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A Sample of Ozaria Assessments and Quizzes

时间:2024-03-11 09:35:17浏览次数:30  
标签:Class Google Quizzes class Sample students Assessments your Ozaria



How To: Share Lesson & Activity Slides with your Students

Ozaria provides educators with turnkey curriculum resources. These include Lesson Slides, which can be found for each module in the Curriculum Guide: 

They also include Activity Slides, which are linked to from within the Lesson Slides:

Lesson Slides: How to Share a View-Only Version

To share a view-only version of the Lesson Slides with your students, simply send them the URL. No login required.

Lesson Slides: How to Share a Customized Version

To customize the lesson slides, first make a copy for yourself. To share your customized version with students, make sure you’ve enabled viewing permissions by clicking on the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner of the google slides document and selecting “Viewer” from the drop-down menu: 

Activity Slides: How to Create Assignments for each Student

The Activity Slides require each student to be able to edit their own slide-deck. Here’s how to make these into assignments for each student:

Without Google Classroom

  1.  Simply send your students the URL of the activity slide-deck. They will see a page that asks them to first make a copy of the slide-deck: 

  1. Once they make a copy of the slide-deck, each student will have their own editable copy. 

With Google Classroom

  1. First, make a copy of the slide-deck for yourself and make sure sharing permissions are set to “Editor”:

  1. Then, create an assignment in Google Classroom and import the slide-deck you just created. 


  1. Finally, select “Make a copy for each student” from the dropdown in Google Classroom. This will give each student access to an editable copy of the slide-deck.


A detailed video tutorial on Google Classroom assignments can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDRlBwcnivw&feature=youtu.be





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Ozaria Teacher Getting Started Guide

1 year ago Updated


Welcome to Ozaria!
Getting Started
Step 1: Create a Teacher Account
Step 2: Create Your Class
Step 3: Add Your Students
The Journey Begins
Resources to Enhance Your School Year


Welcome to Ozaria! 

Ozaria is an adventure game built for students to master computer science concepts through immersive gameplay, an epic story, and creative capstones. For educators, Ozaria meets CSTA and ISTE standards, enabling you to teach with confidence as your students master core Computer Science concepts, develop computational thinking skills, and learn about the relevance of Computer Science to their daily lives. Our ready-to-go lesson plans and intuitive teacher dashboard provide you with the tools you need to be ready to teach on day one.

Getting Started

Use this Getting Started Guide to begin your students' journey into the world of Ozaria. If you need support or have any questions, please contact support@ozaria.com for assistance.

Step 1: Create a Teacher Account


The first step in your journey is to create a teacher account by visiting our educator sign-up page. With a teacher account, you unlock access to our Teacher Dashboard, where you can create classes, enroll students and monitor progress, view lesson plans, access the curriculum guide, and more. If you have an existing CodeCombat account, see this article for more information.

Use Google Classroom or Clever? If you are using Google Classroom, be sure to click Sign in with Google when creating your teacher account. If you are using Clever, be sure to click Sign Up with Clever when creating your teacher account.

Step 2: Create Your Class

Once you’ve created an account, it’s time to create your class.




In the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, click Add New Class, select a programming language, enter a class name and grade, and then click Next to create your class.

Please note the following when creating a class:

  • To use the Link Google Classroom option, please be sure to log in to Ozaria using Sign in with Google. 
  • The grade selected for your class does not change nor impact the in-game content for your students and is used for statistical purposes only.
  • The programming language of a class can not be changed once created. Not sure which programming language to choose for your students? See this article for more information! 


Once done, you will find your newly created class listed in the Teacher Dashboard under the My Classes tab. 

Step 3: Add Your Students


Ozaria offers several ways to add students to a class, including seamless integration with Google Classroom and the option for students to sign-up without needing email addresses.

Students can use the following options to join your class:

Option 1: Students Join via Class Code


Your Class Code is a unique, three-word code that is automatically generated for each class you create. It can be found in the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, listed to the right of your class (or by clicking the Add Students button). 

(student's perspective)

Share your Class Code with your students and direct them to click the I’m a Student button found on Ozaria's homepage. Here your students will need to enter your Class Code to create an account and join your class. When entering your Class Code, students should see the correct class name and teacher on the screen. Students will then need to enter the following information to finish creating their accounts:

  • First Name
  • Last Initial
  • Username (please help them choose an appropriate, unique username)
  • Password

Email addresses are not required for students creating an account using a valid Class Code.

Option 2: Students Join via Class URL




Your Class URL is a sharable link your students can use to create an account and join your class. It can be found in the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, by clicking the Add Students button to the right of your class name.


(student's perspective)


When students visit your Class URL, they should see the correct class name and teacher on the screen. Students will then need to enter the following information to finish creating their accounts:

  • First Name
  • Last Initial
  • Username (please help them choose an appropriate, unique username)
  • Password

Email addresses are not required for students creating an account using a valid Class URL.

Option 3: Students Join via Invite by Email




Using the Invite by Email option will send your students an email instructing them on how to join your class by visiting the Class URL noted in the email. This option can be found in the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, by clicking the Add Students button to the right of the class name, and then selecting Invite by Email. Enter your students’ email addresses separated by line breaks or commas (or copy and paste from a class list), confirm you're not a robot, and click Done.


(student's perspective)


When students visit the Class URL received in the email, they should see the correct class name and teacher on the screen. Students will then need to enter the following information to finish creating their accounts:

  • First Name
  • Last Initial
  • Username (please help them choose an appropriate, unique username)
  • Password

Option 4: Students Join via Classroom Integration

Google Classroom


Using the Sign in with Google option will allow you to sync your Google Classroom with Ozaria and automatically roster your students into an Ozaria classroom. This allows your students to skip the account creation process and log in using the Sign in with Google option.




To link your Google Classroom with Ozaria, you must log in to your Ozaria teacher account using the Sign in with Google option. In the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, click the Add New Class button from the menu, and then click the Link Google Classroom button in the window. Select your Google Classroom from the drop-down list, choose a programming language, and click Next to complete the class syncing process. Students who have been synced to a class in Ozaria can now log in using the Sign in with Google option.

Please note the following when syncing a Google Classroom with Ozaria:

  • Google Classrooms can only be synced once. To add additional students to a class after syncing, share your Class Code or Class URL with your students.
  • You can not change the programming language of a classroom after it has been synced.



Clever functionality in Ozaria is limited to single sign-on only. To use Clever, click the Sign Up with Clever button, log in through the Clever portal, and in the Clever Authorize App page, select your class page(s), and then click Allow and Continue to proceed. Your students can then use the Sign Up with Clever option to log in to Ozaria.

However, students will still be required to enter a Class Code to join your class after logging in. See Option 1: Students Join via Class Code for more information on using Class Codes.

The Journey Begins


It's time for your students to take their first steps into the epic world of Ozaria. All students are automatically granted access to the first chapter of Ozaria, Chapter 1: Sky Mountain, for free. This first chapter introduces students to programming concepts such as variables, sequences, loops, basic syntax, and debugging. There is no limit to the number of students who can join your class and try the first chapter of Ozaria for free.




As students begin their journey, monitoring their progress is quick and easy. In the Teacher Dashboard, under the My Classes tab, select the class you wish to monitor. Under each module, you will find individual levels listed by column and your students’ corresponding level progress. Clicking on your students’ green progress bubbles (green.png represents a completed level) or blue in-progress bubbles (blue.png represents a level in progress) allows you to view the level’s learning goal, the date the level was completed, student’s time spent on the level, your student’s code and the level solution.

Resources to Enhance Your School Year

Teacher Dashboard


<iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Fmqnlx_UViY" width="560"></iframe>


Ozaria's Teacher Dashboard includes all the actionable insights you need to support your students, no matter your use case or coding experience. With just one click, you can review your students' code, view time spent on a level, and more. To learn more, view our support articles on Teacher Dashboard and Student Management here

Curriculum Guide




The Curriculum Guide is the ultimate resource for all the content, solution guides, lesson slides, project rubrics, concepts, and standards alignment covered across each chapter. Teachers can also use the Curriculum Guide to play through levels and help guide their students. You can access the Curriculum Guide from anywhere in the Teacher Dashboard! 

Lesson Slides


Enhance your students' experience by utilizing our classroom-ready lesson slides which include unplugged activities and exploration projects. Lesson slides for each chapter can be found in the Curriculum Guide.

Teacher Toolkit


Looking for additional resources? You can find CSTA/ISTE standard alignments, scope and sequence, pacing guides, pathways, learning strategies, how-to articles, and more all under the Resource Hub tab in the Teacher Dashboard.

Student Licenses


Once your students have completed the first chapter of Ozaria, Chapter 1: Sky Mountain, student licenses are required to access the full course. You can request licenses for your students in the Teacher Dashboard under the My Licenses tab. We work with all types of schools, districts, clubs, and programs and customize pricing based on your use case!

Esports / AI League


<iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/niKXOofTckE" width="560"></iframe>


The AI League, CodeCombat’s Esports program, offers an opportunity to further engage your students through a fun and exciting coding competition. Students showcase their understanding of programming concepts in this new environment and practice problem-solving strategies as they battle head-to-head against their classmates! To learn more about the AI League and how to get your class started, view our AI League Educators Getting Started Guide.

Professional Development


Our Professional Development course is endorsed by the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and built to empower all teachers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to effectively teach computer science. Earn 40 hours of professional development credit while developing your teaching practices and improving the learning experience for your students. To learn more, view our Professional Development page.



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A Sample of Ozaria Assessments and Quizzes

Below, you’ll find a sample of the assessments and quizzes we have that can be implemented with your students as they play through Ozaria. 


These links are in the format of google forms and will automatically have you make a copy of the assessment so that you can edit or adapt them to the needs of your classroom. This will also ensure that your students’ information stays private.


This pre-assessment will help you evaluate your students’ initial knowledge about coding and computer science concepts. The results can inform how you will pace and differentiate Ozaria’s curriculum with your students.

With a licensed account, you’ll also gain access to mid-point and final assessments that will help you evaluate each student’s learning progress.

Cinematic Quizzes

We also have quizzes that can be used to make sure students understand the story and concepts found in the cinematics of each module. Below, you’ll find a sample of example quizzes. With a licensed account, you’ll gain access to quizzes for all modules in Chapters 2-4.

Chapter 2

Ch 2 Module 1 Cinematic Quiz

Chapter 3

Ch 3 Module 1 Cinematic Quiz

Chapter 4

Ch 4 Module 1 Cinematic Quiz

Note: Chapter 1 does not have a quiz as it contains very few cinematics.



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