Modifiers are used to decorate or add behavior to Jetpack Compose UI elements. For example, you can add backgrounds, padding or behavior to rows, text, or buttons. To set them, a composable or a layout needs to accept a modifier as a parameter.
align the text to the center using textAlign
Alignment and Arrangement
To set children's position within a Row, set the horizontalArrangement and verticalAlignment arguments. For a Column, set the verticalArrangement and horizontalAlignment arguments.
You use the ContentScale.Crop parameter scaling, which scales the image uniformly to maintain the aspect ratio so that the width and height of the image are equal to, or larger than, the corresponding dimension of the screen.
标签:混淆,set,text,image,add,初学,arguments,Android From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yyh888/p/18260328