I attended a class called global outlook and personal development yesterday and the lecture giver studied in 43 -> sjzez(HE pho 1= with recommanded student policy) -> THU school of physics -> UCSD for phd -> uni british columbia for postdoc.He is now a prof (note that not ap) at nankai u.
We talked about quantitive finance and research stuffs after the class. He told me that his bachelor advisor at thu recommended him to do research with someone at minnesota u but he didn't choose to do so because of the whether.(Which remind me of kevin garnnet "anything's possible,anything is posiible!") He's regretted because that prof. 's research style may be better or more fittable.
What he suggested is that not to do things with a strong purpose after I told him that current cs phd application process(prepare from freshman year for language,research interns,exchange programmes abroad and loads of pubs). Apart from reading acdemic things, one should read literature/history/philosopy articals.to 陶冶情操,提升格调.
Such taste is truly important since it's difficult to distinguish engineering optimizations from extraordinary reaserch works.
标签:do,04,09,research,2024,prof,told,him,He From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yspm/p/18124858/WasteWords20240409