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ros2 - microros - 雷达 -可视化点云

时间:2024-07-01 20:58:15浏览次数:14  
标签:angle header scan pub msg microros time 点云 ros2


使用指令ros2 interface show sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan,可以看到ROS2对雷达数据接口的定义。

# Single scan from a planar laser range-finder
# If you have another ranging device with different behavior (e.g. a sonar
# array), please find or create a different message, since applications
# will make fairly laser-specific assumptions about this data

std_msgs/Header header # timestamp in the header is the acquisition time of
    builtin_interfaces/Time stamp
        int32 sec
        uint32 nanosec
    string frame_id
                             # the first ray in the scan.
                             # in frame frame_id, angles are measured around
                             # the positive Z axis (counterclockwise, if Z is up)
                             # with zero angle being forward along the x axis

float32 angle_min            # start angle of the scan [rad]
float32 angle_max            # end angle of the scan [rad]
float32 angle_increment      # angular distance between measurements [rad]

float32 time_increment       # time between measurements [seconds] - if your scanner
                             # is moving, this will be used in interpolating position
                             # of 3d points
float32 scan_time            # time between scans [seconds]

float32 range_min            # minimum range value [m]
float32 range_max            # maximum range value [m]

float32[] ranges             # range data [m]
                             # (Note: values < range_min or > range_max should be discarded)
float32[] intensities        # intensity data [device-specific units].  If your
                             # device does not provide intensities, please leave
                             # the array empty.

1.1 header部分

pub_msg.header.frame_id = micro_ros_string_utilities_set(pub_msg.header.frame_id, "laser"); // 初始化消息内容
int64_t current_time = rmw_uros_epoch_millis();
pub_msg.header.stamp.sec = current_time * 1e-3;
pub_msg.header.stamp.nanosec = current_time - pub_msg.header.stamp.sec * 1000;

1.2 数据部分
angle_min 当前数据中最小的测量角度
angle_max 当前数据中最大的测量角度
angle_increment 我们默认就是一次1度,所以可以直接写

  pub_msg.angle_increment = 1.0 / 180 * PI;
time_increment 每个数据之间递增的时间,可以直接使用扫描的总之间除点数
scan_time 扫描时间,开始扫描到结束扫描的时间
range_min 最小范围可以直接赋值 我们设置成0.05即5cm
range_max 最大范围,我们直接设置成5.0m
ranges 测量的距离值数组
intensities 测量的强度,这里我们直接忽略即可


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <micro_ros_platformio.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <rcl/rcl.h>
#include <rclc/rclc.h>
#include <rclc/executor.h>
#include <ESP32Servo.h>

#include <sensor_msgs/msg/laser_scan.h>
#include <micro_ros_utilities/string_utilities.h>

#define PCOUNT 10
#define Trig 27 // 设定SR04连接的Arduino引脚
#define Echo 21

rclc_executor_t executor;
rclc_support_t support;
rcl_allocator_t allocator;
rcl_node_t node;

rcl_publisher_t publisher;           // 声明话题发布者
sensor_msgs__msg__LaserScan pub_msg; // 声明消息文件

Servo servo1;
bool connected_agent = false;

void microros_task(void *param)

  IPAddress agent_ip;                                                    // 设置通过WIFI进行MicroROS通信
  agent_ip.fromString("");                                  // 从字符串获取IP地址
  set_microros_wifi_transports("fishbot", "12345678", agent_ip, 8888);   // 设置wifi名称,密码,电脑IP,端口号
  delay(2000);                                                           // 延时时一段时间,等待设置完成
  allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();                               // 初始化内存分配器
  rclc_support_init(&support, 0, NULL, &allocator);                      // 创建初始化选项
  rclc_node_init_default(&node, "example20_simple_laser", "", &support); // 创建节点
  rclc_publisher_init_default(                                           // 发布初始化
      ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(sensor_msgs, msg, LaserScan),

  rclc_executor_init(&executor, &support.context, 1, &allocator);                             // 创建执行器
  pub_msg.header.frame_id = micro_ros_string_utilities_set(pub_msg.header.frame_id, "laser"); // 初始化消息内容
  pub_msg.angle_increment = 1.0 / 180 * PI;
  pub_msg.range_min = 0.05;
  pub_msg.range_max = 5.0;

  while (true)
    if (!rmw_uros_epoch_synchronized()) // 判断时间是否同步
      rmw_uros_sync_session(1000); //  同步时间
    connected_agent = true;
    rclc_executor_spin_some(&executor, RCL_MS_TO_NS(100)); // 循环处理数据

float get_distance(int angle)
  static double mtime;
  servo1.write(angle);     // 移动到指定角度
  delay(25);               // 稳定身形
  digitalWrite(Trig, LOW); // 测量距离
  digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH);
  delayMicroseconds(10); // 产生一个10us的高脉冲去触发SR04
  digitalWrite(Trig, LOW);
  mtime = pulseIn(Echo, HIGH);                  // 检测脉冲宽度,注意返回值是微秒us
  float detect_distance = mtime / 58.0 / 100.0; // 计算出距离,输出的距离的单位是厘米cm
  Serial.printf("point(%d,%f)\n", angle, detect_distance);
  return detect_distance;

void setup()
  pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT);     // 初始化舵机和超声波
  pinMode(Echo, INPUT);      // 要检测引脚上输入的脉冲宽度,需要先设置为输入状态
  servo1.setPeriodHertz(50); // Standard 50hz servo
  servo1.attach(4, 500, 2500);
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(microros_task, "microros_task", 10240, NULL, 1, NULL, 0);

void loop()
  if (!connected_agent)

  static float ranges[PCOUNT + 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < int(180 / PCOUNT); i++)
    int64_t start_scan_time = rmw_uros_epoch_millis();
    for (int j = 0; j < PCOUNT; j++)
      int angle = i * 10 + j;
      ranges[j] = get_distance(angle);
    pub_msg.angle_min = float(i * 10) / 180 * PI;       // 结束角度
    pub_msg.angle_max = float(i * (10 + 1)) / 180 * PI; // 结束角度

    int64_t current_time = rmw_uros_epoch_millis();
    pub_msg.scan_time = float(current_time - start_scan_time) * 1e-3;
    pub_msg.time_increment = pub_msg.scan_time / PCOUNT;
    pub_msg.header.stamp.sec = current_time * 1e-3;
    pub_msg.header.stamp.nanosec = current_time - pub_msg.header.stamp.sec * 1000;
    pub_msg.ranges.data = ranges;
    pub_msg.ranges.capacity = PCOUNT;
    pub_msg.ranges.size = PCOUNT;
    rcl_publish(&publisher, &pub_msg, NULL);



docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:$ROS_DISTRO udp4 --port 8888 -v6


ros2 node list
ros2 topic list
ros2 topic echo /scan




pub_msg.header.frame_id = micro_ros_string_utilities_set(pub_msg.header.frame_id, "laser"); // 初始化消息内容
int64_t current_time = rmw_uros_epoch_millis();
pub_msg.header.stamp.sec = current_time * 1e-3;
pub_msg.header.stamp.nanosec = current_time - pub_msg.header.stamp.sec * 1000;

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ai-ldj/p/18278839


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