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HTML 02 - Editors

时间:2024-05-13 19:31:42浏览次数:33  
标签:02 code help Editors us will HTML

HTML - Editors

To learn HTML we will recommend you to use a text editor like Notepad, because a Notepad will help you to understand the requirement of each tag, it will not suggest anything on its own that will be helpful to understand the HTML syntax.


What are HTML Editors?

HTML Editors are tools to write and run (in some cases) an HTML code. There are several HTML Editors available to the user (paid and unpaid both).

There are mainly two types of HTML editors - Text Based and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Here in this tutorial we will work with text based editor.


Visual Studio Code(简称“VS Code”):


VS Code is also a source-code editor developed by Microsoft. It supports Windows, Linux and macOS. The features include debugging support, syntax highlighting, code refactoring, intelligent code completion, etc.

VS Code


  • Provide autocompletion that helps us to code in better pace.
  • Multiple plugins that helps us to customize the editor and use unique features.
  • Inbuilt Git command support that help us to commit, marge, etc.
  • Integrated debugging tool support that help us to to debug any code we are working on.


Reasons to use an HTML Editor

Editors offer several features that Notepad can’t. Features that a professional editors can offer are listed below

  • Syntax Highlighting: Highlighting the tags, attributes will help us to verify the code visually.
  • Code Validation: This is the most required feature that a notepad misses, it will indicate the incorrect syntax and missing tags, incorrect attribute or quote for any attribute value.
  • Autocompletion: Autocompletion saves a lot of time to write the basic things like a dummy HTML structure, or multiple element requirements, etc.
  • Debugging Tools: A few HTML editors provide debugging tools to debug the code but in HTML there is no such scenario where it may be required. Because we have code validation that will help us to maintain the code if we make any incorrect move.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/emanlee/p/18186497


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