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My favorite story

时间:2024-05-20 19:07:17浏览次数:14  
标签:me story my favorite What chair My he

"Put it on her chair", farther's random voice came from downstairs.He retured home half an hour later. What did he do? What thing did he put on my chair ?
Curiosity arose. But I could not stop crying,my eyes getting red. With some minutes to calm down, I said to myself "Cheer up,Fern!" It's time to go downstairs.
Dad noticed me first then he watched me slowly down the steps. Not waiting me to speak something, "He's yours" ,he said and put his eyesight on my chair. I looked at that direction.
A carton? With a scratching noise coming from it ,how curious I became at the moment! Insteading slowly pacing, I moved fast ,forgetting all the argument with my farther. I could not wait to lift the lid of the carton ,A newborn pig ! What a cute pig it is! The morning light shone through it ears , turning them pink.
"You 're absolutely perfect." I couldn't control myself to hold it against my check.Oh! My little honey.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aypenny/p/18202638


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