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The Princeess and the Pea

时间:2024-05-11 12:09:13浏览次数:12  
标签:real who Princeess Pea woman night was princess

I am a prince who wants to find a real princess to marry. I traveled all over the world and met some obstacles. However, I couldn't decide which woman was the real princess.
One night, there was a terrible storm. A woman who claimed to be a real princess came to spend the night in the castle. To verify her identity, my mom came up with a way. She had all the bedding removed, put a pea on the bed board, and then pressed twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdown against it. Then l asked the woman who called herself Princess to spend the night in this bed.
When l met her the next morning, she complained : "It was so hard! I have hardly slept all night, and there seems to be something under that bed that is so hard. It is turning me blue and blue all over! It's terrible!”
Having heard that, I was excited and glad. As we all know, only a real princess can have such delicate skin and feel the presence of that pea!
As a consequence, l was happy to announce that she was the real princess who l had been looking for. Then we walked down the aisle and lived happily together.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/pahko/p/18186242


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