首页 > 其他分享 >LLM大模型基础入门系列之:(四)从头开始编写LLM代码


时间:2024-07-01 10:00:50浏览次数:20  
标签:从头开始 0.000005 入门 16 batch LLM inf model size

〔更多精彩AI内容,尽在 「魔方AI空间」 公众号,引领AIGC科技时代〕


引 言

本文是LLM基础入门系列的第 4 篇。 在本文中,我们将从头开始实现一个类 GPT 的 transformer。将按照上一篇文章中《LLM大模型基础入门系列之:(三)Transformer 架构》描述的步骤对每个部分进行编码。




pip install numpy requests torch tiktoken matplotlib pandas
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import tiktoken
import torch
import torch.nn as nn



# Hyperparameters
batch_size = 4  # How many batches per training step
context_length = 16  # Length of the token chunk each batch
d_model = 64  # The vector size of the token embeddings
num_layers = 8  # Number of transformer blocks
num_heads = 4  # Number of heads in Multi-head attention 
learning_rate = 1e-3  # 0.001
dropout = 0.1 # Dropout rate
max_iters = 5000  # Total of training iterations
eval_interval = 50  # How often to evaluate the model
eval_iters = 20  # How many iterations to average the loss over when evaluating the model
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'  # Instead of using the cpu, we'll use the GPU if it's available.




# download a sample txt file from https://huggingface.co/datasets/goendalf666/sales-textbook_for_convincing_and_selling/raw/main/sales_textbook.txt
if not os.path.exists('sales_textbook.txt'):
    url = 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/goendalf666/sales-textbook_for_convincing_and_selling/raw/main/sales_textbook.txt'
    with open('sales_textbook.txt', 'w') as f:

with open('sales_textbook.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    text = f.read()

第 1 步:Tokenization

我们将使用 tiktoken(https://github.com/openai/tiktoken) 库对数据集进行标记。该库是一个快速且轻量级的分词器,可用于将文本分词为 Tokens。

# Using TikToken to tokenize the source text
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
tokenized_text = encoding.encode(text) # size of tokenized source text is 77,919
vocab_size = len(set(tokenized_text)) # size of vocabulary is 3,771
max_token_value = max(tokenized_text)

print(f"Tokenized text size: {len(tokenized_text)}")
print(f"Vocabulary size: {vocab_size}")
print(f"The maximum value in the tokenized text is: {max_token_value}")


Tokenized text size: 77919
Vocabulary size: 3771
The maximum value in the tokenized text is: 100069

第 2 步:词嵌入


# Split train and validation
split_idx = int(len(tokenized_text) * 0.8)
train_data = tokenized_text[:split_idx]
val_data = tokenized_text[split_idx:]

# Prepare data for training batch
# Prepare data for training batch
data = train_data
idxs = torch.randint(low=0, high=len(data) - context_length, size=(batch_size,))
x_batch = torch.stack([data[idx:idx + context_length] for idx in idxs])
y_batch = torch.stack([data[idx + 1:idx + context_length + 1] for idx in idxs])
print(x_batch.shape, x_batch.shape)


torch.Size([4, 16]) torch.Size([4, 16])

第 3 步:位置编码


# Define Token Embedding look-up table
token_embedding_lookup_table = nn.Embedding(max_token_value, d_model)

# Get X and Y embedding
x = token_embedding_lookup_table(x_batch.data)
y = token_embedding_lookup_table(y_batch.data)

现在,输入 x 和 y 的形状都是(batch_size、context_length、d_model)。

# Get x and y embedding
x = token_embedding_lookup_table(x_batch.data) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]
y = token_embedding_lookup_table(y_batch.data)


正如最初的“Attention is All You Need”论文中所述,我们将使用正弦和余弦生成位置嵌入表,然后将这些位置信息添加到输入嵌入标记中。

# Define Position Encoding look-up table
position_encoding_lookup_table = torch.zeros(context_length, d_model) # initial with zeros with shape (context_length, d_model)
position = torch.arange(0, context_length, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1)
# apply the sine & cosine
div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
position_encoding_lookup_table[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
position_encoding_lookup_table[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
position_encoding_lookup_table = position_encoding_lookup_table.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1) #add batch to the first dimension

print("Position Encoding Look-up Table: ", position_encoding_lookup_table.shape)


Position Encoding Look-up Table:  torch.Size([4, 16, 64])


# Add positional encoding into the input embedding vector
input_embedding_x = x + position_encoding_lookup_table # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]
input_embedding_y = y + position_encoding_lookup_table

X = input_embedding_x

x_plot = input_embedding_x[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
print("Final Input Embedding of x: \n", pd.DataFrame(x_plot))

现在,得到 X 的最终输入嵌入,这是要输入到 transformer 块中的值:

Final Input Embedding of x:
           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9   ...        54        55        56        57        58        59        60        61        62        63
0  -1.782388  1.200549 -0.177262  0.278616 -1.322919  0.929397 -0.178307  1.453488 -0.216367 -2.049190  ... -0.009743  2.694576 -0.592321  1.235002  1.137691  1.076938 -1.583359  1.994682 -0.411284  2.365598
1   0.434183  2.051380  0.642167  1.294858  0.287493 -0.132648 -0.388530  0.106470  0.515283  1.686583  ...  0.423079  0.564006 -1.514647  0.263115 -2.233931  1.759137  2.413690 -0.372896  0.512504  2.831246
2   0.180579 -0.714483  0.983105 -0.944209  1.182870 -0.100558  0.807144  0.232830 -0.455422  2.246022  ...  0.056277  0.913973 -0.200273  0.688581  1.302482  2.202587 -0.980815 -0.181238  0.747766  1.742957
3  -0.249654 -3.228277 -0.017824  0.492374  0.992460 -1.281102  0.811163  0.678884  0.251492  0.319295  ...  1.329760  1.259970 -0.345209  1.030813  0.629613  1.289158  0.586766  0.970829  1.487210  0.858970
4   1.533710 -1.794257 -0.115366 -2.216147  0.143978 -2.549789  0.285271  0.908505 -1.371307  1.000596  ... -0.171948  1.476006 -0.411271  2.187133  0.580001  1.330921 -0.996333  3.353865  0.216231 -0.570538
5  -2.187219 -0.290028 -0.914946 -0.614617 -0.033163 -1.060609  2.265111 -1.180711  1.237476  0.817889  ...  1.869089  0.720627 -1.679796  1.405375  0.399367  0.725817 -0.047124 -0.977291  0.013971  0.819522
6  -1.015749  1.862600  0.785039  2.425240  0.613279 -1.725359  1.288837 -1.810941  2.514978  0.433844  ...  0.408046  1.537934 -0.192739  0.709489  0.535088 -0.347714 -2.239857 -0.033674  0.192698 -0.136556
7  -0.446721  1.136845  0.336349  1.287424  1.515973  0.814479  0.233362 -1.706994 -0.438097 -0.674278  ...  0.697751  0.913269 -0.332155 -0.149376  0.140298  2.597988  0.219866  1.489297  1.089043 -1.265491
8  -0.190227 -0.968500 -1.648937  2.915030 -3.227971 -0.739308 -0.485671 -0.869817 -0.153695 -1.206717  ...  1.403767  0.636459  0.094945 -0.747135  0.495720  0.164661 -0.610816  0.730676  0.587971  2.341617
9  -0.224795 -0.326915 -0.362390  1.489488 -0.389251 -0.362224  0.913598 -2.051510  0.778566 -0.696349  ...  0.394737  1.314234 -0.124517  1.888481  0.689187  0.396996  1.056659  0.785319  1.079981 -0.194575
10 -0.692015 -1.732475  2.214933 -1.991298 -0.398353  1.266861 -1.057534 -1.157881 -0.801310 -0.614316  ... -1.901223 -0.854748  0.163998  0.173750 -1.058628  1.532371 -0.257311  1.359694  1.033851  0.677123
11  0.713966 -0.232073  2.291222  0.224710 -1.199412  0.022869 -1.532023 -0.403545 -0.262371 -1.097961  ...  1.827974  0.126189  1.134699  0.425639 -1.347956  0.086310 -0.774953  1.218501 -1.761807  0.117464
12 -0.468460  1.830461  1.335220 -1.410995  0.069466  1.672440 -1.680814 -1.598549  0.521277 -1.871883  ... -1.775825 -0.046493  0.723062  1.785805  1.166462  2.608919  1.078712  2.193650  1.377550  1.002753
13  1.436239  0.494849  1.781795  0.060173  0.538164  1.890070 -2.363284  2.231389 -1.082167  0.040986  ... -0.764243 -1.155260  0.084449  1.592648  0.105955  1.080390 -1.063937  0.691866 -0.906071  0.383779
14 -0.113100  0.519679  0.316672  0.299135  3.229518  1.496113 -0.325615  0.203938 -2.198124 -0.356190  ...  0.700703  0.913256 -0.329941 -0.149384  0.141958  2.597984  0.221110  1.489295  1.089976 -1.265493
15  0.301521  0.997564 -0.672755 -1.215677  0.949777  0.474997 -0.279164  1.144048 -1.059472  0.068650  ...  0.796498 -1.032138  0.977697  0.790623  0.725540  1.646803  1.253047  0.296801  0.798098  2.022164

[16 rows x 64 columns]

注意:y 嵌入向量将与 x 的形状相同。

第 4 步:Transformer Block

4.1 多头注意力概述


有了输入嵌入 X,我们可以开始实现多头注意力模块。实现多头注意力模块需要一系列步骤。让我们一一编码。

4.2 准备Q、K、V

# Prepare Query, Key, Value for Multi-head Attention

query = key = value = X # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]

# Define Query, Key, Value weight matrices
Wq = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
Wk = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
Wv = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)

Q = Wq(query) #[4, 16, 64]
Q = Q.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

K = Wk(key) #[4, 16, 64]
K = K.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

V = Wv(value) #[4, 16, 64]
V = V.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)  #[4, 16, 4, 16]

然后,将 Q、K、V 重塑为 [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size] 以进行进一步计算。

# Transpose q,k,v from [batch_size, context_length, num_heads, head_size] to [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size]
# The reason is that treat each batch with "num_heads" as its first dimension.
Q = Q.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]
K = K.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]
V = V.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 4, 16, 16]

4.3 计算QK^T注意力

通过使用 torch.matmul 函数可以非常轻松地完成此操作。

# Calculate the attention score betwee Q and K^T
attention_score = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(-2, -1))

4.4 Scale

# Then Scale the attention score by the square root of the head size
attention_score = attention_score / math.sqrt(d_model // num_heads)

实际上可以将 4.3 和 4.4 重写为一行:

attention_score = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_model // num_heads) # [4, 4, 16, 16] #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]


           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.105279 -0.365092 -0.339839 -0.650558 -0.464043 -0.531401  0.437939 -0.650732 -0.616331 -0.429000 -0.332607  0.080401  0.000111 -0.601670 -0.783942  0.147967
1  -0.302636  0.525435  0.863502 -0.218539  0.600691 -0.413970  0.408111  0.765074 -0.376257  0.233526  0.915393 -0.263153  0.683832  0.430964  0.802033  0.281169
2   0.201820  0.156336 -0.245585  0.101653  0.228243 -0.565197  0.589193 -0.579525 -0.080071  0.078848 -0.471447  0.481268 -0.129725 -0.123364 -0.963065 -0.582126
3   0.517998 -0.303064  0.484515 -0.399551 -0.004528 -0.028223 -0.602194  0.107085 -0.504462  0.017590  0.592893 -0.750240  0.022489 -0.014217 -0.038678  0.484633
4   0.519200  0.322036  0.328027 -0.031755  0.006269  0.133609 -0.095071 -0.252013  0.096449 -0.268063 -0.306129 -0.045432 -0.027766 -0.163095 -0.338737  0.712901
5  -0.635913  0.137114  0.083046  0.234778 -0.668992 -0.366838 -0.613126  0.245075 -0.042131  0.221872  0.806992 -0.279996  0.046113  0.646270  0.284564  0.478298
6  -0.287777 -0.841604 -0.128455 -0.566180  0.079559 -0.530863 -0.082675  0.072495 -0.264806 -0.229649  0.269325 -0.185602 -0.366693 -0.321176 -0.130587  0.416121
7  -0.798519 -0.905525  0.317880 -0.176577  0.751465 -0.564863  1.014724 -0.068284 -0.527703  0.118972  0.085287 -0.102589 -0.640548  0.376717 -0.120097  0.164074
8   0.141614 -0.022169  0.152088 -0.519404 -0.069152 -0.880496 -0.229767 -0.849347 -0.539544 -0.510258 -0.246146 -0.266640 -0.086958 -0.577571 -1.191547  0.050306
9  -0.097493  0.860376  0.073501  0.150553 -0.651579 -0.376676 -0.691368  0.315606  0.135982  0.292198  0.774460 -0.131879  0.626085  0.452120  0.153703  0.082386
10 -0.469827  0.302545 -0.015767 -0.175387 -0.049927 -0.706852  0.511237  0.043908 -0.492887 -0.168435 -0.167744  0.016956  0.141400 -0.102674 -0.072396 -0.261558
11 -0.335474 -0.399539 -0.093901 -0.682290  0.312682 -0.310319  0.344753  0.017465 -0.364808 -0.262316 -0.282589 -0.239767  0.008904 -0.621042 -0.261246 -0.214888
12 -1.757631 -0.967825 -0.516159 -0.246766 -0.352132 -0.780370 -0.262975 -0.793605 -0.238561 -0.374695 -0.132526 -0.126956 -0.524015 -0.194315 -1.046538 -0.402560
13  0.550975  0.313643 -0.074468  0.519995 -0.149188 -0.565922  0.199527 -0.738029  0.142203 -0.164007 -0.494203  0.570010 -0.579608 -0.198923 -0.869503 -0.120218
14 -0.616347 -0.812240  0.245260  0.167278  0.913596 -0.493119  1.139083 -0.300623 -0.399155  0.200648 -0.114634  0.147219 -0.829207  0.363519 -0.325846  0.026840
15 -0.145391  0.514632 -0.296119 -0.038103 -0.187110 -0.634636  0.509902 -0.338267 -0.231534 -0.007304 -0.432799  0.339123  0.248173 -0.242426 -0.595925 -0.442379

4.5 Mask

# Apply Mask to attention scores
attention_score = attention_score.masked_fill(torch.triu(torch.ones(attention_score.shape[-2:]), diagonal=1).bool(), float('-inf')) #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]


           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.105279      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
1  -0.302636  0.525435      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
2   0.201820  0.156336 -0.245585      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
3   0.517998 -0.303064  0.484515 -0.399551      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
4   0.519200  0.322036  0.328027 -0.031755  0.006269      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
5  -0.635913  0.137114  0.083046  0.234778 -0.668992 -0.366838      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
6  -0.287777 -0.841604 -0.128455 -0.566180  0.079559 -0.530863 -0.082675      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
7  -0.798519 -0.905525  0.317880 -0.176577  0.751465 -0.564863  1.014724 -0.068284      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
8   0.141614 -0.022169  0.152088 -0.519404 -0.069152 -0.880496 -0.229767 -0.849347 -0.539544      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
9  -0.097493  0.860376  0.073501  0.150553 -0.651579 -0.376676 -0.691368  0.315606  0.135982  0.292198      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
10 -0.469827  0.302545 -0.015767 -0.175387 -0.049927 -0.706852  0.511237  0.043908 -0.492887 -0.168435 -0.167744      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
11 -0.335474 -0.399539 -0.093901 -0.682290  0.312682 -0.310319  0.344753  0.017465 -0.364808 -0.262316 -0.282589 -0.239767      -inf      -inf      -inf      -inf
12 -1.757631 -0.967825 -0.516159 -0.246766 -0.352132 -0.780370 -0.262975 -0.793605 -0.238561 -0.374695 -0.132526 -0.126956 -0.524015      -inf      -inf      -inf
13  0.550975  0.313643 -0.074468  0.519995 -0.149188 -0.565922  0.199527 -0.738029  0.142203 -0.164007 -0.494203  0.570010 -0.579608 -0.198923      -inf      -inf
14 -0.616347 -0.812240  0.245260  0.167278  0.913596 -0.493119  1.139083 -0.300623 -0.399155  0.200648 -0.114634  0.147219 -0.829207  0.363519 -0.325846      -inf
15 -0.145391  0.514632 -0.296119 -0.038103 -0.187110 -0.634636  0.509902 -0.338267 -0.231534 -0.007304 -0.432799  0.339123  0.248173 -0.242426 -0.595925 -0.442379

***我们可以看到对角线和上三角形被 -***inf 掩盖。

4.6 Softmax

# Softmax the attention score
attention_score = torch.softmax(attention_score, dim=-1)  #[4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, context_length]


           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13        14        15
0   0.062604  0.062472  0.062478  0.062419  0.062452  0.062439  0.062748  0.062419  0.062424  0.062459  0.062479  0.062595  0.062568  0.062427  0.062399  0.062619
1   0.062377  0.062529  0.062643  0.062387  0.062551  0.062364  0.062499  0.062605  0.062368  0.062460  0.062664  0.062381  0.062577  0.062505  0.062619  0.062470
2   0.062565  0.062551  0.062453  0.062535  0.062574  0.062400  0.062717  0.062398  0.062488  0.062529  0.062414  0.062668  0.062477  0.062479  0.062354  0.062398
3   0.062647  0.062427  0.062634  0.062411  0.062486  0.062480  0.062384  0.062513  0.062396  0.062491  0.062679  0.062367  0.062492  0.062483  0.062478  0.062634
4   0.062635  0.062566  0.062567  0.062473  0.062481  0.062512  0.062460  0.062430  0.062502  0.062428  0.062421  0.062470  0.062474  0.062446  0.062416  0.062720
5   0.062371  0.062501  0.062488  0.062527  0.062367  0.062405  0.062373  0.062529  0.062461  0.062523  0.062744  0.062418  0.062480  0.062669  0.062541  0.062603
6   0.062467  0.062379  0.062504  0.062417  0.062562  0.062422  0.062516  0.062560  0.062472  0.062480  0.062628  0.062490  0.062451  0.062460  0.062503  0.062689
7   0.062358  0.062348  0.062566  0.062444  0.062742  0.062384  0.062900  0.062465  0.062389  0.062509  0.062500  0.062458  0.062375  0.062585  0.062455  0.062521
8   0.062632  0.062573  0.062636  0.062449  0.062559  0.062391  0.062513  0.062395  0.062445  0.062450  0.062509  0.062504  0.062553  0.062438  0.062356  0.062598
9   0.062434  0.062727  0.062467  0.062484  0.062360  0.062391  0.062356  0.062525  0.062480  0.062519  0.062687  0.062428  0.062625  0.062565  0.062484  0.062469
10  0.062419  0.062608  0.062511  0.062473  0.062502  0.062385  0.062693  0.062527  0.062415  0.062475  0.062475  0.062520  0.062555  0.062490  0.062497  0.062455
11  0.062463  0.062450  0.062519  0.062403  0.062655  0.062468  0.062669  0.062551  0.062457  0.062478  0.062474  0.062484  0.062548  0.062412  0.062479  0.062489
12  0.062327  0.062405  0.062489  0.062561  0.062530  0.062435  0.062556  0.062433  0.062564  0.062524  0.062599  0.062601  0.062487  0.062578  0.062394  0.062517
13  0.062685  0.062591  0.062482  0.062671  0.062466  0.062395  0.062554  0.062374  0.062538  0.062463  0.062405  0.062693  0.062393  0.062456  0.062360  0.062472
14  0.062372  0.062352  0.062530  0.062509  0.062806  0.062387  0.062958  0.062414  0.062400  0.062518  0.062447  0.062504  0.062350  0.062566  0.062410  0.062476
15  0.062479  0.062693  0.062448  0.062504  0.062470  0.062394  0.062691  0.062440  0.062460  0.062512  0.062424  0.062620  0.062588  0.062458  0.062399  0.062422


4.7 计算V注意力

最后,将注意力分数与 V 相乘,以获得多头注意力模块的输出。

# Calculate the V attention output
A = torch.matmul(attention_score, V) # [4, 4, 16, 16] [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size]


torch.Size([4, 4, 16, 16])

注意:现在的形状是 [4, 4, 16, 16],即 [batch_size, num_heads, context_length, head_size]。

4.8 连接和输出


A = A.transpose(1, 2) # [4, 16, 4, 16] [batch_size, context_length, num_heads, head_size]
A = A.reshape(batch_size, -1, d_model) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]

注意:现在的形状是 [4, 16, 64],即 [batch_size, context_length, d_model]。

现在,我们可以应用 Wo 的另一个 [64,64] 线性层(在训练期间学习权重)并获得多头注意力模块的最终输出:

# Define the output weight matrix
Wo = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
output = Wo(A) # [4, 16, 64] [batch_size, context_length, d_model]


如果我们打印出来,形状又回到 [4, 16, 64],与我们输入的嵌入形状相同。

第 5 步:残差连接和层标准化


# Add residual connection
output = output + X

# Add Layer Normalization
layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
output = layer_norm(output)

第 6 步:前馈网络

# Define Feed Forward Network
output = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model * 4)(output)
output = nn.ReLU()(output)
output = nn.Linear(d_model * 4, d_model)(output)
output = torch.dropout(output, p=dropout, train=True)


# Add residual connection
output = output + X
# Add Layer Normalization
layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
output = layer_norm(output)

第 7 步:重复步骤 4 至 6

上面完成的只是一个 transformer 块。在实践中,我们将多个 Transformer 块堆叠在一起以形成 Transformer 解码器。

实际上,我们应该将代码打包到类中,并使用 PyTorch.nn.Module 来构建 Transformer 解码器。但为了演示,我们只保留一个块。

第 8 步:输出概率

应用最终的线性层来获取 logits:

logits = nn.Linear(d_model, max_token_value)(output)

最后一步是对 logits 进行 softmax 以获得每个标记的概率:

# torch.softmax usually used during inference, during training we use torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
# but for illustration purpose, we'll use torch.softmax here
probabilities = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
           0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9       ...    100059    100060    100061    100062    100063    100064    100065    100066    100067    100068
0   0.000007  0.000008  0.000006  0.000005  0.000004  0.000004  0.000009  0.000007  0.000009  0.000008  ...  0.000013  0.000005  0.000006  0.000014  0.000009  0.000005  0.000005  0.000016  0.000006  0.000005
1   0.000018  0.000016  0.000006  0.000017  0.000005  0.000006  0.000005  0.000005  0.000008  0.000004  ...  0.000006  0.000004  0.000006  0.000007  0.000006  0.000007  0.000014  0.000020  0.000004  0.000001
2   0.000013  0.000007  0.000008  0.000003  0.000007  0.000009  0.000021  0.000005  0.000007  0.000013  ...  0.000018  0.000009  0.000010  0.000010  0.000018  0.000009  0.000007  0.000008  0.000005  0.000015
3   0.000005  0.000013  0.000011  0.000004  0.000006  0.000007  0.000012  0.000006  0.000015  0.000010  ...  0.000032  0.000006  0.000008  0.000005  0.000014  0.000009  0.000021  0.000014  0.000004  0.000005
4   0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000006  0.000017  0.000005  0.000010  0.000003  0.000008  0.000010  ...  0.000012  0.000005  0.000010  0.000003  0.000015  0.000022  0.000015  0.000010  0.000013  0.000005
5   0.000008  0.000004  0.000007  0.000003  0.000004  0.000011  0.000018  0.000007  0.000002  0.000010  ...  0.000013  0.000004  0.000012  0.000010  0.000015  0.000017  0.000010  0.000019  0.000013  0.000012
6   0.000005  0.000008  0.000014  0.000004  0.000007  0.000007  0.000012  0.000016  0.000005  0.000005  ...  0.000012  0.000007  0.000012  0.000022  0.000011  0.000018  0.000011  0.000010  0.000004  0.000014
7   0.000004  0.000008  0.000003  0.000006  0.000005  0.000019  0.000010  0.000016  0.000007  0.000011  ...  0.000014  0.000007  0.000007  0.000010  0.000013  0.000012  0.000013  0.000003  0.000008  0.000004
8   0.000002  0.000006  0.000005  0.000004  0.000006  0.000010  0.000008  0.000006  0.000016  0.000012  ...  0.000022  0.000004  0.000006  0.000011  0.000031  0.000016  0.000022  0.000006  0.000006  0.000005
9   0.000006  0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000019  0.000018  0.000012  0.000011  0.000005  0.000015  ...  0.000019  0.000008  0.000005  0.000029  0.000009  0.000010  0.000009  0.000017  0.000007  0.000007
10  0.000011  0.000005  0.000008  0.000007  0.000017  0.000009  0.000007  0.000013  0.000010  0.000008  ...  0.000015  0.000011  0.000012  0.000007  0.000012  0.000020  0.000010  0.000006  0.000011  0.000009
11  0.000011  0.000006  0.000004  0.000005  0.000006  0.000012  0.000009  0.000007  0.000007  0.000004  ...  0.000042  0.000011  0.000010  0.000010  0.000021  0.000009  0.000004  0.000021  0.000008  0.000014
12  0.000005  0.000010  0.000007  0.000009  0.000007  0.000023  0.000011  0.000005  0.000006  0.000006  ...  0.000015  0.000006  0.000009  0.000003  0.000019  0.000010  0.000009  0.000056  0.000017  0.000004
13  0.000004  0.000016  0.000010  0.000010  0.000026  0.000008  0.000009  0.000002  0.000008  0.000007  ...  0.000014  0.000006  0.000010  0.000010  0.000007  0.000012  0.000008  0.000009  0.000016  0.000006
14  0.000003  0.000008  0.000019  0.000007  0.000014  0.000004  0.000009  0.000009  0.000005  0.000004  ...  0.000014  0.000010  0.000010  0.000003  0.000007  0.000013  0.000013  0.000005  0.000013  0.000002
15  0.000005  0.000010  0.000008  0.000005  0.000011  0.000010  0.000009  0.000005  0.000004  0.000005  ...  0.000009  0.000007  0.000012  0.000006  0.000013  0.000013  0.000008  0.000014  0.000005  0.000005

[16 rows x 100069 columns]

请注意,在这里得到的是一个形状为 [16, 100069] 的巨大矩阵,它是整个词汇表中每个 token 的概率。


在实践中,多个 Transformer 块将堆叠在一起以执行一个解码事务。在训练过程中,输出 token 将与ground truth token 进行比较以计算损失。然后对超参数中定义的 max_iters 次数重复该过程。

我的 GitHub (https://github.com/AI-mzq/From-Zero-to-Transformer.git)中有 完整的 Transformer Decoder 代码,您可以查看。将数据集更改为您自己的数据,尝试自己训练一个小模型。拥有第一个定制小模型是我们成为LLM英雄的第一步!


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From: https://blog.csdn.net/m_aigc2022/article/details/140086462


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