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snow white

时间:2024-05-11 10:52:23浏览次数:8  
标签:her snow Snow she white was White

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived seven little dwarves.  They lived together in a cozy cottage in the forest, surrounded by beautiful flowers and tall trees.
    One day, while they were mining , a beautiful young woman named Snow White stumbled upon their cottage. She was fleeing from her evil stepmother, the Queen, who wanted to kill her because she is jealous of Snowwhite's beauty. How sympathetic this beautiful girl was! they decided to allow her to stay here.Therefore, Snow White became a member of their family.
    Oneday,the dwarves returned home and finding Snow White unconscious. It turned out that the Queen  discovered Snow White was not dead and devised a plan to kill her again. She disguised herself as an old hag and offered Snow White a poisoned apple. Unable to resist the allure of the fruit, Snow White took a bite and fell into a deep sleep.
    They don't have methods of waking her.So, they laid her in a bed of flowers and hope that miracle would occur.
    And indeed, a miracle did come. A handsome prince, who had heard of Snow White's beauty and kindness, came to the cottage to see her. Upon seeing her lying unconsciously, he was deeply moved. He kissed her gently, and in that moment, she opened her eyes.
    Snow white thanked the prince sincerely but  she refused him when he proposed.Snow white decided to live with the dwarves as she had done before.
    On the way home, the queen thought that she had poisoned Snow White and was so happy that she accidentally fell off a cliff and fell to her death.
    In the end,Snow white and the dwarves lived in the small but warm cottage happily.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Astrid7/p/18186094


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