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2024-05-28 英语学习纪要

时间:2024-05-28 11:36:16浏览次数:17  
标签:chinese 05 28 2024 cultural products world abroad more

Recent year, more and more chinese cultural products have come into global market and get increasingly facinated by customers abroad. With the rapid development of of Chinese cultural trade(对外文化贸易,真的不会翻译……) ,the amount of exported Chinese cultural products is continualy the top of the world has been among the top in the world for many years, 形成了具有国际影响力的文化企业, 产品和品牌.It's shown in data that chinese publications,films and web literature and comics are sold more and more abroad. Chinese g* vernment 出台了 a series of policies to encourage and support more outstanding cultural products with chinese element to go abroad and expand 海外市场份额.进一步提升中国文化的世界影响力


越来越多 a growing number of
受到国外消费者青睐 gotten increasing popularity among overseas consumers
对外文化贸易 foreign cultural trade
出口份额 export volume

形成了具有国际影响力的文化企业, 产品和品牌:直接使用 and 链接一个分句就行了“a number of cultural enterprises,products and brads with international influence have been formed” 还是形容词用 with 来后置的技术

统计数据显示 Statistical data indicates that

销售量 the sales amount

网络文学 online literature

动漫作品 animation works

出台政策 Introduce policy

提升市场份额 expand market share <-> export volume

进一步提升中国文化的世界影响力 further enhance the influence of chinese culture in the world



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yspm/p/18217547/EnglishNotes20240528


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