在目前这个学术投稿量巨大的时代,能进入under review,这本身不仅仅需要论文实力,还需要很大的好运
一. 前言
二. 正文开始
假设你的论文题目ABC 投稿编号EFG
标题居中:ABC [EFG] Response to Reviewers
Firstly, we are very grateful to the Editor and Reviewers for giving us such a valuable opportunity to revise our manuscript! We appreciate the time and effort that the Editor and the Reviewers for the insightful and constructive feedback. We are convinced that the Reviewers' comments have greatly improved our manuscript and brought us a lot of inspiration. (开头第一段 第一点,要感谢编辑处理你稿件付出的时间和给予你返修的机会,其实你的论文最终是否被接受,主要还是编辑在考虑了每位审稿人的意见之后给出的。第二点,要感谢每位审稿人给您i提出的具有有建设性的意见和建议) Based on the Reviewers' comments, we have corrected the errors in the content of the manuscript, and have made extensive alterations to the structure, format, and experimental analyses of our manuscript. In response, we have addressed all of the Reviewers technical concerns with a substantial amount of new data, supported by additional detailed explanations in our revised manuscript. (第二段要说明 你已经根据每位审稿人的意见进行了广泛的修正,态度要真诚,要有自己的思考,这次的返修手稿已经做了全面的修正) Below are our point-to-point responses to the Reviewers' valuable comments, including the exact location where the change can be found in the revised manuscript. We use black bold font for the Reviewers' comments, normal black font for our responses, black italics for the content in the original manuscript, and red italics for the changes in the revised manuscript. (第三段要说明你这次写的返修意见中,采用什么形式来和点对点的回复审稿人,例如,你可以用黑色的加粗字体来标注审稿人的问题,用黑色正常字体来写你的回应,红色的斜体来表示你在原文上修改的内容) 开头这些套话,感谢话等等建议自己改一改,不要在网上找到了直接复制粘贴,语序,内容根据实际修改