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Message No. M7036

时间:2024-04-10 16:33:18浏览次数:17  
标签:confirmation GR No MIGO M7036 确认 Confirmation CONFIRMATION Message

调试MIGO进程我们注意到系统将读取确认并获得sy-subrc = 1

Debugging MIGO process we notice that the system is going to read the confirmation and obtaines sy-subrc = 1

由于确认控制,GR 似乎未进行。

It seems that the GR is not carried out due to the Confirmation Control. 

由于确认控制在两个 PO 中均已告知

As the Confirmation Control is informed in both POs

系统运行 FM 来检查确认(ME_CONFIRMATION_READ_GR),并且该函数不返回任何确认。

 the system runs a FM to check the confirmations (ME_CONFIRMATION_READ_GR) and this function is not returning any confirmation.

由于尚未发送/接收确认,因此无法完成 GR。

As the confirmation has not been sent/received yet the GR cannot be done.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_73349720/article/details/137583502


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