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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

时间:2024-05-11 10:57:48浏览次数:6  
标签:Seven Snow Dwarfs White was she

A long time ago, there lived a Snow White whose parents were dead in a faraway land. Her stepmother was a venomous witch. She was afraid that Snow White would be more beautiful than her when she grew up, so she sent her to be a maid in the castle. As the Evil Queen had a magic mirror which knew everything, she always asked the mirror who was the most beautiful woman in the world. However, one day, the mirror told her that the Snow White is more beautiful than she is. The Evil Queen was so angry that she asked a hunter to take Snow White to the forest to kill. More viciously, to prove the death of Snow White, she asked the hunter to cut out Snow White’s heart and bring it to her in a box. Fortunately, the sympathetic hunter set Snow White free. She met some animals in the forest and then they found a house where the Seven Dwarfs lived in. They cleaned the house and waited for the Seven Dwarfs to go back home. After hearing her misfortunes, they allowed the Snow White to stay there. Knowing from the magic mirror that the Snow White was not dead, the Evil Queen turned herself into an old woman and tricked Snow White into eating the poisoned apple while the Seven Dwarfs were away. After the animals guessing that the Snow White was in danger, the Seven Dwarfs rushed back. In the end, the terrified queen fell off a cliff and died in the storm.The Seven Dwarfs put the Snow White in a gold-encased crystal glass coffin, and the prince of the neighboring country came riding on a white horse and kissed Snow White to life. The end of the story is that the prince and princess lived a happy life.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/3266509468CC/p/18186099


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