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Computer Basics - Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know

时间:2024-05-08 09:46:39浏览次数:29  
标签:10 Basics Ctrl shortcuts text Command Tab press example



Top 10 keyboard shortcuts(快捷键) everyone should know

Using keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity, reduce repetitive strain, and help keep you focused. For example, to copy text, you can highlight text and press Ctrl+C shortcut. The shortcut is faster than moving your hands from the keyboard, highlighting with the mouse, right-clicking, selecting copy, and returning to the keyboard.

Below are the top 10 keyboard shortcuts we recommend everyone memorize and use.


Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and Ctrl+X

Both Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Insert will copy highlighted text or a selected item. To cut an item instead of copying it, press Ctrl+X. This action removes the text or item and stores it in the clipboard, rather than copying it to the clipboard.

Apple computer users can substitute Ctrl for Command on their computers. For example, pressing Command+C copies highlighted text.


Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

Both Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert pastes the text or object that's stored in the clipboard.

On Apple computers, use Command+V instead.

Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y

Pressing Ctrl+Z will undo any change. For example, if you cut text, pressing this key combination will undo the cut. These shortcuts can also be pressed multiple times to undo or redo multiple changes. Pressing Ctrl+Y would redo the undo.

On Apple computers, use Command+Z and Command+Y to undo and redo.

Ctrl+F and Ctrl+G

Pressing Ctrl+F opens the Find field, which lets you search the text currently displayed in any program that supports it. For example, Ctrl+F can find text on the current page in your Internet browser. Press Ctrl+F to open the Find in your browser and search for "shortcut" to display each time shortcut is mentioned on this page.

On Apple computers, use Command+F to find.

Ctrl+G can repeat a search (from using Ctrl+F) in a document or on a web page.


Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Tab

Pressing Alt+Tab switches between open programs moving forward. For example, if you have your browser window open and other programs running in the background, press and hold Alt, then press Tab to cycle through each open program.

On Apple computers, instead of using Alt, use Command. For example, Command+Tab to switch between open programs.

Bonus tip

Press Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in a program. For example, if you have multiple tabs open in your Internet browser, press Ctrl+Tab to switch between them.

Bonus tip

Adding the Shift key to Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Tab moves backward. For example, if you are pressing Alt+Tab and pass the program you want to use, press Alt+Shift+Tab to move back to that program.

Bonus tip

Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10 users can also press the Windows key+Tab to switch through open programs in a full screenshot of the window.


Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Left or Right arrow


The following shortcuts are for PC users only and do not work on Apple computers.

Pressing Ctrl+backspace deletes a full word at a time instead of a single character.

Holding down Ctrl while pressing the left or right arrow moves the cursor one word at a time instead of one character at a time. To highlight one word at a time, hold down Ctrl+Shift, then press the left or right arrow key. Your highlighted selection moves one word at a time in that direction.



While working on a document or another file in almost every program, pressing Ctrl+S saves that file. Use this keyboard shortcut frequently when working on anything important in case of an error, lost power, or any other issues causing you to lose work since the last save.

On Apple computers, use Command+S to save a file.


Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End

Ctrl+Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the document, and Ctrl+End moves the cursor to the end of a document. These shortcuts work with most documents, and web pages.

On Apple computers, use Command+Up arrow to get to the beginning or Command+Down arrow to get to the end of a document or text.



Ctrl+P opens a print preview of the page or document currently being viewed. For example, press Ctrl+P now to view a print preview of this page.

On Apple computers, use Command+P to open the print preview.


Page Up, Spacebar, and Page Down

As you may have guessed, pressing either Pg Up or Pg Dn moves to the next or previous page. When browsing the Internet, pressing spacebar moves the scrollbar down a page. Similarly, Shift+spacebar moves the scrollbar up one page.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/emanlee/p/18178911


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