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Ozaria Troubleshooting Guide

时间:2024-03-11 09:37:47浏览次数:19  
标签:What NO -- level Troubleshooting YES Guide Ozaria browser

Ozaria Troubleshooting Guide



Common Issues:

What if you get account creation errors?

What if you get a login error?

What if you get a level loading error?

What if there are missing images?

What if the game seems slow?

What if the goals are not checking off?

What if there are incomplete or locked levels?

When should you reset your code for a given level?

Flow Charts: How to Implement Solutions

Example 1: What if the game seems slow?

Example 2: What if there are incomplete or locked levels?

Common Issues:

Some general causes and solutions to common questions/problems that may arise.

What if you get account creation errors? 

Problem → 

  • I am unable to create an account

Causes → 

  • Might have network issues

  • Might have email privacy issues

  • Might already have an account using the same email 

  • Username is already taken

Solutions →

  • See if any errors are reported (i.e. email or username already taken)

  • Make sure you do not have any typos for your email address

  • Make sure to use a unique username

  • Create an account using a different browser

  • Recall if you already have an account

  • Try a different network if you can

  • Try a different computer if you can

What if you get a login error? 

Problem  → 

  • I already have an account, but I cannot login

Causes  → 

  • Could be using a wrong password

  • Could be using a wrong email or username

Solutions →

  • Make sure you do not have any typos in your login credentials

  • Login using a different browser

  • See if any errors are reported (i.e. wrong password, email not found)

  • Use the “forgot my password?” link to receive a temporary account password (note: this only works for accounts with verified emails)

  • Ask your teacher to reset your account password for you (note: this only works for accounts with unverified emails)

  • Try a different network if you can

  • Try a different computer if you can

What if you get a level loading error? 

Problem  → 

  • I am having trouble getting a level to fully load

Causes  → 

  • Might have network issues

  • Could be a bug with the level

  • Previously entered code may contain an infinite loop

Solutions →

  • Check for any errors (i.e error loading from server)

  • Refresh the browser

  • Clear the web browser’s cache

  • Use a different browser

  • If you get an unable to load level modal try the option(s) provided (i.e. comment out my code)

What if there are missing images? 

Problem  → 

  • There are missing or incomplete images on the website

  • There are missing or incomplete images within a level or unit map

  • Seems like a submit button is missing

Causes  → 

  • Might have network issues

  • Might need a larger browser window size

Solutions →

  • Refresh the browser

  • Close out excess unused browser tabs 

  • Make sure no other programs are running in the background

  • Make sure the browser is up-to-date

  • Resize the web browser window

  • Clear the web browser’s cache

  • Use a different browser

What if the game seems slow?

Problem  → 

  • The site/game seems glitchy or running slow

  • Movements by mouse or keyboard are not responding correctly 

Causes  → 

  • Might have network issues

  • Might have machine performance issues

Solutions →

  • Refresh the browser 

  • Close out excess unused browser tabs 

  • Make sure no other programs are running in the background

  • Clear the web browser’s cache 

  • Make sure the browser is up-to-date (i.e. get latest stable version)

  • Use a different browser altogether (i.e. chrome, firefox, edge)

  • Check wifi signal and settings (i.e. search for a speed test)

  • Restart your router 

  • Make sure the computer is up-to-date

  • Restart your computer

  • Check your mouse (i.e. battery level, bluetooth connection)

  • Check keyboard

What if the goals are not checking off?

Problem  → 

  • My code looks correct, but the goals are not being checked off

Causes  → 

  • Might have network issues

  • Code might have been submitted improperly

  • Might have errors or typos in your code

Solutions →

  • Refresh the browser

  • Clear the web browser’s cache

  • Run code again

  • Look at what goals are not being checked for potential clues regarding typos or small hard to notice errors in the code.

  • Restart the level

What if there are incomplete or locked levels?

Problem  → 

  • A level is locked on the unit map and I am unable to access the level

  • Dashboard says the unit is incomplete, but you played all the levels

Causes  → 

  • Might have had network issues

  • Previous level was not submitted properly

Solutions →

  • Refresh the browser

  • Clear the web browser’s cache

  • Locate the incomplete or locked level and play the in-progress level or previous unlocked level again

  • Check wifi signal and settings (i.e. search for a speed test)

  • Restart your router 

When should you reset your code for a given level?

Problem  → 

  • I am having trouble finishing a level and have removed the starter code

  • I am having trouble finishing a level and have too many errors to edit

  • I want to see how the starter code runs by itself

Causes  → 

  • Starter code had important instructions that you are now missing

  • There are too many errors to edit one at a time and you want a fresh start

Solutions →

  • Reset code for a given level using the reset level button, which can be found on the right hand side of the screen (note: looks like a counterclockwise arrow). 

Flow Charts: How to Implement Solutions

There is usually a best way to choose which solutions to try and when.

Example 1: What if the game seems slow?

This is one of the more difficult issues to troubleshoot as there could be network issues and/or machine performance issues. Thus, a unique setup might be causing this and is hard to reproduce with a different environment (network and computer).  

Are directed movements, selections, or typing out of sync with no code errors?


If using mouse check your mouse connection/settings

-- Issue fixed? --




If using keyboard check your keyboard connection/settings

-- Issue fixed? --



Are levels running slowly with no code errors?


Refresh the browser

-- Issue fixed? --



Close out excess browser tabs 

-- Issue fixed? --



Turn off unneeded programs

-- Issue fixed? --



Clear the web browser’s cache 

-- Issue fixed? --



Check browser version

-- Is it up-to-date? --


Update browser to latest version

-- Issue fixed? --




Use a different browser altogether

-- Issue fixed? --



Check wifi strength and speed

-- Is the connection acceptable/stable? --  



Restart router or try a different network

-- Issue fixed? --                                  NO↓ YES→



Check for any software update for your computer?

-- Is it up-to-date? --

YES↓ NO→                                                                                                   

Preform update for available items

-- Issue fixed? --



Restart computer (if not already done so after software update)

-- Issue fixed? --


If this is your first time, you may want to run through the process again trying a different browser that was not previously used or a different network


Contact support for additional assistance

Example 2: What if there are incomplete or locked levels?

This might occur due to updates or momentary environmental issues. 


Are there incomplete levels that should be completed?


If in progress play level again

-- Issue fix? --




Are there locked levels that should be unlocked?


Locate the completed level before locked or in-progress level and play again 

-- Issue fixed? --



Refresh the browser

-- Issue fixed? --



Clear the web browser’s cache 

-- Issue fixed? --



Use a different browser altogether

-- Issue fixed? --



Check wifi strength and speed

-- Is the connection acceptable/stable? --  


Restart router or try a different network

-- Issue fixed? --                                  NO↓ YES→


If this is your first time, you may want to run through the process again trying a different browser that was not previously used or a different network


Contact support for additional assistance

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/flyingsir/p/18065341


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