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Bank of America.

时间:2024-07-03 21:57:02浏览次数:3  
标签:customers Intelligence Bank America investment those

With the development of artificial Intelligence, it has already get into the field of investment with high ranked level of majority.And the combination of artificial Intelligence with investment field has come into reality.Some international banks and finance institutions had already arranged those affairs with artificial Intelligence. Intelligence investment and intelligent had already take over some basic work from those finance institutions in the trees and the biggest one of Stokes sailors and investment Bank of America has come into the Top level.So with the development of artificial Intelligence in finance industry what had been done for Bank of America with the help of artificial Intelligence?
Firstly, the platform combined with artificial Intelligence of intelligent investment.Early in October two thousand and sixteen, the Bank of America had already take some service of Maria edge and this new robot consultant is targeted on the online platform combined with the skills of investment all of my real Lynch so as to provide online service plans.Actually not all those investors are the same. Some are independent and some like those work consultant and some prefer the combination of both human beings and robot. So all those customers are considering about how when and where to find their directions. So the platform is targeted in the field of the combination of marine online platform with the investment consultant.So as to satisfied automatically invest suggestion for those customers and to provide those characteristics and personalized robot consultant services for those customers.
Secondly to promote those online robot investment consultant services.The robot investment consultant to offer to assistant Eric is published in two thousand and sixteen, and Eric can answer the problems of those customers. And it can also use those technology of artificial Intelligence to predict and analyze those recognition Information so as to conduct those payment and to save those Money and to pay back those debates so as too direct to do customers to know their vehicle scores so as to promote better investment habits for those customers and consumers.And it can also use those technology of artificial Intelligence to promote the suggestion of finance and accounting situation. So as to Give the opportunity for those customers to talk with the robot on the smartphone through words and voice.
And Eric can help these customers to build better investment habits.It is also recognized by American enterprises Senior assistant that it has great strategic meaning of Bank of America to promote this product. And it can help the Bank of America to attract more young customers of these digital consulting services.And also it is recognized that the personal service have some advantages and skills to give some suggestions to those public Customers and in the February of two thousand and seventeen, the Bank of America had strictly promote the online investment consultant services of robot.
Thirdly, as most American banks. The Bank of America had already cut some diverse institutions so as to cut down the cost.And it had already said the robot bank without stops and with smaller square of working environment.And it is focused on the credit card and loan of vehicles, but not only do simple trade.And auto diverse institutions is limited in the ATM and video room.It is similar to the store of apples that those customers can use Applications to predict some services and then you can talk with those employer of the bank to take one by one video Conversation.And to protect your applications and your actions. The video room can only be opened by Bank of America hm or those credit cards.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45796142/article/details/140162890


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