to understand, apply, and extend the technical and coding concepts covered in the course

Teaching Methods

Lecture periods will be conducted in an active lecture style, emphasizing coding demos and practicing problems to be completed and discussed.

During the practical sessions, specific programming techniques will be demonstrated and support for the assigned lab exercise will

be provided.

Procedures and Rules E-Culture Policy

Only student U of T email accounts should be used for course communication and all emails from students must include the course code in the subject line and should be signed with the full student name and student number.

The instructional staff will be broadly available on a Discord channel, although replies may be delayed or limited outside of regular business hours.

For more detailed or personal questions, the instructional staff will make every effort to answer appropriately addressed emails within 1 workday.

All course material, including lectures and code samples, will be available on Quercus. Announcements on Quercus will be the regular way of distributing information to all students.

It is your responsibility to read your U of T email on a regular basis. This will ensure that you receive important information from your instructors and the university.

It is your responsibility to read your email regularly and check course information updates and announcements through Quercus. Students who choose to opt out of receiving messages through Quercus are still responsible for actions required, or changes

communicated through those announcements and messages.

Learning Technology

All assignments must be submitted on Quercus in the indicated digital format. No email submissions will be considered, except in exceptional pre-arranged circumstances.

Students are expected to act professionally and participate using appropriate and respectful language on all shared platforms. During synchronous sessions, students should refrain from activities not related to the class, such as social media, watching videos, or

playing games.

The University of Toronto is committed to equity, human rights and respect for diversity. All members of the learning environment  in this course should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where all members of our community can express themselves, engage with each other, and respect one another's differences. U of T does not condone discrimination or harassment against any persons or communities.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qq-99515681/p/18311541


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