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时间:2024-04-14 16:13:25浏览次数:9  
标签: control 自制力 many self up time



I think it is self-control. As the name implies, it is a person's ability to self-control and self-discipline. Self-control includes many aspects, never late for work and school on time is self-control, insist on reading every day to exercise the body is self-control, firmly a goal no matter how will be completed is self-control. People's talent and knowledge are uneven, their characters and backgrounds are different, and the setbacks and opportunities they encounter are quite different. People in different industries have their moments of glory, have the right wind and water, have the tiger falls in Pingyang, and have the failure of the A Shuai. But the people who can ride the wind and waves and guide the country, can make a comeback after falling, not the people who change every day and do things slowly and decisively. There are many excellent qualities that determine whether a person is successful or not. If you lack one, you will fall in which aspect. You can stand up after falling, but if you don't have self-control, you may not even be able to do something completely after you stand up. Exercise super self-control is also simple, as long as you can stick to doing one thing every day at the same time on time, such as getting up, such as running, of course, it is best to set a time when there will be no too many changes, in the long run, in many other things will become resolute, and this character is particularly important when it is time to seize the opportunity or to give up decisively.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/SError0819/p/18134249
