首页 > 其他分享 >aruba控制器初始化配置


时间:2024-07-04 13:56:59浏览次数:12  
标签:初始化 控制器 no setup VLAN KEnter aruba 0D yes

Auto-provisioning is in progress. It requires DHCP and Activate servers

Choose one of the following options to override or debug auto-provisioning...

    'enable-debug'      : Enable auto-provisioning debug logs

    'disable-debug'     : Disable auto-provisioning debug logs

    'mini-setup'        : Start mini setup dialog. Provides minimal customization and requires DHCP server

    'full-setup'        : Start full setup dialog. Provides full customization

    'static-activate'   : Provides customization for static or PPPOE ip assignment. Uses activate for conductor information

Enter Option (partial string is acceptable): full-setup

Are you sure that you want to stop auto-provisioning and start full setup dialog? (yes/no): yes

***************** Welcome to the Aruba7220 setup dialog *****************

This dialog will help you to set the basic configuration for the switch.

These settings, except for the Country Code, can later be changed from the

Command Line Interface or Graphical User Interface.

Commands: <Enter> Submit input or use [default value], <ctrl-I> Help

<ctrl-B> Back, <ctrl-F> Forward, <ctrl-A> Line begin, <ctrl-E> Line end

<ctrl-D> Delete, <BackSpace> Delete back, <ctrl-K> Delete to end of line

<ctrl-P> Previous question <ctrl-X> Restart beginning <ctrl-R> Reload box

Enter System name [Aruba7220_01_4B_60]: WITHX-5.10            //自己起名

[0D[KEnter Switch Role (conductor|standalone|md) [md]: standalone

[0D[KEnter Controller VLAN ID [1]: 1

[0D[KEnter Controller VLAN port [GE 0/0/0]:

[0D[KEnter Controller VLAN port mode (access|trunk) [access]: access   /所有端口都会变成access(单个控制器的时候)

[0D[KEnter Native VLAN ID [1]:

[0D[KDo you wish to configure IPV4 address on vlan (yes|no) [yes]: ys[64D[KDo you wish to configure IPV4 address on vlan (yes|no) [yes]: yes

[0D[KEnter VLAN interface IP address []:     /后续可另行配置IP,此处不做修改,或者直接写自己要设置的IP

[0D[KEnter VLAN interface subnet mask []:

[0D[KEnter IP Default gateway [none]:

[0D[KEnter DNS IP address [none]:

[0D[KDo you wish to configure IPV6 address on vlan (yes|no) [yes]: no

[0D[KEnter Country code (ISO-3166), <ctrl-I> for supported list: cn

[0D[KYou have chosen Country code CN for China (yes|no)?: yes

[0D[KEnter the controller's IANA Time zone [America/Los_Angeles]: Asia/Shanghai

[0D[KEnter Time in UTC [06:09:00]:

[0D[KEnter Date (MM/DD/YYYY) [3/14/2024]:

[0D[KEnter Password for admin login (up to 32 chars): ********  /设置密码

[0D[KRe-type Password for admin login: ********

If you accept the changes the switch will restart!

Type <ctrl-P> to go back and change answer for any question

Do you wish to accept the changes (yes|no)yes    /设备重启

From: https://blog.csdn.net/hanlinsong/article/details/140146977


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