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Writing on important details

时间:2024-03-30 19:57:09浏览次数:17  
标签:his who Writing important right details he him He

The Impact of My Teacher on Me

In the journey of my learning and growth, there is a teacher who has had a profound influence on me. He is my physical teacher in charge of our class in my senior high school.

He is a serious and steady person who can carefully handle anything. Except in class and in front of his daughter, he seldom smiles, so I think he is a serious person. But sometimes he shows a distracted look, especially in some boring and meaningless meetings,in tne meantime a kind of contemplation floats in his long and thin face and narrowed slits of eyes.This guy likes squinting when think deeply.

Although he is kind to us, we dare not disobey him. He can always give us criticism or praise in right time and occasion. He will comfort students who fail in exams occasionally and warn those who don't focus on their studies. He even established a labor group to punish the chairwarms. But for them, cleaning windows is better than studying in the classroom. His footsteps are especially light, like a secretive cat. When you are talking to your deskmate, he always comes to you at the right time. The most terrifying thing is that when you are distracted in class and doing something else, you turn around and see his donkey face appearing in the back window. He won't trouble you right away, but he will focus on your ranking and score after an important exam.

In general,he is a nice teacher and elder.Sometime I reminisce him and wish him a happy life

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ryann464/p/18105923


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