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时间:2022-10-17 10:23:08浏览次数:60  
标签:__ GUI Handler 111 Scrollbars include WM


; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================

; Title .........: GUIScrollBars_Ex

; AutoIt Version : v3.3.6.0

; Language ......: English

; Description ...: Generates scrollbars for user defined sizes of GUI and aperture and sets proportional thumb sizes

; Remarks .......:

; Note ..........:

; Author(s) .....: Melba23 - with some code based on the WinAPI and GUIScrollBars includes

; and contributions from rover, czardas, MrCreatoR, Malkey and KaFu

; ====================================================================================================================

;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7

; #INCLUDES# =========================================================================================================

include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

include <WindowsConstants.au3>

include <GuiScrollBars.au3>

include <ScrollBarConstants.au3>

include <SendMessage.au3>

include <WinAPI.au3>

; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# =================================================================================================

Global $__g_aSB_WindowInfo[1][10] = [[0, 0, 0, 0, -1]]

; [0][0] = Count of initiated GUIs [n][0] = Handle to window

; [0][1] = Resizing horz position [n][1] = Not used

; [0][2] = Resizing vert position [n][2] = Average horizontal pixels per char

; [0][3] = Resizing GUI handle [n][3] = Vertical pixels per char

; [0][4] = Resizing GUI index [n][4] = Client area width

; [0][5] = Width of VScrollbar [n][5] = Client area height

; [0][6] = Height of HScrollbar [n][6] = Horizontal max setting

; [0][7] = Non-minimized event flag [n][7] = Vertical max setting

; [n][8] = Vertical scrollbar position for minimize/restore

; [n][9] = Horizontal scrollbar position for minimize/restore

$__g_aSB_WindowInfo[0][5] = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(2) ; Width of VScrollbar: SM_CXVSCROLL

$__g_aSB_WindowInfo[0][6] = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(3) ; Height of HScrollbar: SM_CYHSCROLL

Global $__g_aSB_WindowInfoEx[1][11]

; [n][0] = Horizontal scrollable size

; [n][1] = Vertical scrollable size

; [n][2] = Width correction factor

; [n][3] = Height correction factor

; [n][4] = Before/After flag

; [n][5] = Key repeat value

; [n][6] = Wheel scroll value

; [n][7] = Max horz scroll size if resizeable

; [n][8] = Max vert scroll size if resizeable

; [n][9] = Minimized flag

; #CURRENT# ==========================================================================================================

; _GUIScrollbars_Generate: Generates scrollbars for a GUI with a defined aperture and registers required handlers

; _GUIScrollbars_ReSizer: Registers required handlers and optionally creates GUI at max scrollable size

; _GUIScrollbars_Locate_Ctrl: Calculates coordinates to use to position controls after scrollbar creation

; _GUIScrollbars_Scroll_Page: Scrolls to min, max or page number

; _GUIScrollbars_EventMonitor: Save and restores scrollbar positions on GUI minimize/restore

; ====================================================================================================================

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#=================================================================================================

; __Scrollbars_WM_VSCROLL: Handler for vertical scrollbar

; __Scrollbars_WM_HSCROLL: Handler for horizontal scrollbar

; __Scrollbars_WM_MOUSEWHEEL: Handler for vertical mouse wheel scroll

; __Scrollbars_WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: Handler for horizontal mouse wheel scroll

; __Scrollbars_WM_KEYUP: Handler for scrolling on cursor, pageup/down, home and end key press

; __Scrollbars_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: Handler for detecting when GUI resizing is started

; __Scrollbars_WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: Handler for detecting when GUI resizing is complete

; __Scrollbars_WM_SIZE: Handler for detecting when GUI enters/exits minimized state


; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================

; Name...........: _GUIScrollbars_Generate

; Description ...: Generates scrollbars for a GUI with a defined aperture with proportional thumb sizes

; Syntax.........: _GUIScrollbars_Generate ($hWnd, $iH_Scroll = 0, [$iV_Scroll = 0, [$iH_Tight = 0, [$iV_Tight = 0, [$fBefore = False, [$iRepeat = 0 [, $bRegisterMsg = True]]]]]])

; Parameters ....: $hWnd -> GUI to contain scrollbars

; $iH_Scroll -> Width in pixels of area to be scrolled

; $iV_Scroll -> Height in pixels of area to be scrolled (default = 0)

; $iH_Tight -> 1 = Adjust mean position of right edge of scrolled area to right (default = 0)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuoss/p/16798197.html


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